[Vegan-commits] r470 - pkg/R

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Aug 12 09:47:57 CEST 2008

Author: psolymos
Date: 2008-08-12 09:47:57 +0200 (Tue, 12 Aug 2008)
New Revision: 470

permat cleanap -- original permat.R removed 
his line, and those below, will be ignored--

D    R/permat.R

Deleted: pkg/R/permat.R
--- pkg/R/permat.R	2008-08-12 07:24:32 UTC (rev 469)
+++ pkg/R/permat.R	2008-08-12 07:47:57 UTC (rev 470)
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-## permatfull function
-`permatfull` <-
-function(m, fixedmar="both", reg=NULL, hab=NULL, mtype="count", times=100)
-    if (!identical(all.equal(m, round(m)), TRUE))
-       stop("function accepts only integers (counts)")
-    mtype <- match.arg(mtype, c("prab", "count"))
-    count <- mtype == "count"
-    fixedmar <- match.arg(fixedmar, c("none", "rows", "columns", "both"))
-    m <- as.matrix(m)
-    n.row <- nrow(m)
-    n.col <- ncol(m)
-    if (mtype == "prab") m <- matrix(as.numeric(m > 0), n.row, n.col)
-    if (is.null(reg) && is.null(hab)) str <- as.factor(rep(1, n.row))
-    if (!is.null(reg) && is.null(hab)) str <- as.factor(reg)
-    if (is.null(reg) && !is.null(hab)) str <- as.factor(hab)
-    if (!is.null(reg) && !is.null(hab)) str <- interaction(reg, hab, drop=TRUE)
-    levels(str) <- 1:length(unique(str))
-    str <- as.numeric(str)
-    nstr <- length(unique(str))
-    if (any(tapply(str,list(str),length) == 1))
-        stop("strata should contain at least 2 observations")
-    perm <- list()
-    for (k in 1:times)
-        perm[[k]] <- matrix(0, n.row, n.col)
-    for (j in 1:nstr) {
-    id <- which(str == j)
-        if (fixedmar == "none")
-            for (i in 1:times)
-                if (count) perm[[i]][id,] <- matrix(sample(m[id,]), length(id), n.col)
-                else perm[[i]][id,] <- commsimulator(m[id,], method="r00")
-        if (fixedmar == "rows")
-            for (i in 1:times)
-                if (count) perm[[i]][id,] <- apply(m[id,], 2, sample)
-                else perm[[i]][id,] <- commsimulator(m[id,], method="r0")
-        if (fixedmar == "columns")
-            for (i in 1:times)
-                if (count) perm[[i]][id,] <- t(apply(m[id,], 1, sample))
-                else perm[[i]][id,] <- commsimulator(m[id,], method="c0")
-        if (fixedmar == "both")
-            for (i in 1:times)
-                if (count) perm[[i]][id,] <- r2dtable(1, apply(m[id,], 1, sum), apply(m[id,], 2, sum))[[1]]
-                else perm[[i]][id,] <- commsimulator(m[id,], method="quasiswap")
-        }
-    specs <- list(reg=reg, hab=hab)
-    out <- list(call=match.call(), orig=m, perm=perm, specs=specs)
-    attr(out, "mtype") <- mtype
-    attr(out, "ptype") <- "full"
-    attr(out, "fixedmar") <- fixedmar
-    attr(out, "times") <- times
-    class(out) <- c("permat", "list")
-    return(out)
-## permatswap function
-`permatswap` <-
-function(m, reg=NULL, hab=NULL, mtype="count", method="swap", times=100, burnin = 10000, thin = 1000)
-    if (!identical(all.equal(m, round(m)), TRUE))
-       stop("function accepts only integers (counts)")
-    mtype <- match.arg(mtype, c("prab", "count"))
-    count <- mtype == "count"
-    if (count) {
-        method <- match.arg(method, "swap")
-    } else {method <- match.arg(method, c("swap", "tswap"))}
-    m <- as.matrix(m)
-    n.row <- nrow(m)
-    n.col <- ncol(m)
-    if (mtype == "prab") m <- matrix(as.numeric(m > 0), n.row, n.col)
-    if (is.null(reg) && is.null(hab)) str <- as.factor(rep(1, n.row))
-    if (!is.null(reg) && is.null(hab)) str <- as.factor(reg)
-    if (is.null(reg) && !is.null(hab)) str <- as.factor(hab)
-    if (!is.null(reg) && !is.null(hab)) str <- interaction(reg, hab, drop=TRUE)
-    levels(str) <- 1:length(unique(str))
-    str <- as.numeric(str)
-    nstr <- length(unique(str))
-    if (any(tapply(str,list(str),length) == 1))
-        stop("strata should contain at least 2 observations")
-    perm <- list()
-    for (i in 1:times)
-        perm[[i]] <- matrix(0, n.row, n.col)
-    for (j in 1:nstr) {
-        id <- which(str == j)
-        temp <- m[id,]
-        if (count)
-            for (k in 1:burnin)
-                temp <- .C("swapcount", m = as.double(temp),
-                        as.integer(n.row), as.integer(n.col),
-                        as.integer(1), PACKAGE = "vegan")$m
-        else
-            for (k in 1:burnin)
-                temp <- commsimulator(temp, method=method)
-        for (i in 1:times) {
-            if (count)
-                perm[[i]][id,] <- .C("swapcount",
-                                  m = as.double(temp),
-                                  as.integer(n.row),
-                                  as.integer(n.col),
-                                  as.integer(thin),
-                                  PACKAGE = "vegan")$m
-	    else perm[[i]][id,] <- commsimulator(temp, method=method, thin=thin)
-            temp <- perm[[i]][id,]
-        }
-    }
-    specs <- list(reg=reg, hab=hab, burnin=burnin, thin=thin)
-    out <- list(call=match.call(), orig=m, perm=perm, specs=specs)
-    attr(out, "mtype") <- mtype
-    attr(out, "ptype") <- "swap"
-    attr(out, "fixedmar") <- "both"
-    attr(out, "times") <- times
-    class(out) <- c("permat", "list")
-    return(out)
-## S3 plot method for permat
-`plot.permat` <-
-function(x, ...)
-    n <- attr(x, "times")
-    bray <- numeric(n)
-    for (i in 1:n) bray[i] <- sum(abs(x$orig-x$perm[[i]]))/sum(x$orig+x$perm[[i]])
-    plot(bray,type="n",ylab="Bray-Curtis dissimilarity",xlab="Runs", ...)
-    lines(bray,col="red")
-    lines(lowess(bray),col="blue",lty=2)
-    title(sub=paste("(mean = ", substitute(z, list(z=round(mean(bray),3))), 
-        ", min = ", substitute(z, list(z=round(min(bray),3))),
-        ", max = ", substitute(z, list(z=round(max(bray),3))), ")", sep=""))
-    invisible(NULL)
-## S3 print method for permat
-`print.permat` <-
-function(x, digits=3, ...)
-    if (attr(x, "ptype") != "sar" & !is.null(x$specs$reg) | !is.null(x$specs$hab))
-        restr <- TRUE else restr <- FALSE
-    cat("Object of class 'permat'\n\nCall: ")
-    print(x$call)
-    cat("Matrix type:", attr(x, "mtype"), "\nPermutation type:", attr(x, "ptype"))
-    cat("\nRestricted:", restr, "\nFixed margins:", attr(x, "fixedmar"))
-    cat("\n\nMatrix dimensions:", nrow(x$orig), "rows,", ncol(x$orig), "columns")
-    cat("\nSum of original matrix:", sum(x$orig))
-    cat("\nFill of original matrix:", round(sum(x$orig>0)/(nrow(x$orig)*ncol(x$orig)),digits))
-    cat("\nNumber of permuted matrices:", attr(x, "times"),"\n")
-## S3 summary method for permat
-`summary.permat` <-
-function(object, ...)
-    x <- object
-    n <- attr(x, "times")
-    if (attr(x, "ptype") != "sar" && !is.null(x$specs$reg) || !is.null(x$specs$hab))
-        restr <- TRUE else restr <- FALSE
-    if (restr) {
-        if (!is.null(x$specs$reg) && is.null(x$specs$hab)) int <- x$specs$reg
-        if (is.null(x$specs$reg) && !is.null(x$specs$hab)) int <- x$specs$hab
-        if (!is.null(x$specs$reg) && !is.null(x$specs$hab))
-            int <- interaction(x$specs$reg, x$specs$hab, drop=TRUE)
-	nlev <- length(unique(int))        
-	ssum <- numeric(n)}
-    bray <- psum <- pfill <- vrow <- vcol <- numeric(n)
-    for (i in 1:n) {
-        bray[i] <- sum(abs(x$orig-x$perm[[i]]))/sum(x$orig+x$perm[[i]])
-        psum[i] <- sum(x$orig) == sum(x$perm[[i]])
-        pfill[i] <- sum(x$orig > 0) == sum(x$perm[[i]] > 0)
-        vrow[i] <- sum(rowSums(x$orig) == rowSums(x$perm[[i]])) == nrow(x$orig)
-        vcol[i] <- sum(colSums(x$orig) == colSums(x$perm[[i]])) == ncol(x$orig)
-        if (restr) ssum[i] <- {sum(rowSums(aggregate(x$orig,list(int),sum)[,-1]) ==
-            rowSums(aggregate(x$perm[[i]],list(int),sum)[,-1])) == nlev}
-        }
-    strsum <- if (restr) sum(ssum)/n else NA
-    test <- c(sum=sum(psum)/n, fill=sum(pfill)/n, rowsums=sum(vrow)/n, colsums=sum(vcol)/n, strsum=strsum)
-    x$perm <- NULL
-    out <- list(x=x, bray=bray, test=test, restr=restr)
-    class(out) <- c("summary.permat", "list")
-    return(out)
-## S3 print method for summary.permat
-`print.summary.permat` <-
-function(x, digits=2, ...)
-    bray <- x$bray
-    restr <- x$restr
-    test <- x$test
-    x <- x$x
-    cat("Summary of object of class 'permat'\n\nCall: ")
-    print(x$call)
-    cat("Matrix type:", attr(x, "mtype"), "\nPermutation type:", attr(x, "ptype"))
-    cat("\nRestricted:", restr, "\nFixed margins:", attr(x, "fixedmar"))
-    cat("\n\nMatrix dimensions:", nrow(x$orig), "rows,", ncol(x$orig), "columns")
-    cat("\nSum of original matrix:", sum(x$orig))
-    cat("\nFill of original matrix:", round(sum(x$orig>0)/(nrow(x$orig)*ncol(x$orig)),digits))
-    cat("\nNumber of permuted matrices:", attr(x, "times"),"\n")
-    cat("\nMatrix sums retained:", round(100*test[1], digits), "%")
-    cat("\nMatrix fill retained:", round(100*test[2], digits), "%")
-    cat("\nRow sums retained:   ", round(100*test[3], digits), "%")
-    cat("\nColumn sums retained:", round(100*test[4], digits), "%")
-    if (restr) cat("\nSums within strata retained:", round(100*test[5], digits), "%")
-    cat("\n\nBray-Curtis dissimilarities among original and permuted matrices:\n")
-    print(summary(bray))

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