[Uwgarp-commits] r221 - in pkg/GARPFRM: . R data demo man sandbox

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Sat Feb 7 18:16:00 CET 2015

Author: rossbennett34
Date: 2015-02-07 18:16:00 +0100 (Sat, 07 Feb 2015)
New Revision: 221

major cleanup of code and documentation for R CMD check

--- pkg/GARPFRM/NAMESPACE	2015-02-07 16:24:38 UTC (rev 220)
+++ pkg/GARPFRM/NAMESPACE	2015-02-07 17:16:00 UTC (rev 221)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Generated by roxygen2 (4.0.1): do not edit by hand
+# Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@

Modified: pkg/GARPFRM/R/discountFactorArbitrage.R
--- pkg/GARPFRM/R/discountFactorArbitrage.R	2015-02-07 16:24:38 UTC (rev 220)
+++ pkg/GARPFRM/R/discountFactorArbitrage.R	2015-02-07 17:16:00 UTC (rev 221)
@@ -1,285 +1,290 @@
-# Ch 6 Prices, Discount Factors, and Arbitrage (Law of one Price)
-# The Cash Flows from Fixed-Rate Government Coupon Bonds, Discount Faors, Law of One Price
-# Arbitrage opportunity: trade that generates profits without any chance of losing money.
-# If there is a deviation from the law of one price, there exists an arbitrage opportunity.
-# In order to estimate the discount factor for a particular term gives the value today, 
-# or the present alue of one unit of currency to be received at the end of that term.(Pg.129)
-#' Constructor for bond specification
-#' Created a bond object \code{bond.spec} with data for bond specification.
-#' @param time vector of sequence of coupon payments in years
-#' @param face face value of bond
-#' @param m compounding frequency
-#' @param couponRate rate the coupon pays
-#' @return a \code{bond} object with the bond data used for pricing
-#' @examples
-#' time = seq(from=0.5, to=2, by=0.5)
-#' bond = bondSpec(time, face=100, m=2, couponRate = 0.0475)
-#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
-#' @export
-bondSpec = function(time=seq(from=0.5,to=2,by=0.5), face=100, m=2, couponRate=0.01){
-  if(!all(diff(time) == (1/m))) stop("misspecification of sequence of time and compounding frequency")
-  bond = list()
-  bond$m = m
-  bond$couponRate = couponRate
-  bond$face = face
-  bond$time = time
-  class(bond) = c("bond.spec", "bond")
-  return(bond)
-#' To determine if user is specifying bond parameters correctly
-#' @param object a capm object created by \code{\link{bond.spec}}
-#' @author TF
-#' @export
-is.bond = function(object){
-  inherits(object, "bond.spec")
-#' Estimate price of bond
-#' This function calculates the price of a fixed rate coupon bond given the 
-#' discount curve and bond data. First it converts the discountCurve into CF
-#' @param bond a \code{bondSpec} object
-#' @param discountCurve vector of discount rates
-#' @return price of the bond
-#' @examples
-#' time = seq(from=0.5, to=2, by=0.5)
-#' bond = bondSpec(time, face=100, m=2, couponRate = 0.0475)
-#' DF = rbind(0.968,0.9407242,0.9031545,0.8739803)
-#' price = bondPrice(bond,DF)
-#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
-#' @export
-bondPrice = function(bond, discountCurve){
-  if(!is.bond(bond)) stop("bond must be an object of class 'bond'")
-  # Number of periods in discount curve
-  nDC <- length(discountCurve)
-  m <- bond$m
-  couponRate <- bond$couponRate
-  face <- bond$face
-  time <- bond$time
-  couponAmount <- face * couponRate / m
-  cashflows <- rep(couponAmount, nDC)
-  cashflows[nDC] <- couponAmount + face
-  price <- sum(cashflows * discountCurve)
-  return(price)
-#' Estimate discountFactor
-#' This function calculates the discountFactor (DF) given price 
-#' and cashFlows.
-#' @param price of a bond
-#' @param cashFlow of a bond
-#' @return discount factors
-#' @examples
-#' cashFlow = rbind(c(100+(1+1/4)/2,0,0),c((4 +7/8)/2,100+(4+7/8)/2,0),c((4+1/2)/2,(4+1/2)/2,100+(4+1/2)/2))
-#' # Created Price of the bond
-#' price = matrix(c(100.550, 104.513, 105.856), ncol=1)
-#' DF = discountFactor(price, cashFlow)
-#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
-#' @export
-discountFactor = function(price, cashFlow){
-  DF = solve(cashFlow) %*% price
-  return(DF)
-#' bondFullPrice
-#' Estimate price of bond w/ acrrued interest
-#' The present value of a bond's cash flows should be equated or 
-#' compared with its full price, with the amount a pruchaser actually 
-#' pays to purchase those cash flows. The flat price is p, accrued 
-#' interest is AI, the present value of the cash flows by PV, and the 
-#' full price by P: 
-#' P=p+AI=PV
-#' This function calculates the price of a fixed rate coupon bond given coupon rate, yield, 
-#' compoundPd, cashFlowPd, face value, previous coupon date, next coupon date.
-#' @param bond is a bondSpec object created by \code{\link{bondSpec}}
-#' @param yield is the yield on the bond
-#' @param cashFlowPd cash flow period
-#' @param t0 previous coupon date
-#' @param t1 next coupon period
-#' @param currentDate current date
-#' @examples
-#' t0 = as.Date("2013-08-15")
-#' t1 = as.Date("2014-02-15")
-#' tn = as.Date("2013-10-04")
-#' currentDate = tn
-#' bond = bondSpec(face=100, m=2, couponRate = 0.0475)
-#' y1 = 0.00961
-#' bondFullPrice(bond, y1, 8, t0, t1, tn)$clean
-#' bondFullPrice(bond, y1, 8, t0, t1, tn)$dirty
-#' bondFullPrice(bond, y1, 8, t0, t1, tn)$accruedInterest
-#' @return price of the bond: clean, dirty and accrued interest
-#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
-#' @export
-bondFullPrice = function(bond, yield, cashFlowPd, t0, t1, currentDate){
-  compoundPd = bond$m
-  face = bond$face
-  couponRate = bond$couponRate
-  # Apply a general dayCount (weekend included)
-  d1 = as.numeric(t1-currentDate)
-  d2 = as.numeric(t1-t0)
-  # Initialize
-  tmp = 0 
-  #Will go through the loop only if the number of cashFlow periods are at least 2
-  if (cashFlowPd > 1){
-    for(k in 1:(cashFlowPd-1)){
-      tmp = tmp + ((couponRate / compoundPd * face) / ((1 + yield/compoundPd)^k))
-    }
-  }
-  # Calculate dirty price based on partial periods formula
-  dirtyP = (1 / ((1 + yield / compoundPd)^(d1/d2))) * (couponRate / compoundPd * face + tmp + face / ((1 + yield/compoundPd)^(cashFlowPd-1)))
-  # Calculate accruedInterest
-  aiDays = as.numeric(currentDate-t0)
-  couponDays = as.numeric(t1-t0)
-  ai = couponRate / compoundPd * face * aiDays / couponDays
-  cleanP = dirtyP - ai
-  return(list(dirty=dirtyP, clean=cleanP, accruedInterest=ai))
-#' Estimate continuously conpounding rate to be used in term structure
-#' This function calculates the continuously compounding rate given an initial dataset 
-#' with specific format, date of reference coumpounding frequency, and face value
-#' @param dat is a dataset with cusip, issueDate, MaturityDate, Name, Coupon, Bid/Ask
-#' @param intialDate is the date when the estimation should be conducted: date of reference
-#' @param m compounding frequency
-#' @param face face value
-#' @return continuously compounding rates
-#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
-#' @export
-compoundingRate = function(dat, initialDate=as.Date("1995-05-15"), m, face=100){
-  # Convert the dates to a date class
-  dat[, "IssueDate"] = as.Date(dat[, "IssueDate"], format="%m/%d/%Y")
-  dat[, "MaturityDate"] = as.Date(dat[, "MaturityDate"], format="%m/%d/%Y")
-  # Convert the coupon column to a numeric
-  # Vector of prices
-  price = (dat[, "Bid"] + dat[, "Ask"]) / 2
-  # Generate cash flow dates for each bond
-  bondData = list()
-  for(i in 1:nrow(dat)){
-    maturityDate = dat[i, "MaturityDate"]
-    # Intialize a new list for every price, coupon, coupon date.
-    bondData[[i]] = list()
-    # Store price and the number of the coupon
-    bondData[[i]]$price = price[i]
-    bondData[[i]]$coupon = dat[i, "Coupon"]
-    # Remove initialDate
-    tmpSeq <- seq(from=initialDate, to=maturityDate, by="3 months")
-    bondData[[i]]$couponDates = tmpSeq[-1]
-    tmpDates = bondData[[i]]$couponDates
-    tmpCoupons = vector("numeric", length(tmpDates))
-    for(j in 1:length(tmpDates)){
-      tmpCoupons[j] = bondData[[i]]$coupon / m * face
-      if(j == length(tmpDates)){
-        tmpCoupons[j] = face + bondData[[i]]$coupon / m * face
-      }
-    }
-    bondData[[i]]$cashFlow = tmpCoupons
-  }
-  # Create a matrix of cash flows
-  CF = matrix(0, length(price), length(price))
-  # Populate the CF matrix
-  for(i in 1:nrow(CF)){
-    tmp = bondData[[i]]$cashFlow
-    index = 1:length(tmp)
-    CF[i, index] = tmp
-  }
-  # Utilize the discountFactor function
-  DF = discountFactor(price,CF)
-  dates = bondData[[nrow(dat)]]$couponDates
-  years = vector("numeric", length(dates))
-  for(i in 1:length(years)){
-    years[i] = (as.numeric(strftime(dates[i], "%Y")) + as.numeric(strftime(dates[i], "%m"))/12) - (as.numeric(strftime(initialDate, "%Y")) + as.numeric(strftime(initialDate, "%m"))/12)
-  }
-  # Calculate continuously compounded rates from discount factors
-  ccRate = vector("numeric", length(years))
-  for(i in 1:length(ccRate)){
-    ccRate[i] = - log(DF[i]) / years[i]
-  }
-  rate = list()
-  rate$years = years
-  rate$ccRate = ccRate 
-  return(rate)
-#' Estimate spot and forward rates
-#' This function calculates the forward or forward rates given an discount factors 
-#' and time increments
-#' @param time increments of time when discount factors are estimated
-#' @param DF discount factor for during time increments
-#' @examples 
-#' DF = c(0.996489, 0.991306, 0.984484, 0.975616, 0.964519)
-#' time = seq(from=0.5, to=2.5, by=0.5)
-#' rates = spotForwardRates(time,DF)
-#' rates
-#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
-#' @export
-spotForwardRates = function(time, DF){
-  if(length(time) != length(DF)) stop("both time and DF parameter need to be of the same length")
-spotRates = matrix(0,length(time),1)
-for(i in 1:(length(time))){
-  spotRates[i] = (2-2*DF[i]^(1/(2*time[i]))) / DF[i]^(1/(2*time[i]))
-forwardRates = matrix(0,length(time),1)
-forwardRates[1] = spotRates[1]
-for(j in 1:(length(time)-1)){
-  forwardRates[j+1] = (DF[j]/DF[j+1] - 1) *2
-rates = cbind(spotRates, forwardRates)
-colnames(rates)= cbind("Spot","Forward")
-### Modelling a Zero-Coupon Bond (ZCB)
-#' There are three main types of yield curve shapes: normal, inverted and flat (or humped)
-#' Estimate Vasicek zero-coupon bond to be used in term structure
-#' This function calculates the Vasicek Price given an initial data calibration 
-#' The function is a subfunction for yieldCurveVasicek
-#' @param r initial short rate
-#' @param k speed of reversion parameter
-#' @param theta long-term reversion yield
-#' @param sigma randomness parameter. Modelled after Brownan Motion
-#' @return t length of time modelled for
-#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
-#' @export
-vasicekPrice = function(r, k, theta, sigma, maturity){
-    mean = (1/k)*(1 - exp(-maturity*k)) 
-    variance = (theta - sigma^2/(2*k^2))*(maturity - mean) + (sigma^2)/(4*k)*mean^2
-    price = exp(-variance - mean*r)
-    return(price)
-  }
-#' Estimate Vasicek zero-coupon yield
-#' This function calculates the Vasicek yield given an initial data calibration 
-#' @param r initial short rate
-#' @param k speed of reversion parameter
-#' @param theta long-term reversion yield
-#' @param sigma randomness parameter. Modelled after Brownan Motion
-#' @return t length of time modelled for
-#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
-#' @export
-yieldCurveVasicek = function(r, k, theta, sigma, maturity){
-  n = length(r)
-  yield = matrix(0, maturity, n)
-  for(i in 1:n){
-    for(t in 1:maturity){
-      yield[t,i] = -log(vasicekPrice(r[i], k, theta, sigma, t))/t
-    }
-  }
-  return(yield)
+# Ch 6 Prices, Discount Factors, and Arbitrage (Law of one Price)
+# The Cash Flows from Fixed-Rate Government Coupon Bonds, Discount Faors, Law of One Price
+# Arbitrage opportunity: trade that generates profits without any chance of losing money.
+# If there is a deviation from the law of one price, there exists an arbitrage opportunity.
+# In order to estimate the discount factor for a particular term gives the value today, 
+# or the present alue of one unit of currency to be received at the end of that term.(Pg.129)
+#' Constructor for bond specification
+#' Create a bond specification.
+#' @param time vector of sequence of coupon payments in years
+#' @param face face value of bond
+#' @param m compounding frequency
+#' @param couponRate rate the coupon pays
+#' @return a \code{bond} object with the bond data used for pricing
+#' @examples
+#' time = seq(from=0.5, to=2, by=0.5)
+#' bond = bondSpec(time, face=100, m=2, couponRate = 0.0475)
+#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
+#' @export
+bondSpec = function(time=seq(from=0.5,to=2,by=0.5), face=100, m=2, couponRate=0.01){
+  if(!all(diff(time) == (1/m))) stop("misspecification of sequence of time and compounding frequency")
+  bond = list()
+  bond$m = m
+  bond$couponRate = couponRate
+  bond$face = face
+  bond$time = time
+  class(bond) = c("bond.spec", "bond")
+  return(bond)
+#' To determine if user is specifying bond parameters correctly
+#' @param object a bond specification object created by \code{\link{bondSpec}}
+#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
+#' @export
+is.bond = function(object){
+  inherits(object, "bond.spec")
+#' Estimate price of bond
+#' This function calculates the price of a fixed rate coupon bond given the 
+#' discount curve and bond data. First it converts the discountCurve into CF
+#' @param bond a \code{bondSpec} object
+#' @param discountCurve vector of discount rates
+#' @return price of the bond
+#' @examples
+#' time = seq(from=0.5, to=2, by=0.5)
+#' bond = bondSpec(time, face=100, m=2, couponRate = 0.0475)
+#' DF = rbind(0.968,0.9407242,0.9031545,0.8739803)
+#' price = bondPrice(bond,DF)
+#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
+#' @export
+bondPrice = function(bond, discountCurve){
+  if(!is.bond(bond)) stop("bond must be an object of class 'bond'")
+  # Number of periods in discount curve
+  nDC <- length(discountCurve)
+  m <- bond$m
+  couponRate <- bond$couponRate
+  face <- bond$face
+  time <- bond$time
+  couponAmount <- face * couponRate / m
+  cashflows <- rep(couponAmount, nDC)
+  cashflows[nDC] <- couponAmount + face
+  price <- sum(cashflows * discountCurve)
+  return(price)
+#' Estimate discountFactor
+#' This function calculates the discountFactor (DF) given price 
+#' and cashFlows.
+#' @param price of a bond
+#' @param cashFlow of a bond
+#' @return discount factors
+#' @examples
+#' cashFlow = rbind(c(100+(1+1/4)/2,0,0),c((4 +7/8)/2,100+(4+7/8)/2,0),c((4+1/2)/2,(4+1/2)/2,100+(4+1/2)/2))
+#' # Created Price of the bond
+#' price = matrix(c(100.550, 104.513, 105.856), ncol=1)
+#' DF = discountFactor(price, cashFlow)
+#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
+#' @export
+discountFactor = function(price, cashFlow){
+  DF = solve(cashFlow) %*% price
+  return(DF)
+#' bondFullPrice
+#' Estimate price of bond w/ acrrued interest
+#' The present value of a bond's cash flows should be equated or 
+#' compared with its full price, with the amount a purchaser actually 
+#' pays to purchase those cash flows. The flat price is denoted by p, accrued 
+#' interest is AI, the present value of the cash flows by PV, and the 
+#' full price by P: 
+#' P=p+AI=PV
+#' This function calculates the price of a fixed rate coupon bond given coupon rate, yield, 
+#' compoundPd, cashFlowPd, face value, previous coupon date, next coupon date.
+#' @param bond is a bondSpec object created by \code{\link{bondSpec}}
+#' @param yield is the yield on the bond
+#' @param cashFlowPd cash flow period
+#' @param t0 previous coupon date
+#' @param t1 next coupon period
+#' @param currentDate current date
+#' @examples
+#' t0 = as.Date("2013-08-15")
+#' t1 = as.Date("2014-02-15")
+#' tn = as.Date("2013-10-04")
+#' currentDate = tn
+#' bond = bondSpec(face=100, m=2, couponRate = 0.0475)
+#' y1 = 0.00961
+#' bondFullPrice(bond, y1, 8, t0, t1, tn)$clean
+#' bondFullPrice(bond, y1, 8, t0, t1, tn)$dirty
+#' bondFullPrice(bond, y1, 8, t0, t1, tn)$accruedInterest
+#' @return price of the bond: clean, dirty and accrued interest
+#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
+#' @export
+bondFullPrice = function(bond, yield, cashFlowPd, t0, t1, currentDate){
+  compoundPd = bond$m
+  face = bond$face
+  couponRate = bond$couponRate
+  # Apply a general dayCount (weekend included)
+  d1 = as.numeric(t1-currentDate)
+  d2 = as.numeric(t1-t0)
+  # Initialize
+  tmp = 0 
+  #Will go through the loop only if the number of cashFlow periods are at least 2
+  if (cashFlowPd > 1){
+    for(k in 1:(cashFlowPd-1)){
+      tmp = tmp + ((couponRate / compoundPd * face) / ((1 + yield/compoundPd)^k))
+    }
+  }
+  # Calculate dirty price based on partial periods formula
+  dirtyP = (1 / ((1 + yield / compoundPd)^(d1/d2))) * (couponRate / compoundPd * face + tmp + face / ((1 + yield/compoundPd)^(cashFlowPd-1)))
+  # Calculate accruedInterest
+  aiDays = as.numeric(currentDate-t0)
+  couponDays = as.numeric(t1-t0)
+  ai = couponRate / compoundPd * face * aiDays / couponDays
+  cleanP = dirtyP - ai
+  return(list(dirty=dirtyP, clean=cleanP, accruedInterest=ai))
+#' Estimate continuously conpounding rate to be used in term structure
+#' This function calculates the continuously compounding rate given an initial dataset 
+#' with specific format, date of reference coumpounding frequency, and face value
+#' @param dat is a dataset with cusip, issueDate, MaturityDate, Name, Coupon, Bid/Ask
+#' @param initialDate is the date when the estimation should be conducted: date of reference
+#' @param m compounding frequency
+#' @param face face value
+#' @return continuously compounding rates
+#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
+#' @export
+compoundingRate = function(dat, initialDate=as.Date("1995-05-15"), m, face=100){
+  # Convert the dates to a date class
+  dat[, "IssueDate"] = as.Date(dat[, "IssueDate"], format="%m/%d/%Y")
+  dat[, "MaturityDate"] = as.Date(dat[, "MaturityDate"], format="%m/%d/%Y")
+  # Convert the coupon column to a numeric
+  # Vector of prices
+  price = (dat[, "Bid"] + dat[, "Ask"]) / 2
+  # Generate cash flow dates for each bond
+  bondData = list()
+  for(i in 1:nrow(dat)){
+    maturityDate = dat[i, "MaturityDate"]
+    # Intialize a new list for every price, coupon, coupon date.
+    bondData[[i]] = list()
+    # Store price and the number of the coupon
+    bondData[[i]]$price = price[i]
+    bondData[[i]]$coupon = dat[i, "Coupon"]
+    # Remove initialDate
+    tmpSeq <- seq(from=initialDate, to=maturityDate, by="3 months")
+    bondData[[i]]$couponDates = tmpSeq[-1]
+    tmpDates = bondData[[i]]$couponDates
+    tmpCoupons = vector("numeric", length(tmpDates))
+    for(j in 1:length(tmpDates)){
+      tmpCoupons[j] = bondData[[i]]$coupon / m * face
+      if(j == length(tmpDates)){
+        tmpCoupons[j] = face + bondData[[i]]$coupon / m * face
+      }
+    }
+    bondData[[i]]$cashFlow = tmpCoupons
+  }
+  # Create a matrix of cash flows
+  CF = matrix(0, length(price), length(price))
+  # Populate the CF matrix
+  for(i in 1:nrow(CF)){
+    tmp = bondData[[i]]$cashFlow
+    index = 1:length(tmp)
+    CF[i, index] = tmp
+  }
+  # Utilize the discountFactor function
+  DF = discountFactor(price,CF)
+  dates = bondData[[nrow(dat)]]$couponDates
+  years = vector("numeric", length(dates))
+  for(i in 1:length(years)){
+    years[i] = (as.numeric(strftime(dates[i], "%Y")) + as.numeric(strftime(dates[i], "%m"))/12) - (as.numeric(strftime(initialDate, "%Y")) + as.numeric(strftime(initialDate, "%m"))/12)
+  }
+  # Calculate continuously compounded rates from discount factors
+  ccRate = vector("numeric", length(years))
+  for(i in 1:length(ccRate)){
+    ccRate[i] = - log(DF[i]) / years[i]
+  }
+  rate = list()
+  rate$years = years
+  rate$ccRate = ccRate 
+  return(rate)
+#' Estimate spot and forward rates
+#' This function calculates the forward or forward rates given an discount factors 
+#' and time increments
+#' @param time increments of time when discount factors are estimated
+#' @param DF discount factor for during time increments
+#' @examples 
+#' DF = c(0.996489, 0.991306, 0.984484, 0.975616, 0.964519)
+#' time = seq(from=0.5, to=2.5, by=0.5)
+#' rates = spotForwardRates(time,DF)
+#' rates
+#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
+#' @export
+spotForwardRates = function(time, DF){
+  if(length(time) != length(DF)) stop("both time and DF parameter need to be of the same length")
+  spotRates = matrix(0,length(time),1)
+  for(i in 1:(length(time))){
+    spotRates[i] = (2-2*DF[i]^(1/(2*time[i]))) / DF[i]^(1/(2*time[i]))
+  }
+  forwardRates = matrix(0,length(time),1)
+  forwardRates[1] = spotRates[1]
+  for(j in 1:(length(time)-1)){
+    forwardRates[j+1] = (DF[j]/DF[j+1] - 1) *2
+  }
+  rates = cbind(spotRates, forwardRates)
+  colnames(rates)= cbind("Spot","Forward")
+  return(rates)
+### Modelling a Zero-Coupon Bond (ZCB)
+#' There are three main types of yield curve shapes: normal, inverted and flat (or humped)
+#' Estimate Vasicek zero-coupon bond to be used in term structure
+#' This function calculates the Vasicek Price given an initial data calibration 
+#' The function is a subfunction for yieldCurveVasicek
+#' @param r initial short rate
+#' @param k speed of reversion parameter
+#' @param theta long-term reversion yield
+#' @param sigma randomness parameter. Modelled after Brownan Motion
+#' @param maturity maturity of the bond
+#' @return zero coupon bond price estimated from Vasicek model
+#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
+#' @export
+vasicekPrice = function(r, k, theta, sigma, maturity){
+    mean = (1/k)*(1 - exp(-maturity*k)) 
+    variance = (theta - sigma^2/(2*k^2))*(maturity - mean) + (sigma^2)/(4*k)*mean^2
+    price = exp(-variance - mean*r)
+    return(price)
+  }
+#' Estimate Vasicek zero-coupon yield
+#' This function calculates the Vasicek yield given an initial data calibration
+#' @param r initial short rate
+#' @param k speed of reversion parameter
+#' @param theta long-term reversion yield
+#' @param sigma randomness parameter. Modelled after Brownian Motion
+#' @param maturity maturity of the bond
+#' @return yield curve estimate from Vasicek model
+#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
+#' @export
+yieldCurveVasicek = function(r, k, theta, sigma, maturity){
+  n = length(r)
+  yield = matrix(0, maturity, n)
+  for(i in 1:n){
+    for(t in 1:maturity){
+      yield[t,i] = -log(vasicekPrice(r[i], k, theta, sigma, t))/t
+    }
+  }
+  return(yield)
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/GARPFRM/R/options.R
--- pkg/GARPFRM/R/options.R	2015-02-07 16:24:38 UTC (rev 220)
+++ pkg/GARPFRM/R/options.R	2015-02-07 17:16:00 UTC (rev 221)
@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@
 #' @param option an \code{option} object created with \code{\link{optionSpec}}
 #' @param method the method used to value the option
 #' @param N number of steps in binomial tree
+#' @param verbose TRUE/FALSE default FALSE. TRUE prints the node information 
+#' of the binomial tree
 #' @param \dots any other passthrough parameters
 #' @return the estimated value of the option
 #' @author Ross Bennett
@@ -415,6 +417,15 @@
 #' to maturity varies
 #' @param plot TRUE/FALSE to plot the greek value as the underlying price and/ time to maturity vary
 #' @param \dots passthrough parameters to \code{\link{plot}}
+#' @param S0 underlying asset price
+#' @param K strike price
+#' @param r risk free rate
+#' @param q continuous dividend yield rate for options on stocks or stock 
+#' indices paying a dividend. Also the foreign risk free rate for options on 
+#' currencies
+#' @param vol volatility of the underlying asset price
+#' @param ttm tmie to maturity, the life of the option, measured in years
+#' @param type type of the option; "call" or "put"
 #' @author Ross Bennett
 #' @examples
 #' euro.call <- optionSpec(style="european", type="call", S0=30, K=30, maturity=1, r=0.05, volatility=0.25, q=0)
@@ -428,6 +439,7 @@
 #' # Plotting
 #' computeGreeks(euro.call, "delta", prices = seq(20, 40, 1), plot = TRUE)
 #' computeGreeks(euro.call, "delta", maturities = seq(0.5, 0.01, -0.01), plot = TRUE)
+#' @aliases deltaBS, thetaBS, gammaBS, vegaBS, rhoBS
 #' @export
 computeGreeks <- function(option, 
                           greek=c("delta", "theta", "gamma", "rho", "vega"), 
@@ -507,6 +519,7 @@
+#' @name computeGreeks
 #' @export
 deltaBS <- function(S0, K, r, q, vol, ttm, type){
   d1 <- (log(S0 / K) + (r - q + (vol^2 / 2)) * ttm) / (vol * sqrt(ttm))
@@ -533,6 +546,7 @@
 #   return(delta)
 # }
+#' @name computeGreeks
 #' @export
 thetaBS <- function(S0, K, r, q, vol, ttm, type){
   d1 <- (log(S0 / K) + (r - q + (vol^2 / 2)) * ttm) / (vol * sqrt(ttm))
@@ -562,6 +576,7 @@
 #   return(theta)
 # }
+#' @name computeGreeks
 #' @export
 gammaBS <- function(S0, K, r, q, vol, ttm, type){
   d1 <- (log(S0 / K) + (r - q + (vol^2 / 2)) * ttm) / (vol * sqrt(ttm))
@@ -577,6 +592,7 @@
 # gamma.put <- gamma.call
+#' @name computeGreeks
 #' @export
 vegaBS <- function(S0, K, r, q, vol, ttm, type){
   d1 <- (log(S0 / K) + (r - q + (vol^2 / 2)) * ttm) / (vol * sqrt(ttm))
@@ -592,6 +608,7 @@
 # vega.put <- vega.call
+#' @name computeGreeks
 #' @export
 rhoBS <- function(S0, K, r, q, vol, ttm, type){
   d2 <- (log(S0 / K) + (r - q - (vol^2 / 2)) * ttm) / (vol * sqrt(ttm))
@@ -660,6 +677,31 @@
+#' Implied Volatility Bisection Method
+#' Bisection method to compute the implied volatility of a european option 
+#' using the Black-Scholes-Merton model.
+#' @details A bisection algorithm is used to compute the implied volatility
+#' of a European option priced with the Black-Scholes-Merton model
+#' @param vol_range c(lower, upper) the lower and upper bounds of the implied 
+#' volatility range to search
+#' @param S0 underlying asset price
+#' @param K strike price
+#' @param r risk free rate
+#' @param q continuous dividend yield rate for options on stocks or stock 
+#' indices paying a dividend. Also the foreign risk free rate for options on 
+#' currencies
+#' @param ttm time to maturity, the life of the option, measured in years
+#' @param P_mkt market price
+#' @param type type of the option; "call" or "put"
+#' @param tol tolerance used for stopping criteria
+#' @param max_it maximum number of iterations
+#' @return implied volatility estimate
+#' @author Ross Bennett
+#' @export
 impliedVolBS <- function(vol_range, S0, K, r, q, ttm, P_mkt, type, tol=.Machine$double.eps, max_it=200){
   # use bisection to compute the implied volatility
   # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bisection_method

Modified: pkg/GARPFRM/R/riskMetricsAndHedges.R
--- pkg/GARPFRM/R/riskMetricsAndHedges.R	2015-02-07 16:24:38 UTC (rev 220)
+++ pkg/GARPFRM/R/riskMetricsAndHedges.R	2015-02-07 17:16:00 UTC (rev 221)
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
    lines(x$loading[,3], col="red",lty=2)
    legend("topleft",legend=c("PCA1","PCA2","PCA3"),bty="n",lty=c(1,2,2),col=c("black","blue","red"), cex=0.8)
-     plot.zoo(pca$loading[,1:3], type="l", main = main, 
+     plot.zoo(x$loading[,1:3], type="l", main = main, 
           xlab="Maturity/Items", ...=...)
  }else if(ncol(x$loading) == 2){
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@
    lines(x$loading[,2], col="blue",lty=2)
    legend("topleft",legend=c("PCA1","PCA2"),bty="n",lty=c(1,2),col=c("black","blue"), cex=0.8)
-     plot.zoo(pca$loading[,1:2], type="l", main = main, 
+     plot.zoo(x$loading[,1:2], type="l", main = main, 
               xlab="Maturity/Items", ...=...)

Deleted: pkg/GARPFRM/data/.Rapp.history
--- pkg/GARPFRM/data/.Rapp.history	2015-02-07 16:24:38 UTC (rev 220)
+++ pkg/GARPFRM/data/.Rapp.history	2015-02-07 17:16:00 UTC (rev 221)
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@

Modified: pkg/GARPFRM/demo/00Index
--- pkg/GARPFRM/demo/00Index	2015-02-07 16:24:38 UTC (rev 220)
+++ pkg/GARPFRM/demo/00Index	2015-02-07 17:16:00 UTC (rev 221)
@@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
 backtest_VaR     demonstrate backtesting a Value at Risk model
 bootstrap     demonstrate applying the bootstrap method to various statistics
+DataAccess    demonstrate methods of accessing financial data
 demo_CAPM     demonstrate Capital Asset Pricing Model
 demo_EWMA_GARCH11     demonstrate fitting EWMA and GARCH models
 EWMA     demonstrate fitting an EWMA model to estimate volatility, covariance, and correlation for univariate and multivariate time series of returns
+EstimatingVolatilitiesCorrelation     R code from vignette on estimating volatilities and correlations
+Fixed     demonstrate functions fixed income analysis
 monte_carlo     demonstrate running a Monte Carlo simulation to simulate asset price paths
+MonteCarloMethods   R code from vignette on Monte Carlo methods vignette
+PerformanceMeasures     R code from Performance Measures vignette
+QuantifyingVolatilityVaRModels    R code from Quantifying Volatility and VaR models vignette
+QuantitativeAnalysisBasics    R code from Quantitative Analysis Basics vignette
+RiskMetricsAndHedges    R code from Risk Metrics and Hedges vignette
 univariate_GARCH     demonstrate fitting a GARCH model to estimate and forecast volatility for a univariate time series of returns

Deleted: pkg/GARPFRM/demo/CAPM_TF.R
--- pkg/GARPFRM/demo/CAPM_TF.R	2015-02-07 16:24:38 UTC (rev 220)
+++ pkg/GARPFRM/demo/CAPM_TF.R	2015-02-07 17:16:00 UTC (rev 221)
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# 'Load the GARPFRM package and CRSP dataset for CAPM analysis.
-# Standard Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) fitting and testing using CRSP data. 
-# Where CAPM describes the relationship between risk and expected return.
-stock.df <- largecap.ts[, 1:20]
-mrkt <- largecap.ts[, "market"]
-rfr <- largecap.ts[, "t90"]
-# Plot first four stocks from 
-plot.zoo(stock.df[,1:4], main="First Four Large Cap Returns")
-# Illustrate the type of data being analzyed: start-end dates.
-# Count the number of rows: sample size.
-# Excess Returns initialized before utilizing in CAPM
-exReturns <- Return.excess(stock.df, rfr)
-colnames(exReturns)= c(colnames(stock.df))
-# Univariate CAPM
-uv <- CAPM(exReturns[,1], mrkt)
-# Plot data with regression line
-mlm <- CAPM(exReturns[,1:3], mrkt)
-# Plot data with regression line
-# For uv example
-# Estimate CAPM with α = 0 & β = 1 for asset
-hypTest(uv, significanceLevel=0.05)
-# For mlm
-hypTest(mlm, significanceLevel=0.05)
-# The CAPM function can handle multiple assets at once, 
-# and will cycle through each asset one at a time and output the results.
-mlm <- CAPM(exReturns[,], mrkt)
-# Plot expected returns versus betas
-# Load FED consumption data: CONS
-# To illustate the power of the CAPM model 
-# test its relationship with explanatory variable con- sumption.
-# Convert to yearmon index and align consumption and mrkt
-consumption <- xts(consumption, as.yearmon(index(consumption)))
-mrkt <- xts(mrkt, as.yearmon(index(mrkt)))
-consumption <- consumption[index(mrkt)]
-capm.cons = CAPM(consumption, mrkt)
-# Plot data with regression line
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/GARPFRM/demo/DelineatingEfficientPortfolios.R
--- pkg/GARPFRM/demo/DelineatingEfficientPortfolios.R	2015-02-07 16:24:38 UTC (rev 220)
+++ pkg/GARPFRM/demo/DelineatingEfficientPortfolios.R	2015-02-07 17:16:00 UTC (rev 221)
@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
-opts_chunk$set(tidy=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.width=5, fig.height=5)
 # Colonel Motors expected return
 R_C <- 0.14
@@ -21,10 +18,10 @@
 # Create a vector of portfolio weights
 X_C <- seq(from=0, to=1, by=0.2)
-# Calculate the portfolio expected return (ρ = −1)
+# Calculate the portfolio expected return (rho = -1)
 R_P <- portReturnTwoAsset(R_C, R_S, X_C)
-# Calculate the portfolio standard deviation (ρ = 0)
+# Calculate the portfolio standard deviation (rho = 0)
 sigma_P <- portSDTwoAsset(R_C, R_S, X_C, sigma_C, sigma_S, rho)
 # Combine the portfolio returns and standard deviations in a data.frame object.
@@ -99,7 +96,7 @@
 minRisk(R_C, R_S, sigma_C, sigma_S, rho)
-# Correlation coefficient (ρ = 0.5)
+# Correlation coefficient (rho = 0.5)
 rho <- 0.5
 # Calculate the portfolio expected return
@@ -184,19 +181,13 @@
 # Estimated correlation between equity and bonds
 rho <- 0.45
 # Calculate the allocation and values for the minimum variance portfolio
 minRisk(R_SP, R_B, sigma_SP, sigma_B, rho)
 ef <- efficientFrontierTwoAsset(R_SP, R_B, sigma_SP, sigma_B, rho,

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/uwgarp -r 221

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