[Uwgarp-commits] r127 - in pkg/GARPFRM: R sandbox

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Sun Mar 23 05:13:36 CET 2014

Author: rossbennett34
Date: 2014-03-23 05:13:33 +0100 (Sun, 23 Mar 2014)
New Revision: 127

Adding functions for bootstrap

Added: pkg/GARPFRM/R/boot.R
--- pkg/GARPFRM/R/boot.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/GARPFRM/R/boot.R	2014-03-23 04:13:33 UTC (rev 127)
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+.bootFUN <- function(R, FUN="mean", ..., replications=1000, parallel=FALSE){
+  # R should be a univariate xts object
+  fun <- match.fun(FUN)
+  if(!is.function(fun)) stop("FUN could not be matched")
+  if(is.function(fun)){
+    .formals <- formals(fun)
+    # add the dots
+    .formals <- modify.args(formals=.formals, ...=..., dots=TRUE)
+    .formals$... <- NULL
+  }
+  # print(.formals)
+  replications <- as.integer(replications)
+  n <- nrow(R)
+  out <- vector("numeric", replications)
+  if(parallel){
+    stopifnot("package:foreach" %in% search() || require("foreach",quietly = TRUE))
+    out <- foreach(i=1:replications, .inorder=FALSE, .combine=c, .errorhandling='remove') %dopar% {
+      tmpR <- R[sample.int(n, replace=TRUE)]
+      # match the resampled data to R or x in .formals
+      if("R" %in% names(.formals)){ 
+        .formals <- modify.args(formals=.formals, arglist=NULL, R=tmpR, dots=TRUE)
+      } else if("x" %in% names(.formals)){ 
+        .formals <- modify.args(formals=.formals, arglist=NULL, x=tmpR, dots=TRUE)
+      }
+      do.call(fun, .formals)
+    }
+  } else {
+    for(i in 1:replications){
+      # sampled data
+      tmpR <- R[sample.int(n, replace=TRUE),]
+      # match the resampled data to R or x in .formals
+      if("R" %in% names(.formals)){ 
+        .formals <- modify.args(formals=.formals, arglist=NULL, R=tmpR, dots=TRUE)
+      } else if("x" %in% names(.formals)){ 
+        .formals <- modify.args(formals=.formals, arglist=NULL, x=tmpR, dots=TRUE)
+      }
+      # call the function
+      tmp <- try(do.call(fun, .formals), silent=TRUE)
+      # if try-error, stop the function call, else insert the resampled statistic
+      # to the output vector
+      if(inherits(tmp, "try-error")){
+        stop("FUN could not be evaluated")
+      } else {
+        out[i] <- tmp
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  # compute the expected value of the statistic on resampled data
+  mean(out)
+.bootMean <- function(R, ..., replications=1000, parallel=FALSE){
+  # R should be a univariate xts object
+  .bootFUN(R=R, FUN="mean", ...=..., replications=replications, parallel=parallel)
+bootMean <- function(R, ..., replications=1000, parallel=FALSE){
+  if(ncol(R) == 1){
+    tmp <- .bootMean(R=R, ...=..., replications=replications, parallel=parallel)
+  } else {
+    tmp <- vector("numeric", ncol(R))
+    for(i in 1:ncol(R)){
+      tmp[i] <- .bootMean(R=R[,i], ...=..., replications=replications, parallel=parallel)
+    }
+  }
+  out <- matrix(tmp, nrow=1, ncol=ncol(R))
+  rownames(out) <- "mean"
+  colnames(out) <- colnames(R)
+  return(out)
+.bootSD <- function(R, ..., replications=1000, parallel=FALSE){
+  # R should be a univariate xts object
+  .bootFUN(R=R, FUN="sd", ...=..., replications=replications, parallel=parallel)
+bootSD <- function(R, ..., replications=1000, parallel=FALSE){
+  if(ncol(R) == 1){
+    tmp <- .bootSD(R=R, ...=..., replications=replications, parallel=parallel)
+  } else {
+    tmp <- vector("numeric", ncol(R))
+    for(i in 1:ncol(R)){
+      tmp[i] <- .bootSD(R=R[,i], ...=..., replications=replications, parallel=parallel)
+    }
+  }
+  out <- matrix(tmp, nrow=1, ncol=ncol(R))
+  rownames(out) <- "sd"
+  colnames(out) <- colnames(R)
+  return(out)
+.bootStdDev <- function(R, ..., replications=1000, parallel=FALSE){
+  # R should be a univariate xts object
+  .bootFUN(R=R, FUN="StdDev", ...=..., replications=replications, parallel=parallel)
+bootStdDev <- function(R, ..., replications=1000, parallel=FALSE){
+  if(ncol(R) == 1){
+    tmp <- .bootStdDev(R=R, ...=..., replications=replications, parallel=parallel)
+  } else {
+    tmp <- vector("numeric", ncol(R))
+    for(i in 1:ncol(R)){
+      tmp[i] <- .bootStdDev(R=R[,i], ...=..., replications=replications, parallel=parallel)
+    }
+  }
+  out <- matrix(tmp, nrow=1, ncol=ncol(R))
+  rownames(out) <- "StdDev"
+  colnames(out) <- colnames(R)
+  return(out)
+tmpCor <- function(R){
+  # R should be a bivariate xts object
+  cor(x=R[,1], y=R[,2])
+.bootCor <- function(R, ..., replications=1000, parallel=FALSE){
+  # R should be a bivariate xts object
+  .bootFUN(R=R[,1:2], FUN="tmpCor", ...=..., replications=replications, parallel=parallel)
+bootCor <- function(R, ..., replications=1000, parallel=FALSE){
+  cnames <- colnames(R)
+  if(ncol(R) == 2){
+    tmp <- .bootCor(R=R, ...=..., replications=replications, parallel=parallel)
+    out_names <- paste(cnames[1], cnames[2], sep=".")
+    num_col <- 1
+  } else {
+    tmp <- vector("numeric", choose(ncol(R), 2))
+    out_names <- vector("numeric", length(tmp))
+    num_col <- length(tmp)
+    k <- 1
+    for(i in 1:(ncol(R)-1)){
+      for(j in (i+1):ncol(R)){
+        tmp[k] <- .bootCor(R=cbind(R[,i], R[,j]), ...=..., replications=replications, parallel=parallel)
+        out_names[k] <- paste(cnames[i], cnames[j], sep=".")
+        k <- k + 1
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  # out <- matrix(tmp, nrow=1, ncol=ncol(R))
+  out <- matrix(tmp, nrow=1, ncol=num_col)
+  rownames(out) <- "cor"
+  colnames(out) <- out_names
+  return(out)
+tmpCov <- function(R){
+  # R should be a bivariate xts object
+  cov(x=R[,1], y=R[,2])
+.bootCov <- function(R, ..., replications=1000, parallel=FALSE){
+  # R should be a bivariate xts object
+  .bootFUN(R=R[,1:2], FUN="tmpCov", ...=..., replications=replications, parallel=parallel)
+bootCov <- function(R, ..., replications=1000, parallel=FALSE){
+  cnames <- colnames(R)
+  if(ncol(R) == 2){
+    tmp <- .bootCov(R=R, ...=..., replications=replications, parallel=parallel)
+    out_names <- paste(cnames[1], cnames[2], sep=".")
+    num_col <- 1
+  } else {
+    tmp <- vector("numeric", choose(ncol(R), 2))
+    out_names <- vector("numeric", length(tmp))
+    num_col <- length(tmp)
+    k <- 1
+    for(i in 1:(ncol(R)-1)){
+      for(j in (i+1):ncol(R)){
+        tmp[k] <- .bootCov(R=cbind(R[,i], R[,j]), ...=..., replications=replications, parallel=parallel)
+        out_names[k] <- paste(cnames[i], cnames[j], sep=".")
+        k <- k + 1
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  # out <- matrix(tmp, nrow=1, ncol=ncol(R))
+  out <- matrix(tmp, nrow=1, ncol=num_col)
+  rownames(out) <- "cov"
+  colnames(out) <- out_names
+  return(out)
+.bootVaR <- function(R, ..., replications=1000, parallel=FALSE){
+  # R should be a univariate xts object
+  .bootFUN(R=R[,1], FUN="VaR", ...=..., replications=replications, parallel=parallel)
+bootVaR <- function(R, ..., replications=1000, parallel=FALSE){
+  if(ncol(R) == 1){
+    tmp <- .bootVaR(R=R, ...=..., replications=replications, parallel=parallel)
+  } else {
+    tmp <- vector("numeric", ncol(R))
+    for(i in 1:ncol(R)){
+      tmp[i] <- .bootVaR(R=R[,i], ...=..., replications=replications, parallel=parallel)
+    }
+  }
+  out <- matrix(tmp, nrow=1, ncol=ncol(R))
+  rownames(out) <- "VaR"
+  colnames(out) <- colnames(R)
+  return(out)
+.bootES <- function(R, ..., replications=1000, parallel=FALSE){
+  # R should be a univariate xts object
+  .bootFUN(R=R, FUN="ES", ...=..., replications=replications, parallel=parallel)
+bootES <- function(R, ..., replications=1000, parallel=FALSE){
+  if(ncol(R) == 1){
+    tmp <- .bootES(R=R, ...=..., replications=replications, parallel=parallel)
+  } else {
+    tmp <- vector("numeric", ncol(R))
+    for(i in 1:ncol(R)){
+      tmp[i] <- .bootES(R=R[,i], ...=..., replications=replications, parallel=parallel)
+    }
+  }
+  out <- matrix(tmp, nrow=1, ncol=ncol(R))
+  rownames(out) <- "ES"
+  colnames(out) <- colnames(R)
+  return(out)
+# .bootMean <- function(R, replications=1000){
+#   replications <- as.integer(replications)
+#   n <- length(R)
+#   out <- vector("numeric", replications)
+#   for(i in 1:replications){
+#     out[i] <- mean(R[sample.int(n, replace=TRUE)])
+#   }
+#   mean(out)
+# }

Added: pkg/GARPFRM/R/utils.R
--- pkg/GARPFRM/R/utils.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/GARPFRM/R/utils.R	2014-03-23 04:13:33 UTC (rev 127)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+modify.args <- function(formals, arglist, ..., dots=FALSE){
+  # modify.args function from quantstrat
+  # avoid evaluating '...' to make things faster
+  dots.names <- eval(substitute(alist(...)))
+  if(missing(arglist))
+    arglist <- NULL
+  arglist <- c(arglist, dots.names)
+  # see 'S Programming' p. 67 for this matching
+  # nothing to do if arglist is empty; return formals
+  if(!length(arglist))
+    return(formals)
+  argnames <- names(arglist)
+  if(!is.list(arglist) && !is.null(argnames) && !any(argnames == ""))
+    stop("'arglist' must be a *named* list, with no names == \"\"")
+  .formals  <- formals
+  onames <- names(.formals)
+  pm <- pmatch(argnames, onames, nomatch = 0L)
+  #if(any(pm == 0L))
+  #    message(paste("some arguments stored for", fun, "do not match"))
+  names(arglist[pm > 0L]) <- onames[pm]
+  .formals[pm] <- arglist[pm > 0L]
+  # include all elements from arglist if function formals contain '...'
+  if(dots && !is.null(.formals$...)) {
+    dotnames <- names(arglist[pm == 0L])
+    .formals[dotnames] <- arglist[dotnames]
+    #.formals$... <- NULL  # should we assume we matched them all?
+  }
+  .formals

Added: pkg/GARPFRM/sandbox/test_boot.R
--- pkg/GARPFRM/sandbox/test_boot.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/GARPFRM/sandbox/test_boot.R	2014-03-23 04:13:33 UTC (rev 127)
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# bootstrap
+R <- largecap_weekly[,1:4]
+R1 <- R[1:100,1]
+.bootFUN(R1, FUN="mean", replications=10000, parallel=FALSE)
+.bootFUN(R1, FUN="mean", replications=10000, parallel=TRUE)
+# bootstrap various statistics
+# mean
+# sd
+# StdDev
+# simpleVolatility
+# cor
+# cov
+# VaR
+bootVaR(R[,1], p=0.9, method="historical")
+bootVaR(R[,1], p=0.9, method="gaussian")
+bootVaR(R, p=0.9, method="historical")
+# ES
+bootES(R[,1], p=0.9, method="historical")
+bootES(R, p=0.9, method="historical")
+# maybe...
+# use bootstrapped returns to imply the prices
+# foo1 <- function(x){
+#   # Use sample.int and subset
+#   x[sample.int(length(x), replace=TRUE)]
+# }
+# foo2 <- function(x){
+#   # sample directly from the returns
+#   sample(x, length(x), replace=TRUE)
+# }
+# which is faster?
+# set.seed(123)
+# x <- rnorm(1e6)
+# rbenchmark::benchmark(foo1(R[,1]), foo2(R[,1]), replications=1e5)
+# foo1 is slightly faster
\ No newline at end of file

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