[Stacomir-commits] r341 - pkg/stacomir/R

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Thu Apr 6 09:30:59 CEST 2017

Author: briand
Date: 2017-04-06 09:30:59 +0200 (Thu, 06 Apr 2017)
New Revision: 341


Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/BilanMigrationCar.r
--- pkg/stacomir/R/BilanMigrationCar.r	2017-04-06 06:54:27 UTC (rev 340)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/BilanMigrationCar.r	2017-04-06 07:30:59 UTC (rev 341)
@@ -37,11 +37,13 @@
-				valeurs_possibles="data.frame"),
+				valeurs_possibles="data.frame",
+				calcdata="list"),
-				valeurs_possibles=data.frame()),
+				valeurs_possibles=data.frame(),
+				calcdata<-list()),
@@ -55,13 +57,13 @@
 		}   )
-#' command line interface for BilanAgedemer class
-#' @param object An object of class \link{BilanAgedemer-class}
+#' command line interface for BilanMigrationCar class
+#' @param object An object of class \link{BilanMigrationCar-class}
 #' @param dc A numeric or integer, the code of the dc, coerced to integer,see \link{choice_c,RefDC-method}
 #' @param taxons '2220=Salmo salar',
 #' these should match the ref.tr_taxon_tax referential table in the stacomi database, see \link{choice_c,RefTaxon-method}
-#' @param stades '5','11','BEC','BER','IND'
-#' @param par Parameters chosen for the Bilan are mesured body size (1786), mesured fork length (1785),video size (C001) and number of year at sea (A124)
+#' @param stades TODO
+#' @param car Sample TODO
 #' @param horodatedebut The starting date as a character, formats like \code{\%Y-\%m-\%d} or \code{\%d-\%m-\%Y} can be used as input
 #' @param horodatefin The finishing date of the Bilan, for this class this will be used to calculate the number of daily steps.
 #' @param silent Default FALSE, if TRUE the program should no display messages
@@ -70,49 +72,173 @@
 #' uses the choice_c methods of these object to select the data.
 #' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
 #' @export
-				limit1hm,
-				limit2hm,
 			# code for debug using example
 			#taxons='2220';	stades=c('5','11','BEC','BER','IND');par=c('1786','1785','C001');silent=FALSE
-			if (!(is.numeric(limit1hm)|is.integer(limit1hm))) funout(gettext("limit1hm should be numeric or integer",domain="R-stacomiR"),arret=TRUE)
-			if (!(is.numeric(limit2hm)|is.integer(limit2hm))) funout(gettext("limit2hm should be numeric or integer",domain="R-stacomiR"),arret=TRUE)
-			bilan_adm<-object
-			bilan_adm at dc=charge(bilan_adm at dc)
+			bmC<-object
+			bmC at dc=charge(bmC at dc)
 			# loads and verifies the dc
 			# this will set dc_selectionne slot
-			bilan_adm at dc<-choice_c(object=bilan_adm at dc,dc)
+			bmC at dc<-choice_c(object=bmC at dc,dc)
 			# only taxa present in the bilanMigration are used
-			bilan_adm at taxons<-charge_avec_filtre(object=bilan_adm at taxons,bilan_adm at dc@dc_selectionne)			
-			bilan_adm at taxons<-choice_c(bilan_adm at taxons,taxons)
-			bilan_adm at stades<-charge_avec_filtre(object=bilan_adm at stades,bilan_adm at dc@dc_selectionne,bilan_adm at taxons@data$tax_code)	
-			bilan_adm at stades<-choice_c(bilan_adm at stades,stades,silent=silent)
-			bilan_adm at par<-charge_avec_filtre(object=bilan_adm at par,bilan_adm at dc@dc_selectionne,bilan_adm at taxons@data$tax_code,bilan_adm at stades@data$std_code)	
-			bilan_adm at par<-choice_c(bilan_adm at par,par,silent=silent)
-			bilan_adm at horodatedebut<-choice_c(object=bilan_adm at horodatedebut,
-					nomassign="bilan_adm_date_debut",
+			bmC at taxons<-charge_avec_filtre(object=bmC at taxons,bmC at dc@dc_selectionne)			
+			bmC at taxons<-choice_c(bmC at taxons,taxons)
+			bmC at stades<-charge_avec_filtre(object=bmC at stades,bmC at dc@dc_selectionne,bmC at taxons@data$tax_code)	
+			bmC at stades<-choice_c(bmC at stades,stades,silent=silent)
+			bmC at par<-charge_avec_filtre(object=bmC at par,bmC at dc@dc_selectionne,bmC at taxons@data$tax_code,bmC at stades@data$std_code)	
+			bmC at par<-choice_c(bmC at par,par,silent=silent)
+			bmC at horodatedebut<-choice_c(object=bmC at horodatedebut,
+					nomassign="bmC_date_debut",
 					funoutlabel=gettext("Beginning date has been chosen\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),
-			bilan_adm at horodatefin<-choice_c(bilan_adm at horodatefin,
-					nomassign="bilan_adm_date_fin",
+			bmC at horodatefin<-choice_c(bmC at horodatefin,
+					nomassign="bmC_date_fin",
 					funoutlabel=gettext("Ending date has been chosen\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),
-			bilan_adm at limit1hm<-choice_c(bilan_adm at limit1hm,as.character(limit1hm),"limit1hm")
-			bilan_adm at limit2hm<-choice_c(bilan_adm at limit2hm,as.character(limit2hm),"limit2hm")
-			validObject(bilan_adm)
-			return(bilan_adm)
+			bmC at limit1hm<-choice_c(bmC at limit1hm,as.character(limit1hm),"limit1hm")
+			bmC at limit2hm<-choice_c(bmC at limit2hm,as.character(limit2hm),"limit2hm")
+			validObject(bmC)
+			return(bmC)
+	if (bilanMigrationPar at parquan@data$par_nom=="aucune" & bilanMigrationPar at parqual@data$par_nom=="aucune") {
+		stop("You need to choose at least one quantitative or qualitative attribute")
+	} else if (bilanMigrationPar at parquan@data$par_nom=="aucune") {
+		#caracteristique qualitative uniquement
+		req at sql=paste("SELECT ope_date_debut, ope_date_fin, lot_methode_obtention, SUM(lot_effectif) AS effectif,",
+				" car_val_identifiant_tous as car_val_identifiant",
+				" FROM (SELECT *,", 
+				" CASE when car_val_identifiant is not null then car_val_identifiant",
+				" ELSE lot_pere_val_identifiant",
+				" END as car_val_identifiant_tous", 
+				" FROM ",get("sch",envir=envir_stacomi),"vue_ope_lot_ech_parqual", 
+				" WHERE ope_dic_identifiant ='",bilanMigrationPar at dc@dc_selectionne,"'",
+				echantillons,
+				" AND lot_tax_code = '",bilanMigrationPar at taxons@data$tax_code,"'" ,
+				" AND lot_std_code = '",bilanMigrationPar at stades@data$std_code,"'" ,
+				" AND car_par_code = '",bilanMigrationPar at parqual@data$par_code,"'" ,
+				" AND (ope_date_debut, ope_date_fin) OVERLAPS (TIMESTAMP '" , debutPas , "', TIMESTAMP '" , finPas , "')" ,
+				" ) AS qan",
+				" GROUP BY qan.ope_date_debut, qan.ope_date_fin, qan.lot_methode_obtention, qan.car_val_identifiant_tous " ,
+				" ORDER BY qan.ope_date_debut",sep="")
+	} else if (bilanMigrationPar at parqual@data$par_nom=="aucune") {
+		# Caracteristique quantitative uniquement
+		req at sql=paste("SELECT ope_date_debut, ope_date_fin, lot_methode_obtention, SUM(lot_effectif) AS effectif, SUM(car_valeur_quantitatif) AS quantite",
+				" FROM ",get("sch",envir=envir_stacomi),"vue_ope_lot_ech_parquan",    
+				" WHERE ope_dic_identifiant ='",bilanMigrationPar at dc@dc_selectionne,"'",
+				echantillons,
+				" AND lot_tax_code = '",bilanMigrationPar at taxons@data$tax_code,"'" ,
+				" AND lot_std_code = '",bilanMigrationPar at stades@data$std_code,"'" ,
+				" AND car_par_code = '",bilanMigrationPar at parquan@data$par_code,"'" ,
+				" AND (ope_date_debut, ope_date_fin) OVERLAPS (TIMESTAMP '" , debutPas , "', TIMESTAMP '" , finPas , "')" ,
+				" GROUP BY ope_date_debut, ope_date_fin, lot_methode_obtention" ,
+				" ORDER BY ope_date_debut",sep="")
+	} else {
+		#les deux caracteristiques sont choisies, il faut faire un Bilancroise
+		# attention je choisis un left  join ea veut dire certaines caracteristiques quant n'ont pas de contrepartie quantitative     
+		req at sql=paste(
+				" SELECT ope_date_debut,",
+				" ope_date_fin,",  
+				" SUM(lot_effectif) AS effectif,", 
+				" SUM(car_valeur_quantitatif) AS quantite,",
+				" car_val_identifiant_tous as car_val_identifiant",
+				" FROM (",
+				" SELECT *,",
+				" CASE when car_val_identifiant is not null then car_val_identifiant",
+				" ELSE lot_pere_val_identifiant",
+				" END as car_val_identifiant_tous",
+				" FROM (",
+				" SELECT * FROM ",get("sch",envir=envir_stacomi),"vue_ope_lot_ech_parquan", 
+				" WHERE ope_dic_identifiant ='",bilanMigrationPar at dc@dc_selectionne,"'",
+				echantillons,
+				" AND lot_tax_code = '",bilanMigrationPar at taxons@data$tax_code,"'" ,
+				" AND lot_std_code = '",bilanMigrationPar at stades@data$std_code,"'" ,
+				" AND car_par_code = '",bilanMigrationPar at parquan@data$par_code,"'" ,
+				" AND (ope_date_debut, ope_date_fin) OVERLAPS (TIMESTAMP '",debutPas,"',TIMESTAMP '",finPas,"') " ,
+				" ) AS qan",
+				" LEFT JOIN", 
+				" (SELECT lot_identifiant as lot_identifiant1,car_val_identifiant ",
+				"  FROM vue_ope_lot_ech_parqual ", 
+				" WHERE ope_dic_identifiant ='",bilanMigrationPar at dc@dc_selectionne,"'",
+				echantillons,
+				" AND lot_tax_code = '",bilanMigrationPar at taxons@data$tax_code,"'" ,     
+				" AND lot_std_code = '",bilanMigrationPar at stades@data$std_code,"'" ,
+				" AND car_par_code = '",bilanMigrationPar at parqual@data$par_code,"'" ,
+				" AND (ope_date_debut, ope_date_fin) OVERLAPS (TIMESTAMP '",debutPas,"',TIMESTAMP '",finPas,"') " ,
+				" )as qal ",
+				" ON qan.lot_identifiant=qal.lot_identifiant1",
+				" )as qanqal",
+				" GROUP BY  qanqal.ope_date_debut, qanqal.ope_date_fin, qanqal.car_val_identifiant_tous",
+				" ORDER BY qanqal.ope_date_debut",sep="")
+	}
+	})# end else
+	#cat(paste("Requete SQL : \n" , sql))
+	rs<-stacomirtools::connect(req)@query
+	#cat(nrow(rs))
+	if (nrow(rs)>0){
+		debutOpe=as.POSIXlt(rs$ope_date_debut)
+		finOpe= as.POSIXlt(rs$ope_date_fin)
+		effectif=rs$effectif
+		quantite=rs$quantite
+		if (bilanMigrationPar at parqual@data$par_nom!="aucune") {
+			rs$car_val_identifiant[is.na(rs$car_val_identifiant)]<-"autre"
+		}
+		# creation des sommes effectif_MESURE ...
+		# Si l'operation commence avant le pas de temps courant, et ne se termine pas apres, il faut conserver une seule partie de l'operation
+		# Si l'operation se termine apres la fin du pas mais ne debute pas avant, il faut conserver une seule partie de l'operation
+		# Si l'operation commence avant le pas de temps et se termine apres, on ne conserve qu'une partie de l'operation
+		# Cas ou l'operation est inferieure ou egale au pas de temps : pas de probleme, on compte l'operation complete
+		# ce qui revient e dire que pour ce qui concerne la time.sequence de l'operation effectif sur le pas de temps
+		# on prends le max du debut de ope et pas de temps (si l'ope commence avant on garde pas cette partie )
+		# et pour la fin on prend le min si l'ope se termine apres on garde pas... ouf
+		debut<-debutOpe
+		fin<-finOpe
+		debut[debut<debutPas]<-debutPas
+		fin[fin>finPas]<-finPas
+		# Repartition de l'effectif au prorata
+		effectif = effectif *  as.double(difftime(time1=fin, time2=debut,units =  "secs"))/as.double(difftime(time1=finOpe,time2=debutOpe,units =  "secs")) 
+		quantite=  quantite *  as.double(difftime(time1=fin, time2=debut,units =  "secs"))/as.double(difftime(time1=finOpe,time2=debutOpe,units =  "secs")) 
+		if (bilanMigrationPar at parqual@data$par_nom!="aucune") { # il existe des caracteristiques qualitatives de lot			
+			# i=c(valeurs_qal,"tous")[2]
+			for (i in valeurs_qal){
+				assign(eval(paste("effectif_",i,sep="")),sum(effectif[rs$car_val_identifiant==i]))
+				assign(eval(paste("quantite_",i,sep="")),sum(quantite[rs$car_val_identifiant==i]))
+			}
+		} else {# pas de caracteristiques qualitatives de lot et pas de decoupage supplementaire
+			effectif<-sum(effectif)
+			quantite<-sum(quantite)
+		}
+	} else {
+		# dans le cas ou le resultat de la requete est vide pas de ligne je met 0
+		if (bilanMigrationPar at parqual@data$par_nom!="aucune") { # il existe des caracteristiques qualitatives de lot			
+			for (i in valeurs_qal){
+				assign(eval(paste("effectif_",i,sep="")),0)
+				assign(eval(paste("quantite_",i,sep="")),0)
+			}
+		} else {# pas de caracteristiques qualitatives de lot et pas de decoupage supplementaire
+			effectif<-0
+			quantite<-0
+		}
+	}
 #' charge method for BilanMigrationCar
 #' Used by the graphical interface to collect and test objects in the environment envir_stacomi, 
@@ -179,6 +305,8 @@
 #' calcule methode
@@ -206,6 +334,27 @@
 			funout(gettext("Writing data into envir_stacomi environment : write data=get(\"data\",envir_stacomi) \n",domain="R-stacomiR"))
 			bmC at data<-data 
+			###########################
+			bmC<-x # ne pas passer dessus en debug manuel
+			##########################
+			colnames(bmC at data)<-gsub("debut_pas","Date",colnames(bmC at data))
+			if (bmC at parqual@data$par_nom!="aucune"& bmC at parquan@data$par_nom!="aucune") {# il y a des qualites et des quantites de lots
+				nmvarqan=gsub(" ","_",bmC at parquan@data$par_nom) # nom variable quantitative
+				colnames(bmC at data)<-gsub("quantite",nmvarqan,colnames(bmC at data))
+				mb=reshape2::melt(bmC at data,id.vars=c(1:4),measure.vars=grep(nmvarqan,colnames(bmC at data)))
+				# ici je ne sors que les variables quantitatives pour les graphes ulterieurs (j'ignore les effectifs) 
+			} else if (bmC at parqual@data$par_nom!="aucune"){ # c'est que des caracteristiques qualitatives
+				mb=reshape2::melt(bmC at data,id.vars=c(1:4),measure.vars=grep("effectif",colnames(bmC at data)))  # effectifs en fonction des variables qualitatives, il n'y a qu'une seule colonne     
+			} else if (bmC at parquan@data$par_nom!="aucune"){ # c'est que des caracteristiques quantitatives
+				nmvarqan=gsub(" ","_",bmC at parquan@data$par_nom) # nom variable quantitative
+				colnames(bmC at data)<-gsub("quantite",nmvarqan,colnames(bmC at data)) # je renomme la variable quant
+				mb=reshape2::melt(bmC at data,id.vars=c(1:4),measure.vars=grep(nmvarqan,colnames(bmC at data))) # valeurs quantitatives (il n'y a qu'une) 
+			} else if (bmC at parquan@data$par_nom=="aucune"&bmC at parqual@data$par_nom=="aucune"){
+				stop("This shouldn't be possible")
+				# ce cas est impossible
+			}
+			mb=stacomirtools::chnames(mb,"value","sum")
+			mb=funtraitementdate(data=mb,nom_coldt="Date") 
 			# graphiques (a affiner pb si autre chose que journalier)
@@ -258,27 +407,7 @@
 #' @param ... Additional parameters
 #' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
-			###########################
-			bmC<-x # ne pas passer dessus en debug manuel
-			##########################
-			colnames(bmC at data)<-gsub("debut_pas","Date",colnames(bmC at data))
-			if (bmC at parqual@data$par_nom!="aucune"& bmC at parquan@data$par_nom!="aucune") {# il y a des qualites et des quantites de lots
-				nmvarqan=gsub(" ","_",bmC at parquan@data$par_nom) # nom variable quantitative
-				colnames(bmC at data)<-gsub("quantite",nmvarqan,colnames(bmC at data))
-				mb=reshape2::melt(bmC at data,id.vars=c(1:4),measure.vars=grep(nmvarqan,colnames(bmC at data)))
-				# ici je ne sors que les variables quantitatives pour les graphes ulterieurs (j'ignore les effectifs) 
-			} else if (bmC at parqual@data$par_nom!="aucune"){ # c'est que des caracteristiques qualitatives
-				mb=reshape2::melt(bmC at data,id.vars=c(1:4),measure.vars=grep("effectif",colnames(bmC at data)))  # effectifs en fonction des variables qualitatives, il n'y a qu'une seule colonne     
-			} else if (bmC at parquan@data$par_nom!="aucune"){ # c'est que des caracteristiques quantitatives
-				nmvarqan=gsub(" ","_",bmC at parquan@data$par_nom) # nom variable quantitative
-				colnames(bmC at data)<-gsub("quantite",nmvarqan,colnames(bmC at data)) # je renomme la variable quant
-				mb=reshape2::melt(bmC at data,id.vars=c(1:4),measure.vars=grep(nmvarqan,colnames(bmC at data))) # valeurs quantitatives (il n'y a qu'une) 
-			} else if (bmC at parquan@data$par_nom=="aucune"&bmC at parqual@data$par_nom=="aucune"){
-				stop("This shouldn't be possible")
-				# ce cas est impossible
-			}
-			mb=stacomirtools::chnames(mb,"value","sum")
-			mb=funtraitementdate(data=mb,nom_coldt="Date") 
 			# transformation du tableau de donnees
 			if (plot.type=="barplot") {
@@ -299,23 +428,30 @@
 			} #end plot.type="xyplot"
 			#TODO create summary method
-			if (plot.type=="summary") {
-				table=round(tapply(mb$sum,list(mb$mois,mb$variable),sum),1)
-				table=as.data.frame(table)
-				table[,"total"]<-rowSums(table)
-				gdf(table, container=TRUE)
-				nomdc=bmC at dc@data$df_code[match(bmC at dc@dc_selectionne,bmC at dc@data$dc)]
-				annee=unique(strftime(as.POSIXlt(bmC at time.sequence),"%Y"))
-				path1=file.path(path.expand(get("datawd",envir=envir_stacomi)),paste(nmvarqan,"_mensuel_",nomdc,"_",bmC at taxons@data$tax_nom_commun,"_",bmC at stades@data$std_libelle,"_",annee,".csv",sep=""),fsep ="\\")
-				write.table(table,file=path1,row.names=FALSE,col.names=TRUE,sep=";")
-				funout(gettextf("Writing of %s",path1))
-				path1=file.path(path.expand(get("datawd",envir=envir_stacomi)),paste(nmvarqan,"_journalier_",nomdc,"_",bmC at taxons@data$tax_nom_commun,"_",bmC at stades@data$std_libelle,"_",annee,".csv",sep=""),fsep ="\\")
-				write.table(bmC at data,file=path1,row.names=FALSE,col.names=TRUE,sep=";")
-				funout(gettextf("Writing of %s",path1))
-			} # end plot.type summary 
+#' summary for BilanMigrationCar 
+#' @param object An object of class \code{\link{BilanMigrationCar-class}}
+#' @param silent Should the program stay silent or display messages, default FALSE
+#' @param ... Additional parameters
+#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
+#' @export
+		if (plot.type=="summary") {
+			table=round(tapply(mb$sum,list(mb$mois,mb$variable),sum),1)
+			table=as.data.frame(table)
+			table[,"total"]<-rowSums(table)
+			gdf(table, container=TRUE)
+			nomdc=bmC at dc@data$df_code[match(bmC at dc@dc_selectionne,bmC at dc@data$dc)]
+			annee=unique(strftime(as.POSIXlt(bmC at time.sequence),"%Y"))
+			path1=file.path(path.expand(get("datawd",envir=envir_stacomi)),paste(nmvarqan,"_mensuel_",nomdc,"_",bmC at taxons@data$tax_nom_commun,"_",bmC at stades@data$std_libelle,"_",annee,".csv",sep=""),fsep ="\\")
+			write.table(table,file=path1,row.names=FALSE,col.names=TRUE,sep=";")
+			funout(gettextf("Writing of %s",path1))
+			path1=file.path(path.expand(get("datawd",envir=envir_stacomi)),paste(nmvarqan,"_journalier_",nomdc,"_",bmC at taxons@data$tax_nom_commun,"_",bmC at stades@data$std_libelle,"_",annee,".csv",sep=""),fsep ="\\")
+			write.table(bmC at data,file=path1,row.names=FALSE,col.names=TRUE,sep=";")
+			funout(gettextf("Writing of %s",path1))
+		} # end plot.type summary 
+	})

Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/funSousListeBilanMigrationPar.r
--- pkg/stacomir/R/funSousListeBilanMigrationPar.r	2017-04-06 06:54:27 UTC (rev 340)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/funSousListeBilanMigrationPar.r	2017-04-06 07:30:59 UTC (rev 341)
@@ -1,20 +1,4 @@
-# Nom fichier :        funSousListeBilanMigrationPar
-# Projet :             calcmig/prog/fonctions
-# Organisme :          IAV/CSP
-# Auteur :             Cedric Briand
-# Contact :            cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr
-# Date de creation :   23/05/2006
-# Compatibilite :      R 2.8.0
-# Etat :               developpement
-# Description          Workhorse fonction pour le calcul des bilans migratoires adaptee au travail sur parametres qualitatifs et quantitatifs
-# Notes de devt                     Dans les requetes recuperer valeurs quan ou valeur qual ou l'interrogation croisee (trois cas differents)
 #' funSousListeBilanMigrationPar
 #' see \code{funSousListeBilanMigration} This function is similar to

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