[Vegan-commits] r1388 - in branches/1.17: R inst man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Thu Dec 2 10:38:50 CET 2010

Author: jarioksa
Date: 2010-12-02 10:38:50 +0100 (Thu, 02 Dec 2010)
New Revision: 1388

merge most things up to r1385 except fitspecaccum & friends and ordiR2step to branches/1.17

Modified: branches/1.17/R/as.mlm.cca.R
--- branches/1.17/R/as.mlm.cca.R	2010-12-01 19:46:21 UTC (rev 1387)
+++ branches/1.17/R/as.mlm.cca.R	2010-12-02 09:38:50 UTC (rev 1388)
@@ -5,7 +5,10 @@
     wa <- x$CCA$wa
     wa <- sweep(wa, 1, sqrt(w), "*")
     X <- qr.X(x$CCA$QR)
-    colnames(X) <- colnames(X)[x$CCA$QR$pivot]
+    ## qr.X gives wrong column names now, and they are fixed here
+    ## (hopefully fixed in 2.12.1, but that's only a wish).
+    if (getRversion() <= "2.12.0")
+        colnames(X)[x$CCA$QR$pivot] <- colnames(X)
     lm(wa ~ . - 1, data = as.data.frame(X))

Modified: branches/1.17/R/as.mlm.rda.R
--- branches/1.17/R/as.mlm.rda.R	2010-12-01 19:46:21 UTC (rev 1387)
+++ branches/1.17/R/as.mlm.rda.R	2010-12-02 09:38:50 UTC (rev 1388)
@@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
     function (x) 
     X <- qr.X(x$CCA$QR)
-    colnames(X) <- colnames(X)[x$CCA$QR$pivot]
+    ## We hope that column names will be fixed in R 2.12.1 (but
+    ## perhaps in vain).
+    if (getRversion() <= "2.12.0")
+        colnames(X)[x$CCA$QR$pivot] <- colnames(X)
     lm(x$CCA$wa ~ . - 1, data = as.data.frame(X))

Modified: branches/1.17/R/capscale.R
--- branches/1.17/R/capscale.R	2010-12-01 19:46:21 UTC (rev 1387)
+++ branches/1.17/R/capscale.R	2010-12-02 09:38:50 UTC (rev 1388)
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
             names(negax) <- paste("NEG", seq_along(negax), sep="")
             sol$CA$eig <- c(sol$CA$eig, negax)
             sol$CA$imaginary.chi <- sum(negax)
-            sol$tot.chi <- sol$tot.chi + sol$CA$imaginary.chi
+            sol$tot.chi <- sol$tot.chi + abs(sol$CA$imaginary.chi)
             sol$CA$imaginary.rank <- length(negax)
             sol$CA$imaginary.u.eig <- X$negaxes

Modified: branches/1.17/R/eigenvals.R
--- branches/1.17/R/eigenvals.R	2010-12-01 19:46:21 UTC (rev 1387)
+++ branches/1.17/R/eigenvals.R	2010-12-02 09:38:50 UTC (rev 1388)
@@ -10,15 +10,19 @@
     function(x, ...)
     ## svd and eigen return unspecified 'list', see if this could be
-    ## either of them
+    ## either of them (like does cmdscale)
     out <- NA
     if (is.list(x)) {
         ## eigen
         if (length(x) == 2 && all(names(x) %in% c("values", "vectors")))
             out <- x$values
         ## svd: return squares of singular values
-        if (length(x) == 3 && all(names(x) %in% c("d", "u", "v")))
+        else if (length(x) == 3 && all(names(x) %in% c("d", "u", "v")))
             out <- x$d^2
+        ## cmdscale() will return all eigenvalues from R  2.12.1
+        else if (getRversion() > "2.12.0" &&
+                 all(c("points","eig","GOF") %in% names(x)))
+            out <- x$eig
     class(out) <- "eigenvals"
@@ -52,7 +56,7 @@
        out <- c(x$CCA$eig, x$CA$eig)
    if (!is.null(out))
-       class(out) <- c("eigenvals")
+       class(out) <- "eigenvals"
@@ -61,24 +65,35 @@
     function(x, ...)
     out <- x$eig
-    class(out) <-"eigenvals"
+    class(out) <- "eigenvals"
+## pcnm (in vegan)
+`eigenvals.pcnm` <-
+    function(x, ...)
+    out <- x$values
+    class(out) <- "eigenvals"
+    out
 `print.eigenvals` <-
     function(x, ...)
-    print(unclass(x), ...)
+    print(zapsmall(unclass(x), ...))
 `summary.eigenvals` <-
     function(object, ...)
-    vars <- object/sum(object)
+    ## abs(object) is to handle neg eigenvalues of wcmdscale and
+    ## capscale
+    vars <- object/sum(abs(object))
     importance <- rbind(`Eigenvalue` = object,
                         `Proportion Explained` = round(vars, 5),
-                        `Cumulative Proportion`= round(cumsum(vars), 5))
+                        `Cumulative Proportion`= round(cumsum(abs(vars)), 5))
     out <- list(importance = importance)
     class(out) <- c("summary.eigenvals", "summary.prcomp")

Modified: branches/1.17/R/fitted.procrustes.R
--- branches/1.17/R/fitted.procrustes.R	2010-12-01 19:46:21 UTC (rev 1387)
+++ branches/1.17/R/fitted.procrustes.R	2010-12-02 09:38:50 UTC (rev 1388)
@@ -1,8 +1,27 @@
-"fitted.procrustes" <-
+`fitted.procrustes` <-
   function(object, truemean = TRUE, ...)
   fit <- object$Yrot
   if (truemean)
-    fit <- sweep(fit, 2, object$translation, "+")
+    fit <- sweep(fit, 2, object$xmean, "+")
+## Like above, except when takes 'newata'
+`predict.procrustes` <-
+    function(object, newdata, truemean = TRUE, ...)
+    if (missing(newdata))
+        return(fitted(object, truemean = truemean))
+    if (object$symmetric)
+        stop(gettextf("'predict' not available for symmetric procrustes analysis with 'newdata'"))
+    Y <- as.matrix(newdata)
+    ## scaling and rotation
+    Y <- object$scale * Y %*% object$rotation
+    ## translation: always
+    Y <- sweep(Y, 2, object$translation, "+")
+    if (!truemean)
+        Y <- sweep(Y, 2, object$xmean, "-")
+    Y

Modified: branches/1.17/R/intersetcor.R
--- branches/1.17/R/intersetcor.R	2010-12-01 19:46:21 UTC (rev 1387)
+++ branches/1.17/R/intersetcor.R	2010-12-02 09:38:50 UTC (rev 1388)
@@ -7,5 +7,9 @@
         w <- object$rowsum
         wa <- sweep(object$CCA$wa, 1, sqrt(w), "*")
-    cor(qr.X(object$CCA$QR), wa)
+    X <- qr.X(object$CCA$QR)
+    ## current R (2.12.0) uses wrong column names in pivoted qr.X()
+    if (getRversion() <= "2.12.0")
+        colnames(X)[object$CCA$QR$pivot] <- colnames(X)
+    cor(X, wa)

Modified: branches/1.17/R/isomap.R
--- branches/1.17/R/isomap.R	2010-12-01 19:46:21 UTC (rev 1387)
+++ branches/1.17/R/isomap.R	2010-12-02 09:38:50 UTC (rev 1388)
@@ -3,6 +3,13 @@
     dist <- isomapdist(dist, ...)
     out <- cmdscale(dist, k=ndim, eig=TRUE)
+    ## some versions of cmdscale may return NaN points corresponding
+    ## to negative eigenvalues.
+    if ((naxes <- sum(out$eig > 0)) < ndim) {
+        out$points <- out$points[, seq(naxes), drop = FALSE]
+        warning(gettextf("isomap returns only %d axes with positive eigenvalues",
+                         naxes))
+    }
     npoints <- nrow(out$points)
     net <- matrix(FALSE, nrow=npoints, ncol=npoints)
     net[lower.tri(net)][attr(dist, "net")] <- TRUE 

Modified: branches/1.17/R/mantel.correlog.R
--- branches/1.17/R/mantel.correlog.R	2010-12-01 19:46:21 UTC (rev 1387)
+++ branches/1.17/R/mantel.correlog.R	2010-12-02 09:38:50 UTC (rev 1388)
@@ -1,155 +1,157 @@
-`mantel.correlog` <-
-    function(D.eco, D.geo=NULL, XY=NULL, n.class=0, break.pts=NULL,
-             cutoff=TRUE, r.type="pearson", nperm=999, mult="holm",
-             progressive=TRUE)
-    r.type <- match.arg(r.type, c("pearson", "spearman", "kendall"))
-    mult   <- match.arg(mult, c("sidak", p.adjust.methods))
-    epsilon <- .Machine$double.eps
-    D.eco <- as.matrix(D.eco)
-    ## Geographic distance matrix
-    if(!is.null(D.geo)) {
-	if(!is.null(XY))
-            stop("You provided both a geographic distance matrix and a list of site coordinates. Which one should the function use?")
-	D.geo <- as.matrix(D.geo)
-    } else {
-	if(is.null(XY)) {
+`mantel.correlog` <-
+    function(D.eco, D.geo=NULL, XY=NULL, n.class=0, break.pts=NULL,
+             cutoff=TRUE, r.type="pearson", nperm=999, mult="holm",
+             progressive=TRUE)
+    r.type <- match.arg(r.type, c("pearson", "spearman", "kendall"))
+    mult   <- match.arg(mult, c("sidak", p.adjust.methods))
+    epsilon <- .Machine$double.eps
+    D.eco <- as.matrix(D.eco)
+    ## Geographic distance matrix
+    if(!is.null(D.geo)) {
+	if(!is.null(XY))
+            stop("You provided both a geographic distance matrix and a list of site coordinates. Which one should the function use?")
+	D.geo <- as.matrix(D.geo)
+    } else {
+	if(is.null(XY)) {
             stop("You did not provide a geographic distance matrix nor a list of site coordinates")
-        } else {
-            D.geo <- as.matrix(dist(XY))
-        }
-    }
-    n <- nrow(D.geo)
-    if(n != nrow(D.eco))
-	stop("Numbers of objects in D.eco and D.geo are not equal")
-    n.dist <- n*(n-1)/2
-    vec.D <- as.vector(as.dist(D.geo))
-    vec.DD <- as.vector(D.geo)
-    ## Number of classes and breakpoints
-    if(!is.null(break.pts)) { 
-	## Use the list of break points
-	if(n.class > 0)
-            stop("You provided both a number of classes and a list of break points. Which one should the function use?")
-	n.class = length(break.pts) - 1 
-    } else {
-        ## No breakpoints have been provided: equal-width classes
-        if(n.class == 0) { 
+        } else {
+            D.geo <- as.matrix(dist(XY))
+        }
+    }
+    n <- nrow(D.geo)
+    if(n != nrow(D.eco))
+	stop("Numbers of objects in D.eco and D.geo are not equal")
+    n.dist <- n*(n-1)/2
+    vec.D <- as.vector(as.dist(D.geo))
+    vec.DD <- as.vector(D.geo)
+    ## Number of classes and breakpoints
+    if(!is.null(break.pts)) { 
+	## Use the list of break points
+	if(n.class > 0)
+            stop("You provided both a number of classes and a list of break points. Which one should the function use?")
+	n.class = length(break.pts) - 1 
+    } else {
+        ## No breakpoints have been provided: equal-width classes
+        if(n.class == 0) { 
             ## Use Sturges rule to determine the number of classes
             n.class <- ceiling(1 + log(n.dist, base=2))
-        }
-        ## Compute the breakpoints from n.class
-        start.pt <- min(vec.D)
-        end.pt <- max(vec.D)
-        width <- (end.pt - start.pt)/n.class
-        break.pts <- vector(length=n.class+1)
-        break.pts[n.class+1] <- end.pt
-        for(i in 1:n.class) 
-            break.pts[i] <- start.pt + width*(i-1) 
-    }
-    half.cl <- n.class %/% 2
-    ## Move the first breakpoint a little bit to the left
-    break.pts[1] <- break.pts[1] - epsilon   
-    ## Find the break points and the class indices
-    class.ind <- break.pts[1:n.class] +
-        (0.5*(break.pts[2:(n.class+1)]-break.pts[1:n.class]))
-    ## Create the matrix of distance classes
-    vec2 <- vector(length=n^2)
-    for(i in 1:n^2) 
-        vec2[i] <- min( which(break.pts >= vec.DD[i]) ) - 1 
-    ## Start assembling the vectors of results
-    class.index <- NA
-    n.dist <- NA
-    mantel.r <- NA
-    mantel.p <- NA
-    ## check.sums = matrix(NA,n.class,1)
-    ## Create a model-matrix for each distance class, then compute a Mantel test
-    for(k in 1:n.class) {
-	class.index <- c(class.index, class.ind[k])
-	vec3 <- rep(0, n*n)
-	sel <- which(vec2 == k)
-	vec3[sel] <- 1
-	mat.D2 <- matrix(vec3,n,n)
-	diag(mat.D2) <- 0
-	n.dis <- sum(mat.D2)
-	n.dist <- c(n.dist, n.dis)
-	if(n.dis == 0) {
-            mantel.r <- c(mantel.r, NA)
-            mantel.p <- c(mantel.p, NA)
-        } else {
-            row.sums <- apply(mat.D2, 1, sum)
-            ## check.sums[k,1] = length(which(row.sums == 0))
-            if((cutoff==FALSE) ||
-               !(cutoff==TRUE && k > half.cl && any(row.sums == 0))) {
-                temp <- mantel(mat.D2, D.eco, method=r.type, permutations=nperm)
-                mantel.r <- c(mantel.r, -temp$statistic)
-                temp.p <- temp$signif
-                if(temp$statistic >= 0) {
-                    temp.p <- ((temp.p*nperm)+1)/(nperm+1)
-                } else {
-                    temp.p <- (((1-temp.p)*nperm)+1)/(nperm+1)
-                }
-                mantel.p <- c(mantel.p, temp.p)
-            } else {
-                mantel.r <- c(mantel.r, NA)
-                mantel.p <- c(mantel.p, NA)
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    mantel.res <- cbind(class.index, n.dist, mantel.r, mantel.p)
-    mantel.res <- mantel.res[-1,]
-    ## Note: vector 'mantel.p' starts with a NA value
-    mantel.p <- mantel.p[-1]
-    n.tests <- length(which(!is.na(mantel.p)))
-    if(mult == "none") {
-	colnames(mantel.res) <-
-            c("class.index", "n.dist", "Mantel.cor", "Pr(Mantel)")
-    } else {	
-	## Correct P-values for multiple testing
-        if(progressive) {
-            p.corr <- mantel.p[1]
-            if(mult == "sidak") {
-                for(j in 2:n.tests) 
-                    p.corr <- c(p.corr, 1-(1-mantel.p[j])^j)
-            } else {
-                for(j in 2:n.tests) {
-                    temp <- p.adjust(mantel.p[1:j], method=mult)
-                    p.corr <- c(p.corr, temp[j])
-                }
-            }
-        } else {
-            ## Correct all p-values for 'n.tests' simultaneous tests
-            if(mult == "sidak") {
-                p.corr <- 1 - (1 - mantel.p[1:n.tests])^n.tests
-            } else {
-                p.corr <- p.adjust(mantel.p[1:n.tests], method=mult)
-            }
-        }
-	temp <- c(p.corr, rep(NA,(n.class-n.tests)))
-	mantel.res <- cbind(mantel.res, temp)
-	colnames(mantel.res) <-
-            c("class.index", "n.dist", "Mantel.cor", "Pr(Mantel)", "Pr(corrected)")
-    }
-    rownames(mantel.res) <-
-        rownames(mantel.res,do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "D.cl.")
-    ## Output the results
-    res <- list(mantel.res=mantel.res, n.class=n.class, break.pts=break.pts,
-                mult=mult, n.tests=n.tests, call=match.call() )
-    class(res) <- "mantel.correlog"
-    res
+        }
+        ## Compute the breakpoints from n.class
+        start.pt <- min(vec.D)
+        end.pt <- max(vec.D)
+        width <- (end.pt - start.pt)/n.class
+        break.pts <- vector(length=n.class+1)
+        break.pts[n.class+1] <- end.pt
+        for(i in 1:n.class) 
+            break.pts[i] <- start.pt + width*(i-1) 
+    }
+    half.cl <- n.class %/% 2
+    ## Move the first breakpoint a little bit to the left
+    break.pts[1] <- break.pts[1] - epsilon   
+    ## Find the break points and the class indices
+    class.ind <- break.pts[1:n.class] +
+        (0.5*(break.pts[2:(n.class+1)]-break.pts[1:n.class]))
+    ## Create the matrix of distance classes
+    vec2 <- vector(length=n^2)
+    for(i in 1:n^2) 
+        vec2[i] <- min( which(break.pts >= vec.DD[i]) ) - 1 
+    ## Start assembling the vectors of results
+    class.index <- NA
+    n.dist <- NA
+    mantel.r <- NA
+    mantel.p <- NA
+    ## check.sums = matrix(NA,n.class,1)
+    ## Create a model-matrix for each distance class, then compute a Mantel test
+    for(k in 1:n.class) {
+	class.index <- c(class.index, class.ind[k])
+	vec3 <- rep(0, n*n)
+	sel <- which(vec2 == k)
+	vec3[sel] <- 1
+	mat.D2 <- matrix(vec3,n,n)
+	diag(mat.D2) <- 0
+	n.dis <- sum(mat.D2)
+	n.dist <- c(n.dist, n.dis)
+	if(n.dis == 0) {
+            mantel.r <- c(mantel.r, NA)
+            mantel.p <- c(mantel.p, NA)
+        } else {
+            row.sums <- apply(mat.D2, 1, sum)
+            ## check.sums[k,1] = length(which(row.sums == 0))
+            if((cutoff==FALSE) ||
+               !(cutoff==TRUE && k > half.cl && any(row.sums == 0))) {
+                temp <- mantel(mat.D2, D.eco, method=r.type, permutations=nperm)
+                mantel.r <- c(mantel.r, -temp$statistic)
+                temp.p <- temp$signif
+                ## The mantel() function produces a one-tailed p-value
+                ## (H1: r>0) Here, compute a one-tailed p-value in
+                ## direction of the sign
+                if(temp$statistic < 0) {
+                    temp.p <- ((1-temp.p)*(nperm+1))/(nperm+1)
+                }
+                mantel.p <- c(mantel.p, temp.p)
+            } else {
+                mantel.r <- c(mantel.r, NA)
+                mantel.p <- c(mantel.p, NA)
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    mantel.res <- cbind(class.index, n.dist, mantel.r, mantel.p)
+    mantel.res <- mantel.res[-1,]
+    ## Note: vector 'mantel.p' starts with a NA value
+    mantel.p <- mantel.p[-1]
+    n.tests <- length(which(!is.na(mantel.p)))
+    if(mult == "none") {
+	colnames(mantel.res) <-
+            c("class.index", "n.dist", "Mantel.cor", "Pr(Mantel)")
+    } else {	
+	## Correct P-values for multiple testing
+        if(progressive) {
+            p.corr <- mantel.p[1]
+            if(mult == "sidak") {
+                for(j in 2:n.tests) 
+                    p.corr <- c(p.corr, 1-(1-mantel.p[j])^j)
+            } else {
+                for(j in 2:n.tests) {
+                    temp <- p.adjust(mantel.p[1:j], method=mult)
+                    p.corr <- c(p.corr, temp[j])
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            ## Correct all p-values for 'n.tests' simultaneous tests
+            if(mult == "sidak") {
+                p.corr <- 1 - (1 - mantel.p[1:n.tests])^n.tests
+            } else {
+                p.corr <- p.adjust(mantel.p[1:n.tests], method=mult)
+            }
+        }
+	temp <- c(p.corr, rep(NA,(n.class-n.tests)))
+	mantel.res <- cbind(mantel.res, temp)
+	colnames(mantel.res) <-
+            c("class.index", "n.dist", "Mantel.cor", "Pr(Mantel)", "Pr(corrected)")
+    }
+    rownames(mantel.res) <-
+        rownames(mantel.res,do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "D.cl.")
+    ## Output the results
+    res <- list(mantel.res=mantel.res, n.class=n.class, break.pts=break.pts,
+                mult=mult, n.tests=n.tests, call=match.call() )
+    class(res) <- "mantel.correlog"
+    res

Modified: branches/1.17/R/ordiParseFormula.R
--- branches/1.17/R/ordiParseFormula.R	2010-12-01 19:46:21 UTC (rev 1387)
+++ branches/1.17/R/ordiParseFormula.R	2010-12-02 09:38:50 UTC (rev 1388)
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
     flapart <- fla <- formula <- formula(Terms, width.cutoff = 500)
     specdata <- formula[[2]]
     X <- eval.parent(specdata, n = envdepth)
+    ## X is usually a matrix, but it is "dist" with capscale():
+    X <- as.matrix(X)
     indPartial <- attr(Terms, "specials")$Condition
     zmf <- ymf <- Y <- Z <- NULL
     formula[[2]] <- NULL

Modified: branches/1.17/R/pcnm.R
--- branches/1.17/R/pcnm.R	2010-12-01 19:46:21 UTC (rev 1387)
+++ branches/1.17/R/pcnm.R	2010-12-02 09:38:50 UTC (rev 1388)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"pcnm" <-
-    function(dis, threshold, w)
+`pcnm` <-
+    function(dis, threshold, w, dist.ret = FALSE)
     EPS <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
     wa.old <- options(warn = -1)
@@ -19,6 +19,11 @@
     res$vectors <- sweep(res$vectors, 2, sqrt(res$values[1:k]), "/")
     colnames(res$vectors) <- paste("PCNM", 1:k, sep="")
     res$threshold <- threshold
+    if (dist.ret) {
+        attr(dis, "method") <- paste(attr(dis, "method"), "pcnm")
+        attr(dis, "threshold") <- threshold
+        res$dist <- dis
+    }
     class(res) <- "pcnm"

Modified: branches/1.17/R/plot.prc.R
--- branches/1.17/R/plot.prc.R	2010-12-01 19:46:21 UTC (rev 1387)
+++ branches/1.17/R/plot.prc.R	2010-12-02 09:38:50 UTC (rev 1388)
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
-"plot.prc" <-
-    function (x, species = TRUE, select, scaling = 2, axis = 1, type = "l", 
-              xlab, ylab, ylim, lty = 1:5, col = 1:6, pch, legpos, cex = 0.8, 
-              ...) 
+`plot.prc` <-
+    function (x, species = TRUE, select, scaling = 3, axis = 1, type = "l",
+              xlab, ylab, ylim, lty = 1:5, col = 1:6, pch, legpos, cex = 0.8,
+              ...)
+    ## save level names before getting the summary
+    levs <- x$terminfo$xlev[[2]]
     x <- summary(x, scaling = scaling, axis = axis)
     oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
@@ -10,46 +12,45 @@
     xax <- rownames(b)
     if (missing(xlab)) 
         xlab <- x$names[1]
-    if (missing(ylab)) 
+    if (missing(ylab))
         ylab <- "Effect"
-    if (!missing(select)) 
+    if (!missing(select))
         x$sp <- x$sp[select]
-    if (missing(ylim)) 
-        ylim <- if (species) 
+    if (missing(ylim))
+        ylim <- if (species)
             range(b, x$sp, na.rm = TRUE)
         else range(b, na.rm = TRUE)
     if (species) {
         op <- par("mai")
-        mrg <- max(strwidth(names(x$sp), cex = cex, units = "in")) + 
+        mrg <- max(strwidth(names(x$sp), cex = cex, units = "in")) +
             strwidth("mmm", cex = cex, units = "in")
         par(mai = c(op[1:3], max(op[4], mrg)))
-    if (missing(pch)) 
+    if (missing(pch))
         pch <- as.character(1:nrow(b))
-    matplot(xax, b, type = type, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ylim = ylim, 
+    matplot(xax, b, type = type, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ylim = ylim,
             cex = cex, lty = lty, col = col, pch = pch, ...)
     abline(h = 0, col = "gray")
     if (species) {
-        linestack(x$sp, at = par("usr")[2], add = TRUE, hoff = 1, 
+        linestack(x$sp, at = par("usr")[2], add = TRUE, hoff = 1,
                   cex = cex, ...)
         rug(x$sp, side = 4)
     if (missing(legpos)) {
         holes <- abs(par("usr")[3:4] - range(b, na.rm = TRUE))
-        if (holes[1] > holes[2]) 
+        if (holes[1] > holes[2])
             legpos <- "bottomleft"
         else legpos <- "topleft"
     if (!is.na(legpos)) {
-        levs <- rownames(coef(x))
         nl <- length(levs)
         pp <- type %in% c("b", "p")
         pl <- type %in% c("b", "l")
-        if (length(lty) == 1) 
-            lty <- rep(lty, nl)
-        legend(legpos, legend = levs, col = col, lty = if (pl) 
-               lty[1:nl], pch = if (pp) 
-               pch, cex = cex, title = x$names[2])
+        if (length(lty) == 1)
+            lty <- rep(lty, nl-1)
+        legend(legpos, legend = levs, col = c("gray", col),
+               lty = if (pl) lty[c(1,1:(nl-1))],
+               pch = if (pp) pch, cex = cex, title = x$names[2])

Modified: branches/1.17/R/plot.procrustes.R
--- branches/1.17/R/plot.procrustes.R	2010-12-01 19:46:21 UTC (rev 1387)
+++ branches/1.17/R/plot.procrustes.R	2010-12-02 09:38:50 UTC (rev 1388)
@@ -1,9 +1,16 @@
 "plot.procrustes" <-
-    function (x, kind = 1, choices = c(1,2), xlab, ylab, main, ar.col = "blue", 
-          len = 0.05,  ...) 
+    function (x, kind = 1, choices = c(1,2), to.target = TRUE,
+              type = "p", xlab, ylab, main, ar.col = "blue",
+              len = 0.05, cex = 0.7,  ...) 
-    Yrot <- x$Yrot[, choices]
-    X <- x$X[, choices]
+    type <- match.arg(type, c("points", "text", "none"))
+    if (to.target) {
+        tails <- x$Yrot[, choices]
+        heads <- x$X[, choices]
+    } else {
+        tails <- x$X[, choices]
+        heads <- x$Yrot[, choices]
+    }
     if (missing(main)) 
         main <- "Procrustes errors"
     if (kind <= 1) {
@@ -12,12 +19,12 @@
             xlab <- paste("Dimension", choices[1])
         if (missing(ylab)) 
             ylab <- paste("Dimension", choices[2])
-        xrange <- range(Yrot[, 1], X[, 1])
-        yrange <- range(Yrot[, 2], X[, 2])
+        xrange <- range(tails[, 1], heads[, 1])
+        yrange <- range(tails[, 2], heads[, 2])
         plot(xrange, yrange, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main, 
-            type = "n", asp = 1, ...)
+             type = "n", asp = 1, ...)
         if (kind > 0) {
-	        abline(v = 0, lty = 2)
+            abline(v = 0, lty = 2)
             abline(h = 0, lty = 2)
             if (ncol(x$rotation) == 2) {
                 ## Draw rotated axes only if they visibly differ from
@@ -41,13 +48,18 @@
                     text(tmp[2,choices[1]], tmp[2,choices[2]], as.character(k))
-            points(Yrot, ...)
-            ow <- options(warn = -1)
-            arrows(Yrot[, 1], Yrot[, 2], X[, 1], X[, 2], col = ar.col, 
-                len = len, ...)
-            options(ow)
+            if (type != "none") {
+                ow <- options(warn = -1)
+                arrows(tails[, 1], tails[, 2], heads[, 1], heads[, 2],
+                       col = ar.col, len = len, ...)
+                options(ow)
+                if (type == "text" && !is.null(rownames(tails)))
+                    ordilabel(tails, cex = cex, ...)
+                else
+                    points(tails, cex = cex, ...)
+            }
-        out <- list(heads = X, points = Yrot)
+        out <- list(heads = heads, points = tails)
         class(out) <- "ordiplot"
     else if (kind == 2) {
@@ -58,7 +70,7 @@
         res <- residuals(x)
         q <- quantile(res)
         plot(res, type = "h", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main, 
-            ...)
+             ...)
         abline(h = q[2:4], lty = c(2, 1, 2))
         out <- list(sites = cbind(seq(along = res), res))
         class(out) <- "ordiplot"

Modified: branches/1.17/R/prc.R
--- branches/1.17/R/prc.R	2010-12-01 19:46:21 UTC (rev 1387)
+++ branches/1.17/R/prc.R	2010-12-02 09:38:50 UTC (rev 1388)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-"prc" <-
-    function (response, treatment, time, ...) 
+`prc`  <-
+    function (response, treatment, time, ...)
-    extras <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)$...
+    extras <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$...
     if (is.null(extras$data))
         data <- parent.frame()
@@ -9,15 +9,22 @@
     y <- deparse(substitute(response))
     x <- deparse(substitute(treatment))
     z <- deparse(substitute(time))
+    oldcon <- options(contrasts = c("contr.treatment", "contr.poly"))
+    on.exit(options(oldcon))
     fla <- as.formula(paste("~", x, "+", z))
-    mf <- model.frame(fla, data)
+    mf <- model.frame(fla, data, na.action = na.pass)
     if (!all(sapply(mf, is.factor)))
         stop(x, " and ", z, " must be factors")
-    if (any(sapply(mf, is.ordered))) 
+    if (any(sapply(mf, is.ordered)))
         stop(x, " or ", z, " cannot be ordered factors")
-    fla <- as.formula(paste(y, "~", z, "*", x, "+ Condition(", 
-                            z, ")"))
-    mod <- rda(fla, ...)
+    fla.zx <- as.formula(paste("~", z, ":", x))
+    fla.z <- as.formula(paste("~", z))
+    # delete first (control) level from the design matrix
+    X = model.matrix(fla.zx, mf)[,-c(seq_len(nlevels(time)+1))]
+    Z = model.matrix(fla.z, mf)[,-1]
+    mod <- rda(response ~ X + Condition(Z), ...)
+    mod$terminfo$xlev = list(levels(time), levels(treatment))
+    names(mod$terminfo$xlev) = c(paste(z), paste(x))
     mod$call <- match.call()
     class(mod) <- c("prc", class(mod))

Modified: branches/1.17/R/print.cca.R
--- branches/1.17/R/print.cca.R	2010-12-01 19:46:21 UTC (rev 1387)
+++ branches/1.17/R/print.cca.R	2010-12-02 09:38:50 UTC (rev 1388)
@@ -9,9 +9,10 @@
     chi <- c(x$tot.chi, x$pCCA$tot.chi, x$CCA$tot.chi, x$CA$tot.chi,
+    props <- abs(chi)/sum(abs(chi[-1]))
     rnk <- c(NA, x$pCCA$rank, x$CCA$rank, x$CA$rank, x$CA$imaginary.rank)
-    tbl <- cbind(chi, rnk)
-    colnames(tbl) <- c("Inertia", "Rank")
+    tbl <- cbind(chi, props, rnk)
+    colnames(tbl) <- c("Inertia", "Proportion", "Rank")
     rn <- c("Total", "Conditional", "Constrained", "Unconstrained",
     rownames(tbl) <- rn[c(TRUE, !is.null(x$pCCA), !is.null(x$CCA), 

Modified: branches/1.17/R/print.summary.prc.R
--- branches/1.17/R/print.summary.prc.R	2010-12-01 19:46:21 UTC (rev 1387)
+++ branches/1.17/R/print.summary.prc.R	2010-12-02 09:38:50 UTC (rev 1388)
@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
     cat(deparse(x$call), "\n")
     cat("Species scores:\n")
     print(x$sp, digits=x$digits, ...)
-    cat("\nCoefficients for", paste(x$names, collapse=":"), "interaction\n")
+    cat("\nCoefficients for",
+        paste(x$names[2], "+", paste(x$names, collapse=":")),
+        "interaction\n")
     cat(paste("which are contrasts to", x$names[2], x$corner, "\n"))
     cat(paste(c("rows are",", columns are"), x$names[2:1], collapse=""))

Modified: branches/1.17/R/procrustes.R
--- branches/1.17/R/procrustes.R	2010-12-01 19:46:21 UTC (rev 1387)
+++ branches/1.17/R/procrustes.R	2010-12-02 09:38:50 UTC (rev 1388)
@@ -29,10 +29,13 @@
         c <- sum(sol$d)/ctrace(Y)
     Yrot <- c * Y %*% A
-    b <- xmean - t(A %*% ymean)
+    ## Translation (b) needs scale (c) although Mardia et al. do not
+    ## have this. Reported by Christian Dudel.
+    b <- xmean - c * ymean %*% A
     R2 <- ctrace(X) + c * c * ctrace(Y) - 2 * c * sum(sol$d)
     reslt <- list(Yrot = Yrot, X = X, ss = R2, rotation = A, 
-                  translation = b, scale = c, symmetric = symmetric, call = match.call())
+                  translation = b, scale = c, xmean = xmean, 
+                  symmetric = symmetric, call = match.call())
     reslt$svd <- sol
     class(reslt) <- "procrustes"

Modified: branches/1.17/R/scores.rda.R
--- branches/1.17/R/scores.rda.R	2010-12-01 19:46:21 UTC (rev 1387)
+++ branches/1.17/R/scores.rda.R	2010-12-02 09:38:50 UTC (rev 1388)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"scores.rda" <-
+`scores.rda` <-
     function (x, choices = c(1, 2), display = c("sp", "wa", "cn"), 
               scaling = 2, const, ...) 
@@ -25,8 +25,18 @@
+    ## const multiplier of scores
     if (missing(const))
         const <- sqrt(sqrt((nr-1) * sumev))
+    ## canoco 3 compatibility -- canoco 4 is incompatible
+    ##else if (pmatch(const, "canoco")) {
+    ##    const <- (sqrt(nr-1), sqrt(nr))
+    ##}
+    ##
+    ## const[1] for species, const[2] for sites and friends
+    if (length(const) == 1) {
+        const <- c(const, const)
+    }
     rnk <- x$CCA$rank
     sol <- list()
     if ("species" %in% take) {
@@ -38,7 +48,7 @@
                 v <- sweep(v, 1, x$colsum, "/")
                 v <- v * sqrt(sumev / (nr - 1))
-            v <- const * v
+            v <- const[1] * v
         sol$species <- v
@@ -47,7 +57,7 @@
         if (scaling) {
             scal <- list(slam, 1, sqrt(slam))[[abs(scaling)]]
             wa <- sweep(wa, 2, scal, "*")
-            wa <- const * wa
+            wa <- const[2] * wa
         sol$sites <- wa
@@ -56,7 +66,7 @@
         if (scaling) {
             scal <- list(slam, 1, sqrt(slam))[[abs(scaling)]]
             u <- sweep(u, 2, scal, "*")
-            u <- const * u
+            u <- const[2] * u
         sol$constraints <- u
@@ -78,7 +88,7 @@
             if (scaling) {
                 scal <- list(slam, 1, sqrt(slam))[[abs(scaling)]]
                 cn <- sweep(cn, 2, scal, "*")
-                cn <- const * cn
+                cn <- const[2] * cn
             sol$centroids <- cn
@@ -93,6 +103,9 @@
     ## Only one type of scores: return a matrix instead of a list
     if (length(sol) == 1) 
         sol <- sol[[1]]
+    ## collapse const if both items identical
+    if (identical(const[1], const[2]))
+        const <- const[1]
     attr(sol, "const") <- const

Modified: branches/1.17/R/summary.prc.R
--- branches/1.17/R/summary.prc.R	2010-12-01 19:46:21 UTC (rev 1387)
+++ branches/1.17/R/summary.prc.R	2010-12-02 09:38:50 UTC (rev 1388)
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
-"summary.prc" <-
-    function (object, axis = 1, scaling = 2, digits = 4, ...) 
+`summary.prc` <-
+    function (object, axis = 1, scaling = 3, digits = 4, ...)
-    species <- drop(scores(object, scaling = scaling, display="sp", choices=axis))
-    b <- coef(object)[, axis]
+    sc = scores(object, scaling = scaling, display = c("sp", "lc"),
+                           choices=axis, ...)
+    ## coef for scaled sites (coef(object) gives for orthonormal)
+    b <- qr.coef(object$CCA$QR, sc$constraints)
     prnk <- object$pCCA$rank
     lentreat <- length(object$terminfo$xlev[[2]])
-    lenb <- length(b)
-    b <- b[-(1:(2 * prnk))]
-    bx <- b[1:(lentreat - 1)]
-    by <- b[lentreat:length(b)]
-    b <- cbind(bx, matrix(by, nrow = lentreat - 1, byrow = TRUE))
+    b = matrix(b[-(1:prnk)], nrow = lentreat-1, byrow = TRUE)
     rownames(b) <- (object$terminfo$xlev[[2]])[-1]
     colnames(b) <- object$terminfo$xlev[[1]]
-    out <- list(sp = species, coefficients = b, names = names(object$terminfo$xlev), 
-                corner = (object$terminfo$xlev[[2]])[1], call = object$call, 
-                digits = digits)
+    out <- list(sp = drop(sc$species), coefficients = b,
+                names = names(object$terminfo$xlev),
+                corner = (object$terminfo$xlev[[2]])[1],
+                call = object$call, digits = digits)
     class(out) <- "summary.prc"

Modified: branches/1.17/R/treedist.R
--- branches/1.17/R/treedist.R	2010-12-01 19:46:21 UTC (rev 1387)

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/vegan -r 1388

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