[Ruler-commits] r50 - in pkg: . ruleR ruleR/R ruleR/man

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Wed Sep 5 21:08:49 CEST 2012

Author: merysionek
Date: 2012-09-05 21:08:49 +0200 (Wed, 05 Sep 2012)
New Revision: 50

deleting more files

Deleted: pkg/marices.R
--- pkg/marices.R	2012-09-05 19:01:05 UTC (rev 49)
+++ pkg/marices.R	2012-09-05 19:08:49 UTC (rev 50)
@@ -1,587 +0,0 @@
-require("gridExtra") # not necessarily - you can just copy parameter result to draw shapes
-#---------------------------------------BASIC SHAPES ------------------------------------------------------------------
-rectangle<-rectGrob(name="rectangle",width = unit(0.65, "npc"), height = unit(0.65, "npc"),gp=gpar(fill="transparent"))
-triangle<-polygonGrob(name="triangle",x=c(0.2, 0.5, 0.8), y=c(0.2, 0.8, 0.2),gp=gpar(fill="transparent"))
-star20<-polygonGrob(name="star20",x=c(0.5000000, 0.3763932, 0.7351141, 0.1763932, 0.8804226, 0.1000000, 0.8804226, 0.1763932, 0.7351141, 0.3763932, 0.5000000, 0.6236068, 0.2648859, 0.8236068,0.1195774, 0.9000000, 0.1195774, 0.8236068, 0.2648859, 0.6236068, 0.5000000),y=c(0.9000000, 0.1195774, 0.8236068, 0.2648859, 0.6236068, 0.5000000, 0.3763932, 0.7351141, 0.1763932, 0.8804226, 0.1000000, 0.8804226, 0.1763932, 0.7351141, 0.3763932, 0.5000000, 0.6236068, 0.2648859, 0.8236068, 0.1195774, 0.9000000),gp=gpar("alpha"=1, fill="transparent"))                    
-foreGr<-list(rectangle,triangle,pentagon,star20) #first plan shapes
-vertical6<-polylineGrob(name="line6v",x = unit(rep(seq(0,1,0.2),each=2), "npc"),
-                        y = unit(rep(c(0,1),6), "npc"),id.lengths=rep(2,6)) # 6vertical lines
-backGr<-list(vertical6,cross)#background shapes
-#--------------------------------GENERATING VIEWPORTS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# a grid can be of any size but it has to be a square
-# from top do bottom, from left to right 
-# s'size' is a size of a matrix
-# possible nesting viewpoints
-  vlist<-vector(mode="list",length=0)
-  v0<-viewport(layout=grid.layout(size, size, respect= diag(size)),name="vp00")
-  for(i in 1:size){
-    rowlist<-vector(mode="list",length=size)
-    pushViewport(v0) #general viewport for whole grid
-    for(j in 1:size){
-      rowlist[[j]]<-vpStack(v0,viewport(layout.pos.col=i,layout.pos.row=j,clip="on", name=paste("vp",i,j,sep="")))                                          
-    }
-    vlist<-c(vlist,rowlist)
-  }
-  return(vlist) # a list of viewpoints for samll grids
-#------------------------------- GENERATING PICTURES---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#function returning indexes of m matrix of objects forming columns and rows
-#'size' size of a matrix
-  imat<-matrix(NA,size,size)
-  for(i in 1:size){
-    for(j in 1:size){
-      imat[i,j]<-i+(j-1)*size
-    }
-  }
-  return(imat)
-#function thet gives indexes of pictures 
-                                          imat<-index(size)#a matrix of all indexes
-                                          if(direction==1){ #columns
-                                                          k<-imat[,which]
-                                                          }
-                                          if(direction==2){ #rows
-                                                          k<-imat[which,]
-                                                          }
-                                          return(k)
-                                          }
-#'mtofill' matrix to be filled with shapes
-#'size' of a matrix
-#'direction' 1 is for columns, 2 is for rows // where to fix shapes
-                                          fg<-vector(mode="list", length=size^2) #a list of foreground shapes
-                                          bg<-vector(mode="list", length=size^2)#a list of background shapes                                          
-                                          if(mtofill==2){k=foreGr; mtofill=fg}else{k=backGr;mtofill=bg}
-                                          for(i in 1:size){                                                             
-                                                        p<-k[[sample(1:length(k),1)]]#generating a picture for foreground
-                                                        if(!is.null(direction)){
-                                                              v<-dir_index(direction=direction,which=i,size=size)#getting indexes of pictures forming a specyfied row/column                                                              
-                                                              for(j in v) mtofill[[j]]<-p                        
-                                                        }else{ for(j in 1:size^2)mtofill[[j]]<-k[[sample(1:length(k),1)]]}
-                                                                         }
-                                            return(mtofill)
-                                                                }
-#'size' of the matrix
-#'f' f=1 fixed foreground in columns, f=2 fixed foreground in rows, f=NULL - foreground random
-#'b' b=1 fixed background in columns, b=2 fixed background in rows, b=NULL - background random
-      m<-createVp(size=size) #viewports where to draw small pictures
-      pic<-vector(mode="list", length=size^2) # a list of pictures (consisting of foregropund and background)
-      fg<-fill_in_matrix(direction=f,mtofill=2,size=size)
-      bg<-fill_in_matrix(direction=b,mtofill=1,size=size)
-      for(i in 1:size^2){
-                        foreground<-gTree(children=gList(fg[[i]]),name=paste("foreground",i,sep=""))
-                        background<-gTree(children=gList(bg[[i]]),name=paste("background",i,sep="i"))
-                        pic[[i]]<-gTree(children=gList(foreground,background), name=paste("picture",i,sep=""))
-                        }
-      return(list(viewports=m,pictures=pic))
-                                  }
-setOldClass("grob") # allows me to use S3 grob objects as slot of S4 class
-setOldClass("gTree") # allows me to use S3 gTree objects as slot of S4 class
-         representation = representation(previousRule="SingleRule"),
-         S3methods=TRUE)
-calculateSpecific <- function(x,y,z=NULL){
-  return(y)
-setMethod("calculateSpecific",signature(x="SingleRule", y="numeric"),
-          function(x,y){
-            return(y)
-          })
-#figure=1 background, fig=2 foreground
-#'progression' do you want to apply progressive rule (if !0 than rotation will be progressive)
-         contains="SingleRule",
-         representation(parVal="numeric",figure="numeric",progression="numeric"), 
-         S3methods=TRUE)
-setMethod("calculateSpecific",signature(x="Rotation", y="gTree"),
-          function(x,y){
-            if(x at figure==2){fg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[2])
-                            fg<-editGrob(fg,vp=viewport(angle=x at parVal))
-                            bkg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[1])
-            }else{
-              bkg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[1])
-              bkg<-editGrob(bkg,vp=viewport(angle=x at parVal))
-              fg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[2])
-            }
-            return(gTree(children=gList(bkg,fg)))
-          })
-#LWD RULE [2]
-         contains="SingleRule",
-         representation(parVal="numeric",figure="numeric",progression="numeric"), #figure=1 background, fig=2 foreground
-         S3methods=TRUE)
-setMethod("calculateSpecific",signature(x="ChangeLwd", y="gTree"),
-          function(x,y){
-            if(x at figure==2){fg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[2])
-                            fg<-editGrob(fg,gp=gpar(lwd=x at parVal))
-                            bkg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[1])
-            }else{
-              bkg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[1])
-              bkg<-editGrob(bkg,gp=gpar(lwd=x at parVal))
-              fg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[2])
-              }
-           return(gTree(children=gList(bkg,fg)))
-          })
-#LTY RULE [3]
-         contains="SingleRule",
-         representation(parVal="numeric",figure="numeric"), #figure=1 background, fig=2 foreground
-         S3methods=TRUE)
-setMethod("calculateSpecific",signature(x="ChangeLty", y="gTree"),
-          function(x,y){
-            if(x at figure==2){fg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[2])
-                            fg<-editGrob(fg,gp=gpar(lty=x at parVal))
-                            bkg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[1])
-            }else{
-              bkg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[1])
-              bkg<-editGrob(bkg,gp=gpar(lty=x at parVal))
-              fg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[2])}
-            return(gTree(children=gList(bkg,fg)))
-          })
-         contains="SingleRule",
-         representation(parVal="numeric",figure="numeric"), #figure=1 background, fig=2 foreground
-         S3methods=TRUE)
-setMethod("calculateSpecific",signature(x="ChangeColor", y="gTree"),
-          function(x,y){
-            if(x at figure==2){fg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[2])
-                            fg<-editGrob(fg,gp=gpar(col=x at parVal))
-                            bkg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[1])
-            }else{
-              bkg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[1])
-              bkg<-editGrob(bkg,gp=gpar(col=x at parVal))
-              fg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[2])}
-            return(gTree(children=gList(bkg,fg)))
-          })
-         contains="SingleRule",
-         representation(parVal="character",figure="numeric"), #figure=1 background, fig=2 foreground
-         S3methods=TRUE)
-setMethod("calculateSpecific",signature(x="ChangeFill", y="gTree"),
-          function(x,y){
-            fg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[2])
-            fg<-editGrob(fg,gp=gpar(fill=x at parVal))
-            bkg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[1])
-            return(gTree(children=gList(bkg,fg)))
-          })
-         contains="SingleRule",
-         S3methods=TRUE)
-setMethod("calculateSpecific",signature(x="IdenticalPicture", y="gTree"),
-          function(x,y){return(y)})
-calculate <- function(x,y,z=NULL){
-  return(y)
-setMethod("calculate",signature(x="SingleRule", y="gTree"), #both [1] and [2] inherit from class 'SingleRule'
-          function(x, y){
-            result<-y 
-            if(!is.null(x at previousRule)){ # if there are some rules nested inside 'x'
-              result <- calculate(x at previousRule,result) 
-            }
-            return(calculateSpecific(x,result)) # if there are no more nested functions, execute
-          })
-#-----------------------DOUBLE RULES ----------------------------------------------------------------
-setClass("DoubleRule", representation = representation(firstRule="SingleRule", secondRule="SingleRule",nextSingle="SingleRule"),
-         S3methods=TRUE)
-#----sum two pictures [1]------------------------------------------------
-setClass("AddTwoPictures", contains="DoubleRule",S3methods=TRUE)
-setMethod("calculateSpecific",signature(x="AddTwoPictures", y="gTree", z="gTree"),
-          function(x,y,z){
-            fg1<-getGrob(y, childNames(y)[2])
-            bkg1<-getGrob(y, childNames(y)[1])
-            fg2<-getGrob(z, childNames(z)[2])
-            bkg2<-getGrob(z, childNames(z)[1])
-            fg<-gList(fg1,fg2)
-            bkg<-gList(bkg1,bkg2)
-            foreground<-gTree(children=fg)
-            background<-gTree(children=bkg)
-            return(gTree(children=gList(background,foreground)))
-          })
-setMethod("calculate",signature(x="DoubleRule", y="gTree", z="gTree"),
-          function(x, y, z){
-            firstArg <- y #first element of the matrix
-            secondArg <-z #second element of the matrix 
-            if(!is.null(x at firstRule)){ #if there are some rules nested inside
-              firstArg <- calculate(x at firstRule,firstArg) #execute first single-argument rule
-            }
-            if(!is.null(x at secondRule)){
-              secondArg <- calculate(x at secondRule,secondArg) #execute second single-argument rule
-            }
-            result<-calculateSpecific(x,firstArg, secondArg) #if there are no more nested rules, execute
-            if(!is.null(x at nextSingle)){
-              result<-calculate(x at nextSingle, result)
-            }
-            return(result)
-          })
-#------------------------------------------------APPLICATION OF RULES-----------------------------------------------
-#function creating an empty matrix in which rules for every row and column will be stored
-  index_m<-index(size) #which pictures are to be changed
-  rowRules<-vector(mode="list", length=size)
-  row_index<-vector(mode="list", length=size)#indices of pictures in rows
-  for(i in 1:size){row_index[[i]]<-index_m[i,]}
-  rowRules<-list(rowRules=rowRules,row_index=row_index)
-  colRules<-vector(mode="list",length=size)
-  col_index<-vector(mode="list", length=size)# indices of pictures in columns
-  for(i in 1:size){col_index[[i]]<-index_m[,i]}
-  colRules<-list(colRules=colRules,col_index=col_index)
-  colrowRules<-list(column=colRules,rows=rowRules)
-  return(colrowRules)                        
-setClassUnion("GrRules", members=c("SingleRule", "DoubleRule"))
-#a class specyfying rules for columns and rows
-#'rule' can be either an object of class 'SingleRule' or 'DoubleRule'
-#'direction' 1=column, 2=row
-#'which' which row/column to affect by a rule 
-setClass("ColRowRule", representation = representation(direction="numeric", which="numeric",rule="GrRules"), S3methods=TRUE)
-setClass("MatrixRulesList", representation = representation(rulelist="list"), S3methods=TRUE)
-#function returning an object of class MatrixRulesList" (which basically is a list of objects of class "ColRowRule")
-  arglist<-list(...)
-  rlist<-list()#an empty list on which objects of class ColRowRule will be stored
-  k=1
-  for(i in 1:length(arglist)){
-    if(inherits(arglist[[i]],"ColRowRule"))rlist[[k]]<-arglist[[i]]
-    k=k+1                                                             
-  }
-  return(new("MatrixRulesList",rulelist=rlist))
-#executing the rules from rule list 
-#'direction' 1= columns, 2=rows
-# execute<-function(m,rules_to_apply, direction){
-#   for(i in 1:length(rules_to_apply[[direction]][[1]])){
-#                     ind<-rules_to_apply[[direction]][[2]][[i]]
-#                     r<-rules_to_apply[[direction]][[1]][[i]]
-#                     if(!is.null(r)){
-#                                     for(j in ind) {m[[2]][[j]]<-calculate(x=r,y=m[[2]][[j]])
-#                                                   if("progression"%in%slotNames(r))r at parVal<-r at parVal+r@progression}
-#                                     }
-#                                                         }
-#                                                     }
-setClassUnion("nullORnumeric", members=c("NULL", "numeric"))
-setMethod("applyMatrixRules",signature(f="nullORnumeric",b="nullORnumeric",size="numeric", rulelist="MatrixRulesList"),
-          function(f,b,size,rulelist){
-            m<-firstMatrix(f,b,size) #list of pictures and their viepoints(generated randomly)
-            rules_to_apply<-schedule(size) # a list of rules to apply to particular rowsand columns (as default rule is NULL)
-            rl<-rulelist at rulelist # getting the rulelist slot - this is my list of defined rules
-            for(i in 1:length(rl)){ #modifying rules_to_apply list by rules defined in ruleList
-              direction=rl[[i]]@direction
-              which=rl[[i]]@which
-              rule=rl[[i]]@rule
-              rules_to_apply[[direction]][[1]][[which]]<-rule                                           
-            }
-#             execute(m,rules_to_apply,direction=1) #executing rules for columns
-#             execute(m,rules_to_apply,direction=2) #executing rules for rows
-            #executing rules for columns
-            for(i in 1:length(rules_to_apply[[1]][[1]])){
-              ind<-rules_to_apply$column$col_index[[i]]
-              r<-rules_to_apply$column$colRules[[i]]
-              if(!is.null(r)){
-                        if(inherits(r,"SingleRule")){
-                                for(j in ind) m[[2]][[j]]<-calculate(x=r,y=m[[2]][[j]])
-                                       #if("progression"%in%slotNames(r))r at parVal<-r at parVal+r@progression}
-                                                    }
-                        if(inherits(r,"DoubleRule")){
-                              for(j in ind){ m[[2]][[j]]<-calculate(x=r,y=m[[2]][[j-size]],z=m[[2]][[j-2*size]])
-                                            if("progression"%in%slotNames(r))r at parVal<-r at parVal+r@progression}
-                                          }
-                              }
-                          }
-            #executing rules for rows
-            for(i in 1:length(rules_to_apply[[2]][[1]])){
-              ind<-rules_to_apply$rows$row_index[[i]]
-              r<-rules_to_apply$rows$rowRules[[i]]
-              if(!is.null(r)){
-                        if(inherits(r,"SingleRule")){
-                            for(j in ind) {m[[2]][[j]]<-calculate(x=r,y=m[[2]][[j]])
-                                           if("progression"%in%slotNames(r))r at parVal<-r at parVal+r@progression}
-                              }
-                        if(inherits(r,"DoubleRule")){
-                          for(j in ind) {m[[2]][[j]]<-calculate(x=r,y=m[[2]][[j-1]],z=m[[2]][[j-2]])
-                                        if("progression"%in%slotNames(r))r at parVal<-r at parVal+r@progression}
-                          }
-                        }
-            }
-            return(m)
-          })
-#------------------------------------DRAWING MATRIX-------------------------------------------------------------------
-draw_matrix<-function (m){
-                      size=sqrt(length(m[[2]]))
-                      for(i in 1:size^2){
-                      #m<-firstMatrix(size)
-                      pushViewport(m[[1]][[i]])
-                      grid.draw(m[[2]][[i]])
-                      popViewport()
-                                        }
-                          }
-#========EXAMPLES OF USAGE ===========================================================
-#STEP 1 - create some basic rules
-#STEP 2 - combine the rules if neccessary
-#STEP 3 - create an object of RowColRule
-#STEP 4 - make a list of rules you want to apply to your matrix
-#STEP 5 - use the RuleList object to change the pre-generated matrix
-#STEP 6 - draw Raven like matrix
-## EXAMPLE 1 
-b<-new("ChangeColor", parVal=4,figure=2) #a rule changing the color of the figure in the foreground to blue
-c<-new("Rotation", parVal=-30, figure=1,progression=0, previousRule=b) # a rule rotating a backround & changing width and color of the foreground figure
-d<-new("ChangeLwd", parVal=1,figure=2,progression=5,previousRule=c) # a rule changing the width of lines of figure in foreground and its color to blue
-d_row3<-new("ColRowRule",direction=2,which=3,rule=d) #rule 'd' will be applied to third row
-e<-new("ChangeColor", parVal=7,figure=1)#changing color of the foreground
-f<-new("ChangeLty", parVal=4,figure=2,previousRule=e)#changing "lty" parameter
-f_row2<-new("ColRowRule",direction=2,which=2,rule=f) #rule 'f' will be applied to second row
-g_row1<-new("ColRowRule",direction=2,which=1,rule=g)#rule 'f' will be applied to second row
-h <-new("ChangeLty", parVal=4,figure=2)
-bbb<-defineMatrixRules(d_row3,f_row2,g_row1,h_col3)#creating a list of rules to apply
-m<-applyMatrixRules(f=1,b=2,size=3, rulelist=bbb)#fixing foreground in columns and background in rows
-h<-new("AddTwoPictures") #basic doubleRule for adding two previous pictures
-h_col3<-new("ColRowRule",direction=1,which=3,rule=h)# I want to use this rule in third column
-h_row3<-new("ColRowRule",direction=2,which=3,rule=h)# I also want to use this rule in thord row
-bbb<-defineMatrixRules(h_col3,h_row3)#creating a list of rules to apply
-m<-applyMatrixRules(f=NULL,b=NULL,size=3, rulelist=bbb) # setting shapes (background and foreground) in rows and columns as random
-h<-new("AddTwoPictures",nextSingle=f) #basic doubleRule for adding two previous pictures
-h_col3<-new("ColRowRule",direction=1,which=3,rule=h)# I want to use this rule in third column
-h_row3<-new("ColRowRule",direction=2,which=3,rule=h)# I also want to use this rule in thord row
-bbb<-defineMatrixRules(h_col3,h_row3)#creating a list of rules to apply
-m<-applyMatrixRules(f=NULL,b=NULL,size=3, rulelist=bbb) # setting shapes (background and foreground) in rows and columns as random

Deleted: pkg/ruleR/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/ruleR/DESCRIPTION	2012-09-05 19:01:05 UTC (rev 49)
+++ pkg/ruleR/DESCRIPTION	2012-09-05 19:08:49 UTC (rev 50)
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Package: ruleR
-Type: Package
-Title: generating numeric sequence items for intelligence tests
-Version: 1.0
-Date: 2012-07-31
-Author: Maria Rafalak(Polish Psychological Tests Laboratory), Philipp Doebler (University of Muenster)
-Maintainer: Maria Rafalak <m.rafalak at practest.com.pl>
-Description: This package helps to generate items for intelligence tests. Items are number sequences and are generated according to the implemented basic rules. Those rules can be easily combined either by a user or automatically. The package generates also 'noise answers' (distractors) helpful in creating items with specified response options.
-Depends: methods 
-License: GPL-2

Deleted: pkg/ruleR/R/.RData
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: pkg/ruleR/R/.Rhistory
--- pkg/ruleR/R/.Rhistory	2012-09-05 19:01:05 UTC (rev 49)
+++ pkg/ruleR/R/.Rhistory	2012-09-05 19:08:49 UTC (rev 50)
@@ -1,512 +0,0 @@
-signature(x="DivDoubleRule", y="numeric", z="numeric"),
-#[5] MODULO (Philipp)
-signature(x="ModuloDoubleRule", y="numeric", z="numeric"),
-setClass("ExpDoubleRule", contains="DoubleRule",S3methods=TRUE)
-signature(x="ExpDoubleRule", y="numeric", z="numeric"),
-setMethod("calculate",signature(x="DoubleRule", y="numeric", z="numeric"),
-function(x, y, z){
-firstArg <- y #first element of the sequence
-secondArg <-z #second element of the sequence
-if(!is.null(x at firstRule)){ #if there are some rules nested inside
-firstArg <- calculate(x at firstRule,firstArg) #execute first single-argument rule
-if(!is.null(x at secondRule)){
-secondArg <- calculate(x at secondRule,secondArg) #execute second single-argument rule
-result<-calculateSpecific(x,firstArg, secondArg) #if there are no more nested rules, execute
-if(!is.null(x at nextSingle)){
-result<-calculate(x at nextSingle, result)
-#----------------------------------generating sequences-------------------------------------
-#a list of single rules
-#a list of double rules
-# 'a1' is an index from table SingleRule (default a=NULL) //if 'a' is NULL it will be generated
-# 'n' how many rules are to be nested (default=NULL menas that I want to generate it automatically let's say from c(0,1,2)
-# n=0 would mean that I want to create just one rule with nothing nested inside)
-# 'cv1' is a constant value
-# '...' if I would like to add some rules nested I can provide their parameters cv must be always supplied #9even if the function doesn't require that
-p<-list(...)#arguments for nesting other functions
-#if(!is.null(n) && length(p)!=2*n) stop (paste("parameters of functions to be nested do not match n=",n))
-#for(i in seq(1,length(p),by=2)){if(k[i]>length(p)) stop (paste("List of rules is shorter than ",k[i]))}
-if(is.null(a1)) {a1<-sample(2:length(singleRules),1)} #generate 'a' if no is supplied (we don't want to generate a=1 because it is identical function)
-if(is.null(cv1)) {cv1<-sample(-100:100,1)} # generate a constant value if no is supplied
-if(is.null(n)){n<-sample(c(0,1,2),1,prob=c(3/6,2/6,1/6)) #nesting more than two rules would be impossible to guess
-} # generate 'n' if it is set as null with different probabilities
-if("constantVal"%in%slotNames(singleRules[[a1]])){m<-new(singleRules[[a1]],constantVal=cv1,previousRule=new("IdenSingleRule"))} else{m<-new(singleRules[[a1]],previousRule=new("IdenSingleRule"))}
-if(n!=0) {k<-createSR(p[[1]],p[[2]],n-1,p[-c(1,2)]); m at previousRule<-k
-}#else{m at previousRule<-new("IdenSingleRule")}
-# A FUNCTION TO COMBINE DOUBLE RULES - it generates all parameters automatically
-# 'a' is index from a list of DoubleRules
-#'fr' firstRule argument of an object of class doubleRule
-#'sr' secondRule argument of an object of class doubleRule
-#'ns' nextSingle argument of an object of class doubleRule
-if(!is.null(a) && a>length(doubleRules)) stop (paste("The list of doublrRules is shoreter than ",a, ".Please specify 'a' value, which is smaller than or equal to",length(doubleRules)))
-if(!inherits(fr,"SingleRule") && !is.null(fr))stop(paste("'fr' argument must inherit from class singleRule"))
-if(!inherits(sr,"SingleRule") && !is.null(sr))stop(paste("'sr' argument must inherit from class singleRule"))
-if(!inherits(ns,"SingleRule") && !is.null(ns))stop(paste("'ns' argument must inherit from class singleRule"))
-if(is.null(a)) a<-sample(1:length(doubleRules),1) #generate an index of a doubleRule from the list of doubleRules
-if(is.null(fr)) fr<-sample(c(createSR(),new("IdenSingleRule")),1,prob=c(0.5,0.5))[[1]]# firstRule is chosen from an automatically generated SingleRule or identical rule returning the input
-if(is.null(sr)) sr<-sample(c(createSR(),new("IdenSingleRule")),1,prob=c(0.3,0.7))[[1]] #because adding more and more rules makes the rule very difficult I would generate identical function with greater probability
-if(is.null(ns)) ns<-sample(c(createSR(),new("IdenSingleRule")),1,prob=c(0.3,0.7))[[1]]
-p<-new(a,firstRule=fr, secondRule=sr,nextSingle=ns)
-# 'n' is the length of the numeric sequence (default value is 6)
-# 'x1', 'x2' are the first elements of the numeric sequence (you don't always need 'x2')
-if(inherits(rule,"DoubleRule") && is.null(x2)) stop (" If you want to use a DoubleRoule you need to specify x2")
-if(class(x1)!="numeric" ||(class(x2)!="NULL" && class(x2)!="numeric")) stop ("arguments 'x1', 'x2' must be of type 'numeric'.")
-if(!inherits(rule,"SingleRule") && !inherits(rule,"DoubleRule")) stop ("'rule' argument must inherit from 'SingleRule' or 'DoubleRule' class")
-if(n<3) stop("sequence must be longer than 3")
-for(i in 2:n){
-for(i in 3:n){
-# checking if a vector is in any row of the matrix
-#'mx' is a matrix in which I am searching
-#'vec' is a vector which is being checked
-# result TRUE means that there is already such vector in the matrix
-return(any(apply(mx, 1, function(x, want) isTRUE(all.equal(x, want)), vec)))
-# it returns '0' when teh sequence is constant and '1' when the sequence is not constant
-# a function examines three last elements of a sequence, so even sequences like 27,9,9,9,9 ... are excluded
-if(class(seq)!="list") stop("sequence must be of type 'list'")
-if(identical(seq[m],seq[m-1]) && identical(seq[m],seq[m-2]) ) {return(0)} else {return(1)}
-# checking whether the sequence is not constant, numbers are not greater than 1000 or no lesser than -1000
-# type=1 is totally automatic / type=2 generates rules from 'MyRules' list
-x1<-as.numeric(sample(1:100,1)) #generate the first element of numeric sequence
-x2<-as.numeric(sample(1:100,1)) # generate the second element of numeric sequence
-if(type==1){ # type=1 means automatic tests
-m<-sample(c(1,2),1) #if m=1 I will create a singleRule, if m=2 rule will be a combination of singleRules, if m=3 rule is a doubleRule
-if(m==1){rule<-createSR()} else{rule<-createDR()} } else
-{z<-sample(2:length(MyRules),1); rule<-MyRules[[z]]  }# if m=1 create singleRule else create doubleRulr
-if(conCheck(result)==0 ||any(is.na(result))|| max(unlist(result))>1000 || min(unlist(result))< -1000||duplicate(mx=items,vec=unlist(result[[1]])))
-{check(seqlen,items,type)} else{return(list(result=result,fun=fun))}
-# random
-# 'seqlen' specyfies how long should a single sequence be
-# 'type' = 1 everything generated automatically/ type=2 functions generated from the MyRules matrix
-# 'testlen' specyfies how many sequences (item positions) are there to be in a test
-if(class(type)!="numeric") stop ("argument 'type' must be of class 'numeric'")
-items<-matrix(NA,testlen,seqlen) #I will store generated items in a matrix
-rules<- list() # I will keep the rules on a list
-noise<-matrix(NA,testlen,5) # 5 noise answers will be stored in this matrix
-for(i in 1:testlen){

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/ruler -r 50

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