[Tikzdevice-bugs] Tikzdevice-bugs post from viviannevilar at gmail.com requires approval

Charlie Sharpsteen chuck at sharpsteen.net
Sun Jul 4 23:09:14 CEST 2010

Hi Vivianne,

I'm glad you got the package installed!  However, that was one warning that
I noticed:

> install.packages( 'tikzDevice', repos='http://r-forge.r-project.org' )
Warning: dependency ‘filehash’ is not available

If you get strange errors or the tikzDevice package refuses to load, try

  install.packages( 'filehash' )

> To be honest, I don't even know how to use R yet. I spent the last 2 months
> on software (first TikZ, then Emacs) and switching from a PC to a mac, and I
> am supposed to be working on my PhD thesis, which is in Economics. So my
> supervisor told me to forget about R for now and do some "actual" work! I am
> stubborn and installed R, tried it just a little bit, but I can't really
> give it a real go at least for a bit. I am keen, though, and I will try to
> at least every now and then spend some time on it, and your package as you
> probably realise is on the top of my list.

R does have a bit of a learning curve but I am glad you are sticking with
it!  The R language is an incredibly powerful tool once you get the hang of

Besides the Introduction to
R<http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-intro.html> manual,
you may find this tutorial by Patrick Burns useful:

  *  Some Hints for the R

Also, the Quick-R and Learn R blogs have useful tidbits:

  * Quick-R: http://www.statmethods.net/

  * Learn R: http://learnr.wordpress.com/

These days Learn R seems to focus on producing neat graphics but there are
some good older posts concerning things such as reading data from Excel

And if you are really stuck with something and the R manual pages aren't
helping and Google isn't helping you can always ask questions on the R-users
mailing list.  I like to use Nabble as a nice interface to the list:

  *  http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/

Stack Overflow has also become a good place to get help with R questions,
along with questions concerning other programming languages:

  * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/r

We are also trying to start a Stack Overflow like site that focuses on
statistical methods as opposed to statistical software.  If you are
interested in using such a site, please support it's creation on Area 51:


  I hope these resources help- learning the R language is a worthwhile
investment.  Good luck with your PhD!


> Good luck with your build, and thanks again for the reply.
> Vivianne
> C-x M-c M-butterfly

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