[Stacomir-commits] r243 - in pkg/stacomir: . R data inst/config inst/examples inst/tests/testthat man

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Mon Jan 23 17:49:42 CET 2017

Author: briand
Date: 2017-01-23 17:49:42 +0100 (Mon, 23 Jan 2017)
New Revision: 243

developpement initial BilanAgedemer et Bilan_Poids_moyen

Modified: pkg/stacomir/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/stacomir/DESCRIPTION	2016-12-21 21:47:25 UTC (rev 242)
+++ pkg/stacomir/DESCRIPTION	2017-01-23 16:49:42 UTC (rev 243)
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@
-    'fn_EcritBilanJournalier.r'

Modified: pkg/stacomir/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/stacomir/NAMESPACE	2016-12-21 21:47:25 UTC (rev 242)
+++ pkg/stacomir/NAMESPACE	2017-01-23 16:49:42 UTC (rev 243)
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
@@ -51,10 +50,12 @@
@@ -103,6 +104,7 @@

Added: pkg/stacomir/R/BilanAgedemer.r
--- pkg/stacomir/R/BilanAgedemer.r	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/BilanAgedemer.r	2017-01-23 16:49:42 UTC (rev 243)
@@ -0,0 +1,740 @@
+#' Class "BilanAgedemer"
+#' the BilanAgedemer class is used to calculate various statistics about the silver eel run
+#' @include RefDC.r
+#' @include RefTaxon.r
+#' @include RefStades.r
+#' @include RefHorodate.r
+#' @include Refpar.r
+#' @note This class is displayed by interface_bilan_admentee
+#' @slot data A data frame with data generated from the database
+#' @slot calcdata A list of dc with processed data. Each dc contains a data frame with 
+#' \itemize{
+#' \item (1) qualitative data on body contrast (CONT), presence of punctuation on the lateral line (LINP)
+#' \item (2) quantitative data "BL" Body length,"W" weight,"Dv" vertical eye diameter,"Dh" horizontal eye diameter,"FL" pectoral fin length
+#' \item (3) calculated durif stages, Pankhurst's index, Fulton's body weight coefficient K_ful
+#' \item (4) other columns containing data pertaining to the sample and the control operation:  lot_identifiant,ope_identifiant,
+#' ope_dic_identifiant,ope_date_debut,ope_date_fin,dev_code (destination code of fish),
+#' dev_libelle (text for destination of fish)
+#' }
+#' @slot dc Object of class \link{RefDC-class}: the control devices
+#' @slot taxons Object of class \link{RefTaxon-class}: the speciess
+#' @slot stades Object of class \link{RefStades-class} : the stages of the fish
+#' @slot par Object of class \link{Refpar-class}: the parameters used
+#' @slot horodatedebut An object of class \code{RefHorodate-class}
+#' @slot horodatefin An object of class \code{RefHorodate-class}
+#' @section Objects from the Class: Objects can be created by calls of the form
+#' \code{new("BilanAgedemer", ...)}
+#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
+#' @family Bilan Objects
+#' @keywords classes
+#' @example inst/examples/bilan_admentee_example.R
+#' @export 
+		representation= representation(
+				data="data.frame",
+				calcdata="list",
+				dc="RefDC",
+				taxons="RefTaxon",
+				stades="RefStades",
+				par="Refpar",
+				horodatedebut="RefHorodate",
+				horodatefin="RefHorodate",
+				limit1hm="RefTextBox",
+				limit2hm="RefTextBox"
+		),
+		prototype=prototype(data=data.frame(),
+				calcdata=list(),
+				dc=new("RefDC"),
+				taxons=new("RefTaxon"),
+				stades=new("RefStades"),
+				par=new("Refpar"),
+				horodatedebut=new("RefHorodate"),
+				horodatefin=new("RefHorodate"),
+				limit1hm=new("RefTextBox"),
+				limit2hm=new("RefTextBox")
+		))
+		{
+			rep1=object at taxons@data$tax_code[1]=='2220'
+			label1<-'BilanAgedemer should only be for salmon (tax_code=2220)'
+			rep2=all(object at stades@data$std_code%in%c('5','11','BEC','BER','IND'))
+			label2<-'Only stages 5,11,BEC,BER,IND should be used in BilanAgedemer'
+			return(ifelse(rep1 & rep2 , TRUE ,c(label1,label2)[!c(rep1, rep2)]))
+		}   
+#' connect method for BilanAgedemer
+#' @param object An object of class \link{BilanAgedemer-class}
+#' @param silent Boolean if TRUE messages are not displayed
+#' @return An object of class \link{BilanAgedemer-class} 
+#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
+#' @export
+setMethod("connect",signature=signature("BilanAgedemer"),definition=function(object,silent=FALSE) {
+			requete<-new("RequeteODBCwheredate")
+			requete at baseODBC=get("baseODBC",envir=envir_stacomi)
+			requete at select= paste("SELECT * FROM ",get("sch",envir=envir_stacomi),"vue_lot_ope_car",sep="")
+			requete at colonnedebut="ope_date_debut"
+			requete at colonnefin="ope_date_fin"
+			requete at datedebut<-object at horodatedebut@horodate
+			requete at datefin<-object at horodatefin@horodate
+			requete at order_by="ORDER BY ope_date_debut"
+			requete at and=paste(" AND ope_dic_identifiant in ",vector_to_listsql(object at dc@dc_selectionne),
+					" AND lot_tax_code in ", vector_to_listsql(object at taxons@data$tax_code),
+					" AND lot_std_code in ", vector_to_listsql(object at stades@data$std_code),
+					" AND car_par_code in ", vector_to_listsql(object at par@par_selectionne), sep="")
+			requete<-stacomirtools::connect(requete) 
+			object at data<-requete at query
+			if (!silent) funout(get("msg",envir_stacomi)$BilanAgedemer.1)
+			return(object)
+		})
+#' charge method for BilanAgedemer class
+#' this method verifies that boxes have been clicked in the user interface and gets the objects pasted in 
+#' envir_stacomi
+#' @param object An object of class \link{BilanAgedemer-class} 
+#' @param h a handler
+#' @return An object of class \link{BilanAgedemer-class} with slots filled with user choice
+#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
+#' @export
+#' @return An object of the class
+setMethod("charge",signature=signature("BilanAgedemer"),definition=function(object,h) {
+			if (exists("refDC",envir_stacomi)) {
+				object at dc<-get("refDC",envir_stacomi)
+			} else {
+				funout(get("msg",envir_stacomi)$ref.1,arret=TRUE)
+			} 
+			if (exists("refTaxon",envir_stacomi)) {
+				object at taxons<-get("refTaxon",envir_stacomi)
+			} else {
+				funout(get("msg",envir_stacomi)$ref.2,arret=TRUE)
+			}
+			if (exists("refStades",envir_stacomi)) {
+				object at stades<-get("refStades",envir_stacomi)
+			} else {
+				funout(get("msg",envir_stacomi)$ref.3,arret=TRUE)
+			}
+			if (exists("refpar",envir_stacomi)) {
+				object at par<-get("refpar",envir_stacomi)
+			} else {
+				funout(get("msg",envir_stacomi)$ref.4,arret=TRUE)
+			}		
+			# rem pas tres satisfaisant car ce nom est choisi dans l'interface
+			if (exists("bilan_adm_date_debut",envir_stacomi)) {
+				object at horodatedebut@horodate<-get("bilan_adm_date_debut",envir_stacomi)
+			} else {
+				funout(get("msg",envir_stacomi)$ref.5,arret=TRUE)
+			}
+			# rem id
+			if (exists("bilan_adm_date_fin",envir_stacomi)) {
+				object at horodatefin@horodate<-get("bilan_adm_date_fin",envir_stacomi)
+			} else {
+				funout(get("msg",envir_stacomi)$ref.6,arret=TRUE)
+			}       
+			return(object)
+			validObject(object)
+		})
+#' command line interface for BilanAgedemer class
+#' @param object An object of class \link{BilanAgedemer-class}
+#' @param dc A numeric or integer, the code of the dc, coerced to integer,see \link{choice_c,RefDC-method}
+#' @param taxons '2038=Anguilla anguilla',
+#' these should match the ref.tr_taxon_tax referential table in the stacomi database, see \link{choice_c,RefTaxon-method}
+#' @param stades 'AGG'
+#' @param par Parameters chosen for the Bilan are body size (1786), vertical eye diameter (BBBB), horizontal eye diameter (CCCC),
+#' body contrast (CONT), presence of punctuation on the lateral line (LINP), length of the pectoral fin (PECT)
+#' @param horodatedebut The starting date as a character, formats like \code{\%Y-\%m-\%d} or \code{\%d-\%m-\%Y} can be used as input
+#' @param horodatefin The finishing date of the Bilan, for this class this will be used to calculate the number of daily steps.
+#' @param silent Boolean, if TRUE, information messages are not displayed
+#' @return An object of class \link{BilanMigration-class}
+#' The choice_c method fills in the data slot for classes \link{RefDC-class}, \link{RefTaxon-class}, \link{RefStades-class}, \link{Refpar-class} and two slots of \link{RefHorodate-class} and then 
+#' uses the choice_c methods of these object to select the data.
+#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
+#' @export
+				dc,
+				taxons=2220,
+				stades=c('5','11','BEC','BER','IND'),
+				par=c('1786','1785','C001'),
+				horodatedebut,
+				horodatefin,
+				limit1hm,
+				limit2hm,
+				silent=FALSE){
+			# code for debug using example
+			#horodatedebut="2012-01-01";horodatefin="2013-12-31";dc=c(107,108,101);
+			#taxons='2220';	stades=c('5','11','BEC','BER','IND');par=c('1786','1785','C001');silent=FALSE
+			if (!(is.numeric(limit1hm)|is.integer(limit1hm))) funout("limit1hm should be numeric or integer",arret=TRUE)
+			if (!(is.numeric(limit2hm)|is.integer(limit2hm))) funout("limit2hm should be numeric or integer",arret=TRUE)
+			bilan_adm<-object
+			bilan_adm at dc=charge(bilan_adm at dc)
+			# loads and verifies the dc
+			# this will set dc_selectionne slot
+			bilan_adm at dc<-choice_c(object=bilan_adm at dc,dc)
+			# only taxa present in the bilanMigration are used
+			bilan_adm at taxons<-charge_avec_filtre(object=bilan_adm at taxons,bilan_adm at dc@dc_selectionne)			
+			bilan_adm at taxons<-choice_c(bilan_adm at taxons,taxons)
+			bilan_adm at stades<-charge_avec_filtre(object=bilan_adm at stades,bilan_adm at dc@dc_selectionne,bilan_adm at taxons@data$tax_code)	
+			bilan_adm at stades<-choice_c(bilan_adm at stades,stades)
+			bilan_adm at par<-charge_avec_filtre(object=bilan_adm at par,bilan_adm at dc@dc_selectionne,bilan_adm at taxons@data$tax_code,bilan_adm at stades@data$std_code)	
+			bilan_adm at par<-choice_c(bilan_adm at par,par,silent=silent)
+			bilan_adm at horodatedebut<-choice_c(object=bilan_adm at horodatedebut,
+					nomassign="bilan_adm_date_debut",
+					funoutlabel=get("msg",envir=envir_stacomi)$interface_Bilan_lot.5,
+					horodate=horodatedebut, 
+					silent=silent)
+			bilan_adm at horodatefin<-choice_c(bilan_adm at horodatefin,
+					nomassign="bilan_adm_date_fin",
+					funoutlabel=get("msg",envir=envir_stacomi)$interface_Bilan_lot.6,
+					horodate=horodatefin,
+					silent=silent)
+			bilan_adm at limit1hm<-choice_c(bilan_adm at limit1hm,as.character(limit1hm))
+			bilan_adm at limit2hm<-choice_c(bilan_adm at limit2hm,as.character(limit2hm))
+			validObject(bilan_adm)
+			return(bilan_adm)
+		})
+#' Calcule method for BilanAgedemer, this method will pass the data from long to wide format 
+#' ( one line per individual) and calculate Durif silvering index and Pankhurst and Fulton's K.
+#' @param object An object of class \code{\link{BilanAgedemer-class}} 
+#' @param silent Boolean, if TRUE, information messages are not displayed, only warnings and errors
+#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
+setMethod("calcule",signature=signature("BilanAgedemer"),definition=function(object,silent) {
+			#bilan_adm<-b_carlot
+			bilan_adm<-object
+			if(nrow(bilan_adm at data)==0) {
+				funout("you are in deep shit", arret=TRUE)
+			}   
+			adm=bilan_adm at data # on recupere le data.frame
+			if (is.na(as.numeric(bilan_adm at limit1hm@label))) stop("erreur interne")
+			# if no value, a dummy value of 2m
+			if (is.na(as.numeric(bilan_adm at limit2hm@label))) bilan_adm at limit2hm@label<-2000
+			adm$agedemer<-NA
+			lescoupes<-c(0,as.numeric(bilan_adm at limit1hm@label),as.numeric(bilan_adm at limit2hm@label),2001)
+			adm$age<-cut(x=adm$car_valeur_quantitatif,breaks=lescoupes,labels=FALSE)
+			bilan_adm at calcdata[["data"]]<-adm
+			assign("bilan_adm",bilan_adm,envir_stacomi)
+			return(bilan_adm)
+		})
+#' Plots of various type for BilanAgedemer
+#' @param x An object of class \link{BilanAgedemer-class}
+#' @param plot.type Default "1"
+#'  \itemize{
+#' 		\item{plot.type="1"}{Lattice plot of Durif's stages according to Body Length and Eye Index (average of vertical and horizontal diameters). 
+#' If several DC are provided then a comparison of data per dc is provided}
+#' 		\item{plot.type="2"}{Lattice plot giving a comparison of Durif's stage proportion over time, if several DC are provided an annual comparison 
+#' is proposed, if only one DC is provided then the migration is split into month.}
+#' 		\item{plot.type="3"}{ Series of graphs showing  mean Fulton's coefficient, Pankhurst eye index,	along
+#' with a size weight analysis and regression using robust regression (rlm more robust to the presence of outliers)}
+#' 			\item{plot.type="4"}{ Lattice cloud plot of Pankurst~ Body Length ~ weight)}
+#' }
+#' @param silent Stops displaying the messages.
+#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
+#' @aliases plot.BilanAgedemer plot.bilan_adm
+#' @export
+setMethod("plot", signature(x = "BilanAgedemer", y = "missing"), definition=function(x, plot.type="1", silent=FALSE){ 
+			#bilan_adm<-b_carlot;require(ggplot2);plot.type="1"
+			#browser()
+			bilan_adm<-x
+			plot.type<-as.character(plot.type)# to pass also characters
+			if (!plot.type%in%c("1","2","3","4")) stop('plot.type must be 1,2,3 or 4')
+			if (exists("bilan_adm",envir_stacomi)) {
+				bilan_adm<-get("bilan_adm",envir_stacomi)
+			} else {      
+				if (!silent) funout(get("msg",envir_stacomi)$BilanMigration.5,arret=TRUE)
+			}
+			dat<-bilan_adm at calcdata[["data"]]
+			# cols are using viridis::inferno(6,alpha=0.9)
+			les_coupes=as.numeric(c(bilan_adm at limit1hm@label,bilan_adm at limit2hm@label))
+			#################################################
+			# plot.type =1 density plot
+			#################################################
+			if (plot.type=="1"){		
+				p<-ggplot(dat)+geom_histogram(aes(x=car_valeur_quantitatif,fill=factor(age)),alpha=0.8)+
+						geom_vline(xintercept=les_coupes,lty=2,lwd=1)+
+						annotate("text",x=les_coupes,y=0,label=les_coupes,vjust=1)+
+						theme_minimal()+
+						scale_fill_manual("Age",values=c("1"="#379ec6","2"="#173957","3"="#b09953"))+
+						xlab("Size in mm")+
+						ylab("Effectif")
+				print(p)
+				assign("p",p,envir=envir_stacomi)
+				funout("L'objet graphique est écrit dans l'environnement stacomi, tappez p<-get('p',envir=envir_stacomi))")
+			}
+			######################################
+			# Migration according to stage, month and year
+			######################################
+			if (plot.type=="2"){	
+				p<-ggplot(dat)+geom_histogram(aes(x=car_valeur_quantitatif,fill=factor(age)),alpha=0.8)+
+						geom_vline(xintercept=les_coupes,lty=2,lwd=1)+
+						theme_minimal()+
+						scale_fill_manual("Age",values=c("1"="#379ec6","2"="#173957","3"="#b09953"))+
+						xlab("Size in mm")+
+						ylab("Effectif")+
+						facet_grid(ope_dic_identifiant~.)
+				print(p)
+				assign("p",p,envir=envir_stacomi)
+				funout("L'objet graphique est écrit dans l'environnement stacomi, tappez p<-get('p',envir=envir_stacomi))")
+			}
+			######################################
+			# Series of graphs showing proportion of stage, mean Fulton's coefficient, Pankhurst eye index,
+			# body weight, body size, sex ratio.
+			######################################
+			if (plot.type=="3"){
+				layout(matrix(c(1,2,3,4,4,5,6,6,7), 3, 3, byrow = TRUE), 
+						widths=c(3,3,1), heights=c(3,1,3))
+				# width 331 sets the last column relative width
+				# same for rows
+				par(mar=c(3,4.1,4.1,2.1))# ressetting to default
+				datdc<-chnames(datdc,"ope_dic_identifiant","dc")
+				lesdc<-unique(datdc$dc)
+				datdc$sex<-"F"
+				datdc$sex[datdc$BL<450]<-"M"
+				#############
+				# Fulton
+				#############
+				moy<-tapply(datdc$K_ful,list(datdc$dc,datdc$sex),mean,na.rm=TRUE)
+				sd<- tapply(datdc$K_ful,list(datdc$dc,datdc$sex),sd,na.rm=TRUE) # sample standard deviation 
+				n<-tapply(datdc$K_ful,list(datdc$dc,datdc$sex),length)
+				SE = sd/sqrt(n)	
+				plotTop=max(moy+3*SE,na.rm=TRUE)
+				bp<-barplot(moy,
+						beside = TRUE, las = 1,
+						ylim = c(0, plotTop),
+						cex.names = 0.75,
+						main = "Fulton coefficient (+-2SE)",
+						ylab = "Fulton K",
+						xlab = "",
+						border = "black", axes = TRUE,
+				#legend.text = TRUE,
+				#adms.legend = list(title = "DC", 
+				#		x = "topright",
+				#		cex = .7)
+				)
+				graphics::segments(bp, moy - SE * 2, bp,
+						moy + SE * 2, lwd = 2)
+				graphics::arrows(bp, moy - SE * 2, bp,
+						moy + SE * 2, lwd = 2, angle = 90,
+						code = 3, length = 0.05)		
+				#############
+				# Pankhurst
+				#############
+				moy<-tapply(datdc$Pankhurst,list(datdc$dc,datdc$sex),mean,na.rm=TRUE)
+				sd<- tapply(datdc$Pankhurst,list(datdc$dc,datdc$sex),sd,na.rm=TRUE) # sample standard deviation 
+				n<-tapply(datdc$Pankhurst,list(datdc$dc,datdc$sex),length)
+				SE = sd/sqrt(n)	
+				plotTop=max(moy+3*SE,na.rm=TRUE)
+				bp<-barplot(moy,
+						beside = TRUE, las = 1,
+						ylim = c(0, plotTop),
+						cex.names = 0.75,
+						main = "Pankhurst (+-2SE)",
+						ylab = "Pankhurst eye index",
+						xlab = "",
+						border = "black", axes = TRUE,
+				#legend.text = TRUE,
+				#adms.legend = list(title = "DC", 
+				#		x = "topright",
+				#		cex = .7)
+				)
+				segments(bp, moy - SE * 2, bp,
+						moy + SE * 2, lwd = 2)
+				arrows(bp, moy - SE * 2, bp,
+						moy + SE * 2, lwd = 2, angle = 90,
+						code = 3, length = 0.05)		
+				#############
+				# empty plot
+				#############		
+				op<-par(mar=c(1,1,1,1))
+				plot(1, type="n", axes=F, xlab="", ylab="")
+				legend("center",fill =grDevices::grey.colors(nrow(moy)),legend=unique(datdc$dc))
+				# grey.colors is the default color generation for barplot 
+				#############
+				# size hist 
+				#############
+				par(mar=c(1,4.1,1,1)) 
+				for (i in 1:length(lesdc)){
+					indexdc<-datdc$dc==lesdc[i]
+					histxn<-graphics::hist(datdc$BL[indexdc],breaks=seq(250,1000,by=50),plot=FALSE)$density
+					if (i==1) histx<-histxn else histx<-cbind(histx,histxn)
+				}	
+				if (length(lesdc)>1) colnames(histx)<-lesdc
+				barplot(height=t(histx),space=0,beside=FALSE, las = 1,horiz=FALSE,legend.text = FALSE,axes=FALSE)	
+				#############
+				# empty plot
+				#############		
+				op<-par(mar=c(1,1,1,1))
+				plot(1, type="n", axes=F, xlab="", ylab="")
+				#############
+				# size -weight
+				#############
+				par(mar=c(5.1,4.1,1,1)) # blur bottom left up right
+				plot(datdc$BL,datdc$W,type="n",
+						xlab=get("msg",envir=envir_stacomi)$BilanAgedemer.9,
+						ylab=get("msg",envir=envir_stacomi)$BilanAgedemer.10,
+						xlim=c(250,1000),ylim=c(0,2000))
+				abline(v=seq(250,1000,by=50), col = "lightgray",lty=2)
+				abline(h=seq(0,2000,by=100),col="lightgray",lty=2)
+				# some alpha blending to better see the points :
+				lescol<-ggplot2::alpha(grDevices::grey.colors(nrow(moy)),0.8)
+				for (i in 1:length(lesdc)){
+					indexdc<-datdc$dc==lesdc[i]
+					points(datdc$BL[indexdc],datdc$W[indexdc],pch=16,col=lescol[i],cex=0.8)
+				}
+				######################"
+				# Size - weight model using robust regression
+				######################
+				subdatdc<-datdc[,c("BL","W")]
+				subdatdc$BL3<-(subdatdc$BL/1000)^3
+				# plot(subdatdc$W~subdatdc$BL3)
+				rlmmodb<-MASS::rlm(W~0+BL3,data=subdatdc)
+				#summary(rlmmodb)
+				newdata<-data.frame("BL"=seq(250,1000,by=50),"BL3"=(seq(250,1000,by=50)/1000)^3)
+				pred<-predict(rlmmodb,newdata=newdata,se.fit=TRUE,type="response",interval="prediction")
+				newdata$predlm<-pred$fit[,1]
+				newdata$predlowIC<-pred$fit[,2]
+				newdata$predhighIC<-pred$fit[,3]
+				points(newdata$BL,newdata$predlm,type="l")
+				points(newdata$BL,newdata$predlowIC,type="l",lty=2,col="grey50")
+				points(newdata$BL,newdata$predhighIC,type="l",lty=2,col="grey50")
+				text(400,1500,stringr::str_c("W=",round(coefficients(rlmmodb),1)," BL^3"))
+				#############
+				# weight hist rotate
+				#############
+				par(mar=c(5.1,1,1,1)) 
+				for (i in 1:length(lesdc)){
+					indexdc<-datdc$dc==lesdc[i]
+					histyn<-hist(datdc$W[indexdc],plot=FALSE,breaks=seq(0,2000,by=100))$density
+					if (i==1) histy<-histyn else histy<-cbind(histy,histyn)
+				}		
+				if (length(lesdc)>1) colnames(histy)<-lesdc
+				barplot(height=t(histy),space=0,beside=FALSE, las = 1,horiz=TRUE,legend.text = FALSE,axes=FALSE)	
+			}
+			if (plot.type=="4"){
+				#creating a shingle with some overlaps
+				my.settings <- list(
+						superpose.polygon=list(
+								col=c("Lime green","#420A68E6","#932667E6","#DD513AE6","#FCA50AE6",blue_for_males),								
+								alpha=c(0.9,0.9,0.9,0.9,0.9,0.9)								
+						),
+						superpose.line=list(
+								col=c("#FBA338","#420A68E6","#932667E6","#DD513AE6","#FCA50AE6",blue_for_males)
+						),
+						#colfn<-colorRampPalette(c("#1C4587", "#BBC7DB"),space = "Lab")
+						#colfn(7)
+						strip.background=list(col=c("#1B4586","#3E5894","#596DA2","#7282B0","#8A98BE","#A2AFCC","#BAC6DA")),
+						strip.border=list(col="black")
+				)
+				lattice::trellis.par.set(my.settings)
+				ccc<-lattice::cloud(Pankhurst ~ W * BL|ouv, data = datdc,group=stage,
+						screen = list(x = -90, y = 70), distance = .4, zoom = .6,strip = lattice::strip.custom(par.strip.text=list(col="white")))
+				return(ccc)
+			}
+		})
+#' summary for BilanAgedemer 
+#' @param object An object of class \code{\link{BilanAgedemer-class}}
+#' @param silent Should the program stay silent or display messages, default FALSE
+#' @param ... Additional parameters
+#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
+#' @export
+			bilan_adm<-object
+			if (exists("bilan_adm",envir_stacomi)) {
+				bilan_adm<-get("bilan_adm",envir_stacomi)
+			} else {      
+				if (!silent) funout(get("msg",envir_stacomi)$BilanMigration.5,arret=TRUE)
+			}
+			dat<-bilan_adm at calcdata
+			# cols are using viridis::inferno(6,alpha=0.9)
+			printstat<-function(vec){
+				moy<-mean(vec,na.rm=TRUE)
+				sd<- sd(vec,na.rm=TRUE) # sample standard deviation 
+				n<-length(vec[!is.na(vec)])
+				SE = sd/sqrt(n)
+				print(noquote(stringr::str_c("mean=",round(moy,2),",SD=",round(sd,2),",N=",n,",SE=",round(SE,2))))
+				return(list("mean"=moy,"SD"=sd,"N"=n,"SE"=SE))
+			}
+			result<-list()
+			for (i in 1:length(dat)){
+				datdc<-	dat[[i]]
+				ouvrage<-
+						bilan_adm at dc@data[bilan_adm at dc@data$dc==bilan_adm at dc@dc_selectionne[i],"ouv_libelle"]
+				dc<-as.character(unique(datdc$ope_dic_identifiant))
+				result[[dc]]<-list()
+				result[[dc]][["ouvrage"]]<-ouvrage
+				print(noquote(stringr::str_c("Statistics for dam : ",ouvrage)))
+				print(noquote("========================"))
+				print(noquote("Stages Durif"))
+				print(table(datdc$stage))
+				result[[dc]][["Stages"]]<-table(datdc$stage)
+				print(noquote("-----------------------"))
+				print(noquote("Pankhurst"))
+				print(noquote("-----------------------"))
+				result[[dc]][["Pankhurst"]]<-printstat(datdc$Pankhurst)		
+				print(noquote("-----------------------"))
+				print(noquote('Eye diameter (mm)'))		
+				print(noquote("-----------------------"))
+				result[[dc]][["MD"]]<-printstat(datdc$MD)				
+				print(noquote("-----------------------"))
+				print(noquote('Length (mm)'))	
+				print(noquote("-----------------------"))
+				result[[dc]][["BL"]]<-printstat(datdc$BL)	
+				print(noquote("-----------------------"))
+				print(noquote('Weight (g)'))	
+				print(noquote("-----------------------"))
+				result[[dc]][["W"]]<-printstat(datdc$W)	
+			}
+			return(result)		
+		})
+#' Command line method to write the daily and monthly counts to the 
+#' t_bilanmigrationjournalier_bjo table
+#' Daily values are needed to compare migrations from year to year, by the class \link{BilanMigrationInterAnnuelle-class}. They are added by
+#' by this function.  
+#' @param bilanMigration an object of class \code{\linkS4class{BilanMigration}}
+#' @param silent : TRUE to avoid messages
+#' @param dbname : the name of the database, defaults to "bd_contmig_nat"
+#' @param host : the host for sqldf, defaults to "localhost"
+#' @param port : the port, defaults to 5432
+#' @note the user is asked whether or not he wants to overwrite data, if no
+#' data are present in the database, the import is done anyway. The name of the database
+#' is not passed in odbc link, here defaults to "bd_contmig_nat"
+#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
+#' @examples 
+#' \dontrun{
+#' stacomi(gr_interface=FALSE,login_window=FALSE,database_expected=FALSE) 
+#' data("bM_Arzal")
+#' bM_Arzal<-calcule(bM_Arzal)
+#' write_database(bilanMigration=bM_Arzal,silent=FALSE)
+#' }
+#' @export
+		setMethod("write_database",signature=signature("BilanAgedemer"),definition=function(object,silent=TRUE,dbname="bd_contmig_nat",host="localhost",port=5432){
+					# dbname="bd_contmig_nat";host="localhost";silent=FALSE;port=5432
+					bilanMigration<-object
+					if (class(bilanMigration)!="BilanMigration") stop("the bilanMigration should be of class BilanMigration")
+					if (class(silent)!="logical") stop("the silent argument should be a logical")
+					dc=as.numeric(bilanMigration at dc@dc_selectionne)[1]
+					data=bilanMigration at calcdata[[stringr::str_c("dc_",dc)]][["data"]]
+					data=data[data$Effectif_total!=0,]
+					jour_dans_lannee_non_nuls=data$debut_pas	
+					col_a_retirer=match(c("No.pas","type_de_quantite","debut_pas","fin_pas"),colnames(data))
+					data=data[,-col_a_retirer]
+					data$taux_d_echappement[data$taux_d_echappement==-1]<-NA 
+					data$coe_valeur_coefficient[data$"coe_valeur_coefficient"==1]<-NA 
+					peuventpaszero=match(c("taux_d_echappement","coe_valeur_coefficient"),colnames(data))
+					data[,-peuventpaszero][data[,-peuventpaszero]==0]<-NA
+					annee<-as.numeric(unique(strftime(as.POSIXlt(bilanMigration at time.sequence),"%Y"))[1])
+					aat_bilanmigrationjournalier_bjo=cbind(
+							bilanMigration at dc@dc_selectionne,
+							bilanMigration at taxons@data$tax_code,
+							bilanMigration at stades@data$std_code,
+							annee, # une valeur
+							rep(jour_dans_lannee_non_nuls,ncol(data[,c("MESURE","CALCULE","EXPERT","PONCTUEL","Effectif_total","taux_d_echappement","coe_valeur_coefficient")])),
+							utils::stack(data[,c("MESURE","CALCULE","EXPERT","PONCTUEL","Effectif_total","taux_d_echappement","coe_valeur_coefficient")]),  
+							Sys.time(),
+							substr(toupper(get("sch",envir=envir_stacomi)),1,nchar(toupper(get("sch",envir=envir_stacomi)))-1)
+					)
+					aat_bilanmigrationjournalier_bjo= stacomirtools::killfactor(aat_bilanmigrationjournalier_bjo[!is.na(aat_bilanmigrationjournalier_bjo$values),])
+					colnames(aat_bilanmigrationjournalier_bjo)<-c("bjo_dis_identifiant","bjo_tax_code","bjo_std_code","bjo_annee","bjo_jour","bjo_valeur","bjo_labelquantite","bjo_horodateexport","bjo_org_code")
+					#####
+					# Ci dessous conversion de la classe vers migration Interannuelle pour utiliser
+					# les methodes de cette classe
+					bil=as(bilanMigration,"BilanMigrationInterAnnuelle")
+					bil=connect(bil,silent=silent)
+					hconfirm=function(h,...){			
+						# suppression des donnees actuellement presentes dans la base
+						# bilanjournalier et bilanmensuel
+						supprime(bil)			
+						baseODBC<-get("baseODBC",envir=envir_stacomi)
+						sql<-stringr::str_c("INSERT INTO ",get("sch",envir=envir_stacomi),"t_bilanmigrationjournalier_bjo (",			
+								"bjo_dis_identifiant,bjo_tax_code,bjo_std_code,bjo_annee,bjo_jour,bjo_valeur,bjo_labelquantite,bjo_horodateexport,bjo_org_code)",
+								" SELECT * FROM  aat_bilanmigrationjournalier_bjo;")
+						invisible(utils::capture.output(
+										sqldf::sqldf(x=sql,
+												drv="PostgreSQL",
+												user=baseODBC["uid"],
+												dbname=dbname,				
+												password=baseODBC["pwd"],
+												host=host,
+												port=port)
+								))		
+						if (!silent){
+							funout(paste(get("msg",envir=envir_stacomi)$fn_EcritBilanJournalier.5,annee,"\n"))
+						}
+# si l'utilisateur accepte de remplacer les valeurs				
+# ecriture egalement du bilan mensuel
+						taxon= as.character(bilanMigration at taxons@data$tax_nom_latin)
+						stade= as.character(bilanMigration at stades@data$std_libelle)
+						DC=as.numeric(bilanMigration at dc@dc_selectionne)	
+						tableau<-bilanMigration at calcdata[[stringr::str_c("dc_",DC)]][["data"]]
+						resum=funstat(tableau=tableau,time.sequence=tableau$debut_pas,taxon,stade,DC,silent=silent )
+						fn_EcritBilanMensuel(bilanMigration,resum,silent=silent)
+					}#end function hconfirm
+					if (nrow(bil at data)>0)
+					{ 
+						if (!silent){
+							choice<-gWidgets::gconfirm(paste(get("msg",envir=envir_stacomi)$fn_EcritBilanJournalier.1, # Un bilan a deja ete ecrit dans la base
+											unique(bil at data$bjo_horodateexport),
+											get("msg",envir=envir_stacomi)$fn_EcritBilanJournalier.2),
+									handler=hconfirm) # voulez vous le remplacer ?
+						} else {
+							hconfirm(h=NULL)
+						}
+					}
+					else  # sinon on ecrit les resultats quoiqu'il arrive
+					{
+						baseODBC<-get("baseODBC",envir=envir_stacomi)
+						sql<-stringr::str_c("INSERT INTO ",get("sch",envir=envir_stacomi),"t_bilanmigrationjournalier_bjo (",			
+								"bjo_dis_identifiant,bjo_tax_code,bjo_std_code,bjo_annee,bjo_jour,bjo_valeur,bjo_labelquantite,bjo_horodateexport,bjo_org_code)",
+								" SELECT * FROM  aat_bilanmigrationjournalier_bjo;")
+						invisible(utils::capture.output(
+										sqldf::sqldf(x=sql,
+												drv="PostgreSQL",
+												user=baseODBC["uid"],
+												dbname=dbname,				
+												password=baseODBC["pwd"],
+												host=host,
+												port=port)
+								))		
+						if (!silent) funout(paste(get("msg",envir=envir_stacomi)$fn_EcritBilanJournalier.5,"\n"))
+						taxon= as.character(bilanMigration at taxons@data$tax_nom_latin)
+						stade= as.character(bilanMigration at stades@data$std_libelle)
+						DC=as.numeric(bilanMigration at dc@dc_selectionne)	
+						tableau<-bilanMigration at calcdata[[stringr::str_c("dc_",DC)]][["data"]]
+						resum=funstat(tableau=tableau,time.sequence=tableau$debut_pas,taxon,stade,DC,silent=silent)
+						fn_EcritBilanMensuel(bilanMigration,resum,silent=silent)
+					} # end else
+				})		
+#' Method to print the command line of the object
+#' @param x An object of class BilanAgedemer
+#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to print
+#' @return NULL
+#' @author cedric.briand
+#' @export
+			sortie1<-"bilan_adm=new('BilanAgedemer')"
+			sortie2<-stringr::str_c("bilan_adm=choice_c(bilan_adm,",
+					"dc=c(",stringr::str_c(x at dc@dc_selectionne,collapse=","),"),",
+					"taxons=c(",stringr::str_c(shQuote(x at taxons@data$tax_nom_latin),collapse=","),"),",
+					"stades=c(",stringr::str_c(shQuote(x at stades@data$std_code),collapse=","),"),",	
+					"par=c(",stringr::str_c(shQuote(x at par@par_selectionne),collapse=","),"),",	
+					"horodatedebut=",shQuote(strftime(x at horodatedebut@horodate,format="%d/%m/%Y %H-%M-%S")),
+					",horodatefin=",shQuote(strftime(x at horodatefin@horodate,format="%d/%m/%Y %H-%M-%S")),")")
+			# removing backslashes
+			funout(sortie1)
+			funout(stringr::str_c(sortie2,...))
+			return(invisible(NULL))
+		})
+#' funplotBilanAgedemer 
+#' assigns an object g in envir_stacomi for eventual modification of the plot
+#' @param h A handler, with action 1,2,3 or 4 
+#' @param ... Additional parameters
+#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
+#' @export
+funplotBilanAgedemer = function(h,...) {
+	bilan_adm<-get(x="bilan_adm",envir=envir_stacomi)
+	bilan_adm<-charge(bilan_adm)
+	bilan_adm<-connect(bilan_adm)
+	bilan_adm<-calcule(bilan_adm)
+	#plot.type is determined by button in h$action
+	the_plot<-plot(bilan_adm,plot.type=h$action)
+	print(the_plot)
+#' table function
+#' funtableBilanAgedemer shows a table of results in gdf
+#' @param h hanlder passed by the graphical interface
+#' @param ... Additional parameters
+#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
+#' @export
+funtableBilanAgedemer = function(h,...) {
+	bilan_adm=charge(bilan_adm)
+	bilan_adm<-connect(bilan_adm)
+	vue_ope_lot=bilan_adm at requete@query # on recupere le data.frame
+	assign("bilan_adm",bilan_adm,envir_stacomi)#assign("bilan_adm",vue_ope_lot,envir_stacomi)
+	funout(get("msg",envir_stacomi)$BilanAgedemer.3)
+	vue_ope_lot[is.na(vue_ope_lot)]<-""

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/stacomir -r 243

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