[Sem-additions-commits] r5 - in pkg: . R man

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Wed Apr 21 08:38:23 CEST 2010

Author: jebyrnes
Date: 2010-04-21 08:38:21 +0200 (Wed, 21 Apr 2010)
New Revision: 5


Modified: pkg/ChangeLog
--- pkg/ChangeLog	2010-02-02 19:59:42 UTC (rev 4)
+++ pkg/ChangeLog	2010-04-21 06:38:21 UTC (rev 5)
@@ -1,9 +1,23 @@
+2010-04-20 JEB
+	- added anova.adjchisq which uses the SB corrected ANOVA for nested model comparison
+	- now correct the forth moment by n instead of n-1 (suggestion from Yves Rosseel)
+	- fixed delta_matrix bug of not adjusting for correlated disturbance on both parts of P matrix 
+	-added update.mod as a general way to update a ram object
+	-added methods to deal with lavaan models (sets of formulas)	
+2010-02-09 JEB
+	- now using matrixcalc for creating of duplication matrix
+	- fixed bug in p_deriv_mat, no longer including fixed params
+	  in calculation of delta matrix
 2009-12-29 JEB
 	- fixed a mistaken generalized inverse in SB chisq
 	- fixed robust_summary to accomodate fixed parameters
 2009-05-12 JEB
 	- Multiple fixes to Rd files.
 	- Added rmsea power test by Joerg Evermann
 2008-09-02 JEB
 	- Error in delta_matrix fixed.  Delta matrix now largely squares with STATA output from Stas Kolenikov
 	- Added the Chi Square Difference test

Modified: pkg/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/DESCRIPTION	2010-02-02 19:59:42 UTC (rev 4)
+++ pkg/DESCRIPTION	2010-04-21 06:38:21 UTC (rev 5)
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 Package: sem.additions
-Version: 0.1-05
-Date: 2009-1229
+Version: 0.1-10
+Date: 2010-04-20
 Title: Additional Methods for Structural Equation Modelling
 Author: Jarrett Byrnes <byrnes at msi.ucsb.edu>
 Maintainer: Jarrett Byrnes <byrnes at msi.ucsb.edu>
-Depends: R(>= 2.7), sem, mvnormtest, sna, boot
+Depends: R(>= 2.8), sem, mvnormtest, sna, boot, matrixcalc, MASS, igraph
 Description: A series of methods for easier manipulation of RAM model objects, graphing tools for sem objects, and a variety of fit indices and corrections for non-normality.  
 License: GPL-3
 URL: https://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/sem-additions/

Modified: pkg/GOALS
--- pkg/GOALS	2010-02-02 19:59:42 UTC (rev 4)
+++ pkg/GOALS	2010-04-21 06:38:21 UTC (rev 5)
@@ -3,10 +3,12 @@
 1.0 - Code would include:
-	Model manipulation routines
-	SB Chisq, SB Mean Chi Square, YB Chi Square, BCC, ECVI, and more
-	SB Robust Standard Errors and Sandwich Standard Errors
-	Multigroup Analysis
+	Model manipulation routines - done
+	SB Chisq, SB Mean Chi Square - done
+	YB Chi Square, BCC, ECVI, and more - many done
+	SB Robust Standard Errors - done 
+	Sandwich Standard Errors
+	SB ANOVA - done
+	Multigroup Analysis - done for equal sample size, but not yet included
 	Graphical Interface for Model Specification
 	Retrospective power analysis

Modified: pkg/R/Ktrans.R
--- pkg/R/Ktrans.R	2010-02-02 19:59:42 UTC (rev 4)
+++ pkg/R/Ktrans.R	2010-04-21 06:38:21 UTC (rev 5)
@@ -4,15 +4,18 @@
 # symmetric matrix & placing them in a vector
 # Adapted from Stas Kolenikov's MATA code for a duplication matrix by JEB
-# Last Updated 9/02/08
+# 2/8/20 - realized matrixcalc package has a MUCH faster way of doing this
+# Last Updated 2/08/10
-	pstar<-num.vars*(num.vars+1)/2
-	Ipstar<-ident.mat(pstar)
-	D.mat<-c()
-	for (k in 1:pstar) D.mat<-c(D.mat, vec(invvech(Ipstar[,k])))
-	D.mat<-matrix(D.mat, ncol=pstar)
+	#pstar<-num.vars*(num.vars+1)/2
+	#Ipstar<-ident.mat(pstar)
+	#D.mat<-c()
+	#for (k in 1:pstar) D.mat<-c(D.mat, vec(invvech(Ipstar[,k])))
+	#D.mat<-matrix(D.mat, ncol=pstar)
+	require(matrixcalc)
+	D.mat<-duplication.matrix(num.vars)

Added: pkg/R/add.paths.R
--- pkg/R/add.paths.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/add.paths.R	2010-04-21 06:38:21 UTC (rev 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+add.paths<-function(from, to, values=rep(NA, length(from)*length(to))){
+	newram<-matrix(rep(NA, 3*length(from)*length(to)), ncol=3)
+	par.index<-0
+	for (i in 1:length(to)){
+	  for (j in 1:length(from)){
+		par.index<-par.index+1
+		newram[par.index,1]<-paste(from[j], "->", to[i], sep="")
+		newram[par.index,2]<-paste(from[j], ".", to[i], sep="")
+		newram[par.index,3]<-values[par.index]
+		}
+	}
+	class(newram)<-"mod"
+	return(newram)

Modified: pkg/R/adf.wmat.R
--- pkg/R/adf.wmat.R	2010-02-02 19:59:42 UTC (rev 4)
+++ pkg/R/adf.wmat.R	2010-04-21 06:38:21 UTC (rev 5)
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 #calculate ADF weight matrix from raw data
 #this is actually waaaay faster, and produces correct output.  The Bentler adapted code was giving me the wrong matrix for some reason...
+#last updated 4/20/10
@@ -22,7 +24,7 @@
-	adf_mat<-var(data.frame(sc))
+	adf_mat<-var(data.frame(sc))* (n-1)/n #to correct for n-1

Added: pkg/R/anova.adjchisq.r
--- pkg/R/anova.adjchisq.r	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/anova.adjchisq.r	2010-04-21 06:38:21 UTC (rev 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#from http://www.statmodel.com/chidiff.shtml
+# Satorra-bentler adjusted chi sq
+# last updated 4/20/10
+anova.adjchisq<-function(adjobj0, adjobj1){
+	#create an output table
+	out.mat<-matrix(ncol=5, nrow=2)
+	rownames(out.mat)<-c("Model 1", "Model 2")
+	colnames(out.mat)<-c("Model DF", "Model Chisq", "Df", "LR Chisq", "Pr(>Chisq)")
+	out.mat[1,1]<-adjobj0$df
+	out.mat[1,2]<-adjobj0$chisq.scaled
+	out.mat[2,1]<-adjobj1$df
+	out.mat[2,2]<-adjobj1$chisq.scaled
+	#switching to get order right
+	sbs.nested<-adjobj0
+	sbs.full<-adjobj1
+	if(adjobj0$df<adjobj1$df){
+		sbs.nested<-adjobj1
+		sbs.full<-adjobj0
+		}
+	t0<-sbs.nested$chisq
+	tr0<-sbs.nested$chisq.scaled
+	t1<-sbs.full$chisq
+	tr1<-sbs.full$chisq.scaled
+	c0<-sbs.nested$c
+	c1<-sbs.full$c
+	d0<-sbs.nested$df
+	d1<-sbs.full$df
+	cd = (d0 * c0 - d1*c1)/(d0 - d1)
+	trd = (t0 - t1)/cd 
+	out.mat[2,3]<-d0-d1
+	out.mat[2,4]<-trd
+	out.mat[2,5]<-1-pchisq(trd, d0-d1)
+	print(out.mat, na.print = "")
+	}
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/R/browneChisq.R
--- pkg/R/browneChisq.R	2010-02-02 19:59:42 UTC (rev 4)
+++ pkg/R/browneChisq.R	2010-04-21 06:38:21 UTC (rev 5)
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+#last updated 4/20/2010
 browneChisq<-function(sem.obj, sem.data, ...){
 	adj.obj<-sbchisq(sem.obj, sem.data, ...)
@@ -12,4 +14,4 @@
 	adj.obj$chisq.scaled<- adj.obj$N * t(s-sigma) %*% adj.obj$res_u %*% (s-sigma)
 	adj.obj$p<-1-pchisq(adj.obj$chisq.scaled, adj.obj$df)
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/R/bsboot.R
--- pkg/R/bsboot.R	2010-02-02 19:59:42 UTC (rev 4)
+++ pkg/R/bsboot.R	2010-04-21 06:38:21 UTC (rev 5)
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
 	mean.chisq<-mean(object$chisq.vec, na.rm=T)
-	se.chisq<-se(object$chisq.vec)
+	se.chisq<-sd(object$chisq.vec, na.rm=T)/sqrt(length(na.omit(object$chisq.vec)))
 	var.chisq<-var(object$chisq.vec, na.rm=T)
 	p<-1-pchisq(mean.chisq, object$df)
 	ret.mat<-matrix(c(mean.chisq, var.chisq, se.chisq, object$R, object$df, p), nrow=1)

Modified: pkg/R/delta_matrix.R
--- pkg/R/delta_matrix.R	2010-02-02 19:59:42 UTC (rev 4)
+++ pkg/R/delta_matrix.R	2010-04-21 06:38:21 UTC (rev 5)
@@ -3,13 +3,18 @@
 #  respect to the non-duplicated fitted covariances
 # Adapted from SPSS code by Peter Bentler
-# Changelog 
+# Changelog
+# 3/5/10 - fixed bug of not adjusting for correlated disturbance on both parts of P matrix 
+# 2/8/10 - fixed bug of using fixed params
 # 9/1/08 - fixed matrix selection bug
 delta_matrix<-function(sem.object, adj=1e-04){
-	nparams<-length(sem.object$ram[,1])
+	#nparams<-length(sem.object$ram[,1])
+	#only use free parameters
+	par.idx<-which(sem.object$ram[,"parameter"]>0)
+	nparams<-length(par.idx)
 	delta.mat<-matrix(0,nparams, p.star)
 	rownames(delta.mat)<-rep(NA, nparams)
@@ -19,20 +24,27 @@
-	#iterate through the ram
-	for (i in 1:nparams){
-	  A<-sem.object$A
- 	  P<-sem.object$P
-  	  if(sem.object$ram[i,1]==1){
-	  	  A[sem.object$ram[i,2],sem.object$ram[i,3]]<-
-	  	  	A[sem.object$ram[i,2],sem.object$ram[i,3]]+adj
-	  }else{
-	  	  P[sem.object$ram[i,2],sem.object$ram[i,3]]<-
-	  	  	P[sem.object$ram[i,2],sem.object$ram[i,3]]+adj
-	  }	
+  #iterate through the ram
+  #but only look at free params
+  for (i in 1:nparams){
+  	A<-sem.object$A
+  	P<-sem.object$P
+  	from<-sem.object$ram[par.idx[i],2]
+  	to<-sem.object$ram[par.idx[i],3]
+  	path_type <-sem.object$ram[par.idx[i],1]
+  	if(path_type==1){
+  	  A[from, to] <-
+  	     A[from, to] + adj
+	}else{
+	   P[from, to]<- P[from,to]+adj
+	   #symmetric P matrix 
+	   P[to, from]<- P[to,from]
+	}
+	I.Ainv <- solve(diag(m) - A)
-	  I.Ainv <- solve(diag(m) - A)
 	  #calculate fitted covarianve matrix from RAM form
 	  #C=  J(Im A) 1P[(Im A) 1]J using the RAM formulation
        C <- J %*% I.Ainv %*% P %*% t(I.Ainv) %*% t(J)
@@ -41,11 +53,11 @@
        #get difference with model cov matrix / adj
        #linearize, and put into delta matrix
        delta.mat[i,]<-(C.vech - C.vect)/adj
-       rownames(delta.mat)[i] <-rownames(sem.object$ram)[i]
+       rownames(delta.mat)[i] <-rownames(sem.object$ram)[par.idx[i]]
        if(rownames(delta.mat)[i] ==""){
        	rownames(delta.mat)[i] <-
-       	  paste(vars[sem.object$ram[i,3]],
-       	  		vars[sem.object$ram[i,2]],
+       	  paste(vars[sem.object$ram[par.idx[i],3]],
+       	  		vars[sem.object$ram[par.idx[i],2]],

Modified: pkg/R/helpers.R
--- pkg/R/helpers.R	2010-02-02 19:59:42 UTC (rev 4)
+++ pkg/R/helpers.R	2010-04-21 06:38:21 UTC (rev 5)
@@ -26,13 +26,14 @@
 #vech, as the ks vech borks on certain valid matrices due to type issues
 # code based on ks library
-vech<-function (x) 
-    d <- ncol(x)
-    vechx <- vector()
-    for (j in 1:d) vechx <- c(vechx, x[j:d, j])
-    return(vechx)
+#now using matrixcalc code
+#vech<-function (x) 
+#    d <- ncol(x)
+#    vechx <- vector()
+#    for (j in 1:d) vechx <- c(vechx, x[j:d, j])
+#    return(vechx)
 #invvech, so as to remove dependency on ks - code based on ks library
 invvech<-function (x) 
@@ -45,15 +46,16 @@
-vec<-function (x, byrow = FALSE) 
-    if (byrow) 
-        x <- t(x)
-    d <- ncol(x)
-    vecx <- vector()
-    for (j in 1:d) vecx <- c(vecx, x[, j])
-    return(vecx)
+#now using code from matrixcalc
+#vec<-function (x, byrow = FALSE) 
+#    if (byrow) 
+#        x <- t(x)
+#    d <- ncol(x)
+#    vecx <- vector()
+#    for (j in 1:d) vecx <- c(vecx, x[, j])
+#    return(vecx)
 #gets names of each row_col of a matrix

Modified: pkg/R/ml.wmat.R
--- pkg/R/ml.wmat.R	2010-02-02 19:59:42 UTC (rev 4)
+++ pkg/R/ml.wmat.R	2010-04-21 06:38:21 UTC (rev 5)
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 	if(useFit){An<-sem.obj$C} else {An<-sem.obj$S}
-	w_mat<-2^-1 * t(Dp) %*% kronecker(An.inv, An.inv) %*% Dp
+	w_mat<-0.5 * t(Dp) %*% kronecker(An.inv, An.inv) %*% Dp

Modified: pkg/R/model.cov.R
--- pkg/R/model.cov.R	2010-02-02 19:59:42 UTC (rev 4)
+++ pkg/R/model.cov.R	2010-04-21 06:38:21 UTC (rev 5)
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
-model.cov<-function(ram.object, input.data){
+#last modified 4/10/10
+# 4/10/10 - added na.rm argument
+model.cov<-function(ram.object, input.data, na.rm=T, use="complete.obs"){
 	newdata<-model.data(ram.object, input.data)
-	cov.matrix<-var(newdata, na.rm=T)
+	cov.matrix<-var(newdata, na.rm=na.rm, use=use)

Modified: pkg/R/robust_se.R
--- pkg/R/robust_se.R	2010-02-02 19:59:42 UTC (rev 4)
+++ pkg/R/robust_se.R	2010-04-21 06:38:21 UTC (rev 5)
@@ -8,21 +8,31 @@
-robust_se<-function(sem.obj, adj.obj=NA, data.obj=NA, useFit=F){
-	if(is.na(adj.obj[1]) && is.na(data.obj)) stop ("Need a data or sbchisq object")
-	#get all of those matrices we'll need
-	if(is.na(adj.obj[1])){ adj.obj<-sbchisq(sem.obj, data.obj, useFit=useFit)}
-	ncases<-sem.obj$N
-	#calculate the hessian
-	hes<-sem_hessian(adj.obj$w_mat, adj.obj$p_deriv_mat)
-	info_m<-solve(hes)
-	acov<- info_m %*% ( t(adj.obj$p_deriv_mat) %*% adj.obj$w_mat %*% adj.obj$w_adf %*% adj.obj$w_mat %*% adj.obj$p_deriv_mat) %*% info_m
-	ret<-sqrt(diag(acov) / (ncases-1))
-	names(ret)<-colnames(adj.obj$p_deriv_mat)
-	return(ret)
+robust_se<-function (sem.obj, adj.obj = NA, data.obj = NA, useFit = F, useGinv=F) 
+    if (is.na(adj.obj[1]) && is.na(data.obj)) 
+        stop("Need a data or sbchisq object")
+    if (is.na(adj.obj[1])) {
+        adj.obj <- sbchisq(sem.obj, data.obj, useFit = useFit)
+    }
+    ncases <- sem.obj$N
+    hes <- sem_hessian(adj.obj$w_mat, adj.obj$p_deriv_mat)
+    #having issues with this inversion in certain models
+    #until it is locked down, ginv provides a reasonable
+    #approximation
+    info_m <- try(solve(hes), silent=T)
+    if(class(info_m)=="try-error" & useGinv==T) {
+    		info_m <-ginv(hes)
+    		ginvFlag<-T
+    }
+    acov <- info_m %*% (t(adj.obj$p_deriv_mat) %*% adj.obj$w_mat %*% 
+        adj.obj$w_adf %*% adj.obj$w_mat %*% adj.obj$p_deriv_mat) %*% 
+        info_m
+    ret <- sqrt(diag(acov)/(ncases - 1))
+    names(ret) <- colnames(adj.obj$p_deriv_mat) #not sure if this is needed
+    return(ret)
+    #have dealt with this in delta_mat
+    #return(ret[-which(sem.obj$ram[,4]==0)])

Modified: pkg/R/robust_summary.R
--- pkg/R/robust_summary.R	2010-02-02 19:59:42 UTC (rev 4)
+++ pkg/R/robust_summary.R	2010-04-21 06:38:21 UTC (rev 5)
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
-robust_summary<-function (sem.obj, adj.obj = NA, data.obj = NA, useFit = F) 
+#last updated 4/20/2010
+robust_summary<-function (sem.obj, adj.obj = NA, data.obj = NA, useFit = F, useGinv=F) 
     if (is.na(adj.obj[1]) && is.na(data.obj)) 
         stop("Need a data or adjchisq object")
     if (is.na(adj.obj[1])) {
-        adj.obj <- sbchisq(sem.obj, data.obj, useFit = useFit)
+        adj.obj <- sbchisq(sem.obj, data.obj, useFit = useFit, useGinv= useGinv)
-    ses <- robust_se(sem.obj, adj.obj = adj.obj)
+    ses <- robust_se(sem.obj, adj.obj = adj.obj, useGinv=adj.obj$ginvFlag)
     se <- rep(NA, length(ses))
 	for (i in 1:length(sem.obj$ram[, 1])) {
@@ -27,18 +28,3 @@
-add.paths<-function(from, to, values=rep(NA, length(from)*length(to))){
-	newram<-matrix(rep(NA, 3*length(from)*length(to)), ncol=3)
-	par.index<-0
-	for (i in 1:length(to)){
-	  for (j in 1:length(from)){
-		par.index<-par.index+1
-		newram[par.index,1]<-paste(from[j], "->", to[i], sep="")
-		newram[par.index,2]<-paste(from[j], ".", to[i], sep="")
-		newram[par.index,3]<-values[par.index]
-		}
-	}
-	class(newram)<-"mod"
-	return(newram)
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/R/sbDiff.R
--- pkg/R/sbDiff.R	2010-02-02 19:59:42 UTC (rev 4)
+++ pkg/R/sbDiff.R	2010-04-21 06:38:21 UTC (rev 5)
@@ -1,23 +1,25 @@
-#last modified 9/2/2008
+#last modified 4/20/2010
-sbDiff<-function(sbobj.A, sbobj.B){
-	#guard against specifying the wrong order of who is nested
-	if(sbobj.A$df < sbobj.B$df){m0<-sbobj.B; m1<-sbobj.A #B is nested
-		} else	{m0<-sbobj.B; m1<-sbobj.A} #A is nested
+sbDiff<-function(sbobj.A, sbobj.B) anova.adjchisq(sbobj.A, sbobj.B)
-	df<-m0$df - m1$df
-	#calculation of cd from http://www.statmodel.com/chidiff.shtml
-	cd<-(m0$df * m0$c - m1$df * m1$c)/(m0$df - m1$df)
-	TRd <- (m0$chisq - m1$chisq)/cd
-	p<-1-pchisq(TRd, df)
-	retmat<-matrix(c(TRd, df, p), nrow=1)
-	rownames(retmat)<-""
-	colnames(retmat)<-c("Chi Sq", "DF", "p")
-	retmat
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+#sbDiff<-function(sbobj.A, sbobj.B){
+#	#guard against specifying the wrong order of who is nested
+#	if(sbobj.A$df < sbobj.B$df){m0<-sbobj.B; m1<-sbobj.A #B is nested
+#		} else	{m0<-sbobj.B; m1<-sbobj.A} #A is nested
+#	df<-m0$df - m1$df
+#	#calculation of cd from http://www.statmodel.com/chidiff.shtml
+#	cd<-(m0$df * m0$c - m1$df * m1$c)/(m0$df - m1$df)
+#	TRd <- (m0$chisq - m1$chisq)/cd
+#	p<-1-pchisq(TRd, df)
+#	retmat<-matrix(c(TRd, df, p), nrow=1)
+#	rownames(retmat)<-""
+#	colnames(retmat)<-c("Chi Sq", "DF", "p")
+#	retmat
+#	}
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/R/sbchisq.R
--- pkg/R/sbchisq.R	2010-02-02 19:59:42 UTC (rev 4)
+++ pkg/R/sbchisq.R	2010-04-21 06:38:21 UTC (rev 5)
@@ -2,47 +2,39 @@
 #Calcute the Satorra-Bentler Chi Square Index
 #Adapted from SPSS code by Peter Bentler
 #Returns a number of matrices also useful to other functions
+#last updated 4/20/2010
-sbchisq<-function(sem.obj, sem.data, adj=1e-04, useFit=F){
-	props<-sem.props(sem.obj)
-	sem.prop <- props$chisq
-	chisq<-props$chisq
-	df<-props$df
-	#calculate the ADF weight matrix
-	w_adf<-adf.wmat(sem.data)
-	#get the GLS weight matrix	
-	w_mat<-ml.wmat(sem.obj, useFit=useFit)
-	#get the delta matrix, the partial derivative of changes in covariances
-	#for changes in parameter values
-	p_deriv_mat<- delta_matrix(sem.obj)
-	#calculate the LS residual weight matrix
-	res_u<- w_mat - (w_mat%*%p_deriv_mat %*% solve(t(p_deriv_mat) %*% w_mat %*% p_deriv_mat) %*% t(p_deriv_mat) %*% w_mat)
-	#compute scaling statistic
-	ug<-res_u %*% w_adf
-	scale_stat<-tr(ug)/df
-	#compute 
-	chisq.scaled<-chisq/scale_stat
-	p.old<-1-pchisq(chisq, df)
-	p<-1-pchisq(chisq.scaled, df)
-	ret<-list( chisq = chisq,
-				t  = sem.obj$t,
-				df = df,
-				p.old = p.old,
-				c = scale_stat,
-				chisq.scaled = chisq.scaled,
-				p = p,
-				w_mat = w_mat,
-				p_deriv_mat = p_deriv_mat,
-				w_adf = w_adf,
-				res_u = res_u,
-				N = length(sem.data[,1]))
-	class(ret)<-"adjchisq"
-	return(ret)
+sbchisq<-function (sem.obj, sem.data, adj = 1e-04, useFit = F, useGinv=F) 
+    props <- sem.props(sem.obj)
+    sem.prop <- props$chisq
+    chisq <- props$chisq
+    df <- props$df
+    w_adf <- adf.wmat(sem.data)
+    w_mat <- ml.wmat(sem.obj, useFit = useFit)
+    p_deriv_mat <- delta_matrix(sem.obj)
+    #having issues with this inversion in certain models
+    #until it is locked down, ginv provides a reasonable
+    #approximation
+    ginvFlag<-F
+    invMat<-try(solve(t(p_deriv_mat) %*% w_mat %*% p_deriv_mat), silent=T)
+    if(class(invMat)=="try-error" & useGinv==T) {
+    		invMat<-ginv(t(p_deriv_mat) %*% w_mat %*% p_deriv_mat)
+    		ginvFlag<-T
+    }
+    res_u <- w_mat - (w_mat %*% p_deriv_mat %*% invMat %*% t(p_deriv_mat) %*% w_mat)
+    ug <- res_u %*% w_adf
+    scale_stat<-sum(diag(ug))/df
+    chisq.scaled <- chisq/scale_stat
+    p.old <- 1 - pchisq(chisq, df)
+    p <- 1 - pchisq(chisq.scaled, df)
+    ret <- list(chisq = chisq, t = sem.obj$t, df = df, p.old = p.old, 
+        c = scale_stat, chisq.scaled = chisq.scaled, p = p, w_mat = w_mat, 
+        p_deriv_mat = p_deriv_mat, w_adf = w_adf, res_u = res_u, 
+        N = length(sem.data[, 1]), ginvFlag=ginvFlag)
+    class(ret) <- "adjchisq"
+    return(ret)

Added: pkg/R/update.mod.r
--- pkg/R/update.mod.r	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/update.mod.r	2010-04-21 06:38:21 UTC (rev 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# update.mod
+# updates a ram model
+# by addin, deleting, or replacing elements
+# uses scan to get a list of modifications
+# to delete, the format for a line is
+# delete, NAME, SORT
+# where name is the name of a variable, path, or coefficient
+# and sort is one of those three words
+# to add a new path, simply use the following format
+# add, a->b, coef.name, start.value
+# where, aside from the word add, the rest is the same as a line
+# in specify.model()
+# to replace one variable with a different one, use the following
+# replace, OLD, NEW
+# where old is the name of a variable currently in the model
+# and new is the name of the variable to which you would like to change it
+# Last updated 3/1/2010
+update.mod<-function(object, file=""){
+  modmat<-scan(file = file, what = list(change="", var1 = "", var2 = "", 
+        var3 = "", var4=""), sep = ",", strip.white = TRUE, 
+        comment.char = "#", fill = TRUE)
+  modmat<-cbind(modmat$change, modmat$var1, modmat$var2, modmat$var3)
+  if ("add" %in% modmat[,1]){
+  	addmat<-modmat[which(modmat[,1]=="add"), 2:4]
+	#length check in case only one thing is being added
+  	if(length(addmat)==3) addmat <-matrix(addmat, ncol=3)
+  	class(addmat)<-"mod"
+  	#combine the models
+  	object<-combine.models(object, addmat)
+  	}
+  #######DELETIONS
+	######
+	# delete.model.element
+	#
+	# a local function
+	# takes care of deleting elements from a ram object
+	######
+	delete.model.element<- function (delete.text, old.model, type = "path") {
+		#a failed match provides an infomative enough error message
+		type<-match.arg(type, c("path", "variable", "coefficient"))
+		col.index<-list("path"=1, "variable"=1, "coefficient"=2)[[type]]
+		delete.text <- strip.white(delete.text)
+	     old.model<-old.model[which(is.na(pmatch(strip.white(old.model[,col.index]), delete.text))),]
+	     class(old.model)<-"mod"
+	     return(old.model)
+	}
+  if("delete" %in% modmat[,1]){
+  	deletemat<-modmat[which(modmat[,1]=="delete"), 2:3]
+  	#length check in case only one thing is being deleted
+  	if(length(deletemat)==2) deletemat <-matrix(deletemat, ncol=2)
+	#scroll through and delete all relevant entities
+  	for (i in 1:length(deletemat[,1])) 
+  		object<-delete.model.element(deletemat[i,1], object, deletemat[i,2])
+  	}
+  	#delete.model.element("theta1", model.dhp, type="variable")
+  #############REPLACE
+  #to substitude one variable in for another
+  if("replace" %in% modmat[,1]){
+  	submat<-modmat[which(modmat[,1]=="replace"),2:3]
+  	#the variable is just to keep things quiet
+	mapply( function(x,y) object[,1:2]<<-gsub(x, y, object[,1:2]), submat[,1], submat[,2])  
+	}	
+  return(object)
+#a quick demo
+#model.dhp <- specify.model()
+#    RParAsp  -> RGenAsp, gam11,  NA
+#    RIQ      -> RGenAsp, gam12,  NA
+#    RSES     -> RGenAsp, gam13,  NA
+#    FSES     -> RGenAsp, gam14,  NA
+#    RSES     -> FGenAsp, gam23,  NA
+#    FSES     -> FGenAsp, gam24,  NA
+#    FIQ      -> FGenAsp, gam25,  NA
+#    FParAsp  -> FGenAsp, gam26,  NA
+#    FGenAsp  -> RGenAsp, beta12, NA
+#    RGenAsp  -> FGenAsp, beta21, NA
+#    RGenAsp  -> ROccAsp,  NA,     1
+#    RGenAsp  -> REdAsp,  lam21,  NA
+#    FGenAsp  -> FOccAsp,  NA,     1
+#    FGenAsp  -> FEdAsp,  lam42,  NA
+#    RGenAsp <-> RGenAsp, ps11,   NA
+#    FGenAsp <-> FGenAsp, ps22,   NA
+#    RGenAsp <-> FGenAsp, ps12,   NA
+#    ROccAsp <-> ROccAsp, theta1, NA
+#    REdAsp  <-> REdAsp,  theta2, NA
+#    FOccAsp <-> FOccAsp, theta3, NA
+#    FEdAsp  <-> FEdAsp,  theta4, NA
+#add, newvar -> FEdASP, gam71, NA
+#add, newvar <-> newvar, theta5, NA
+#delete, FSES, variable
+#delete, theta1, variable #this should fail
+#delete, theta2, coefficient #this should not
+#delete, RIQ -> RGenAsp, path
+#replace, FEdAsp, HELLO!
+#replace, ROccAsp, GOODBYE

Added: pkg/R/update.model.r
--- pkg/R/update.model.r	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/update.model.r	2010-04-21 06:38:21 UTC (rev 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+#takes a model and splits it into lines
+	modvec<-strsplit(a.model, "\n")[[1]]
+	return(modvec)
+#clean up a model line and return a formula only
+	modline<-gsub("=", "", modline)
+	modline<-gsub("~~", "~", modline)
+	return(as.formula(modline))
+#get the response variable of a formula
+	gsub("()","", a.formula[2])
+	}
+#get the predictor variables of a formula
+#	terms(a.formula)[[3]]
+	gsub("()","", a.formula[3])
+	}
+#what kind of operator is a formula using?
+	op<-NA
+	for (a.op in c("~", "~~", "=~"))
+		if(grepl(a.op, a.formula, perl=T)) op<-a.op
+	return(op)
+	}
+#update a lavaan model
+update.model<-function(old.model, changes){
+	#first, break changes into list of response variables, operators, and updates
+	#then put it into a list for comparison against the old model
+	changes<-split.model(changes)
+	changelist<-list()
+	for (i in 1:length(changes)){
+	  op<-getOperator(changes[i])
+	  if(!is.na(op)){
+	  	a.formula<-clean.modline(changes[i])
+	  	changelist[[paste(response(a.formula), op, sep="")]]<-predictors(a.formula)
+	   }
+	  }
+	#now, run through the old model, and change things as needed
+	old.model<-split.model(old.model)
+	newmodel<-""
+	for(i in 1:length(old.model)){
+	  #first, see if anything in the list matches
+	  newline<-old.model[i]
+	  op<-getOperator(old.model[i])
+	  if(!is.na(op)){
+	  	a.formula<-clean.modline(old.model[i])
+	  	lookup<-changelist[[paste(response(a.formula), op, sep="")]]
+	  	if(!is.null(lookup)){
+	  	  #OK, now, update the formula
+	  	  a.formula<-update(a.formula, paste(response(a.formula),"~", lookup, sep=""))
+	  	  #now make a new line
+	  	  #strips off comments and other whitespacing...fix later
+	  	  newline<-paste(response(a.formula), op, predictors(a.formula))
+	  	  #making sure we have't stripped out everything
+	  	  #this will mess with means only
+	  	  #fix this later
+	  	  if(predictors(a.formula)==1) newline=""
+	  	  }
+	  }
+	 newmodel<-paste(newmodel, newline, "\n", sep="") 
+	}
+  return(newmodel)
+#		  x~z
+#		  z=~a+b+c
+#		  y~~c
+#		y~~.-c
+#		x~.+y
+#update.model(a.model, some.changes)
+#turn a lavaan model
+#into a ram object for the sem package
+  require(sem.additions)
+  a.model<-split.model(a.model)
+  ram<-matrix(ncol=3)
+  #for each line in the model
+  for(i in 1:length(a.model)){
+   op<-getOperator(a.model[i])
+   #make sure this is really a model line
+   #and now a comment or whitespace
+   if(!is.na(op)){
+    #what kind of path is this?	
+    pathType<-"->"
+    if(op=="~~") pathType <-"<->"
+    a.formula<-clean.modline(a.model[i])
+    y<-response(a.formula)
+    x<-strip.white(strsplit(predictors(a.formula), "+", fixed=T)[[1]])
+    #iterate over each predictor variable
+    for(j in 1:length(x)){
+    	#construct a new path
+    	path<-paste(x[j], y, sep=pathType)
+    	#see if this is a fixed parameter values
+    	isFixed<-strsplit(x[j], '*', fixed=T)[[1]]
+    	if(length(isFixed)>1) {
+    	  coef<-NA
+    	  startValue<-isFixed[1]
+    	 #otherwise....
+    	 }else{
+    	  #create a new coefficient name
+    	  coef<-paste(x[j], y, sep=".")
+    	  if(pathType=="<->") coef<-paste(coef, "cov", sep=".")
+    	  startValue<-NA
+    	 }
+    	ram<-rbind(ram, c(path, coef, startValue))
+    	}
+   }
+  }
+  #clean off the NA row
+  ram<-ram[2:length(ram[,1]),]
+  class(ram)<-"mod"
+  #add disturbance terms where needed
+  #using sem.additions code
+  ram<-add.errors(ram)
+  return(ram)	
+#		  x~3*z
+#		  z=~a+b+c
+#		  y~~c
+#can we go back?
+#we'll need to know which are latent variables
+#as there is no way of telling from the ram formulation
+ram.to.model<-function(ram.obj, latents=NA){
+ # a function to determine if a value is fixed
+ #and return the proper predictor for a model
+ getFix<-function(a.row){
+ 	if(is.na(a.row[2])) return(paste(a.row[3], "*", sep=""))
+ 	return("")
+ 	}
+ model_list<-list()
+ for(i in 1:length(ram.obj[,1])){
+ 	ram.obj[i,1]<-strip.white(ram.obj[i,1])
+ 	iscov<-grepl("<->", ram.obj[i,1], perl=T)
+ 	vars<-strsplit(ram.obj[i,1], c("->", "<->")[as.numeric(iscov)+1])[[1]]
+	op<-"~"
+	#is this a latent variable
+	if(vars[2] %in% latents) op<-"=~"
+	#is this a covariance term
+	if(iscov) op<-"~~"
+	newKey<-paste(vars[2], op, sep="")
+	#is it in the model list?
+	if(is.null(model_list[[newKey]])){
+	#if not, start a new entry in the model lists
+	model_list[[newKey]]<-paste(getFix(ram.obj[i,]), vars[1], sep="")
+	}else{	
+	#add the variable otherwise
+	model_list[[newKey]]<-paste(model_list[[newKey]], "+",getFix(ram.obj[i,]), vars[1], sep="")
+	} 	
+ }
+ a.mod<-""
+ for (j in 1:length(names(model_list))){
+ 	a.mod<-paste(a.mod, names(model_list)[j], model_list[[j]], "\n", sep="")
+ }
+ return(a.mod)	
+#a->b, ab, NA
+#b->c, bc, NA
+#d->c, NA, 3
+#a<->c, ac.cov, NA
+#cat(ram.to.model(a.ram, latents="b"))
\ No newline at end of file

Added: pkg/man/add.paths.Rd
--- pkg/man/add.paths.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/add.paths.Rd	2010-04-21 06:38:21 UTC (rev 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+\title{Adds Paths From One Group of Variables to Another}
+\description{ Automates the adding of directional paths to ram models, rather than coding it all by hand. }
+\usage{add.paths(from, to, values=rep(NA, length(from)*length(to)))}
+  \item{from}{A vector of predictor variables.}
+  \item{to}{A vector of endogenous response variables.}
+  \item{values}{Start values for the paths}
+\details{Creates paths for all combinations of variables in one vector connecting to another.  Useful for large models with many connections from certain predictor variables.}
+	\code{\link{sem}}
+	\code{\link{specify.model}}
+#a piece of a larger model
+model.kerch <- specify.model()
+    Intelligence -> Grades,       gam51,    NA
+    Siblings -> Grades,           gam52,    NA
+    FatherEd -> Grades,           gam53,    NA
+    FatherOcc -> Grades,          gam54,    NA
+    Intelligence -> EducExp,      gam61,    NA
+    Siblings -> EducExp,          gam62,    NA
+    FatherEd -> EducExp,          gam63,    NA
+    FatherOcc -> EducExp,         gam64,    NA
+model.kerch2<-add.paths(c("Intelligence", "Siblings", "FatherEd", "FatherOcc"),
+						c("Grades", "EducExp"))
+##compare the two submodels - they are the same
+##although with different names for coefficients
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/man/adjchisq.Rd
--- pkg/man/adjchisq.Rd	2010-02-02 19:59:42 UTC (rev 4)
+++ pkg/man/adjchisq.Rd	2010-04-21 06:38:21 UTC (rev 5)
@@ -5,7 +5,11 @@
 \title{Adjusted Chi Squared Tests for Structural Equation Models}
 \description{ Adjusted Chi Squared Tests for Structural Equation Models }
+ \method{print}{adjchisq}(adj.obj)
   \item{adj.obj}{An adjusted Chi Squre object from one of the several methods meant to deal with structural equations models with non-normal data.}

Added: pkg/man/anova.adjchisq.Rd
--- pkg/man/anova.adjchisq.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/anova.adjchisq.Rd	2010-04-21 06:38:21 UTC (rev 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+\title{Adjusted Chi Squared Tests for Structural Equation Models}
+\description{ Adjusted Chi Squared Tests for Structural Equation Models \link{sbchisq}}
+\usage{anova.adjchisq(adjobj0, adjobj1)
+  \item{adjobj0}{An adjusted Satorra-Bentler Chi Squre object from \link{sbchisq}}
+  \item{adjobj1}{An adjusted Satorra-Bentler Chi Squre object from \link{sbchisq}}
+\details{Compares two nested models that have been corrected for non-normality of the data}
+\value{Prints a matrix of the test similar to  \link{anova}.  Note, due to scaling, the Chi Square evaluated will not be the same as the difference between the two model Chi Square values.
+The corrected chi square difference test is calculated as follows - As one model is nested within the other, let's call m0 the nested model and m1 the more general model.  DF = df0 - df1.  
+To calculate the chi square difference between these two models, we need to look at the correction factors - c0 and c1 - and calculate a correction factor for the test itself, cd.
+\deqn{cd = (df0* chisq0 - df1 * chisq1)/(df0 - df1)}
+where chisq is the uncorrected chi square value for each model.  The Chi Square statistic, TRd, is then defined as follows:
+\deqn{TRd = (chisq0 - chisq1)/cd}

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/sem-additions -r 5

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