[Vegan-commits] r1478 - in branches/1.17: R inst man

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Sat Feb 5 19:15:08 CET 2011

Author: jarioksa
Date: 2011-02-05 19:15:08 +0100 (Sat, 05 Feb 2011)
New Revision: 1478

merge r1471 to 1475

Modified: branches/1.17/R/as.preston.R
--- branches/1.17/R/as.preston.R	2011-02-02 17:05:13 UTC (rev 1477)
+++ branches/1.17/R/as.preston.R	2011-02-05 18:15:08 UTC (rev 1478)
@@ -1,16 +1,34 @@
-"as.preston" <-
-    function (x, ...) 
+`as.preston` <-
+    function (x, tiesplit = FALSE, ...) 
     if (inherits(x, "preston")) 
     if (!identical(all.equal(x, round(x)), TRUE))
         stop("function accepts only integers (counts)")
-    freq <- x[x > 0]
-    freq <- ceiling(log2(freq))
-    freq <- table(freq)
-    nm <- names(freq)
-    freq <- as.vector(freq)
-    names(freq) <- nm
+    x <- x[x > 0]
+    if (tiesplit) {
+        ## Assume log2(2^k) == k exactly for integer k
+        xlog2 <- log2(x)
+        ties <- xlog2 == ceiling(xlog2)
+        tiefreq <- table(xlog2[ties])
+        notiefreq <- table(ceiling(xlog2[!ties]))
+        itie <- as.numeric(names(tiefreq)) + 1
+        nitie <- as.numeric(names(notiefreq)) + 1
+        freq <- numeric(max(itie, nitie))
+        ## split tied values between two adjacent octaves
+        freq[itie] <- tiefreq/2
+        freq[itie+1] <- freq[itie+1] + tiefreq/2
+        freq[nitie] <- freq[nitie] + notiefreq
+    } else {
+        xlog2 <- ceiling(log2(x))
+        tmp <- table(xlog2)
+        indx <- as.numeric(names(tmp)) + 1
+        freq <- numeric(max(indx))
+        freq[indx] <- tmp
+    }
+    names(freq) <- seq_along(freq) - 1
+    ## remove empty octaves
+    freq <- freq[freq>0]
     class(freq) <- "preston"

Modified: branches/1.17/R/kendall.post.R
--- branches/1.17/R/kendall.post.R	2011-02-02 17:05:13 UTC (rev 1477)
+++ branches/1.17/R/kendall.post.R	2011-02-05 18:15:08 UTC (rev 1478)
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
     ##CC# Initialize the counters
     counter <- as.list(1:ngr)
     for(i in 1:ngr){
-        counter[[i]] <- vector(l=n.per.gr[i])
+        counter[[i]] <- vector(length = n.per.gr[i])
     W.gr <- vector("list",ngr)
     if(ngr > 1) spear.gr <- vector("list",ngr)

Modified: branches/1.17/R/nestedtemp.R
--- branches/1.17/R/nestedtemp.R	2011-02-02 17:05:13 UTC (rev 1477)
+++ branches/1.17/R/nestedtemp.R	2011-02-05 18:15:08 UTC (rev 1478)
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
         ind <- matrix(rep(rr, ncol(x)), nrow=nrow(x))
         s <- -colSums((x*ind)^2)
         t <- -colSums((nrow(x) - (1-x)*ind + 1)^2)
-        st <- rank(s+t, ties="random")
+        st <- rank(s+t, ties.method = "random")
     rowpack <- function(x, cr)
@@ -19,15 +19,15 @@
         ind <- matrix(rep(cr, each=nrow(x)), nrow=nrow(x))
         s <- -rowSums((x*ind)^2)
         t <- -rowSums((ncol(x) - (1-x)*ind + 1)^2)
-        st <- rank(s+t, ties="random")
+        st <- rank(s+t, ties.method = "random")
     comm <- ifelse(comm > 0, 1, 0)
     ## Start with columns, expect if nrow > ncol
     if (ncol(comm) >= nrow(comm)) {
-        i <- rank(-rowSums(comm), ties="average")
+        i <- rank(-rowSums(comm), ties.method = "average")
     } else {
-        j <- rank(-colSums(comm), ties="average")
+        j <- rank(-colSums(comm), ties.method = "average")
         i <- rowpack(comm, j)
     ## Improve eight times

Modified: branches/1.17/R/ordiplot3d.R
--- branches/1.17/R/ordiplot3d.R	2011-02-02 17:05:13 UTC (rev 1477)
+++ branches/1.17/R/ordiplot3d.R	2011-02-05 18:15:08 UTC (rev 1478)
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
             mul <- ordiArrowMul(cbind(tmp$x, tmp$y), fill=1)
             bp.xyz <- pl$xyz.convert(bp * mul)
             orig <- pl$xyz.convert(0, 0, 0)
-            arrows(orig$x, orig$y, bp.xyz$x, bp.xyz$y, len = arr.len, 
+            arrows(orig$x, orig$y, bp.xyz$x, bp.xyz$y, length = arr.len, 
                    col = arr.col)

Modified: branches/1.17/R/orditkplot.R
--- branches/1.17/R/orditkplot.R	2011-02-02 17:05:13 UTC (rev 1477)
+++ branches/1.17/R/orditkplot.R	2011-02-05 18:15:08 UTC (rev 1478)
@@ -266,11 +266,11 @@
                eps = postscript(file=fname, width=xy$dim[1], height=xy$dim[2],
                paper="special", horizontal = FALSE),
                pdf = pdf(file=fname, width=xy$dim[1], height=xy$dim[2]),
-               png = png(file=fname, width=pixdim[1], height=pixdim[2]),
-               jpg = jpeg(file=fname, width=pixdim[1], height=pixdim[2],
+               png = png(filename=fname, width=pixdim[1], height=pixdim[2]),
+               jpg = jpeg(filename=fname, width=pixdim[1], height=pixdim[2],
                quality = 100),
-               tiff = tiff(file=fname, width=pixdim[1], height=pixdim[2]),
-               bmp = bmp(file=fname, width=pixdim[1], height=pixdim[2]),
+               tiff = tiff(filename=fname, width=pixdim[1], height=pixdim[2]),
+               bmp = bmp(filename=fname, width=pixdim[1], height=pixdim[2]),
                fig = xfig(file=fname, width=xy$dim[1], height=xy$dim[2]))

Modified: branches/1.17/R/plot.cascadeKM.R
--- branches/1.17/R/plot.cascadeKM.R	2011-02-02 17:05:13 UTC (rev 1477)
+++ branches/1.17/R/plot.cascadeKM.R	2011-02-05 18:15:08 UTC (rev 1478)
@@ -25,8 +25,6 @@
     if (sortg) {
         x <- orderingKM(x)
-    else {
-    }
     main = (paste("K-means partitions comparison"))
     xlab = ("Number of groups in each partition")
     ylab = ("Objects")
@@ -42,7 +40,7 @@
         grid(nx = nrow(x), ny = max.g - min.g + 1, col = gridcol)
         axis(2, seq(min.g - min.g + 1, max.g - min.g + 1, by = 1), 
-             lab = seq(min.g, max.g, by = 1))
+             labels = seq(min.g, max.g, by = 1))
         par(mar = c(5, 2, 5, 1))
         par(bg = "white", fg = "black", col = "black")
@@ -51,7 +49,7 @@
                                                                                             0.5, max.g + 0.5), yaxs = "i", yaxt = "n", xlab = "Values")
         grid(nx = NULL, ny = max.g - min.g + 1, col = gridcol)
-        axis(2, seq(min.g, max.g, by = 1), lab = seq(min.g, max.g, 
+        axis(2, seq(min.g, max.g, by = 1), labels = seq(min.g, max.g, 
                                            by = 1), col.axis = "black")
         maxx = which.max(w[])

Modified: branches/1.17/R/plot.cca.R
--- branches/1.17/R/plot.cca.R	2011-02-02 17:05:13 UTC (rev 1477)
+++ branches/1.17/R/plot.cca.R	2011-02-05 18:15:08 UTC (rev 1478)
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
         else mul <- 1
         attr(g$biplot, "arrow.mul") <- mul
         arrows(0, 0, mul * g$biplot[, 1], mul * g$biplot[, 2], 
-               len = 0.05, col = "blue")
+               length = 0.05, col = "blue")
         text(1.1 * mul * g$biplot, rownames(g$biplot), col = "blue")
         axis(3, at = c(-mul, 0, mul), labels = rep("", 3), col = "blue")
         axis(4, at = c(-mul, 0, mul), labels = c(-1, 0, 1), col = "blue")

Modified: branches/1.17/R/prestondistr.R
--- branches/1.17/R/prestondistr.R	2011-02-02 17:05:13 UTC (rev 1477)
+++ branches/1.17/R/prestondistr.R	2011-02-05 18:15:08 UTC (rev 1478)
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-"prestondistr" <-
+`prestondistr` <-
     function (x, truncate = -1,  ...) 
     fun <- function(par, x, truncate) {
         up <- dnorm(x, par[1], par[2], log = TRUE)
-        dn <- pnorm(truncate, par[1], par[2], lower = FALSE)
+        dn <- pnorm(truncate, par[1], par[2], lower.tail = FALSE)
         -sum(up - log(dn))
     x <- x[x > 0]
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
     p <- c(mean(logx), sd(logx))
     sol <- optim(p, fun, x = logx, truncate = truncate)
     p <- sol$par
-    area <- pnorm(truncate, p[1], p[2], lower = FALSE)
+    area <- pnorm(truncate, p[1], p[2], lower.tail = FALSE)
     scale <- length(x)/sqrt(2 * pi)/p[2]/area
     p <- c(p, scale)
-    oct <- as.preston(x)
+    oct <- as.preston(x, ...)
     x <- as.numeric(names(oct))
     fit <- p[3] * exp(-(x - p[1])^2/2/p[2]^2) 
     names(p) <- c("mode", "width", "S0")

Modified: branches/1.17/R/prestonfit.R
--- branches/1.17/R/prestonfit.R	2011-02-02 17:05:13 UTC (rev 1477)
+++ branches/1.17/R/prestonfit.R	2011-02-05 18:15:08 UTC (rev 1478)
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
-"prestonfit" <-
-    function (x, ...) 
+`prestonfit` <-
+    function (x, tiesplit = FALSE, ...) 
-    x <- as.preston(x)
+    x <- as.preston(x, tiesplit = tiesplit)
     oct <- as.numeric(names(x))
-    fit <- glm(x ~ oct + I(oct^2), family = poisson)
+    fit <- glm(x ~ oct + I(oct^2),
+               family = if (tiesplit) quasipoisson else poisson)
     fv <- fitted(fit)
     p <- coef(fit)
     if (!is.na(p[3]) && p[3] < 0) {
@@ -18,6 +19,8 @@
     names(p) <- c("mode", "width", "S0")
     out <- list(freq = unclass(x), fitted = fv, coefficients = p)
     out$method = "Poisson fit to octaves"
+    if(tiesplit)
+        out$method <- paste("Quasi-", out$method, sep="")
     class(out) <- c("prestonfit")

Modified: branches/1.17/R/print.MOStest.R
--- branches/1.17/R/print.MOStest.R	2011-02-02 17:05:13 UTC (rev 1477)
+++ branches/1.17/R/print.MOStest.R	2011-02-05 18:15:08 UTC (rev 1478)
@@ -8,6 +8,6 @@
     if (!x$isBracketed)
         cat("***** Caution: hump/pit not bracketed by the data ******\n")
-    printCoefmat(coef(x), has.P=TRUE, na.print="")
+    printCoefmat(coef(x), has.Pvalue = TRUE, na.print = "")

Modified: branches/1.17/R/rgl.renyiaccum.R
--- branches/1.17/R/rgl.renyiaccum.R	2011-02-02 17:05:13 UTC (rev 1477)
+++ branches/1.17/R/rgl.renyiaccum.R	2011-02-05 18:15:08 UTC (rev 1478)
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
     ylen <- ylim[2] - ylim[1] + 1
     colorlut <- rainbow(ylen)
     col <- colorlut[1000*y-ylim[1]+1]
-    rgl.bg(col="white")
+    rgl.bg(color = "white")
     rgl.surface(xp, z, y, color=col)
     y <- x[,,5] * rgl.height
     ##rgl.surface(xp,z,y,color="grey", alpha=0.3)

Modified: branches/1.17/R/showvarparts.R
--- branches/1.17/R/showvarparts.R	2011-02-02 17:05:13 UTC (rev 1477)
+++ branches/1.17/R/showvarparts.R	2011-02-05 18:15:08 UTC (rev 1478)
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
     symbols(cp, circles = rep(rad, min(parts,3)), inches = FALSE, add=TRUE, ...)
     if (parts == 4) {
-        symbols(0, 0.2, rectangles=cbind(1, 0.5), inch=FALSE, add=TRUE, ...)
+        symbols(0, 0.2, rectangles=cbind(1, 0.5), inches=FALSE, add=TRUE, ...)
         symbols(sqrt(1/2), -sqrt(3/4)+0.2, rectangles=cbind(0.5,0.3),
-                inch=FALSE, add=TRUE, ...)
+                inches=FALSE, add=TRUE, ...)
     nlabs <- switch(parts, 2, 4, 8, 16)
     if (missing(labels))

Modified: branches/1.17/inst/ChangeLog
--- branches/1.17/inst/ChangeLog	2011-02-02 17:05:13 UTC (rev 1477)
+++ branches/1.17/inst/ChangeLog	2011-02-05 18:15:08 UTC (rev 1478)
@@ -4,6 +4,12 @@
 Version 1.17-7 (opened January 10, 2011)
+	* merged r1476: zip data files.
+	* merged r1475: partially matched argunments in functions.
+	* merged r1471,3,4: split "ties" in prestonfit (and allies).
 	* merged revs 1444 to 1467:
 	* fixes in anova.cca scope, subset and NA handling:

Modified: branches/1.17/man/fisherfit.Rd
--- branches/1.17/man/fisherfit.Rd	2011-02-02 17:05:13 UTC (rev 1477)
+++ branches/1.17/man/fisherfit.Rd	2011-02-05 18:15:08 UTC (rev 1478)
@@ -27,13 +27,14 @@
 \method{confint}{fisherfit}(object, parm, level = 0.95, ...)
 \method{profile}{fisherfit}(fitted, alpha = 0.01, maxsteps = 20, del = zmax/5, 
-prestonfit(x, ...)
+prestonfit(x, tiesplit = FALSE, ...)
 prestondistr(x, truncate = -1, ...)
 \method{plot}{prestonfit}(x, xlab = "Frequency", ylab = "Species", bar.col = "skyblue", 
     line.col = "red", lwd = 2, ...)
 \method{lines}{prestonfit}(x, line.col = "red", lwd = 2, ...)
 veiledspec(x, ...)
 as.fisher(x, ...)
+as.preston(x, tiesplit = FALSE, ...)
@@ -45,6 +46,8 @@
   \item{alpha}{The extend of profiling as significance.}
   \item{maxsteps}{Maximum number of steps in profiling.}
   \item{del}{Step length.}
+  \item{tiesplit}{Split frequencies \eqn{1, 2, 4, 8} etc between adjacent 
+    octaves.}
   \item{truncate}{Truncation point for log-Normal model, in log2
     units. Default value \eqn{-1} corresponds to the left border of zero
     Octave. The choice strongly influences the fitting results.}
@@ -52,7 +55,9 @@
   \item{bar.col}{Colour of data bars.}
   \item{line.col}{Colour of fitted line.}
   \item{lwd}{Width of fitted line.}
-  \item{\dots}{Other parameters passed to functions. }
+  \item{\dots}{Other parameters passed to functions. Ignored in 
+    \code{prestonfit} and \code{tiesplit} passed to \code{as.preston} in
+    \code{prestondistr}. }
   In Fisher's logarithmic series the expected
@@ -83,52 +88,73 @@
   are similar.
   Preston (1948) was not satisfied with Fisher's model which seemed to
-  imply infinite species richness, and postulated that rare species is a
-  diminishing class and most species are in the middle of frequency
+  imply infinite species richness, and postulated that rare species is
+  a diminishing class and most species are in the middle of frequency
   scale. This was achieved by collapsing higher frequency classes into
   wider and wider ``octaves'' of doubling class limits: 1, 2, 3--4,
-  5--8, 9--16 etc. occurrences. Any logseries data will look like
-  lognormal when plotted this way. The expected frequency \eqn{f} at abundance
-  octave \eqn{o} is defined by \eqn{f_o = S_0 \exp(-(\log_2(o) -
-    \mu)^2/2/\sigma^2)}{f = S0 exp(-(log2(o)-mu)^2/2/sigma^2)}, where
-  \eqn{\mu} is the location of the mode and \eqn{\sigma} the width, both
-  in \eqn{\log_2}{log2} scale, and \eqn{S_0}{S0} is the expected number
-  of species at mode. The lognormal model is usually truncated on the
-  left so that some rare species are not observed. Function
+  5--8, 9--16 etc. occurrences. It seems that Preston regarded
+  frequencies 1, 2, 4, \emph{etc.}. as \dQuote{tied} between octaves
+  (Williamson & Gaston 2005). This means that only half of the species
+  with frequency 1 are shown in the lowest octave, and the rest are
+  transferred to the second octave. Half of the species from the
+  second octave are transferred to the higher one as well, but this is
+  usually not as large a number of species. This practise makes data
+  look more lognormal by reducing the usually high lowest
+  octaves. This can be achieved by setting argument \code{tiesplit =
+  TRUE}. With \code{tiesplit = FALSE} the frequencies are not split,
+  but all ones are in the lowest octave, all twos in the second, etc.
+  Williamson & Gaston (2005) discuss alternative definitions in
+  detail, and they should be consulted for a critical review of
+  log-Normal model.
+  Any logseries data will look like lognormal when plotted in
+  Preston's way. The expected frequency \eqn{f} at abundance octave
+  \eqn{o} is defined by \eqn{f_o = S_0 \exp(-(\log_2(o) -
+  \mu)^2/2/\sigma^2)}{f = S0 exp(-(log2(o)-mu)^2/2/sigma^2)}, where
+  \eqn{\mu} is the location of the mode and \eqn{\sigma} the width,
+  both in \eqn{\log_2}{log2} scale, and \eqn{S_0}{S0} is the expected
+  number of species at mode. The lognormal model is usually truncated
+  on the left so that some rare species are not observed. Function
   \code{prestonfit} fits the truncated lognormal model as a second
-  degree log-polynomial to the octave pooled data using Poisson
-  error. Function \code{prestondistr} fits left-truncated Normal distribution to
-  \eqn{\log_2}{log2} transformed non-pooled observations with direct
-  maximization of log-likelihood. Function \code{prestondistr} is
-  modelled after function \code{\link[MASS]{fitdistr}} which can be used
-  for alternative distribution models. The functions have common \code{print},
-  \code{plot} and \code{lines} methods. The \code{lines} function adds
-  the fitted curve to the octave range with line segments showing the
-  location of the mode and the width (sd) of the response.
+  degree log-polynomial to the octave pooled data using Poisson (when
+  \eqn{tiesplit = FALSE}) or quasi-Poisson (when \eqn{tiesplit =
+  TRUE}).  error. Function \code{prestondistr} fits left-truncated
+  Normal distribution to \eqn{\log_2}{log2} transformed non-pooled
+  observations with direct maximization of log-likelihood. Function
+  \code{prestondistr} is modelled after function
+  \code{\link[MASS]{fitdistr}} which can be used for alternative
+  distribution models. 
-  The total
-  extrapolated richness from a fitted Preston model can be found with
-  function \code{veiledspec}. The function accepts results both from
-  \code{prestonfit} and from \code{prestondistr}. If \code{veiledspec} is
-  called with a species count vector, it will internally use
-  \code{prestonfit}. Function \code{\link{specpool}} provides
-  alternative ways of estimating the number of unseen species. In fact,
-  Preston's lognormal model seems to be truncated at both ends, and this
-  may be the main reason why its result differ from lognormal models
-  fitted in Rank--Abundance diagrams with functions
-  \code{\link{rad.lognormal}}. 
+  The functions have common \code{print}, \code{plot} and \code{lines}
+  methods. The \code{lines} function adds the fitted curve to the
+  octave range with line segments showing the location of the mode and
+  the width (sd) of the response. Function \code{as.preston}
+  transforms abundance data to octaves.  Argument \code{tiesplit} will
+  not influence the fit in \code{prestondistr}, but it will influence
+  the barplot of the octaves.
+  The total extrapolated richness from a fitted Preston model can be
+  found with function \code{veiledspec}. The function accepts results
+  both from \code{prestonfit} and from \code{prestondistr}. If
+  \code{veiledspec} is called with a species count vector, it will
+  internally use \code{prestonfit}. Function \code{\link{specpool}}
+  provides alternative ways of estimating the number of unseen
+  species. In fact, Preston's lognormal model seems to be truncated at
+  both ends, and this may be the main reason why its result differ
+  from lognormal models fitted in Rank--Abundance diagrams with
+  functions \code{\link{rad.lognormal}}.  
-  The function \code{prestonfit} returns an object with fitted
+\value{ The function \code{prestonfit} returns an object with fitted
   \code{coefficients}, and with observed (\code{freq}) and fitted
   (\code{fitted}) frequencies, and a string describing the fitting
-  \code{method}. Function \code{prestondistr} omits the entry \code{fitted}.
-  The function \code{fisherfit} returns the result of \code{\link{nlm}}, where item
-  \code{estimate} is \eqn{\alpha}. The result object is amended with the
-  following items:
+  \code{method}. Function \code{prestondistr} omits the entry
+  \code{fitted}.  The function \code{fisherfit} returns the result of
+  \code{\link{nlm}}, where item \code{estimate} is \eqn{\alpha}. The
+  result object is amended with the following items:
   \item{df.residuals}{Residual degrees of freedom.}
-  \item{nuisance}{Parameter \eqn{x}.}
-  \item{fisher}{Observed data from \code{as.fisher}.}
+  \item{nuisance}{Parameter \eqn{x}.}  \item{fisher}{Observed data
+  from \code{as.fisher}.}
@@ -138,8 +164,8 @@
   12: 42--58.
   Kempton, R.A. & Taylor, L.R. (1974). Log-series and log-normal
-  parameters as diversity discriminators for Lepidoptera. \emph{Journal
-    of Animal Ecology} 43: 381--399.
+  parameters as diversity discriminators for
+  Lepidoptera. \emph{Journal of Animal Ecology} 43: 381--399.
   Preston, F.W. (1948) The commonness and rarity of
   species. \emph{Ecology} 29, 254--283.
@@ -148,21 +174,9 @@
   not an appropriate null hypothesis for the species--abundance
   distribution. \emph{Journal of Animal Ecology} 74, 409--422.
-\author{Bob O'Hara \email{bob.ohara at helsinki.fi} (\code{fisherfit}) and Jari Oksanen. }
-\note{It seems that Preston regarded frequencies 1, 2, 4, \emph{etc.}. as ``tied''
-  between octaves. This means that only half of the species with
-  frequency 1 were shown in the lowest octave, and the rest were
-  transferred to the second octave. Half of the species from the second
-  octave were transferred to the higher one as well, but this is usually
-  not as large number of species. This practise makes data look more
-  lognormal by reducing the usually high lowest octaves, but is too
-  unfair to be followed. Therefore the octaves used in this function
-  include the upper limit. If you do not accept this, you must change
-  the function yourself. Williamson & Gaston (2005) discuss alternative
-  definitions in detail, and they should be consulted for a
-  critical review of log-Normal model.
+\author{Bob O'Hara \email{bob.ohara at helsinki.fi} (\code{fisherfit})
+and Jari Oksanen. }
 \seealso{\code{\link{diversity}}, \code{\link{fisher.alpha}},
   \code{\link{radfit}}, \code{\link{specpool}}. Function

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