Dear all,<br><br>I have a new question about the analysis of event sequences. I would like extracting association rules from my data as Nicolas Müller did in his paper entitled "Extraction de règles d’association séquentielle à l’aide de modèles semi-paramétriques à risques proportionnels". His way of presenting the results (hazard ratio with p-value from a Cox model) is very interesting and understandable for a large public. I succeeded in extracting association rules with the following R code :<br>
freq=seqefsub(data.seqe, pMinSupport = 0.05)<br>rules <- TraMineR:::seqerules(freq)<br>rules[order(rules$Lift, decreasing = TRUE)[1:10],]<br>but I do not know how to get HR and p-values (maybe I do not use the good fonction). Nicolas Müller wrote in his paper that his algorithm would be implemented in the TraMineR package. Maybe the fonction I am looking for is not available yet ?<br>
<br>Best regards,<br><br>Hugo<br>