[Stacomir-commits] r169 - in pkg/stacomirtools: R man

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Sat Aug 20 16:10:02 CEST 2016

Author: briand
Date: 2016-08-20 16:10:02 +0200 (Sat, 20 Aug 2016)
New Revision: 169


Modified: pkg/stacomirtools/R/RequeteODBCwhere.r
--- pkg/stacomirtools/R/RequeteODBCwhere.r	2016-08-20 13:43:05 UTC (rev 168)
+++ pkg/stacomirtools/R/RequeteODBCwhere.r	2016-08-20 14:10:02 UTC (rev 169)
@@ -45,8 +45,7 @@
 #' object<-connect(object)
 setMethod("connect",signature=signature("RequeteODBCwhere"),definition=function(object) {
-			requeteODBC=connect(requeteODBC) # utilise la m�thode de la classe m�re
-			# r�cup�re au sein de l'object les �l�ments de requeteODBC
+			requeteODBC=connect(requeteODBC) # uses mother class method
 			object at sql=requeteODBC at sql
 			object at connection=requeteODBC at connection
 			object at query=requeteODBC at query

Modified: pkg/stacomirtools/man/ConnectionODBC-class.Rd
--- pkg/stacomirtools/man/ConnectionODBC-class.Rd	2016-08-20 13:43:05 UTC (rev 168)
+++ pkg/stacomirtools/man/ConnectionODBC-class.Rd	2016-08-20 14:10:02 UTC (rev 169)
@@ -37,7 +37,8 @@
- # this is the mother class, you don't have to use it, please use requeteODBC and daughter class instead
+ ## this is the mother class, you don't have to use it, 
+ ## please use requeteODBC and daughter class instead
  object at baseODBC<-c("myODBCconnection","myusername","mypassword")
  object at silent<-FALSE

Modified: pkg/stacomirtools/man/RequeteODBC-class.Rd
--- pkg/stacomirtools/man/RequeteODBC-class.Rd	2016-08-20 13:43:05 UTC (rev 168)
+++ pkg/stacomirtools/man/RequeteODBC-class.Rd	2016-08-20 14:10:02 UTC (rev 169)
@@ -42,20 +42,24 @@
- object at open=TRUE # this will leave the connection open, by default it closes after the query is sent
- #the following will work only if you have configured and ODBC link
+ object at open=TRUE 
+ ## this will leave the connection open, 
+ ## by default it closes after the query is sent
+ ## the following will work only if you have configured and ODBC link
  object at baseODBC=c("myODBCconnection","myusername","mypassword")
  object at sql= "select * from mytable limit 100"
  odbcClose(object at connection)
- # While testing I like to see the output of sometimes complex queries generated by the program
- assign("showmerequest",1,envir_stacomi) # can be anything just tests the existence of "showmerequest" in envir_stacomi
+ ## While testing I like to see the output of sometimes complex queries generated by the program
+ assign("showmerequest",1,envir_stacomi) 
+ ## You can assign any values (here 1)
+ ## just tests the existence of "showmerequest" in envir_stacomi
  object at baseODBC=c("myODBCconnection","myusername","mypassword")
  object at sql= "select * from mytable limit 100"
-# the connection is already closed, the query is printed
+## the connection is already closed, the query is printed
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/stacomirtools/man/funhtml.Rd
--- pkg/stacomirtools/man/funhtml.Rd	2016-08-20 13:43:05 UTC (rev 168)
+++ pkg/stacomirtools/man/funhtml.Rd	2016-08-20 14:10:02 UTC (rev 169)
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
 \title{function used to print the html tables of output (see xtable documentation)}
-  funhtml(data,caption=NULL,top=TRUE,outfile=NULL,clipboard=FALSE,append=TRUE,digits=NULL,...)
+  funhtml(data,caption=NULL,top=TRUE,outfile=NULL,clipboard=FALSE,
+  append=TRUE,digits=NULL,...)
   \item{data}{a data frame}

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