Dear TraMineR Users,<br><br>I am using the WeightedCluster library and have produced a graph of the stopping rule statistics that it provides through the wcKMedRange command. The code below produces a very useful plot, but the legend hides a portion of the graph. Does anyone know how I can move the existing legend to the top left corner and perhaps make it two columns instead of one?<br>
<br>Thanks,<br><br>Jeremy<br><br>pam1 <- wcKMedRange(diss4vs, kvals = 2:10, weights = aggbhps$aggWeights)<br>plot(pam1)<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>********************<br>Dr. Jeremy Reynolds<br>Associate Professor<br>Undergraduate Coordinator<br>
Department of Sociology<br>117 Baldwin Hall<br>University of Georgia<br>Athens, GA 30602-1611<br>Phone: <a href="tel:%28706%29%20583-8072" value="+17065838072" target="_blank">(706) 583-8072</a><br>Web: <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>
Fax: <a href="tel:%28706%29%20542-4320" value="+17065424320" target="_blank">(706) 542-4320</a>