[Stacomir-commits] r553 - pkg/stacomir/R

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Fri Oct 25 16:12:56 CEST 2019

Author: briand
Date: 2019-10-25 16:12:56 +0200 (Fri, 25 Oct 2019)
New Revision: 553

Now having just one month creates problems when calculating quantiles. Handled here !

Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/report_mig.R
--- pkg/stacomir/R/report_mig.R	2019-10-25 13:46:13 UTC (rev 552)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/report_mig.R	2019-10-25 14:12:56 UTC (rev 553)
@@ -628,8 +628,7 @@
 	  dc=as.numeric(report_mig at dc@dc_selectionne)[1]
 	  data=report_mig at calcdata[[stringr::str_c("dc_",dc)]][["data"]]
 		# keep one line if there is one species in one day with as much up as down...
-		if (nrow(data)>1)
-	  data=data[data$Effectif_total!=0,]
+		if (nrow(data)>1) 	  data=data[data$Effectif_total!=0,]
 	  col_a_retirer=col_a_retirer[!is.na(col_a_retirer)] # as in the case of glass eel and weight
@@ -643,7 +642,7 @@
 	  }else {data$coe_valeur_coefficient<-NA}
-	  data[,-cannotbenull][data[,-cannotbenull]==0]<-NA
+		if (nrow(data)>1) data[,-cannotbenull][data[,-cannotbenull]==0]<-NA
 	  annee<-as.numeric(unique(strftime(as.POSIXlt(report_mig at time.sequence),"%Y"))[1])
 	  if ("Poids_total"%in%colnames(data)){

Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/report_mig_interannual.R
--- pkg/stacomir/R/report_mig_interannual.R	2019-10-25 13:46:13 UTC (rev 552)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/report_mig_interannual.R	2019-10-25 14:12:56 UTC (rev 553)
@@ -28,34 +28,34 @@
 #' @aliases report_mig_interannual
 #' @export
-		representation(
-			dc="ref_dc",
-			taxa="ref_taxa",
-			stage="ref_stage",
-			data="data.frame",
-			start_year="ref_year",
-			end_year="ref_year",
-			calcdata="list"
-		),
-	prototype=prototype(dc=new("ref_dc"),
-		taxa=new("ref_taxa"),
-		stage=new("ref_stage"),
-		data=data.frame(),
-		start_year=new("ref_year"),
-		end_year=new("ref_year"),
-		calcdata=list()				
-	)
+				representation(
+						dc="ref_dc",
+						taxa="ref_taxa",
+						stage="ref_stage",
+						data="data.frame",
+						start_year="ref_year",
+						end_year="ref_year",
+						calcdata="list"
+				),
+		prototype=prototype(dc=new("ref_dc"),
+				taxa=new("ref_taxa"),
+				stage=new("ref_stage"),
+				data=data.frame(),
+				start_year=new("ref_year"),
+				end_year=new("ref_year"),
+				calcdata=list()				
+		)
-	{
-	  # if more than one taxa, the connect method will fail when trying to run the write_database for missing data
-	  # also plots have not been developed accordingly
-	  rep1=ifelse(length(object at taxa@data$tax_code)==1,TRUE,gettext("report_mig_interannual can only take one taxa", domain="R-stacomiR"))
-	  # same for stage
-	  rep2=ifelse(length(object at stage@data$std_code)==1,TRUE,gettext("report_mig_interannual can only take one stage", domain="R-stacomiR"))
-	  # multiple DC are allowed
-	  return(ifelse(rep1 & rep2 , TRUE ,c(1:2)[!c(rep1, rep2)]))
-	}   
+		{
+			# if more than one taxa, the connect method will fail when trying to run the write_database for missing data
+			# also plots have not been developed accordingly
+			rep1=ifelse(length(object at taxa@data$tax_code)==1,TRUE,gettext("report_mig_interannual can only take one taxa", domain="R-stacomiR"))
+			# same for stage
+			rep2=ifelse(length(object at stage@data$std_code)==1,TRUE,gettext("report_mig_interannual can only take one stage", domain="R-stacomiR"))
+			# multiple DC are allowed
+			return(ifelse(rep1 & rep2 , TRUE ,c(1:2)[!c(rep1, rep2)]))
+		}   
@@ -76,118 +76,118 @@
 #' @aliases connect.report_mig_interannual
 #' @export
-	definition=function(object,silent=FALSE,check=TRUE)
-	{ 
-	  # object<-r_mig_interannual 
-	  # object<-bmi_cha
-	  # object<-bmi_des
-	  # object<-r_mig_interannual_vichy
-	  # require(dplyr); require(ggplot2)
-	  #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	  # this function will be run several times if missing data or mismatching data are found
-	  # later in the script (hence the encapsulation)
-	  #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	  fn_connect<-function(){
-		les_annees = (object at start_year@annee_selectionnee):(object at end_year@annee_selectionnee)
-		tax = object at taxa@data$tax_code
-		std = object at stage@data$std_code
-		dic= object at dc@dc_selectionne
-		requete=new("RequeteODBCwhere")
-		requete at baseODBC<-get("baseODBC",envir=envir_stacomi)
-		requete at where=paste("WHERE bjo_annee IN ",vector_to_listsql(les_annees)," AND bjo_tax_code='",tax,"' AND bjo_std_code='",std,"' AND bjo_dis_identifiant in",vector_to_listsql(dic),sep="")
-		requete at select=paste("SELECT * FROM ",rlang::env_get(envir_stacomi, "sch"),"t_bilanmigrationjournalier_bjo",sep="")
-		requete at order_by=" ORDER BY bjo_jour "
-		requete<-stacomirtools::connect(requete)
-		data<- stacomirtools::killfactor(requete at query)
-	  }
-	  object at data<-fn_connect()
-		if (nrow(object at data)==0) {
-			funout(gettextf("No data in table t_bilanmigrationjournalier_bjo",domain="R-StacomiR"))
-			check=TRUE
-		}
-	  #browser()
-	  if (check){
-		#----------------------------------------------------------------------
-		# Loading a report Annuel to compare numbers
-		#----------------------------------------------------------------------
-		report_annual<-as(object,"report_annual")
-		report_annual<-connect(report_annual)
-		#----------------------------------------------------------------------
-		# MAIN LOOP, there can be several dic
-		#----------------------------------------------------------------------
-		dic<-object at dc@dc_selectionne
-		for (i in 1:length(dic)){
-		  #i=1
-		  ############################################
-		  # function creating a table to compare actual counts with those stored in
-		  # in the t_reportjournalier_bjo table
-		  ###########################################
-		  #==========================================
-		fn_check<-function(){
-			data1<-report_annual at data[report_annual at data$ope_dic_identifiant==dic[i],c("effectif","annee")] 
-			# data from report_migInterannuel
-			data2<-object at data[object at data$bjo_dis_identifiant==dic[i],]
-			data21<-dplyr::select(data2,bjo_annee,bjo_valeur,bjo_labelquantite)
-			data22<-dplyr::group_by(data21,bjo_annee,bjo_labelquantite)
-			if (nrow(data22)==0) data22$bjo_valeur <- as.numeric(data22$bjo_valeur)
-			data23<-dplyr::summarize(data22,total=sum(bjo_valeur))
-			data24<-dplyr::filter(dplyr::ungroup(data23),bjo_labelquantite=="Effectif_total")
-			data24<-dplyr::select(data24,bjo_annee,total)
-			data24<-dplyr::rename(data24,annee=bjo_annee,effectif_bjo=total)
-			data124<-merge(data1,data24,all.x=TRUE,all.y=TRUE,by="annee")
-			return(data124)
-		  }
-		  #==========================================
-		  # table with 3 columns : annee; effectif; effectif_bjo
-		  compared_numbers<-fn_check()
-		  # as we have changed the report_annual to split data between years
-		  # some unwanted data might step in outside the year range
-		  # we correct for that
-		  compared_numbers<- compared_numbers[
-			  compared_numbers$annee>=object at start_year@annee_selectionnee&
-				  compared_numbers$annee<=object at end_year@annee_selectionnee,]
+		definition=function(object,silent=FALSE,check=TRUE)
+		{ 
+			# object<-r_mig_interannual 
+			# object<-bmi_cha
+			# object<-bmi_des
+			# object<-r_mig_interannual_vichy
+			# require(dplyr); require(ggplot2)
+			#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+			# this function will be run several times if missing data or mismatching data are found
+			# later in the script (hence the encapsulation)
+			#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+			fn_connect<-function(){
+				les_annees = (object at start_year@annee_selectionnee):(object at end_year@annee_selectionnee)
+				tax = object at taxa@data$tax_code
+				std = object at stage@data$std_code
+				dic= object at dc@dc_selectionne
+				requete=new("RequeteODBCwhere")
+				requete at baseODBC<-get("baseODBC",envir=envir_stacomi)
+				requete at where=paste("WHERE bjo_annee IN ",vector_to_listsql(les_annees)," AND bjo_tax_code='",tax,"' AND bjo_std_code='",std,"' AND bjo_dis_identifiant in",vector_to_listsql(dic),sep="")
+				requete at select=paste("SELECT * FROM ",rlang::env_get(envir_stacomi, "sch"),"t_bilanmigrationjournalier_bjo",sep="")
+				requete at order_by=" ORDER BY bjo_jour "
+				requete<-stacomirtools::connect(requete)
+				data<- stacomirtools::killfactor(requete at query)
+			}
+			object at data<-fn_connect()
+			if (nrow(object at data)==0) {
+				funout(gettextf("No data in table t_bilanmigrationjournalier_bjo",domain="R-StacomiR"))
+				check=TRUE
+			}
+			#browser()
+			if (check){
+				#----------------------------------------------------------------------
+				# Loading a report Annuel to compare numbers
+				#----------------------------------------------------------------------
+				report_annual<-as(object,"report_annual")
+				report_annual<-connect(report_annual)
+				#----------------------------------------------------------------------
+				# MAIN LOOP, there can be several dic
+				#----------------------------------------------------------------------
+				dic<-object at dc@dc_selectionne
+				for (i in 1:length(dic)){
+					#i=1
+					############################################
+					# function creating a table to compare actual counts with those stored in
+					# in the t_reportjournalier_bjo table
+					###########################################
+					#==========================================
+					fn_check<-function(){
+						data1<-report_annual at data[report_annual at data$ope_dic_identifiant==dic[i],c("effectif","annee")] 
+						# data from report_migInterannuel
+						data2<-object at data[object at data$bjo_dis_identifiant==dic[i],]
+						data21<-dplyr::select(data2,bjo_annee,bjo_valeur,bjo_labelquantite)
+						data22<-dplyr::group_by(data21,bjo_annee,bjo_labelquantite)
+						if (nrow(data22)==0) data22$bjo_valeur <- as.numeric(data22$bjo_valeur)
+						data23<-dplyr::summarize(data22,total=sum(bjo_valeur))
+						data24<-dplyr::filter(dplyr::ungroup(data23),bjo_labelquantite=="Effectif_total")
+						data24<-dplyr::select(data24,bjo_annee,total)
+						data24<-dplyr::rename(data24,annee=bjo_annee,effectif_bjo=total)
+						data124<-merge(data1,data24,all.x=TRUE,all.y=TRUE,by="annee")
+						return(data124)
+					}
+					#==========================================
+					# table with 3 columns : annee; effectif; effectif_bjo
+					compared_numbers<-fn_check()
+					# as we have changed the report_annual to split data between years
+					# some unwanted data might step in outside the year range
+					# we correct for that
+					compared_numbers<- compared_numbers[
+							compared_numbers$annee>=object at start_year@annee_selectionnee&
+									compared_numbers$annee<=object at end_year@annee_selectionnee,]
 # First test, if missing data, the program will propose to load the data by running report_mig
 # when data are missing, NA appear in the effectif_bjo column
-          if (any(is.na(compared_numbers$effectif_bjo))){
-	        index_missing_years<-which(is.na(compared_numbers$effectif_bjo))
-	        missing_years<-compared_numbers$annee[index_missing_years]
-	        if (! silent & length(dic)>1) funout(gettextf("DC with missing values : %s ",dic[i],domain="R-StacomiR"))
-	        if (! silent) funout(gettextf("Years with no value : %s ",stringr::str_c(missing_years,collapse="; "),domain="R-StacomiR"))
-	        if (! silent) funout(gettextf("Some years are missing in the t_reportjournalier_bjo table, loading them now !",domain="R-StacomiR"))
-	        for (y in 1:length(missing_years)){
-		      Y<-missing_years[y]
-		      bM=new("report_mig")
-		      if (!silent) funout(gettextf("Running report_mig for year %s",Y,domain="R-StacomiR"))
-		      bM=choice_c(bM,
-				  dc=dic[i],
-				  taxa=object at taxa@data$tax_nom_latin,
-				  stage=object at stage@data$std_code,
-				  datedebut=stringr::str_c(Y,"-01-01"),
-				  datefin=stringr::str_c(Y,"-12-31"))
-		      bM<-charge(bM,silent=silent)
-		      bM<-connect(bM,silent=silent)
-		      bM<-calcule(bM,silent=silent)
-		      if (nrow(bM at data)>0 ){
-			    # below the argument check_for_bjo is necessary
-			    # as the write database method from report_mig 
-			    # uses the connect method from report_mig_interannual and the
-			    # program runs in endless loops...
-			    write_database(bM,silent=silent,check_for_bjo=FALSE)
-		      }
-	        } # end for loop to write new reports
-	        # reloading everything
-	        object at data<-fn_connect()			
-	        compared_numbers<-fn_check()
-          } # end if any...
+					if (any(is.na(compared_numbers$effectif_bjo))){
+						index_missing_years<-which(is.na(compared_numbers$effectif_bjo))
+						missing_years<-compared_numbers$annee[index_missing_years]
+						if (! silent & length(dic)>1) funout(gettextf("DC with missing values : %s ",dic[i],domain="R-StacomiR"))
+						if (! silent) funout(gettextf("Years with no value : %s ",stringr::str_c(missing_years,collapse="; "),domain="R-StacomiR"))
+						if (! silent) funout(gettextf("Some years are missing in the t_reportjournalier_bjo table, loading them now !",domain="R-StacomiR"))
+						for (y in 1:length(missing_years)){
+							Y<-missing_years[y]
+							bM=new("report_mig")
+							if (!silent) funout(gettextf("Running report_mig for year %s",Y,domain="R-StacomiR"))
+							bM=choice_c(bM,
+									dc=dic[i],
+									taxa=object at taxa@data$tax_nom_latin,
+									stage=object at stage@data$std_code,
+									datedebut=stringr::str_c(Y,"-01-01"),
+									datefin=stringr::str_c(Y,"-12-31"))
+							bM<-charge(bM,silent=silent)
+							bM<-connect(bM,silent=silent)
+							bM<-calcule(bM,silent=silent)
+							if (nrow(bM at data)>0 ){
+								# below the argument check_for_bjo is necessary
+								# as the write database method from report_mig 
+								# uses the connect method from report_mig_interannual and the
+								# program runs in endless loops...
+								write_database(bM,silent=silent,check_for_bjo=FALSE)
+							}
+						} # end for loop to write new reports
+						# reloading everything
+						object at data<-fn_connect()			
+						compared_numbers<-fn_check()
+					} # end if any...
 # Second test, for existing report with different numbers, again the data will be witten again
 # if the previous test failed, and user confirmed that there was a problem
@@ -195,74 +195,74 @@
 # this test will only be run if the stage is not glass eel, for glass eels it does not make sense
 # as some of the "effectif_total" in the bjo table correspond to weights not counts.
-          if (object at taxa@data$tax_code==2038 & object at stage@data$std_code=="CIV"){
-	        if (! silent) funout(gettext("For glass eel it is not possible to check that data are up to date",domain="R-StacomiR"))
-          } else if (!all(compared_numbers$effectif==compared_numbers$effectif_bjo)){
-	        index_different_years<-which(round(compared_numbers$effectif)!=round(compared_numbers$effectif_bjo))
-	        differing_years<-compared_numbers$annee[index_different_years]
-	        if (! silent) funout(gettextf("Years with values differing between t_reportjournalier_bjo and report_annual : %s ",stringr::str_c(differing_years,collapse="; "),domain="R-StacomiR"))
-	        #==================================
-	        reload_years_with_error=function(h,...){	
-		      bM=new("report_mig")
-		      for (Y in differing_years){
-			    # Y=differing_years[1]
-			    funout(gettextf("Running report_mig to correct data for year %s",Y))
-			    bM=choice_c(bM,
-					dc=dic[i],
-					taxa=object at taxa@data$tax_nom_latin,
-					stage=object at stage@data$std_code,
-					datedebut=stringr::str_c(Y,"-01-01"),
-					datefin=stringr::str_c(Y,"-12-31"))
-			    bM<-charge(bM,silent=silent)
-			    bM<-connect(bM,silent=silent)
-			    bM<-calcule(bM,silent=silent)
-			    if (nrow(bM at data)>0 ){
-				  # check for bjo will ensure that previous report are deleted
-				  write_database(bM,silent=silent,check_for_bjo=TRUE)
-			    }
-		      } # end for loop to write new reports
-		      # the data are loaded again
-		      object at data<-fn_connect()
-		      # I need to assign the result one step up (in the environment of the connect function)
-		      assign("object",object,envir=parent.frame(n=1))
-	        } # end h confirm function
-	        #==================================
-	        if (!silent){
-		      choice2<-gWidgets::gconfirm(gettextf("Some data differ between t_reportjournalier_bjo table, this means that they have been changed after the last report_mig was run,  
-						  do you want to load them again for calculation ?",domain="R-StacomiR"),
-				  handler=reload_years_with_error)
-	        } else {
-		      reload_years_with_error(h=NULL)
-	        }
-          } # secondary check
-        } # end for
-      } # end check
+					if (object at taxa@data$tax_code==2038 & object at stage@data$std_code=="CIV"){
+						if (! silent) funout(gettext("For glass eel it is not possible to check that data are up to date",domain="R-StacomiR"))
+					} else if (!all(compared_numbers$effectif==compared_numbers$effectif_bjo)){
+						index_different_years<-which(round(compared_numbers$effectif)!=round(compared_numbers$effectif_bjo))
+						differing_years<-compared_numbers$annee[index_different_years]
+						if (! silent) funout(gettextf("Years with values differing between t_reportjournalier_bjo and report_annual : %s ",stringr::str_c(differing_years,collapse="; "),domain="R-StacomiR"))
+						#==================================
+						reload_years_with_error=function(h,...){	
+							bM=new("report_mig")
+							for (Y in differing_years){
+								# Y=differing_years[1]
+								funout(gettextf("Running report_mig to correct data for year %s",Y))
+								bM=choice_c(bM,
+										dc=dic[i],
+										taxa=object at taxa@data$tax_nom_latin,
+										stage=object at stage@data$std_code,
+										datedebut=stringr::str_c(Y,"-01-01"),
+										datefin=stringr::str_c(Y,"-12-31"))
+								bM<-charge(bM,silent=silent)
+								bM<-connect(bM,silent=silent)
+								bM<-calcule(bM,silent=silent)
+								if (nrow(bM at data)>0 ){
+									# check for bjo will ensure that previous report are deleted
+									write_database(bM,silent=silent,check_for_bjo=TRUE)
+								}
+							} # end for loop to write new reports
+							# the data are loaded again
+							object at data<-fn_connect()
+							# I need to assign the result one step up (in the environment of the connect function)
+							assign("object",object,envir=parent.frame(n=1))
+						} # end h confirm function
+						#==================================
+						if (!silent){
+							choice2<-gWidgets::gconfirm(gettextf("Some data differ between t_reportjournalier_bjo table, this means that they have been changed after the last report_mig was run,  
+													do you want to load them again for calculation ?",domain="R-StacomiR"),
+									handler=reload_years_with_error)
+						} else {
+							reload_years_with_error(h=NULL)
+						}
+					} # secondary check
+				} # end for
+			} # end check
 # Final check for data
 # index of data already present in the database
-      les_annees=object at start_year@annee_selectionnee:object at end_year@annee_selectionnee
-      index=unique(object at data$bjo_annee) %in% les_annees
+			les_annees=object at start_year@annee_selectionnee:object at end_year@annee_selectionnee
+			index=unique(object at data$bjo_annee) %in% les_annees
 # s'il manque des donnees pour certaines annees selectionnnees" 
-      if (!silent){
-	    if (length(les_annees[!index])>0) 
-	    {
-		  funout(paste(gettext("Attention, there is no migration summary for this year\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),
-				  paste(les_annees[!index],collapse=","),gettext(", this taxa and this stage (report_mig_interannual.r)\n",domain="R-stacomiR")))
-	    } # end if    
-	    # si toutes les annees sont presentes
-	    if (length(les_annees[index])>0){
-		  funout(paste(gettext("Annual migrations query completed",domain="R-stacomiR"),
-				  paste(les_annees[index],collapse=","), "\n")) 
-	    }  
-      }
-      return(object)
-    }
+			if (!silent){
+				if (length(les_annees[!index])>0) 
+				{
+					funout(paste(gettext("Attention, there is no migration summary for this year\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),
+									paste(les_annees[!index],collapse=","),gettext(", this taxa and this stage (report_mig_interannual.r)\n",domain="R-stacomiR")))
+				} # end if    
+				# si toutes les annees sont presentes
+				if (length(les_annees[index])>0){
+					funout(paste(gettext("Annual migrations query completed",domain="R-stacomiR"),
+									paste(les_annees[index],collapse=","), "\n")) 
+				}  
+			}
+			return(object)
+		}
 #' supprime method for report_mig_interannual class
@@ -273,27 +273,27 @@
 #' @export
-	definition=function(object)
-	{ 
-	  # recuperation des annees taxa et stage concernes
-	  les_annees = (object at start_year@annee_selectionnee):(object at end_year@annee_selectionnee)
-	  tax = object at taxa@data$tax_code
-	  std = object at stage@data$std_code
-	  dic= object at dc@dc_selectionne
-	  requete=new("RequeteODBCwhere")
-	  requete at baseODBC<-get("baseODBC",envir=envir_stacomi)
-	  requete at select=stringr::str_c("DELETE from ",rlang::env_get(envir_stacomi, "sch"),"t_bilanmigrationjournalier_bjo ")
-	  requete at where=paste("WHERE bjo_annee IN (",paste(les_annees,collapse=","),") AND bjo_tax_code='",tax,"' AND bjo_std_code='",std,"' AND bjo_dis_identifiant=",dic,sep="")
-	  invisible(utils::capture.output(requete<-stacomirtools::connect(requete)))
-	  requete=new("RequeteODBCwhere")
-	  requete at baseODBC<-get("baseODBC",envir=envir_stacomi)
-	  requete at select=stringr::str_c("DELETE from ",rlang::env_get(envir_stacomi, "sch"),"t_reportmigrationmensuel_bme ")
-	  requete at where=paste("WHERE bme_annee IN (",paste(les_annees,collapse=","),") AND bme_tax_code='",tax,"' AND bme_std_code='",std,"' AND bme_dis_identifiant=",dic,sep="")
-	  invisible(utils::capture.output(requete<-stacomirtools::connect(requete)))
-	  return(invisible(NULL))
-	}
+		definition=function(object)
+		{ 
+			# recuperation des annees taxa et stage concernes
+			les_annees = (object at start_year@annee_selectionnee):(object at end_year@annee_selectionnee)
+			tax = object at taxa@data$tax_code
+			std = object at stage@data$std_code
+			dic= object at dc@dc_selectionne
+			requete=new("RequeteODBCwhere")
+			requete at baseODBC<-get("baseODBC",envir=envir_stacomi)
+			requete at select=stringr::str_c("DELETE from ",rlang::env_get(envir_stacomi, "sch"),"t_bilanmigrationjournalier_bjo ")
+			requete at where=paste("WHERE bjo_annee IN (",paste(les_annees,collapse=","),") AND bjo_tax_code='",tax,"' AND bjo_std_code='",std,"' AND bjo_dis_identifiant=",dic,sep="")
+			invisible(utils::capture.output(requete<-stacomirtools::connect(requete)))
+			requete=new("RequeteODBCwhere")
+			requete at baseODBC<-get("baseODBC",envir=envir_stacomi)
+			requete at select=stringr::str_c("DELETE from ",rlang::env_get(envir_stacomi, "sch"),"t_reportmigrationmensuel_bme ")
+			requete at where=paste("WHERE bme_annee IN (",paste(les_annees,collapse=","),") AND bme_tax_code='",tax,"' AND bme_std_code='",std,"' AND bme_dis_identifiant=",dic,sep="")
+			invisible(utils::capture.output(requete<-stacomirtools::connect(requete)))
+			return(invisible(NULL))
+		}
@@ -306,42 +306,42 @@
 #' @aliases charge.report_mig_interannual
 #' @keywords internal
-	definition=function(object,silent=FALSE)
-	{ 
-	  report_mig_interannual<-object
-	  if (exists("ref_dc",envir_stacomi)) {
-		report_mig_interannual at dc<-get("ref_dc",envir_stacomi)
-	  } else {
-		funout(gettext("You need to choose a counting device, clic on validate\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),arret=TRUE)
-	  }
-	  if (exists("ref_taxa",envir_stacomi)) {
-		report_mig_interannual at taxa<-get("ref_taxa",envir_stacomi)
-	  } else {      
-		funout(gettext("You need to choose a taxa, clic on validate\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),arret=TRUE)
-	  }
-	  if (exists("ref_stage",envir_stacomi)){
-		report_mig_interannual at stage<-get("ref_stage",envir_stacomi)
-	  } else 
-	  {
-		funout(gettext("You need to choose a stage, clic on validate\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),arret=TRUE)
-	  }
-	  if (exists("start_year",envir_stacomi)) {
-		report_mig_interannual at start_year<-get("start_year",envir_stacomi)
-	  } else {
-		funout(gettext("You need to choose the starting year\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),arret=TRUE)
-	  }  	
-	  if (exists("end_year",envir_stacomi)) {
-		report_mig_interannual at end_year<-get("end_year",envir_stacomi)
-	  } else {
-		funout(gettext("You need to choose the ending year\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),arret=TRUE)
-	  }
-	  # this will test that only one taxa and one stage have been loaded (multiple dc are allowed)
-	  validObject(report_mig_interannual)
-	  assign("report_mig_interannual",report_mig_interannual,envir_stacomi)
-	  if (!silent) funout(gettext("Writing report_mig_interannual in the environment envir_stacomi : write r_mig_interannual=get('report_mig_interannual',envir_stacomi) ",domain="R-stacomiR"))
-	  return(report_mig_interannual)
-	}
+		definition=function(object,silent=FALSE)
+		{ 
+			report_mig_interannual<-object
+			if (exists("ref_dc",envir_stacomi)) {
+				report_mig_interannual at dc<-get("ref_dc",envir_stacomi)
+			} else {
+				funout(gettext("You need to choose a counting device, clic on validate\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),arret=TRUE)
+			}
+			if (exists("ref_taxa",envir_stacomi)) {
+				report_mig_interannual at taxa<-get("ref_taxa",envir_stacomi)
+			} else {      
+				funout(gettext("You need to choose a taxa, clic on validate\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),arret=TRUE)
+			}
+			if (exists("ref_stage",envir_stacomi)){
+				report_mig_interannual at stage<-get("ref_stage",envir_stacomi)
+			} else 
+			{
+				funout(gettext("You need to choose a stage, clic on validate\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),arret=TRUE)
+			}
+			if (exists("start_year",envir_stacomi)) {
+				report_mig_interannual at start_year<-get("start_year",envir_stacomi)
+			} else {
+				funout(gettext("You need to choose the starting year\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),arret=TRUE)
+			}  	
+			if (exists("end_year",envir_stacomi)) {
+				report_mig_interannual at end_year<-get("end_year",envir_stacomi)
+			} else {
+				funout(gettext("You need to choose the ending year\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),arret=TRUE)
+			}
+			# this will test that only one taxa and one stage have been loaded (multiple dc are allowed)
+			validObject(report_mig_interannual)
+			assign("report_mig_interannual",report_mig_interannual,envir_stacomi)
+			if (!silent) funout(gettext("Writing report_mig_interannual in the environment envir_stacomi : write r_mig_interannual=get('report_mig_interannual',envir_stacomi) ",domain="R-stacomiR"))
+			return(report_mig_interannual)
+		}
 #' command line interface for report_mig_interannual class
@@ -359,40 +359,40 @@
 #' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
 #' @export
-		dc,
-		taxa,
-		stage,			
-		anneedebut,
-		anneefin,
-		silent=FALSE){
-	  # code for debug using example
-	  #report_mig_interannual<-r_mig_interannual;dc=c(16);taxa="Anguilla anguilla";stage=c("AGJ");anneedebut="1984";anneefin="2016"
-	  report_mig_interannual<-object
-	  report_mig_interannual at dc=charge(report_mig_interannual at dc)
-	  # loads and verifies the dc
-	  # this will set dc_selectionne slot
-	  report_mig_interannual at dc<-choice_c(object=report_mig_interannual at dc,dc)
-	  # only taxa present in the report_mig are used
-	  report_mig_interannual at taxa<-charge_with_filter(object=report_mig_interannual at taxa,report_mig_interannual at dc@dc_selectionne)			
-	  report_mig_interannual at taxa<-choice_c(report_mig_interannual at taxa,taxa)
-	  report_mig_interannual at stage<-charge_with_filter(object=report_mig_interannual at stage,report_mig_interannual at dc@dc_selectionne,report_mig_interannual at taxa@data$tax_code)	
-	  report_mig_interannual at stage<-choice_c(report_mig_interannual at stage,stage)
-	  # depending on report_object the method will load data and issue a warning if data are not present
-	  # this is the first step, the second verification will be done in method connect
-	  report_mig_interannual at start_year<-charge(object=report_mig_interannual at start_year,
-		  objectreport="report_mig_interannual")
-	  report_mig_interannual at start_year<-choice_c(object=report_mig_interannual at start_year,
-		  nomassign="start_year",
-		  annee=anneedebut, 
-		  silent=silent)
-	  report_mig_interannual at end_year@data<-report_mig_interannual at start_year@data
-	  report_mig_interannual at end_year<-choice_c(object=report_mig_interannual at end_year,
-		  nomassign="end_year",
-		  annee=anneefin, 
-		  silent=silent)
-	  assign("report_mig_interannual",report_mig_interannual,envir=envir_stacomi)
-	  return(report_mig_interannual)
-	})
+				dc,
+				taxa,
+				stage,			
+				anneedebut,
+				anneefin,
+				silent=FALSE){
+			# code for debug using example
+			#report_mig_interannual<-r_mig_interannual;dc=c(16);taxa="Anguilla anguilla";stage=c("AGJ");anneedebut="1984";anneefin="2016"
+			report_mig_interannual<-object
+			report_mig_interannual at dc=charge(report_mig_interannual at dc)
+			# loads and verifies the dc
+			# this will set dc_selectionne slot
+			report_mig_interannual at dc<-choice_c(object=report_mig_interannual at dc,dc)
+			# only taxa present in the report_mig are used
+			report_mig_interannual at taxa<-charge_with_filter(object=report_mig_interannual at taxa,report_mig_interannual at dc@dc_selectionne)			
+			report_mig_interannual at taxa<-choice_c(report_mig_interannual at taxa,taxa)
+			report_mig_interannual at stage<-charge_with_filter(object=report_mig_interannual at stage,report_mig_interannual at dc@dc_selectionne,report_mig_interannual at taxa@data$tax_code)	
+			report_mig_interannual at stage<-choice_c(report_mig_interannual at stage,stage)
+			# depending on report_object the method will load data and issue a warning if data are not present
+			# this is the first step, the second verification will be done in method connect
+			report_mig_interannual at start_year<-charge(object=report_mig_interannual at start_year,
+					objectreport="report_mig_interannual")
+			report_mig_interannual at start_year<-choice_c(object=report_mig_interannual at start_year,
+					nomassign="start_year",
+					annee=anneedebut, 
+					silent=silent)
+			report_mig_interannual at end_year@data<-report_mig_interannual at start_year@data
+			report_mig_interannual at end_year<-choice_c(object=report_mig_interannual at end_year,
+					nomassign="end_year",
+					annee=anneefin, 
+					silent=silent)
+			assign("report_mig_interannual",report_mig_interannual,envir=envir_stacomi)
+			return(report_mig_interannual)
+		})
 #' calcule method for report_mig_interannual
@@ -413,58 +413,67 @@
 #' @author Marion Legrand
 #' @export
-	  report_mig_interannual<-object
-	  #report_mig_interannual<-r_mig_interannual    
-	  #report_mig_interannual<-r_mig_interannual_vichy;silent=FALSE;timesplit="mois"
-	  #require(dplyr)
-	  if (!timesplit%in%c("jour","day","month","mois","week","semaine","quinzaine","2 weeks")) stop (
-			stringr::str_c("timesplit should be one of :","jour ","day ","month ","mois ","week ","semaine ","month ","mois ","quinzaine ","2 weeks "))
-	  # back to French labels for consistency with fun_report_mig_interannual code
-	  timesplit<-switch(timesplit,"day"="jour_365","jour"="jour_365","week"="semaine","month"="mois","2 weeks"="quinzaine",timesplit)
-	  # there should be just one station, this will be tested
-	  station<-report_mig_interannual at dc@station
-	  taxa<-report_mig_interannual at taxa@data$tax_code
-	  stage<-report_mig_interannual at stage@data$std_code
-	  if(length(unique(report_mig_interannual at dc@station))!=1) stop("You have more than one station in the report, the dc from the report should belong to the same station")

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/stacomir -r 553

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