[Soiltexture-commits] r49 - in pkg: . soiltexture/inst/doc

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Wed Mar 30 11:54:12 CEST 2011

Author: jmoeys
Date: 2011-03-30 11:54:11 +0200 (Wed, 30 Mar 2011)
New Revision: 49

Correct non-ASCII character in the vignette.

Property changes on: pkg
Modified: svn:ignore
   - soiltexture.Rcheck.zip

   + soiltexture.Rcheck

Property changes on: pkg/soiltexture/inst/doc
Added: svn:ignore
   + soiltexture_vignette.R

Deleted: pkg/soiltexture/inst/doc/soiltexture_vignette.R
--- pkg/soiltexture/inst/doc/soiltexture_vignette.R	2011-03-17 10:51:16 UTC (rev 48)
+++ pkg/soiltexture/inst/doc/soiltexture_vignette.R	2011-03-30 09:54:11 UTC (rev 49)
@@ -1,1695 +0,0 @@
-### chunk number 1: 
-#line 99 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-# Set a few Sweave options:
-    width       = 65,  # width of R output
-    prompt      = " ", # Sign preceding R input in R-GUI
-    continue    = " "  # same, but after 2nd line
-)   # 
-# The working directory:
-# setwd("C:/_RTOOLS/SWEAVE_WORK/SOIL_TEXTURES/rforge/pkg/soiltexture/inst/doc/INOUT") 
-# And load the xtable package:
-if( !"xtable" %in% .packages(all.available = TRUE) )
-{   #
-    message( paste( sep = "", 
-        "The xtable package is not present in your R install:\n", 
-        "R will now try to connect to one package server\n", 
-        "and propose you a list of package to download\n", 
-        "and install: Choose 'xtable' from the list"
-    )   )   #
-    utils:::menuInstallPkgs() 
-}   #
-require( "xtable" ) 
-### chunk number 2: 
-#line 140 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-old.wd  <- getwd() 
-# setwd("C:/_RTOOLS/SWEAVE_WORK/SOIL_TEXTURES/rforge/pkg/soiltexture/inst/doc/INOUT") 
-if( !("soiltexture" %in%  as.character( installed.packages()[,1] )) ) 
-{   #
-    suppressMessages( 
-        install.packages( 
-            pkgs  = "soiltexture"  
-            # repos = "http://R-Forge.R-project.org" 
-        )   #
-    )   #
-}   #
-    package        = "soiltexture", 
-    character.only = TRUE, 
-    quietly        = TRUE 
-)   #
-# setwd(old.wd) 
-### chunk number 3: COVERFIG
-#line 169 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-### chunk number 4: 
-#line 375 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-bornes <- c(0,2,20,50,200,2e3,20e3)
-noms   <- c("Cl","FiSi","CoSi","FiSa","CoSa","Gr","St")
-txt.b  <- c("0µm","2µm","20µm","50µm","200µm","2mm","2cm")
-tmp <- data.frame(bornes,noms,txt.b)
-tmp$"txt.b" <- as.character(tmp$"txt.b")
-par(  "mar"=c(4,1,1,1)+0.1  )  #  c(bottom, left, top, right)
-	x		= tmp$"bornes"[-1],  
-	y		= rep(1,dim(tmp[-1,])[1]),  
-	type	= "n",  
-	main	= "",  
-	xlab	= "Soil particule sizes",  
-	ylab	= "",  
-	yaxt	= "n",  xaxt = "n",  
-	log		= "x",  
-	xlim	= c(0.2,75e3), 
-	bty		= "n", 
-	cex.lab = 2  
-)	#
-    text    = tmp$"txt.b"[-1], 
-    side    = 1, 
-    line    = rep( 
-        c(0.5,1.25), 
-        (dim(tmp)[1]-1)/2
-    ),  #
-    at  = tmp$"bornes"[-1], 
-    cex = 2  
-)   #
-xtxt <- (tmp$"bornes"[1:(length(tmp$"bornes"))]+c(tmp$"bornes"[2:length(tmp$"bornes")],75e3))/2
-### chunk number 5: 
-#line 504 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-    class.sys   = "none", 
-    tri.data    = data.frame( 
-        "CLAY"  = 45, 
-        "SILT"  = 38, 
-        "SAND"  = 17 
-    ),  #
-    main        = NA  
-)   #
-### chunk number 6: 
-#line 547 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-    class.sys   = "FAO50.TT", 
-    tri.data    = data.frame( 
-        "CLAY"  = 45, 
-        "SILT"  = 38, 
-        "SAND"  = 17 
-    ),  #
-    main        = NA  
-)   #
-### chunk number 7: 
-#line 561 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-tex.tbl <- TT.classes.tbl( class.sys = "FAO50.TT" ) 
-    x       = tex.tbl[,-3],  #
-    caption = "Texture classes of the FAO system / triangle", 
-    label   = NULL  
-)   #
-### chunk number 8:  eval=FALSE
-## #line 640 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-## install.packages( pkgs = "soiltexture" ) 
-### chunk number 9:  eval=FALSE
-## #line 650 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-## install.packages( 
-##     pkgs  = "soiltexture", 
-##     repos = "http://R-Forge.R-project.org" 
-## )   #
-### chunk number 10: 
-#line 661 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-require( soiltexture ) 
-### chunk number 11:  eval=FALSE
-## #line 670 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-## detach( package:soiltexture ) 
-## remove.packages( "soiltexture" ) 
-### chunk number 12: 
-#line 771 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-TT.plot( class.sys = "none" ) 
-### chunk number 13: 
-#line 797 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-TT.plot( class.sys = "USDA.TT" ) 
-### chunk number 14: 
-#line 812 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-tex.tbl <- TT.classes.tbl( class.sys = "USDA.TT" ) 
-    x       = tex.tbl[,-3],  #
-    caption = "Texture classes of the USDA system / triangle", 
-    label   = NULL  
-)   #
-### chunk number 15: 
-#line 834 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-TT.plot( class.sys = "FAO50.TT" ) 
-### chunk number 16: 
-#line 856 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-tex.tbl <- TT.classes.tbl( class.sys = "FAO50.TT" ) 
-    x       = tex.tbl[,-3],  #
-    caption = "Texture classes of the FAO system / triangle", 
-    label   = NULL  
-)   #
-### chunk number 17: 
-#line 880 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-TT.plot( class.sys = "FR.AISNE.TT" ) 
-### chunk number 18: 
-#line 895 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-tex.tbl <- TT.classes.tbl( class.sys = "FR.AISNE.TT" ) 
-    x       = tex.tbl[,-3],  #
-    caption = "Texture classes of the French 'Aisne' system / triangle", 
-    label   = NULL  
-)   #
-### chunk number 19: 
-#line 918 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-TT.plot( class.sys = "FR.GEPPA.TT" ) 
-### chunk number 20: 
-#line 930 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-tex.tbl <- TT.classes.tbl( class.sys = "FR.GEPPA.TT" ) 
-    x       = tex.tbl[,-3],  #
-    caption = "Texture classes of the French 'GEPPA' system / triangle", 
-    label   = NULL  
-)   #
-### chunk number 21: 
-#line 957 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-TT.plot( class.sys = "DE.BK94.TT" ) 
-### chunk number 22: 
-#line 969 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-tex.tbl <- TT.classes.tbl( class.sys = "DE.BK94.TT" ) 
-    x       = tex.tbl[,-3],  #
-    caption = "Texture classes of the German system / triangle", 
-    label   = NULL  
-)   #
-### chunk number 23: 
-#line 999 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-TT.plot( class.sys = "UK.SSEW.TT" ) 
-### chunk number 24: 
-#line 1010 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-tex.tbl <- TT.classes.tbl( class.sys = "UK.SSEW.TT" ) 
-    x       = tex.tbl[,-3],  #
-    caption = "Texture classes of the UK system / triangle", 
-    label   = NULL  
-)   #
-### chunk number 25: 
-#line 1031 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-TT.plot( class.sys = "AU.TT" ) 
-### chunk number 26: 
-#line 1043 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-tex.tbl <- TT.classes.tbl( class.sys = "AU.TT" ) 
-    x       = tex.tbl[,-3],  #
-    caption = "Texture classes of the Australian system / triangle", 
-    label   = NULL  
-)   #
-### chunk number 27: 
-#line 1069 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-TT.plot( class.sys = "BE.TT" ) 
-### chunk number 28: 
-#line 1085 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-tex.tbl <- TT.classes.tbl( class.sys = "BE.TT" ) 
-    x       = tex.tbl[,-3],  #
-    caption = "Texture classes of the Belgian system / triangle", 
-    label   = NULL  
-)   #
-### chunk number 29: 
-#line 1107 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-TT.plot( class.sys = "CA.EN.TT" ) 
-### chunk number 30: 
-#line 1115 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-TT.plot( class.sys = "CA.FR.TT" ) 
-### chunk number 31: 
-#line 1129 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-tex.tbl <- TT.classes.tbl( class.sys = "CA.EN.TT" ) 
-    x       = tex.tbl[,-3],  #
-    caption = "Texture classes of the Canadian (en) system / triangle", 
-    label   = NULL  
-)   #
-### chunk number 32: 
-#line 1142 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-tex.tbl <- TT.classes.tbl( class.sys = "CA.FR.TT" ) 
-    x       = tex.tbl[,-3],  #
-    caption = "Texture classes of the Canadian (fr) system / triangle", 
-    label   = NULL  
-)   #
-### chunk number 33: 
-#line 1172 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-TT.plot( class.sys = "ISSS.TT" ) 
-### chunk number 34: 
-#line 1186 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-tex.tbl <- TT.classes.tbl( class.sys = "ISSS.TT" ) 
-    x       = tex.tbl[,-3],  #
-    caption = "Texture classes of the ISSS system / triangle", 
-    label   = NULL  
-)   #
-### chunk number 35: 
-#line 1208 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-TT.plot( class.sys = "ROM.TT" ) 
-### chunk number 36: 
-#line 1222 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-tex.tbl <- TT.classes.tbl( class.sys = "ROM.TT" ) 
-    x       = tex.tbl[,-3],  #
-    caption = "Texture classes of the Romanian system / triangle", 
-    label   = NULL  
-)   #
-### chunk number 37: 
-#line 1239 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-    class.sys = "ROM.TT", 
-    blr.clock   = c(F,T,NA), 
-    tlr.an      = c(45,90,45), 
-    blr.tx      = c("SILT","CLAY","SAND"), 
-)   #
-### chunk number 38: 
-#line 1261 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-# Set a 2 by 2 plot matrix:
-old.par <- par(no.readonly=T)
-par("mfcol" = c(1,2),"mfrow"=c(1,2)) 
-# Plot the triangles
-    class.sys       = "USDA.TT", 
-    class.p.bg.col  = TRUE
-)   #
-    class.sys       = "FAO50.TT", 
-    class.p.bg.col  = TRUE
-)   #
-# Back to old parameters:
-### chunk number 39: 
-#line 1286 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-# Set a 2 by 2 plot matrix:
-old.par <- par(no.readonly=T)
-par("mfcol" = c(1,2),"mfrow"=c(1,2)) 
-# Plot the triangles
-    class.sys       = "FR.AISNE.TT", 
-    class.p.bg.col  = TRUE
-)   #
-    class.sys       = "FR.GEPPA.TT", 
-    class.p.bg.col  = TRUE
-)   #
-# Back to old parameters:
-### chunk number 40: 
-#line 1311 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-# Set a 2 by 2 plot matrix:
-old.par <- par(no.readonly=T)
-par("mfcol" = c(1,2),"mfrow"=c(1,2)) 
-# Plot the triangles
-    class.sys       = "UK.SSEW.TT", 
-    class.p.bg.col  = TRUE
-)   #
-    class.sys       = "DE.BK94.TT", 
-    class.p.bg.col  = TRUE
-)   #
-# Back to old parameters:
-### chunk number 41: 
-#line 1335 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-# Set a 2 by 2 plot matrix:
-old.par <- par(no.readonly=T)
-par("mfcol" = c(1,2),"mfrow"=c(1,2)) 
-# Plot the triangles
-    class.sys       = "AU.TT", 
-    class.p.bg.col  = TRUE
-)   #
-    class.sys       = "BE.TT", 
-    class.p.bg.col  = TRUE
-)   #
-# Back to old parameters:
-### chunk number 42: 
-#line 1360 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-# Set a 2 by 2 plot matrix:
-old.par <- par(no.readonly=T)
-par("mfcol" = c(1,2),"mfrow"=c(1,2)) 
-# Plot the triangles
-    class.sys       = "CA.EN.TT", 
-    class.p.bg.col  = TRUE
-)   #
-    class.sys       = "CA.FR.TT", 
-    class.p.bg.col  = TRUE
-)   #
-# Back to old parameters:
-### chunk number 43: 
-#line 1391 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-    class.sys       = "FAO50.TT", 
-    class.p.bg.col  = c("red","green","blue","pink","purple") 
-)   #
-### chunk number 44: 
-#line 1416 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-# First plot the USDA texture triangle, and retrieve its 
-#   geometrical features, silently outputted by TT.plot 
-geo <- TT.plot( 
-    class.sys   = "USDA.TT", 
-    main        = "USDA and French Aisne triangles, overplotted"  
-)   # 
-# Then overplot the French Aisne texture triangle, 
-#   and customise the colors so triangles are well distinct.
-    geo             = geo, 
-    class.sys       = "FR.AISNE.TT", 
-    # Additional "graphical" options
-    class.line.col  = "red", 
-    class.lab.col   = "red", 
-    lwd.axis        = 2  
-)   #
-### chunk number 45: 
-#line 1451 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-# First plot the USDA texture triangle, and retrieve its 
-#   geometrical features, silently outputted by TT.plot 
-geo <- TT.plot( 
-    class.sys   = "FR.AISNE.TT", 
-    main        = "French Aisne and GEPPA triangles, overplotted"  
-)   # 
-# Then overplot the French Aisne texture triangle, 
-#   and customise the colors so triangles are well distinct.
-    geo             = geo, 
-    class.sys       = "FR.GEPPA.TT", 
-    # Additional "graphical" options
-    class.line.col  = "red", 
-    class.lab.col   = "red", 
-    lwd.axis        = 2  
-)   #
-### chunk number 46: 
-#line 1485 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-# Create a dummy data frame of soil textures:
-my.text <- data.frame( 
-    "CLAY"  = c(05,60,15,05,25,05,25,45,65,75,13,47), 
-    "SILT"  = c(05,08,15,25,55,85,65,45,15,15,17,43), 
-    "SAND"  = c(90,32,70,70,20,10,10,10,20,10,70,10), 
-    "OC"    = c(20,14,15,05,12,15,07,21,25,30,05,28)  
-)   #
-# Display the table:
-### chunk number 47: 
-#line 1502 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-    class.sys   = "FAO50.TT", 
-    tri.data    = my.text, 
-    main        = "Soil texture data" 
-)   #
-### chunk number 48: 
-#line 1525 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-    class.sys   = "none", 
-    tri.data    = my.text, 
-    z.name      = "OC", 
-    main        = "Soil texture triangle and OC bubble plot" 
-)   #
-### chunk number 49: 
-#line 1553 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-rand.text	<- TT.dataset(n=100,seed.val=1980042401)
-### chunk number 50: 
-#line 1558 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-    class.sys   = "none", 
-    tri.data    = rand.text, 
-    z.name      = "Z", 
-    main        = "Soil texture triangle and Z bubble plot" 
-)   #
-### chunk number 51: 
-#line 1575 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-    class.sys   = "none", 
-    tri.data    = my.text, 
-    z.name      = "OC", 
-    main        = "Soil texture triangle and OC bubble plot" 
-)   #
-# Recompute some internal values:
-z.cex.range <- TT.get("z.cex.range") 
-def.pch     <- par("pch") 
-def.col     <- par("col")
-def.cex     <- TT.get("cex") 
-oc.str      <- TT.str( 
-    my.text[,"OC"], 
-    z.cex.range[1], 
-    z.cex.range[2]
-)   #
-# The legend:
-    x           = 80, 
-    y           = 90, 
-    title       = 
-        expression( bold('OC [g.kg'^-1 ~ ']') ), 
-    legend      = formatC( 
-        c( 
-            min( my.text[,"OC"] ), 
-            quantile(my.text[,"OC"] ,probs=c(25,50,75)/100), 
-            max( my.text[,"OC"] ) 
-        ), 
-        format  = "f", 
-        digits  = 1, 
-        width   = 4, 
-        flag    = "0" 
-    ),  #
-    pt.lwd      = 4, 
-    col         = def.col, 
-    pt.cex      = c( 
-            min( oc.str ), 
-            quantile(oc.str ,probs=c(25,50,75)/100), 
-            max( oc.str ) 
-    ),  #, 
-    pch         = def.pch, 
-    bty         = "o", 
-    bg          = NA, 
-    #box.col    = NA, # Uncomment this to remove the legend box
-    text.col    = "black", 
-    cex         = def.cex  
-)   #
-### chunk number 52: 
-#line 1671 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-geo <- TT.geo.get() 
-iwd.res <- TT.iwd( 
-    geo         = geo, 
-    tri.data    = rand.text, 
-    z.name      = "Z", 
-)   #
-    x       = iwd.res, 
-    geo     = geo, 
-    main    = "Soil texture triangle and Z heatmap" 
-)   # 
-    geo         = geo, 
-    grid.show   = FALSE, 
-    add         = TRUE  #  <<-- important 
-)   #
-### chunk number 53: 
-#line 1720 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-    x       = iwd.res, 
-    geo     = geo, 
-    main    = "Soil texture triangle and Z heatmap" 
-)   # 
-    x       = iwd.res, 
-    geo     = geo, 
-    add     = TRUE, #  <<-- important
-    lwd     = 2  
-)   # 
-    geo         = geo, 
-    grid.show   = FALSE, 
-    add         = TRUE  #  <<-- important
-)   #
-### chunk number 54: 
-#line 1773 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-geo <- TT.geo.get()  
-kde.res <- TT.kde2d( 
-    geo         = geo, 
-    tri.data    = rand.text  
-)   #
-    x       = kde.res, 
-    geo     = geo, 
-    main    = "Probability density estimate of the texture data", 
-    lwd     = 2, 
-    col     = "red"  
-)   # 
-    tri.data    = rand.text, 
-    geo         = geo, 
-    grid.show   = FALSE, 
-    add         = TRUE, #  <<-- important 
-    col         = "gray"
-)   #
-### chunk number 55: 
-#line 1841 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-geo <- TT.geo.get() 
-maha <- TT.mahalanobis( 
-    geo         = geo, 
-    tri.data    = rand.text  
-)   #
-    x       = maha, 
-    geo     = geo, 
-    main    = "Texture data Mahalanobis distance", 
-    lwd     = 2, 
-    col     = "blue"  
-)   # 
-    tri.data    = rand.text, 
-    geo         = geo, 
-    grid.show   = FALSE, 
-    add         = TRUE, #  <<-- important 
-    col         = "gray"
-)   #
-### chunk number 56: 
-#line 1891 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-geo <- TT.geo.get() 
-maha <- TT.mahalanobis( 
-    geo         = geo, 
-    tri.data    = rand.text, 
-    alr         = TRUE  #  <<-- important 
-)   #
-    x       = maha, 
-    geo     = geo, 
-    main    = "Texture data Mahalanobis distance", 
-    lwd     = 2, 
-    col     = "blue", 
-    levels  = c(0.5,1,2,4,8)  #  <<-- manually set. Otherwise 
-)   #                                 ugly plot
-    tri.data    = rand.text, 
-    geo         = geo, 
-    grid.show   = FALSE, 
-    add         = TRUE,  #  <<-- important 
-    col         = "gray"
-)   #
-### chunk number 57: 
-#line 1944 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-# Display the USDA texture triangle:
-geo     <- TT.plot(class.sys="USDA.TT") 
-# Create some custom labels:
-labelz  <- letters[1:dim(my.text)[1]] 
-# Display the text
-    tri.data    = my.text, 
-    geo         = geo, 
-    labels      = labelz, 
-    font        = 2, 
-    col         = "blue"  
-)   #
-### chunk number 58: 
-#line 1997 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-TT.data.test( tri.data = rand.text ) 
-### chunk number 59: 
-#line 2021 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-res <- TT.normalise.sum( tri.data = rand.text ) 
-# With output of the residuals:
-res <- TT.normalise.sum( 
-    tri.data    = rand.text, 
-    residuals   = TRUE  #  <<-- default = FALSE 
-)   #
-colnames( rand.text )
-colnames( res )  #  "Z" has been dropped
-max( res[ , "residuals" ] ) 
-### chunk number 60: 
-#line 2060 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-    tri.data    = my.text[1:5,], 
-    class.sys   = "FAO50.TT"  
-)   #
-### chunk number 61: 
-#line 2073 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-    tri.data    = my.text[1:5,], 
-    class.sys   = "USDA.TT"  
-)   #
-### chunk number 62: 
-#line 2089 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-    tri.data    = my.text[1:5,], 
-    class.sys   = "FAO50.TT", 
-    PiC.type    = "l" 
-)   #
-### chunk number 63: 
-#line 2105 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-    tri.data    = my.text[1:5,], 
-    class.sys   = "FAO50.TT", 
-    PiC.type    = "t" 
-)   #
-### chunk number 64: 
-#line 2121 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-    tri.data    = my.text[1:5,], 
-    class.sys   = "FAO50.TT", 
-    PiC.type    = "t", 
-    collapse    = ";"
-)   #
-### chunk number 65: 
-#line 2204 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-tmp.cex <- 1.5
-old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
-tmp.text <- data.frame( "CLAY" = 20, "SILT" = 15, "SAND" = 65 ) 
-    x       = TT.dia2phi( c(2,20,2000) ), 
-    y       = cumsum( unlist(tmp.text[1,]) ), 
-    ylim    = c(0,100), 
-    xlim    = TT.dia2phi( c(1,2000) ), 
-    xaxt    = "n", 
-    xlab    =  
-expression( 'Particle size['~ mu * 'm] (log'[2] * 'scale)' ), 
-    ylab    = "Cumulated particle size distribution [%]", 
-    bty     = "n", 
-    type    = "b", 
-    main    = 
-"Principle of particle size log-linear transformation", 
-    cex     = tmp.cex  
-)   #
-    spline( 
-        y   = rev(cumsum( unlist(tmp.text[1,]) )), 
-        x   = TT.dia2phi( c(2000,20,2))
-    ),  # 
-    col = "green"  
-)   #
-    x0  = TT.dia2phi( c(2,20,2000) ), 
-    x1  = TT.dia2phi( c(2,20,2000) ), 
-    y0  = rep(0,3), 
-    y1  = cumsum( unlist(tmp.text[1,]) ), 
-    col = "red"  
-)   #
-new.tmp.text <- TT.text.transf( 
-    tri.data        = tmp.text,  
-    base.css.ps.lim = c(0,2,50,2000),  
-    dat.css.ps.lim  = c(0,2,20,2000)   
-)   #
-new.silt.c <- cumsum( unlist(new.tmp.text[1,]) )[2]
-    x0  = TT.dia2phi( c(50,50) ), 
-    x1  = TT.dia2phi( c(50,1) ), 
-    y0  = c(0,new.silt.c), 
-    y1  = c(new.silt.c,new.silt.c), 
-    col = "blue"  
-)   #
-    x       = TT.dia2phi( c(2,20,2000) ), 
-    y       = cumsum( unlist(tmp.text[1,]) ), 
-    pos     = 2, 
-    offset  = 1, 
-    labels  = c("Clay","Silt","Sand"), 
-    col     = "red", 
-    cex     = tmp.cex  
-)   #
-    x       = TT.dia2phi( c(50) ), 
-    y       = new.silt.c, 
-    pos     = 4, 
-    offset  = 1, 
-    labels  = "new Silt", 
-    col     = "blue", 
-    cex     = tmp.cex  
-)   #
-    side    = 1, 
-    at      = TT.dia2phi( c(2,20,50,2000) ), 
-    labels  = c(2,20,50,2000) 
-)   #
-    x       = TT.dia2phi( 500 ), 
-    y       = 65, 
-    #pos    = 4, 
-    #offset = 1, 
-    labels  = "real distribution?", 
-    col     = "green", 
-    cex     = tmp.cex  
-)   #
-### chunk number 66: 
-#line 2307 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-### chunk number 67: 
-#line 2319 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-	tri.data        = my.text[1:5,],  
-	base.css.ps.lim = c(0,2,50,2000),  
-	dat.css.ps.lim  = c(0,2,63,2000)   
-)   #
-### chunk number 68: 
-#line 2332 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-# Copy the data.frame
-my.text.fr  <- my.text 
-# Curent columns names:
-# New columns names: 
-colnames(my.text.fr) <- c("ARGILE","LIMON","SABLE","CO") 
-### chunk number 69: 
-#line 2345 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-    tri.data        = my.text.fr[1:5,],  
-    base.css.ps.lim = c(0,2,50,2000),  
-    dat.css.ps.lim  = c(0,2,63,2000),  
-    css.names       = c("ARGILE","LIMON","SABLE")   
-)   #
-### chunk number 70: 
-#line 2390 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-# Create a random fraction between 0 and 1
-r.frac <- runif(n=dim(my.text)[1]) 
-my.text4 <- cbind( 
-    "CLAY"          = my.text[,"CLAY"], 
-    "FINE_SILT"     = my.text[,"SILT"] * r.frac, 
-    "COARSE_SILT"   = my.text[,"SILT"] * (1-r.frac), 
-    "SAND"          = my.text[,"SAND"]  
-)   #
-### chunk number 71: 
-#line 2410 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-    tri.data        = my.text4[1:5,], 
-    base.ps.lim = c(0,2,20,50,2000),  
-    dat.ps.lim  = c(0,2,20,63,2000)   
-)   #
-### chunk number 72: 
-#line 2429 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-    tri.data        = my.text4[1:5,], 
-    base.ps.lim = c(0,2,50,2000),  
-    dat.ps.lim  = c(0,2,20,63,2000)   
-)   #
-### chunk number 73: 
-#line 2448 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-# First, plot the data without transformation:
-geo <- TT.plot( 
-    class.sys   = "FR.GEPPA.TT", 
-    tri.data    = my.text, 
-    col         = "red", 
-    main        = "Transformed and untransformed data"
-)   #
-# Then, re-plot them with transformation:
-    tri.data        = my.text, 
-    geo             = geo, 
-    dat.css.ps.lim  = c(0,2,63,2000),  
-    css.transf      = TRUE, 
-    col             = "blue", 
-    pch             = 3  
-)   #
-### chunk number 74: 
-#line 2488 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-# Not transformed
-geo <- TT.plot( 
-    class.sys   = "UK.SSEW.TT", 
-    base.css.ps.lim = c(0,2,50,2000), 
-    main        = 
-        "Dummy transformation of the UK texture triangle"  
-)   # 
-# Transformed
-    geo             = geo, 
-    class.sys       = "UK.SSEW.TT", 
-    css.transf      = TRUE, 
-    # Additional "graphical" options
-    class.line.col  = "red", 
-    class.lab.col   = "red", 
-    lwd.axis        = 2, 
-    class.lab.show  = "none", 
-    class.lty       = 2 
-)   #
-### chunk number 75: 
-#line 2524 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-# No transformation needed or stated
-geo <- TT.plot( 
-    class.sys   = "USDA.TT", 
-    main        = 
-        "USDA and transformed UK triangle, overplotted"  
-)   # 
-# Transformed
-    geo             = geo, 
-    class.sys       = "UK.SSEW.TT", 
-    css.transf      = TRUE,  #  <<-- important
-    # Additional "graphical" options
-    class.line.col  = "blue", 
-    class.lab.col   = "blue", 
-    lwd.axis        = 2, 
-    class.lty       = 2 
-)   #
-### chunk number 76: 
-#line 2553 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-# Untransformed
-geo <- TT.plot( 
-    class.sys   = "USDA.TT", 
-    main        = 
-        "(Dummy) transformation of the USDA texture triangle"  
-)   # 
-# Transformed
-    geo             = geo, 
-    class.sys       = "USDA.TT", 
-    tri.css.ps.lim  = c(0,2,20,2000), 
-    css.transf      = TRUE,  #  <<-- important
-    # Additional "graphical" options
-    class.line.col  = "blue", 
-    class.lab.col   = "blue", 
-    lwd.axis        = 2, 
-    class.lty       = 2 
-)   #
-### chunk number 77: 
-#line 2583 "soiltexture_vignette.Rnw"
-geo <- TT.plot( 
-    class.sys   = "FR.GEPPA.TT", 
-    blr.tx      = c("SAND","CLAY","SILT"), 
-    main        = 

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/soiltexture -r 49

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