[Stacomir-commits] r293 - in pkg/stacomir: . R man

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Sun Feb 12 20:57:52 CET 2017

Author: briand
Date: 2017-02-12 20:57:52 +0100 (Sun, 12 Feb 2017)
New Revision: 293

Other changes for R check

Modified: pkg/stacomir/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/stacomir/NAMESPACE	2017-02-12 19:18:28 UTC (rev 292)
+++ pkg/stacomir/NAMESPACE	2017-02-12 19:57:52 UTC (rev 293)
@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@

Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/BilanAgedemer.r
--- pkg/stacomir/R/BilanAgedemer.r	2017-02-12 19:18:28 UTC (rev 292)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/BilanAgedemer.r	2017-02-12 19:57:52 UTC (rev 293)
@@ -524,19 +524,3 @@
-#' Function to calculate the stages from Durif
-#' @param data A dataset with columns BL, W, Dv, Dh, FL corresponding to body length (mm),
-#' Weight (g), vertical eye diameter (mm), vertical eye diameter (mm), and pectoral fin length (mm)
-#' @author Laurent Beaulaton \email{laurent.beaulaton"at"onema.fr}
-#' @export
-f_stade_Durif = function(data){
-	data(coef_Durif)
-	stopifnot(colnames(data)==c("BL","W","Dv","Dh","FL"))
-	data<-cbind(1,data[,c(1,2,5)],rowMeans(data[,c("Dv","Dh")],na.rm=TRUE))
-	colnames(data)<-c("Constant","BL","W","FL","MD")
-	data<-data[,c(1,2,3,5,4)]
-	indices<-data%*%coef_Durif
-	return(unlist(apply(indices,1,function(X)ifelse(is.na(X[1]),NA,names(which.max(X))))))

Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/BilanArgentee.r
--- pkg/stacomir/R/BilanArgentee.r	2017-02-12 19:18:28 UTC (rev 292)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/BilanArgentee.r	2017-02-12 19:57:52 UTC (rev 293)
@@ -727,7 +727,8 @@
 #' @author Laurent Beaulaton \email{laurent.beaulaton"at"onema.fr}
 #' @export
 f_stade_Durif = function(data){
-	data(coef_Durif)
+	# see section Good Practise in ? data
+	data(coef_Durif,envir = environment())

Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/Bilan_poids_moyen.r
--- pkg/stacomir/R/Bilan_poids_moyen.r	2017-02-12 19:18:28 UTC (rev 292)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/Bilan_poids_moyen.r	2017-02-12 19:57:52 UTC (rev 293)
@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@
 				com="model seasonal1 = gam(w~s(yday,bs='cc')+s(time), knots = list(yday = c(1, 365)))"
 			} else 	if (model.type=="seasonal2"){
-				# seasonal effects with a continuous sine-cosine wave,.  The formula for this is ‘sin(omegavt) + cos(omegavt)’, where vt is the time index variable 
+				# seasonal effects with a continuous sine-cosine wave,.  The formula for this is 'sin(omegavt) + cos(omegavt)', where vt is the time index variable 
 				#	omega is a constant that describes how the index variable relates to the full period (here, 2pi/365=0.0172).
 				g2 = mgcv::gam(w~cos(0.0172*doy)+sin(0.0172*doy)+s(time),data=don)
@@ -490,8 +490,8 @@
-					"coe_date_debut"=Hmisc::round.POSIXt(predata$date,units="days"),
-					"coe_date_fin"=Hmisc::round.POSIXt(predata$date,units="days")+as.difftime(1,units="days"),
+					"coe_date_debut"=Hmisc::round.POSIXt(predata$date,digits="days"),
+					"coe_date_fin"=Hmisc::round.POSIXt(predata$date,digits="days")+as.difftime(1,units="days"),
 			fileout= paste("C:/base/","import_coe",bilPM at anneedebut@annee_selectionnee,bilPM at anneefin@annee_selectionnee,".csv",sep="")

Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/interface_BilanFonctionnementDC.r
--- pkg/stacomir/R/interface_BilanFonctionnementDC.r	2017-02-12 19:18:28 UTC (rev 292)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/interface_BilanFonctionnementDC.r	2017-02-12 19:57:52 UTC (rev 293)
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 			tooltip=gettext("Another monthly graph",domain="R-stacomiR"))	
-	aBox=gWidgets::gaction(label=getext("box"),
+	aBox=gWidgets::gaction(label=gettext("box"),
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
-	aOut=gWidgets::gaction(label=gettex("code"),
+	aOut=gWidgets::gaction(label=gettext("code"),

Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/stacomi.r
--- pkg/stacomir/R/stacomi.r	2017-02-12 19:18:28 UTC (rev 292)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/stacomi.r	2017-02-12 19:57:52 UTC (rev 293)
@@ -297,6 +297,7 @@
 #' @importFrom utils select.list write.table data
 #' @importFrom stats ftable
 #' @importFrom stats xtabs
+#' @importFrom stats AIC
 #' @importFrom grDevices dev.new
 #' @importFrom stats sd
 #' @importFrom reshape2 dcast
@@ -504,7 +505,9 @@
-				"per_etat_fonctionnement","std_libelle","sumduree","dc","stade","taxon","stage","ouv"))
+				"per_etat_fonctionnement","std_libelle","sumduree","dc","stade","taxon","stage","ouv",
+				"Q0","Q100","Q5","Q50","Q95","age","bjo_annee","bjo_labelquantite","bjo_valeur","doy",
+				"pred_weight","pred_weight_lwr","pred_weight_upr","total","w","year"))
 # variable used by dplyr

Modified: pkg/stacomir/man/envir_stacomi.Rd
--- pkg/stacomir/man/envir_stacomi.Rd	2017-02-12 19:18:28 UTC (rev 292)
+++ pkg/stacomir/man/envir_stacomi.Rd	2017-02-12 19:57:52 UTC (rev 293)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 \title{Environment where most objects from the package are stored and then loaded
 by the charge method}
-\format{An object of class \code{environment} of length 4.}
+\format{An object of class \code{environment} of length 9.}

Modified: pkg/stacomir/man/f_stade_Durif.Rd
--- pkg/stacomir/man/f_stade_Durif.Rd	2017-02-12 19:18:28 UTC (rev 292)
+++ pkg/stacomir/man/f_stade_Durif.Rd	2017-02-12 19:57:52 UTC (rev 293)
@@ -1,28 +1,19 @@
 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/BilanAgedemer.r, R/BilanArgentee.r
+% Please edit documentation in R/BilanArgentee.r
 \title{Function to calculate the stages from Durif}
 \item{data}{A dataset with columns BL, W, Dv, Dh, FL corresponding to body length (mm),
 Weight (g), vertical eye diameter (mm), vertical eye diameter (mm), and pectoral fin length (mm)}
-\item{data}{A dataset with columns BL, W, Dv, Dh, FL corresponding to body length (mm),
-Weight (g), vertical eye diameter (mm), vertical eye diameter (mm), and pectoral fin length (mm)}
 Function to calculate the stages from Durif
-Function to calculate the stages from Durif
 Laurent Beaulaton \email{laurent.beaulaton"at"onema.fr}
-Laurent Beaulaton \email{laurent.beaulaton"at"onema.fr}

Modified: pkg/stacomir/man/model-Bilan_poids_moyen-method.Rd
--- pkg/stacomir/man/model-Bilan_poids_moyen-method.Rd	2017-02-12 19:18:28 UTC (rev 292)
+++ pkg/stacomir/man/model-Bilan_poids_moyen-method.Rd	2017-02-12 19:57:52 UTC (rev 293)
@@ -13,29 +13,6 @@
 \item{object}{An object of class \link{Bilan_pois_moyen-class}}
-\item{model.type}{default "seasonal", "seasonal1","seasonal2","manual". 
-        \item{model.type="seasonal". The simplest model uses a seasonal variation, it is
-                fitted with a sine wave curve allowing a cyclic variation 
-                w ~ a*cos(2*pi*(doy-T)/365)+b with a period T. The julian time d0 used is this model is set
-                at zero 1st of November d = d + d0; d0 = 305.}
-        \item{model.type="seasonal1". A time component is introduced in the model, which allows
-            for a long term variation along with the seasonal variation. This long term variation is
-            is fitted with a gam, the time variable is set at zero at the beginning of the first day of observed values.
-            The seasonal variation is modeled on the same modified julian time as model.type="seasonal"
-            but here we use a cyclic cubic spline cc, which allows to return at the value of d0=0 at d=365.
-            This model was considered as the best to model size variations by Diaz & Briand in prep. but using a large set of values
-            over years.}
-        \item{model.type="seasonal2". The seasonal trend in the previous model is now modelled with a sine
-            curve similar to the sine curve used in seasonal.  The formula for this is ‘sin(ωvt) + cos(ωvt)’, 
-        where vt is the time index variable ω is a constant that describes how the index variable relates to the full period
-            (here, 2π/365=0.0172). the model is written as following w~cos(0.0172*doy)+sin(0.0172*doy)+s(time).}
-        \item{model.type="manual", The dataset don (the raw data), coe (the coefficients already present in the
-            database, and newcoe the dataset to make the predictions from, are written to the environment envir_stacomi. 
-            please see example for further description on how to fit your own model, build the table of coefficients,
-            and write it to the database.}
 model method for Bilan_poids_moyen' 

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