[Vegan-commits] r274 - in pkg: . R inst man

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Thu Mar 20 17:33:41 CET 2008

Author: gsimpson
Date: 2008-03-20 17:33:41 +0100 (Thu, 20 Mar 2008)
New Revision: 274

New function allPerms to return a complete enumeration of all possible permutations for a given scheme and number of observations

Modified: pkg/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/DESCRIPTION	2008-03-20 16:27:59 UTC (rev 273)
+++ pkg/DESCRIPTION	2008-03-20 16:33:41 UTC (rev 274)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Package: vegan
 Title: Community Ecology Package
-Version: 1.12-4
-Date: Mar 9, 2008
+Version: 1.12-5
+Date: Mar 20, 2008
 Author: Jari Oksanen, Roeland Kindt, Pierre Legendre, Bob O'Hara, Gavin L. Simpson, 
   M. Henry H. Stevens  
 Maintainer: Jari Oksanen <jari.oksanen at oulu.fi>

Added: pkg/R/allPerms.R
--- pkg/R/allPerms.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/allPerms.R	2008-03-20 16:33:41 UTC (rev 274)
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+`allPerms` <- function(n, control = permControl(), max = 9999,
+                       observed = FALSE) {
+    ## in-line functions
+    `all.free` <- function(n, v = 1:n) {
+	if( n == 1 ) {
+            matrix(v, 1, 1)
+        } else {
+            X <- NULL
+            for(i in 1:n)
+                X <- rbind(X, cbind(v[i],
+                                    Recall(n-1, v[-i])))
+            X
+        }
+    }
+    `all.series` <- function(n, control) {
+        v <- seq_len(n)
+        nperms <- numPerms(v, control = control)
+	X <- matrix(nrow = nperms, ncol = n)
+	for(i in v) {
+            X[i,] <- seq(i, length = n)%%n + 1
+	}
+        ## if mirroring, rev the cols of X[v,]
+        if(control$mirror)
+            X[(n+1):(2*n),] <- X[v, rev(v)]
+	X
+    }
+    `all.grid` <- function(n, control) {
+        v <- seq_len(n)
+        nperms <- numPerms(v, control)
+        nr <- control$nrow
+        nc <- control$ncol
+	X <- matrix(nrow = nperms, ncol = n)
+        idx <- 1
+        ## ncol == 2 is special case
+        if(control$ncol == 2) {
+            X <- all.series(n, permControl(type = "series",
+                                           mirror = control$mirror,
+                                           constant = control$constant)
+                            )
+        } else {
+            for(i in seq_len(nr)) {
+                for(j in seq_len(nc)) {
+                    ir <- seq(i, length = nr)%%nr
+                    ic <- seq(j, length = nc)%%nc
+                    ## block 1 - no reversals
+                    X[idx, ] <- rep(ic, each = nr) * nr +
+                        rep(ir, len = nr * nc) + 1
+                    if(control$mirror) {
+                        ## block 2 - rev rows but not columns
+                        X[idx + n, ] <- rep(ic, each = nr) * nr +
+                            rep(rev(ir), len = nr * nc) + 1
+                        ## block 3 - rev columns but not rows
+                        X[idx + (2*n), ] <- rep(rev(ic), each = nr) *
+                            nr + rep(ir, len = nr * nc) + 1
+                    }
+                    idx <- idx + 1
+                }
+            }
+            if(control$mirror) {
+                ## rev columns and rows
+                ## no calculations, just rev cols of block 1
+                v <- seq_len(n)
+                X[((3*n)+1):(4*n), ] <- X[v, rev(v)]
+            }
+        }
+        X
+    }
+    `all.strata` <- function(n, control) {#, nperms) {
+        v <- seq_len(n)
+        nperms <- numPerms(v, control)
+        lev <- length(levels(control$strata))
+        X <- matrix(nrow = nperms, ncol = length(control$strata))
+        perms <- all.free(lev)
+        sp <- split(v, control$strata)
+        for(i in seq_len(nrow(perms)))
+            X[i,] <- unname(do.call(c, sp[perms[i,]]))
+        X
+    }
+    ## recursive fun for perms within strata
+    bar <- function(mat, n) {
+        if(n == 1)
+            mat
+        else
+            mat <- rbind(mat, Recall(mat, n-1))
+        mat
+    }
+    ## start
+    v <- seq_len(n)
+    ## check permutation scheme and update control
+    pcheck <- permCheck(v, control = control)
+    control <- pcheck$control
+    ## get max number of permutations
+    ## originally had:
+    ##nperms <- numPerms(v, control = control)
+    ## but pcheck contains 'n', the result of call to numPerms
+    nperms <- pcheck$n
+    ## sanity check - don't let this run away to infinity
+    ## esp with type = "free"
+    if(nperms > max)
+        stop("Number of possible permutations too big (> 'max')")
+    type <- control$type
+    if(type != "strata" && !is.null(control$strata)) {
+        ## permuting within blocks
+        if(control$constant) {
+            ## same permutation in each block
+            v <- seq_len(n)
+            pg <- unique(table(control$strata))
+            control.wi <- permControl(type = control$type,
+                                      mirror = control$mirror,
+                                      nrow = control$nrow,
+                                      ncol = control$ncol)
+            nperm <- numPerms(v, control)
+            ord <- switch(control$type,
+                          free = all.free(pg),
+                          series = all.series(pg, control = control.wi),
+                          grid = all.grid(pg, control = control.wi))
+            perm.wi <- nrow(ord)
+            sp <- split(v, control$strata)
+            res <- matrix(nrow = nperm, ncol = n)
+            for(i in seq_len(perm.wi))
+                res[i,] <- sapply(sp, function(x) x[ord[i,]])
+        } else {
+            ## different permutations within blocks
+            ng <- length(levels(control$strata))
+            pg <- length(control$strata) / ng
+            control.wi <- permControl(type = control$type,
+                                      mirror = control$mirror,
+                                      nrow = control$nrow,
+                                      ncol = control$ncol)
+            ord <- switch(control$type,
+                          free = all.free(pg),
+                          series = all.series(pg, control = control.wi),
+                          grid = all.grid(pg, control = control.wi)
+                          )
+            perm.wi <- nrow(ord)
+            add <- seq(from = 0, by = pg, length.out = ng)
+            res <- vector(mode = "list", length = ng)
+            a <- 1
+            b <- nperms / perm.wi
+            for(i in seq_len(ng)) {
+                res[[i]] <- matrix(rep(bar(ord+add[i], a), each = b),
+                                   ncol = pg)
+                a <- a*perm.wi
+                b <- b/perm.wi
+            }
+            res <- do.call(cbind, res)
+        }
+    } else {
+        ## no blocks
+        res <- switch(type,
+                      free = all.free(n),
+                      series = all.series(n, control=control),
+                      grid = all.grid(n, control=control),
+                      strata = all.strata(n, control=control)
+                      )
+    }
+    ## some times storage.mode of res is numeric, sometimes
+    ## it is integer, set to "integer" for comparisons using
+    ## identical to match the observed ordering
+    storage.mode(res) <- "integer"
+    if(!observed) {
+        obs.row <- apply(res, 1, function(x, v) {identical(x, v)}, v)
+        res <- res[!obs.row, ]
+        ## reduce the number of permutations to get rid of the
+        ## observed ordering
+        control$nperm <- control$nperm - 1
+    }
+    class(res) <- "allPerms"
+    attr(res, "control") <- control
+    attr(res, "observed") <- observed
+    return(res)

Added: pkg/R/print.allPerms.R
--- pkg/R/print.allPerms.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/print.allPerms.R	2008-03-20 16:33:41 UTC (rev 274)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+`print.allPerms` <- function(x, ...) {
+    dims <- dim(x)
+    control <- attr(x, "control")
+    observed <- attr(x, "observed")
+    attributes(x) <- NULL
+    dim(x) <- dims
+    print(x)
+    return(invisible(x))

Added: pkg/R/print.summary.allPerms.R
--- pkg/R/print.summary.allPerms.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/print.summary.allPerms.R	2008-03-20 16:33:41 UTC (rev 274)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+`print.summary.allPerms` <- function(x, ...) {
+    dims <- dim(x)
+    control <- attr(x, "control")
+    observed <- attr(x, "observed")
+    attributes(x) <- NULL
+    dim(x) <- dims
+    cat("\n")
+    writeLines(strwrap("Complete enumeration of permutations\n",
+        prefix = "\t"))
+    cat("\nPermutation Scheme:\n")
+    print(control)
+    cat(paste("Contains observed ordering?:", ifelse(observed, "Yes", "No"),
+              "\n"))
+    cat("\nAll permutations:\n")
+    print(x)
+    return(invisible(x))

Added: pkg/R/summary.allPerms.R
--- pkg/R/summary.allPerms.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/summary.allPerms.R	2008-03-20 16:33:41 UTC (rev 274)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+`summary.allPerms` <- function(object, ...) {
+    class(object) <- "summary.allPerms"
+    object

Modified: pkg/inst/ChangeLog
--- pkg/inst/ChangeLog	2008-03-20 16:27:59 UTC (rev 273)
+++ pkg/inst/ChangeLog	2008-03-20 16:33:41 UTC (rev 274)
@@ -2,8 +2,14 @@
 VEGAN DEVEL VERSIONS at http://r-forge.r-project.org/
-Version 1.12-4 (opened Mar 9, 2008)
+Version 1.12-5 (opened Mar 20, 2008)
+	* allPerms: New function to enumerate all possible permutations
+	for a given permutation scheme and number of samples. Has 'print'
+	and 'summary' methods
+Version 1.12-4 (closed Mar 20, 2008)
 	* permDisper: Added pairwise comparisons of group dispersions 
 	via a classical t test and via permutation test, accessed via
 	new argument 'pairwise = TRUE'. 'permDisper' is now documented

Modified: pkg/man/permCheck.Rd
--- pkg/man/permCheck.Rd	2008-03-20 16:27:59 UTC (rev 273)
+++ pkg/man/permCheck.Rd	2008-03-20 16:33:41 UTC (rev 274)
@@ -8,14 +8,19 @@
-\title{Number of possible permutations and checking of permutation schemes}
+\title{Utility functions for permutation schemes}
   \code{permCheck} provides checking of permutation schemes for
   validity. \code{numPerms} calculates the maximum number of
   permutations possible under the current permutation
-  scheme. \code{getNumObs} is a utility function to return the number of
-  observations for a range of R and ordination objects.
+  scheme. \code{allPerms} enumerates all possible permutations for the
+  given scheme. \code{getNumObs} is a utility function to return the
+  number of observations for a range of R and ordination objects.
 permCheck(object, control = permControl())
@@ -24,6 +29,11 @@
 numPerms(object, control = permControl())
+allPerms(n, control = permControl(), max = 9999,
+         observed = FALSE)
+\method{summary}{allPerms}(object, \dots)
 getNumObs(object, \dots)
 \method{getNumObs}{default}(object, \dots)
@@ -41,11 +51,17 @@
   \item{control}{a list of control values describing properties of the
     permutation design, as returned by a call to
+  \item{n}{the number of observations.}
+  \item{max}{the maximum number of permutations, below which complete
+    enumeration will be attempted. See Details.}
+  \item{observed}{logical, should the observed ordering of samples be
+    returned as part of the complete enumeration? Default is
+    \code{FALSE} to facilitate usage in higher level functions.}
   \item{\dots}{arguments to other methods.}
-  \code{permCheck} and \code{numPerms} are utility functions for working
-  with the new permutation schemes available in
+  \code{permCheck}, \code{allPerms} and \code{numPerms} are utility
+  functions for working with the new permutation schemes available in
   \code{permCheck} is used to check the current permutation schemes
@@ -66,6 +82,23 @@
   than \code{control$minperm}, it is better to enumerate all possible
   permutations, and as such complete enumeration of all permutations is
   turned  on (\code{control$complete} is set to \code{TRUE}).
+  Function \code{allPerms} enumerates all possible permutations for the
+  number of observations and the selected permutation scheme. It has
+  \code{\link{print}} and \code{\link{summary}} methods. \code{allPerms}
+  returns a matrix containing all possible permutations, possibly
+  containing the observed ordering (if argument \code{observed} is
+  \code{TRUE}). The rows of this matrix are the various permutations and
+  the columns reflect the number of samples.
+  With free permutation designs, and restricted permutation schemes with
+  large numbers of observations, there are a potentially huge number of
+  possible permutations of the samples. It would be inefficient, not to
+  mention incredibly time consuming, to enumerate them all. Storing all
+  possible permutations would also become problematic in such cases. To
+  control this and guard against trying to evaluate too large a number
+  of permutations, if the number of possible permutations is larger than
+  \code{max}, \code{allPerms} exits with an error.
   For \code{permCheck} a list containing the maximum number of
@@ -79,17 +112,17 @@
-  Currently, complete enumeration is not implemented in
-  \code{\link{permuted.index2}}. \code{permCheck} sets complete
-  enumeration in the \code{control} component of the returned object
-  but this is not acted upon in the permutations.
-  \code{permCheck} does reduce the \code{nperm} and \code{maxperm}
-  components of the returned object to the maximum number of possible
-  permutations, and \code{\link{permuted.index2}} obeys these
-  directives.
+%  Currently, complete enumeration is not implemented in
+%  \code{\link{permuted.index2}}. \code{permCheck} sets complete
+%  enumeration in the \code{control} component of the returned object
+%  but this is not acted upon in the permutations.
+%  \code{permCheck} does reduce the \code{nperm} and \code{maxperm}
+%  components of the returned object to the maximum number of possible
+%  permutations, and \code{\link{permuted.index2}} obeys these
+%  directives.
 \author{Gavin Simpson}
 \seealso{\code{\link{permuted.index2}} and \code{\link{permControl}}.}
@@ -144,6 +177,22 @@
 vec4 <- permCheck(1:100, permControl(type = "series", mirror = TRUE))
 all.equal(vec4$n, 200)
+## enumerate all possible permutations
+fac <- gl(3,6)
+ctrl <- permControl(type = "grid", mirror = FALSE, strata = fac,
+                    constant = TRUE, nrow = 3, ncol = 2)
+numPerms(1:18, control = ctrl)
+(tmp <- allPerms(18, control = ctrl, observed = TRUE))
+(tmp2 <- allPerms(18, control = ctrl))
+## turn on mirroring
+ctrl$mirror <- TRUE
+numPerms(1:18, control = ctrl)
+(tmp3 <- allPerms(18, control = ctrl, observed = TRUE))
+(tmp4 <- allPerms(18, control = ctrl))
+## prints out details of the permutation scheme as
+## well as the matrix of permutations
 \keyword{ utilities }
 \keyword{ design }

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