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Dear Joel,<br>
I did it in a relatively exhausting and time consuming way! However,
this was my solution. I first opened the graphical device , than
defined with par the number of indexplots and the order
(mfrow=c(6,2)), i.e. i had two columns containing 6 plots each. Than
I defined a vector "pres" comprising the names of my plots. I
produced the plots using a loop (somewhat inefficient for R, I
guess). In this loop I am defining the title using the
"paste"-command as the respective item of the label vector "pres"
and the number of the people in my cluster ,sum(clus30m ==j). It is
important to not put apostrophs surrounding the latter because R
should evaluate it and paste in the number and not the string
"sum(clus30m ==j)". The whole thing is time consuming because you
have to look and arrange your plots beforehand. However, the result
of the syntax looks like P.33ff. of this working paper
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.diw.de/documents/publikationen/73/diw_01.c.372555.de/diw_sp0374.pdf">http://www.diw.de/documents/publikationen/73/diw_01.c.372555.de/diw_sp0374.pdf</a>.
I hope this helps.<br>
Here is my syntax:<br>
tiff("seqdplot30_MpraesI.tif", width=230, height=310, <br>
units = "mm", pointsize = 20, res=300,compression="none"<br>
par(mar=c(2,1,1,1), mfrow=c(6,2)) #mar: margin
pres <- c("High Service","Low to High Service","Skilled
Manual","Routine Service","Petty Bourgeoisie","Low Service",<br>
"Non-Manual","Unemployed","Unskilled Manual","Unskilled to
Skilled Manual","Skilled Manual to Low Service","Non-Working") <br>
#Sequence distribution plots<br>
for (j in c(1,6,7,4,5,3,9,8,12,2,11,10)) { <br>
seqdplot(dat30m[clus30m == j, ],withlegend=TRUE, cex.legend=3,
title=paste(pres[j],", n=",sum(clus30m ==j),sep=""),<br>
use.layout=FALSE, yaxis=FALSE, border="black", space=0,
axes= if (j==11 | j==10) ("bottom") else ("FALSE"),
xtlab=c(seq(30,44))) <br>
I have an additional question. Does anyone know how to get the plots
shaded or patterned instead of colored. For journals, it makes more
sense to have a certain state symbolized by a pattern for example
parallel stripes instead of having it displayed as green. I remember
that I could not figure out how to do this. I would be very
thankfull for any experience or info on that, whether a respective
package exists and whether it works with TraMineR. Again, thanks to
all who have contributed and contribute to that package!<br>
All the best,<br>
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">--
Florian Hertel
Institute of Sociology
Social Science Faculty (FB 8)
University of Bremen
Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS)
BIGSSS / University of Bremen
Wiener Straße
28359 Bremen
phone: ++49.(0)421.218-66419
mail : <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:fhertel@bigsss.uni-bremen.de">fhertel@bigsss.uni-bremen.de</a>
web : <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="http://www.bigsss-bremen.de/index.php?id=fhertel">www.bigsss-bremen.de/index.php?id=fhertel</a> </pre>
Am 19.07.2012 00:38, schrieb Joel Schwartz:
type="cite">Is there a way to add value labels to a TraMineR
sequence plot? My client would like each rectangular block of a
state distribution plot to be labeled with the number of subjects
in that block.
<div>If there's no pre-packaged way to do it, is there a way to
extract the coordinates and the numbers of subjects in each
rectangular block so that I can write a text() function to add
the value labels?</div>
<div>One other thing: In experimenting with adding text manually,
I noticed that I could only add text to the right third of the
plot. The plot area coordinate values seem to run from 0 to 1 on
the y-axis and from -10 to 2 on the x-axis. If I used an
x-coordinate less than -2, then no text was added to the plot.
Do you know why I couldn't add text to the right side? Also, the
x-coordinate values seem a bit odd. Why -12 to 2 (in jumps of 2)
for a graph with a sequence length of 7?</div>
<div>Thanks for your help.</div>
<div> </div>
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