[Vegan-commits] r1094 - in pkg: . permute permute/R permute/man

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Mon Jan 4 14:44:44 CET 2010

Author: gsimpson
Date: 2010-01-04 14:44:44 +0100 (Mon, 04 Jan 2010)
New Revision: 1094

New permute package

Added: pkg/permute/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/permute/DESCRIPTION	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/permute/DESCRIPTION	2010-01-04 13:44:44 UTC (rev 1094)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Package: permute
+Title: Functions for generating restricted permutations of data
+Version: 0.0-1
+Date: $Date$
+Author: Gavin L. Simpson
+Maintainer: Gavin L. Simpson <gavin.simpson at ucl.ac.uk>
+Suggests: vegan
+Description: Restricted experimental designs are commonly encountered
+             in ecological data. Ordination analyses of such data are
+             generally tested using permutation tests. The 'permute' 
+             package implements a set of restricted permutation designs
+             for freely exchangeable, line transects (time series), and 
+             spatial grid designs plus permutation of blocks (groups of 
+             samples). 'permute' also allows split-plot designs, in which 
+             the whole-plots or split-plots or both can be freely-exchangeble
+             or one of the restricted designs.
+License: GPL-2 
+URL: http://vegan.r-forge.r-project.org/

Added: pkg/permute/R/Blocks.R
--- pkg/permute/R/Blocks.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/permute/R/Blocks.R	2010-01-04 13:44:44 UTC (rev 1094)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+`Blocks` <- function(type = c("free","series","grid","none"),
+                     mirror = FALSE, ncol = NULL, nrow = NULL)
+    if(missing(type))
+        type <- "none"
+    else
+        type <- match.arg(type)
+    out <- list(type = type, mirror = mirror,
+                ncol = ncol, nrow = nrow)
+    ## keep as list for now
+    ##class(out) <- "Blocks"
+    return(out)

Added: pkg/permute/R/Within.R
--- pkg/permute/R/Within.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/permute/R/Within.R	2010-01-04 13:44:44 UTC (rev 1094)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+`Within` <- function(type = c("free","series","grid","none"),
+                     constant = FALSE, mirror = FALSE,
+                     ncol = NULL, nrow = NULL)
+    if(missing(type))
+        type <- "free"
+    else
+        type <- match.arg(type)
+    out <- list(type = type, constant = constant, mirror = mirror,
+                ncol = ncol, nrow = nrow)
+    ## keep as default list for now
+    ##class(out) <- "Within"
+    return(out)

Added: pkg/permute/R/allPerms.R
--- pkg/permute/R/allPerms.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/permute/R/allPerms.R	2010-01-04 13:44:44 UTC (rev 1094)
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+`allPerms` <- function(n, control = permControl(), max = 9999,
+                       observed = FALSE)
+    ## in-line functions
+    `all.free` <- function(n, v = 1:n) {
+	if( n == 1 ) {
+            matrix(v, 1, 1)
+        } else {
+            X <- NULL
+            for(i in 1:n)
+                X <- rbind(X, cbind(v[i],
+                                    Recall(n-1, v[-i])))
+            X
+        }
+    }
+    `all.series` <- function(n, control) {
+        v <- seq_len(n)
+        nperms <- numPerms(v, control = control)
+	X <- matrix(nrow = nperms, ncol = n)
+	for(i in v) {
+            X[i,] <- seq(i, length = n)%%n + 1
+	}
+        ## if mirroring, rev the cols of X[v,]
+        ## but only if n > 2
+        if(control$mirror && (nperms > 2))
+            X[(n+1):(2*n),] <- X[v, rev(v)]
+	X
+    }
+    `all.grid` <- function(n, control) {
+        v <- seq_len(n)
+        nperms <- numPerms(v, control)
+        nr <- control$nrow
+        nc <- control$ncol
+	X <- matrix(nrow = nperms, ncol = n)
+        idx <- 1
+        ## ncol == 2 is special case
+        if(control$ncol == 2) {
+            X <- all.series(n, permControl(type = "series",
+                                           mirror = control$mirror,
+                                           constant = control$constant)
+                            )
+        } else {
+            for(i in seq_len(nr)) {
+                for(j in seq_len(nc)) {
+                    ir <- seq(i, length = nr)%%nr
+                    ic <- seq(j, length = nc)%%nc
+                    ## block 1 - no reversals
+                    X[idx, ] <- rep(ic, each = nr) * nr +
+                        rep(ir, len = nr * nc) + 1
+                    if(control$mirror) {
+                        ## block 2 - rev rows but not columns
+                        X[idx + n, ] <- rep(ic, each = nr) * nr +
+                            rep(rev(ir), len = nr * nc) + 1
+                        ## block 3 - rev columns but not rows
+                        X[idx + (2*n), ] <- rep(rev(ic), each = nr) *
+                            nr + rep(ir, len = nr * nc) + 1
+                    }
+                    idx <- idx + 1
+                }
+            }
+            if(control$mirror) {
+                ## rev columns and rows
+                ## no calculations, just rev cols of block 1
+                v <- seq_len(n)
+                X[((3*n)+1):(4*n), ] <- X[v, rev(v)]
+            }
+        }
+        X
+    }
+    `all.strata` <- function(n, control) {
+        v <- seq_len(n)
+        nperms <- numPerms(v, control)
+        lev <- length(levels(control$strata))
+        X <- matrix(nrow = nperms, ncol = length(control$strata))
+        perms <- if(control$type == "free") {
+            all.free(lev)
+        } else if(control$type == "series") {
+            all.series(lev, control = control)
+        } else {
+            all.grid(lev, control = control)
+        }
+        sp <- split(v, control$strata)
+        for(i in seq_len(nrow(perms)))
+            X[i,] <- unname(do.call(c, sp[perms[i,]]))
+        X
+    }
+    ## replacement for recursive function above
+    bar <- function(mat, n) {
+        res <- vector(mode = "list", length = n)
+        for(i in seq_len(n))
+            res[[i]] <- mat
+        do.call(rbind, res)
+    }
+    ## start
+    v <- n
+    ## expand n if a numeric or integer vector of length 1
+    if((is.numeric(n) || is.integer(n)) && (length(n) == 1))
+         v <- seq_len(n)
+    ## number of observations in data
+    n <- getNumObs(v)
+    ## check permutation scheme and update control
+    pcheck <- permCheck(v, control = control, make.all = FALSE)
+    control <- pcheck$control
+    ## get max number of permutations
+    nperms <- pcheck$n
+    ## sanity check - don't let this run away to infinity
+    ## esp with type = "free"
+    if(nperms > max)
+        stop("Number of possible permutations too big (> 'max')")
+    type <- control$type
+    ##if(type != "strata" && !is.null(control$strata)) {
+    if(!control$permute.strata && !is.null(control$strata)) {
+        ## permuting within blocks
+        ## FIXME: allperms expects samples to be arranged
+        ## in order of fac, i.e. all level 1, followed by
+        ## all level 2 - fix to allow them to be in any order:
+        ## see permuted.index2 for how to do this
+        if(control$constant) {
+            ## same permutation in each block
+            #v <- seq_len(n)
+            pg <- unique(table(control$strata))
+            control.wi <- permControl(type = control$type,
+                                      mirror = control$mirror,
+                                      nrow = control$nrow,
+                                      ncol = control$ncol)
+            nperms <- numPerms(v, control)
+            ord <- switch(control$type,
+                          free = all.free(pg),
+                          series = all.series(pg, control = control.wi),
+                          grid = all.grid(pg, control = control.wi))
+            perm.wi <- nrow(ord)
+            sp <- split(v, control$strata)
+            res <- matrix(nrow = nperms, ncol = n)
+            for(i in seq_len(perm.wi))
+                res[i,] <- sapply(sp, function(x) x[ord[i,]])
+        } else {
+            ## different permutations within blocks
+            tab <- table(control$strata)
+            ng <- length(tab)
+            pg <- unique(tab)
+            if(length(pg) > 1) {
+                ## different number of observations per level of strata
+                if(control$type == "grid")
+                    ## FIXME: this should not be needed once all checks are
+                    ## in place in permCheck()
+                    stop("Unbalanced grid designs are not supported")
+                control.wi <- permControl(type = control$type,
+                                          mirror = control$mirror)
+                sp <- split(v, control$strata)
+                res <- vector(mode = "list", length = ng)
+                add <- c(0, cumsum(tab)[1:(ng-1)])
+                for(j in seq(along = tab)) {
+                    ord <- switch(control.wi$type,
+                                  free = all.free(tab[j]),
+                                  series = all.series(tab[j],
+                                  control=control.wi))
+                    perm.wi <- nrow(ord)
+                    if(j == 1) {
+                        a <- 1
+                        b <- nperms / perm.wi
+                    } else {
+                        b <- b/perm.wi
+                        a <- nperms / (b*perm.wi)
+                    }
+                    res[[j]] <- matrix(rep(bar(ord+add[j], a),
+                                           each = b),
+                                       ncol = tab[j])
+                }
+                res <- do.call(cbind, res)
+            } else {
+                ## same number of observations per level of strata
+                control.wi <- permControl(type = control$type,
+                                          mirror = control$mirror,
+                                          nrow = control$nrow,
+                                          ncol = control$ncol)
+                ord <- switch(control$type,
+                              free = all.free(pg),
+                              series = all.series(pg, control = control.wi),
+                              grid = all.grid(pg, control = control.wi)
+                              )
+                perm.wi <- nrow(ord)
+                add <- seq(from = 0, by = pg, length.out = ng)
+                res <- vector(mode = "list", length = ng)
+                a <- 1
+                b <- nperms / perm.wi
+                for(i in seq_len(ng)) {
+                    res[[i]] <- matrix(rep(bar(ord+add[i], a), each = b),
+                                       ncol = pg)
+                    a <- a*perm.wi
+                    b <- b/perm.wi
+                }
+                res <- do.call(cbind, res)
+            }
+        }
+    } else {
+        ## not permuting within blocks or are permuting strata
+        res <- switch(type,
+                      free = all.free(n),
+                      series = all.series(n, control=control),
+                      grid = all.grid(n, control=control),
+                      strata = all.strata(n, control=control)
+                      )
+    }
+    ## some times storage.mode of res is numeric, sometimes
+    ## it is integer, set to "integer" for comparisons using
+    ## identical to match the observed ordering
+    storage.mode(res) <- "integer"
+    if(!observed) {
+        obs.row <- apply(res, 1, function(x, v) {identical(x, v)}, v)
+        res <- res[!obs.row, ]
+        ## reduce the number of permutations to get rid of the
+        ## observed ordering
+        control$nperm <- control$nperm - 1
+    }
+    class(res) <- "allPerms"
+    attr(res, "control") <- control
+    attr(res, "observed") <- observed
+    return(res)

Added: pkg/permute/R/getNumObs.R
--- pkg/permute/R/getNumObs.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/permute/R/getNumObs.R	2010-01-04 13:44:44 UTC (rev 1094)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+`getNumObs` <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("getNumObs")
+`getNumObs.default` <- function(object, ...)
+    NROW(scores(object, display = "sites"))
+`getNumObs.numeric` <- function(object, ...)
+    length(object)
+`getNumObs.integer` <- function(object, ...)
+    getNumObs.numeric(object)

Added: pkg/permute/R/numPerms.R
--- pkg/permute/R/numPerms.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/permute/R/numPerms.R	2010-01-04 13:44:44 UTC (rev 1094)
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+`numPerms` <- function(object, control = permControl())
+    ## constant holding types where something is permuted
+    PTYPES <- c("free","grid","series")
+    ## expand object if a numeric or integer vector of length 1
+    if((is.numeric(object) || is.integer(object)) && (length(object) == 1))
+         object <- seq_len(object)
+    ## number of observations in data
+    nobs <- getNumObs(object)
+    ## within perms object
+    WITHIN <- control$within
+    ## strata perms object
+    BLOCKS <- control$blocks
+    ## are strata present?
+    STRATA <- !is.null(control$strata)
+    ## check that when permuting strata or constant within strata,
+    ## strata have same number of samples
+    if(STRATA) {
+        tab.strata <- table(control$strata)
+        same.n <- length(unique(tab.strata))
+        if((BLOCKS$type %in% PTYPES || isTRUE(WITHIN$constant)) && same.n > 1)
+            stop("All levels of strata must have same number of samples for chosen scheme")
+        if(BLOCKS$type == "grid" && same.n > 1)
+            stop("Unbalanced grid designs are not supported")
+    }
+    ## generate multiplier for restricted permutations
+    if(WITHIN$type %in% c("series","grid")) {
+        within.multi <- 2
+        if(WITHIN$type == "grid" && WITHIN$ncol > 2) {
+            within.multi <- 4
+        } else {
+            if(nobs == 2)
+                within.multi <- 1
+        }
+    }
+    if(BLOCKS$type %in% c("series","grid")) {
+        blocks.multi <- 2
+        if(BLOCKS$type == "grid" && BLOCKS$ncol > 2) {
+            blocks.multi <- 4
+        } else {
+            if(nobs == 2)
+                blocks.multi <- 1
+        }
+    }
+    ## calculate number of possible permutations
+    ## blocks
+    num.blocks <- 1
+    if(BLOCKS$type %in% PTYPES) {
+        if(BLOCKS$type == "free")
+            num.blocks <- exp(lfactorial(length(levels(control$strata))))
+        else if(BLOCKS$type %in% c("series","grid")) {
+            if(BLOCKS$mirror)
+                num.blocks <- blocks.multi * nobs
+            else
+                num.blocks <- nobs
+        }
+    }
+    ## within
+    num.within <- 1
+    if(WITHIN$type %in% PTYPES) {
+        if(WITHIN$type == "free") {
+            if(STRATA)
+                num.within <- prod(factorial(tab.strata))
+            else
+                num.within <- exp(lfactorial(nobs))
+        } else if(WITHIN$type %in% c("series","grid")) {
+            if(STRATA) {
+                if(same.n > 1) {
+                    multi <- rep(2, length = length(tab.strata))
+                    multi[which(tab.strata == 2)] <- 1
+                    if(WITHIN$mirror) {
+                        num.within <- prod(multi * tab.strata)
+                    } else {
+                        num.within <- prod(tab.strata)
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    if(WITHIN$mirror) {
+                        if(WITHIN$constant)
+                            num.within <- within.multi * unique(tab.strata)
+                        else
+                            num.within <- prod(within.multi * tab.strata)
+                    } else {
+                        if(WITHIN$constant)
+                            num.within <- unique(tab.strata)
+                        else
+                            num.within <- prod(tab.strata)
+                    }
+                }
+            } else {
+                if(WITHIN$mirror)
+                    num.within <- within.multi * nobs
+                else
+                    num.within <- nobs
+            }
+        } else {
+            stop("Ambiguous permutation type in 'control$type'")
+        }
+    }
+    return(num.blocks * num.within)

Added: pkg/permute/R/permCheck.R
--- pkg/permute/R/permCheck.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/permute/R/permCheck.R	2010-01-04 13:44:44 UTC (rev 1094)
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+`permCheck` <- function(object, control = permControl(),
+                        make.all = TRUE)
+    ## if object is numeric or integer and of length 1,
+    ## extend the object
+    if(length(object) == 1 &&
+       (is.integer(object) || is.numeric(object)))
+        object <- seq_len(object)
+    ## check the number of observations in object
+    nobs <- getNumObs(object)
+    ## sample permutation type
+    type <- control$within$type
+    ## if strata, check nobs == length of strata
+    ## but beware empty levels
+    if(!is.null(control$strata)) {
+        tab <- table(control$strata)
+        if(!identical(as.integer(nobs), as.integer(sum(tab))))
+            stop("Number of observations and length of 'strata' do not match.")
+        ## if "grid", check design balanced?
+        if((bal <- length(unique(tab))) > 1 && type == "grid")
+            stop("Unbalanced 'grid' designs are not supported.")
+        ## if grid design, check nrow*ncol is multiple of nobs
+        if(type == "grid" &&
+           !identical(nobs %% (control$within$ncol *
+                               control$within$nrow), 0))
+            stop("'nrow' * 'ncol' not a multiple of number of observations.")
+        ## if constant, check design balanced?
+        if(control$within$constant && bal > 1)
+            stop("Unbalanced designs not allowed with 'constant = TRUE'.")
+        ## if permuting strata, must be balanced
+        if(control$blocks$type != "none" && bal > 1)
+            stop("Design must be balanced if permuting 'strata'.")
+    }
+    ## check allPerms is of correct form
+    if(!is.null(control$all.perms) &&
+       !identical(class(control$all.perms), "allPerms"))
+        stop("'control$all.perms' must be of class 'allPerms'.")
+    ## get number of possible permutations
+    num.pos <- numPerms(object, control)
+    ## if number of possible perms < minperm turn on complete enumeration
+    if(num.pos < control$minperm) {
+        control$nperm <- control$maxperm <- num.pos
+        control$complete <- TRUE
+    }
+    ## if complete enumeration, generate all permutations
+    if(control$complete && make.all) {
+        control$all.perms <- allPerms(nobs, control = control,
+                                      max = control$maxperm,
+                                      observed = FALSE)
+    }
+    retval <- list(n = num.pos, control = control)
+    class(retval) <- "permCheck"
+    retval

Added: pkg/permute/R/permControl.R
--- pkg/permute/R/permControl.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/permute/R/permControl.R	2010-01-04 13:44:44 UTC (rev 1094)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+`permControl` <- function(strata = NULL, nperm = 199, complete = FALSE,
+                          within = Within(),
+                          blocks = Blocks(),
+                          maxperm = 9999, minperm = 99,
+                          all.perms = NULL)
+    out <- list(strata = strata, nperm = nperm, complete = complete,
+                within = within, blocks = blocks,
+                maxperm = maxperm, minperm = minperm,
+                all.perms = all.perms,
+                name.strata = deparse(substitute(strata)))
+    class(out) <- "permControl"
+    return(out)

Added: pkg/permute/R/permuplot.R
--- pkg/permute/R/permuplot.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/permute/R/permuplot.R	2010-01-04 13:44:44 UTC (rev 1094)
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+`permuplot` <- function(n, control = permControl(),
+                        col = par("col"),
+                        hcol = "red",
+                        shade = "lightgrey",
+                        xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL,
+                        inset = 0.1,
+                        main=NULL, sub=NULL,
+                        ann = par("ann"),
+                        cex = par("cex"),
+                        ...) {
+    xy.series <- function(n) {
+        angle <- seq(0, 2*pi, length = n+1)[-(n+1)]
+        x <- rev(cos(angle))
+        y <- rev(sin(angle))
+        xy <- xy.coords(x, y)
+        return(xy)
+    }
+    xy.free <- function(n) {
+        x <- runif(n)
+        y <- runif(n)
+        xy <- xy.coords(x, y)
+        return(xy)
+    }
+    xy.grid <- function(ncol, nrow) {
+        x <- rep(seq_len(ncol), each = nrow)
+        y <- rev(rep(seq_len(nrow), times = ncol))
+        xy <- xy.coords(x, y)
+        return(xy)
+    }
+    axis.limits <- function(vals, inset) {
+        lim <- range(vals[is.finite(vals)])
+        lim.range <- lim[2] - lim[1]
+        res <- c(lim[1] - (lim.range * inset),
+                 lim[2] + (lim.range * inset))
+        return(res)
+    }
+    ## currently doesn't support restricted permutations of strata themselves
+    if(control$permute.strata && control$type != "free")
+        stop("Restricted permutations of strata currently not supported")
+    ## check that n and length of strata are equal
+    if( use.strata <- !is.null(control$strata) ) {
+        tab <- table(control$strata)
+        if(!identical(as.integer(sum(tab)), as.integer(n)))
+            stop("'n' and length of 'strata' don't match.")
+    }
+    ## check the control design
+    control <- permCheck(n, control = control)$control
+    if(use.strata) {
+        n.grp <- length(tab)
+        opar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE, mar=c(2,2,2,1)+0.1,
+                    mfrow = n2mfrow(n.grp),
+                    oma=c(2.1,0,3.1,0))
+        on.exit(par(opar))
+        ## if permuting strata, only need to draw the sub-plots
+        ## in a different order
+        if(control$permute.strata) {
+            ## expand shade, col
+            if(identical(length(col), 1))
+                col <- rep(col, n.grp)
+            if(identical(length(shade), 1))
+                shade <- rep(shade, n.grp)
+            ord <- sample(names(tab))
+            if(is.null(xlim))
+                xlim <- c(0,1)
+            if(is.null(ylim))
+                ylim <- c(0,1)
+            xy <- xy.coords(0.5, 0.5)
+            string <- paste("Stratum:\n", ord)
+            names(string) <- ord
+            strh <- max(strheight(string, cex = cex))
+            strw <- max(strwidth(string, cex = cex))
+            box.coords <- xy.coords(rep(c(0.5-strw, 0.5+strw), each = 2),
+                                    c(0.5-strh, 0.5+strh,
+                                      0.5+strh, 0.5-strh))
+            for(i in ord) {
+                plot.new()
+                plot.window(xlim, ylim, asp = 1, ...)
+                polygon(box.coords, col = shade, border = hcol, ...)
+                text(xy$x, xy$y, labels = string[i],
+                     col = col, cex = cex, ...)
+                box()
+                #if(ann) {
+                #    title(main = paste("Original order:",
+                #          which(ord == i)))
+                #}
+            }
+        } else {
+            ## if free and constant, only need one set of random coords
+            xy <- if(control$constant && control$type == "free") {
+                ## needs to be a list for the main loop below
+                xy <- xy.free(unique(tab))
+                res <- vector("list", length = length(tab))
+                for(i in seq_along(res)) {
+                    res[[i]] <- xy
+                }
+                res
+            } else {
+                switch(control$type,
+                       free = lapply(tab, xy.free),
+                       series = lapply(tab, xy.series),
+                       grid = lapply(tab, function(x) {
+                           xy.grid(control$ncol, control$nrow)
+                       }),
+                       stop("Unsupport permutation 'type'"))
+            }
+            perms <- permuted.index2(n, control = control)
+            perms <- tapply(perms, control$strata, function(x) x)
+            if(is.null(main))
+                main <- paste("Stratum:", names(tab))
+            for(i in seq_along(xy)) {
+                if(is.null(xlim))
+                    xlim <- axis.limits(xy[[i]]$x, inset)
+                if(is.null(ylim))
+                    ylim <- axis.limits(xy[[i]]$y, inset)
+                plot.new()
+                plot.window(xlim, ylim, asp = 1, ...)
+                cols <- switch(control$type,
+                               free = rep(col, tab[i]),
+                               series = c(hcol, rep(col, tab[i]-1)),
+                               grid = {cols <- rep(col, tab[i])
+                                       cols[which.min(perms[[i]])] <-
+                                           hcol
+                                       cols})
+                text(xy[[i]]$x, xy[[i]]$y, labels = perms[[i]],
+                     col = cols, ...)
+                if(ann) {
+                    title(main = main[i],  ...)
+                    title(sub = paste("n in stratum:", tab[i]),
+                          line = 0.5, ...)
+                }
+                box()
+            }
+        }
+        if(ann) {
+            sub <- paste(paste("n: ", n, ";", sep = ""),
+                         paste("mirror: ", control$mirror, ";",
+                               sep = ""),
+                         paste("constant: ", control$constant, ";",
+                               sep = ""),
+                         sep = "    ")
+            if(control$type == "grid")
+                sub <- paste(sub, paste("ncol: ",
+                                        control$ncol, ";",
+                                        sep = ""),
+                             paste("nrow: ", control$nrow, ";",
+                                   sep = ""),
+                             sep = "    ")
+            title(main = paste("Permutation type:", control$type),
+                  outer = TRUE, cex.main = 1.75, ...)
+            title(sub = sub, outer = TRUE, line = 0.5,
+                  cex.sub = 1, ...)
+        }
+    } else {
+        xy <- switch(control$type,
+                     free = xy.free(n),
+                     series = xy.series(n),
+                     grid = xy.grid(control$ncol, control$nrow),
+                     stop("Unsupport permutation 'type'"))
+        if(is.null(xlim)) {
+            xlim <- axis.limits(xy$x, inset)
+        }
+        if(is.null(ylim)) {
+            ylim <- axis.limits(xy$y, inset)
+        }
+        opar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE, mar=c(2,1,3,1)+0.1)
+        on.exit(par(opar))
+        if(is.null(main))
+            main <- paste("Permutation type:", control$type)
+        if(is.null(sub))
+            sub <- paste(paste("n: ", n, ";", sep = ""),
+                         paste("mirror: ", control$mirror, ";",
+                               sep = ""),
+                         sep = "      ")
+        plot.new()
+        plot.window(xlim, ylim, asp = 1, ...)
+        labs <- permuted.index2(n, control=control)
+        cols <- switch(control$type,
+                       free = rep(col, n),
+                       series = c(hcol, rep(col, n-1)),
+                       grid = {cols <- rep(col, n)
+                               cols[which.min(labs)] <- hcol
+                               cols})
+        text(xy$x, xy$y, labels = labs,
+             col = cols, ...)
+        if(ann) {
+            title(main = main, ...)
+            title(sub = sub, line = 0.5, ...)
+        }
+        box()
+    }
+    invisible()

Added: pkg/permute/R/permute.R
--- pkg/permute/R/permute.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/permute/R/permute.R	2010-01-04 13:44:44 UTC (rev 1094)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+permute <- function(i, n, control) {
+    if(control$complete && !is.null(control$all.perms))
+        perm <- control$all.perms[i,]
+    else {
+        if(control$complete)
+            warning("'$all.perms' is NULL, yet '$complete = TRUE'.\nReturning a random permutation.")
+        perm <- permuted.index(n, control)
+    }
+    return(perm)

Added: pkg/permute/R/permuted.index2.R
--- pkg/permute/R/permuted.index2.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/permute/R/permuted.index2.R	2010-01-04 13:44:44 UTC (rev 1094)
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+`permuted.index` <-
+    function (n, control = permControl())
+    `pStrata` <- function(strata, type, mirror = FALSE, start = NULL,
+                          flip = NULL, nrow, ncol, start.row = NULL,
+                          start.col = NULL) {
+            lev <- length(levels(strata))
+            ngr <- length(strata) / lev
+            sp <- split(seq(along = strata), strata)
+            if(type == "free") {
+                unname(do.call(c, sp[pFree(lev, lev)]))
+            } else if(type == "series") {
+                unname(do.call(c,
+                               sp[pSeries(seq_len(lev),
+                                          mirror = mirror,
+                                          start = start,
+                                          flip = flip)]))
+            } else if(type == "grid") {
+                unname(do.call(c,
+                               sp[pGrid(nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol,
+                                        mirror = mirror,
+                                        start.row = start.row,
+                                        start.col = start.col,
+                                        flip = flip)]))
+            } else {
+                stop("Invalid permutation type.")
+            }
+        }
+    `pGrid` <- function(nrow, ncol, mirror = FALSE, start.row = NULL,
+                        start.col = NULL, flip = NULL) {
+            if(is.null(start.row))
+                start.row <- pFree(nrow, 1L)
+            if(is.null(start.col))
+                start.col <- pFree(ncol, 1L)
+            ir <- seq(start.row, length=nrow) %% nrow
+            ic <- seq(start.col, length=ncol) %% ncol
+            if(!is.null(flip)) {
+                if(any(flip)) {
+                    if(flip[1L])
+                        ir <- rev(ir)
+                    if(flip[2L])
+                        ic <- rev(ic)
+                }
+            } else {
+                if (mirror) {
+                    if (runif(1L) < 0.5)
+                        ir <- rev(ir)
+                    if (runif(1L) < 0.5)
+                        ic <- rev(ic)
+                }
+            }
+            rep(ic, each=nrow) * nrow + rep(ir, len=nrow*ncol) + 1L
+        }
+    `pSeries` <- function(inds, mirror = FALSE, start = NULL,
+                          flip = NULL) {
+        n <- length(inds)
+        if(is.null(start))
+            start <- pFree(n, 1L)
+        out <- seq(start, length = n) %% n + 1L
+        if(!is.null(flip)) {
+            if(flip)
+                out <- rev(out)
+        } else {
+            if(mirror && runif(1L) < 0.5)
+                out <- rev(out)
+        }
+        inds[out]
+    }
+    `pFree` <- function(x, size)
+        .Internal(sample(x, size, FALSE, NULL))
+    ## END in-line Functions ##
+    ## If no strata then permute all samples using stated scheme
+    if(is.null(control$strata)) {
+        out <-
+            switch(control$within$type,
+                   "free" = pFree(n, n),
+                   "series" =
+                   pSeries(1:n, mirror = control$within$mirror),
+                   "grid" =
+                   pGrid(nrow = control$within$nrow,
+                         ncol = control$within$ncol,
+                         mirror = control$within$mirror)
+                   )
+    } else {
+        ## If strata present, either permute samples, strata or both
+        ## permute strata?
+        if(control$blocks$type == "none") {
+            out <- 1:n
+        } else {
+            flip <- runif(1L) < 0.5
+            out <- pStrata(control$strata,
+                           type = control$blocks$type,
+                           mirror = control$blocks$mirror,
+                           flip = flip,
+                           nrow = control$blocks$nrow,
+                           ncol = control$blocks$ncol)
+        }
+        ## permute the samples within strata?
+        if(control$within$type != "none") {
+            tab <- table(control$strata[out])
+            ## the levels of the strata
+            inds <- names(tab)
+            ## same permutation within each level of strata?
+            if(control$within$constant) {
+                if(control$within$type == "free") {
+                    n <- unique(tab)[1L]
+                    same.rand <- pFree(n, n)
+                } else if(control$within$type == "series") {
+                    start <- pFree(n / length(inds), 1L)
+                    flip <- runif(1L) < 0.5
+                } else if(control$within$type == "grid") {
+                    start.row <- pFree(control$within$nrow, 1L)

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/vegan -r 1094

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