[Ruler-commits] r43 - pkg

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Wed Aug 22 17:15:19 CEST 2012

Author: merysionek
Date: 2012-08-22 17:15:18 +0200 (Wed, 22 Aug 2012)
New Revision: 43

matrices - first attempt :)

Added: pkg/marices.R
--- pkg/marices.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/marices.R	2012-08-22 15:15:18 UTC (rev 43)
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+require("gridExtra") # not necessarily - you can just copy parameter result to draw shapes
+#---------------------------------------BASIC SHAPES ------------------------------------------------------------------
+rectangle<-rectGrob(name="rectangle",width = unit(0.65, "npc"), height = unit(0.65, "npc"),gp=gpar(fill="transparent"))
+triangle<-polygonGrob(name="triangle",x=c(0.2, 0.5, 0.8), y=c(0.2, 0.8, 0.2),gp=gpar(fill="transparent"))
+star20<-polygonGrob(name="star20",x=c(0.5000000, 0.3763932, 0.7351141, 0.1763932, 0.8804226, 0.1000000, 0.8804226, 0.1763932, 0.7351141, 0.3763932, 0.5000000, 0.6236068, 0.2648859, 0.8236068,0.1195774, 0.9000000, 0.1195774, 0.8236068, 0.2648859, 0.6236068, 0.5000000),y=c(0.9000000, 0.1195774, 0.8236068, 0.2648859, 0.6236068, 0.5000000, 0.3763932, 0.7351141, 0.1763932, 0.8804226, 0.1000000, 0.8804226, 0.1763932, 0.7351141, 0.3763932, 0.5000000, 0.6236068, 0.2648859, 0.8236068, 0.1195774, 0.9000000),gp=gpar("alpha"=1, fill="transparent"))                    
+foreGr<-list(rectangle,triangle,pentagon,star20) #first plan shapes
+vertical6<-polylineGrob(name="line6v",x = unit(rep(seq(0,1,0.2),each=2), "npc"),
+                        y = unit(rep(c(0,1),6), "npc"),id.lengths=rep(2,6)) # 6vertical lines
+backGr<-list(vertical6,cross)#background shapes
+#--------------------------------GENERATING VIEWPORTS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# a grid can be of any size but it has to be a square
+# from top do bottom, from left to right 
+# s'size' is a size of a matrix
+# possible nesting viewpoints
+              vlist<-vector(mode="list",length=0)
+              v0<-viewport(layout=grid.layout(size, size, respect= diag(size)),name="vp00")
+                    for(i in 1:size){
+                                  rowlist<-vector(mode="list",length=size)
+                                  pushViewport(v0) #general viewport for whole grid
+                                  for(j in 1:size){
+                                              rowlist[[j]]<-vpStack(v0,viewport(layout.pos.col=i,layout.pos.row=j,clip="on", name=paste("vp",i,j,sep="")))                                          
+                                                  }
+                                  vlist<-c(vlist,rowlist)
+                                      }
+              return(vlist) # a list of viewpoints for samll grids
+                      }
+#------------------------------- GENERATING PICTURES---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                             m<-createVp(size=size) #viewports where to draw small pictures
+                             pic<-vector(mode="list", length=size^2) # I will save small Grobs
+                            for(i in 1:size^2){    
+                                    foreground<-gTree( children=gList(foreGr[[sample(1:length(foreGr),1)]]),name=paste("foreground",i,sep="")) #figure in the foreground
+                                    background<-gTree(children=gList(backGr[[sample(1:length(backGr),1)]]),name=paste("background",i,sep="")) #figure in the background
+                                    picture<-gTree(children=gList(background,foreground), name=paste("picture",i,sep="")) #object consisting of foregroung and background
+                                    pic[[i]]<-picture                                 
+                                              }
+                              j<-list(); j[[1]]<-m; j[[2]]<-pic
+                              return(j) #returning a list of gTrees and their viewports, all the nine small pictures are generated at first                 
+                              }
+setOldClass("grob") # allows me to use S3 grob objects as slot of S4 class
+setOldClass("gTree") # allows me to use S3 gTree objects as slot of S4 class
+         representation = representation(previousRule="SingleRule"),
+         S3methods=TRUE)
+calculateSpecific <- function(x,y,z=NULL){
+  return(y)
+setMethod("calculateSpecific",signature(x="SingleRule", y="numeric"),
+          function(x,y){
+            return(y)
+          })
+         contains="SingleRule",
+         representation(angle="numeric",figure="numeric"), #figure=1 background, fig=2 foreground
+         S3methods=TRUE)
+setMethod("calculateSpecific",signature(x="Rotation", y="gTree"),
+          function(x,y){
+                        if(x at figure==2){fg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[2])
+                                        fg<-editGrob(fg,vp=viewport(angle=x at angle))
+                                        bkg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[1])
+                                        }else{
+                                          bkg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[1])
+                                          bkg<-editGrob(bkg,vp=viewport(angle=x at angle))
+                                          fg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[2])
+                                        }
+          return(gTree(children=gList(bkg,fg)))
+          })
+#LWD RULE [2]
+         contains="SingleRule",
+         representation(lwd="numeric",figure="numeric"), #figure=1 background, fig=2 foreground
+         S3methods=TRUE)
+setMethod("calculateSpecific",signature(x="ChangeLwd", y="gTree"),
+          function(x,y){
+            if(x at figure==2){fg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[2])
+                            fg<-editGrob(fg,gp=gpar(lwd=x at lwd))
+                            bkg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[1])
+            }else{
+              bkg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[1])
+              bkg<-editGrob(bkg,gp=gpar(lwd=x at lwd))
+              fg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[2])}
+        return(gTree(children=gList(bkg,fg)))
+          })
+#LTY RULE [3]
+         contains="SingleRule",
+         representation(lty="numeric",figure="numeric"), #figure=1 background, fig=2 foreground
+         S3methods=TRUE)
+setMethod("calculateSpecific",signature(x="ChangeLty", y="gTree"),
+          function(x,y){
+            if(x at figure==2){fg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[2])
+                            fg<-editGrob(fg,gp=gpar(lty=x at lty))
+                            bkg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[1])
+            }else{
+              bkg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[1])
+              bkg<-editGrob(bkg,gp=gpar(lty=x at lty))
+              fg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[2])}
+            return(gTree(children=gList(bkg,fg)))
+          })
+         contains="SingleRule",
+         representation(color="numeric",figure="numeric"), #figure=1 background, fig=2 foreground
+         S3methods=TRUE)
+setMethod("calculateSpecific",signature(x="ChangeColor", y="gTree"),
+          function(x,y){
+            if(x at figure==2){fg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[2])
+                            fg<-editGrob(fg,gp=gpar(col=x at color))
+                            bkg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[1])
+            }else{
+              bkg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[1])
+              bkg<-editGrob(bkg,gp=gpar(col=x at color))
+              fg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[2])}
+            return(gTree(children=gList(bkg,fg)))
+          })
+         contains="SingleRule",
+         representation(fill="character",figure="numeric"), #figure=1 background, fig=2 foreground
+         S3methods=TRUE)
+setMethod("calculateSpecific",signature(x="ChangeFill", y="gTree"),
+          function(x,y){
+                            fg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[2])
+                            fg<-editGrob(fg,gp=gpar(fill=x at fill))
+                            bkg<-getGrob(y,childNames(y)[1])
+            return(gTree(children=gList(bkg,fg)))
+          })
+         contains="SingleRule",
+         S3methods=TRUE)
+setMethod("calculateSpecific",signature(x="IdenticalPicture", y="gTree"),
+          function(x,y){return(y)})
+calculate <- function(x,y,z=NULL){
+  return(y)
+setMethod("calculate",signature(x="SingleRule", y="gTree"), #both [1] and [2] inherit from class 'SingleRule'
+          function(x, y){
+            result<-y 
+            if(!is.null(x at previousRule)){ # if there are some rules nested inside 'x'
+              result <- calculate(x at previousRule,result) 
+            }
+            return(calculateSpecific(x,result)) # if there are no more nested functions, execute
+          })
+#-----------------------DOUBLE RULES ----------------------------------------------------------------
+setClass("DoubleRule", representation = representation(firstRule="SingleRule", secondRule="SingleRule",nextSingle="SingleRule"),
+         S3methods=TRUE)
+#----sum two pictures [1]------------------------------------------------
+setClass("AddTwoPictures", contains="DoubleRule",S3methods=TRUE)
+setMethod("calculateSpecific",signature(x="AddTwoPictures", y="gTree", z="gTree"),
+          function(x,y,z){
+            fg1<-getGrob(y, childNames(y)[2])
+            bkg1<-getGrob(y, childNames(y)[1])
+            fg2<-getGrob(z, childNames(z)[2])
+            bkg2<-getGrob(z, childNames(z)[1])
+            fg<-gList(fg1,fg2)
+            bkg<-gList(bkg1,bkg2)
+            return(gTree(children=gList(bkg,fg)))
+          })
+setMethod("calculate",signature(x="DoubleRule", y="gTree", z="gTree"),
+          function(x, y, z){
+            firstArg <- y #first element of the matrix
+            secondArg <-z #second element of the matrix 
+            if(!is.null(x at firstRule)){ #if there are some rules nested inside
+              firstArg <- calculate(x at firstRule,firstArg) #execute first single-argument rule
+            }
+            if(!is.null(x at secondRule)){
+              secondArg <- calculate(x at secondRule,secondArg) #execute second single-argument rule
+            }
+            result<-calculateSpecific(x,firstArg, secondArg) #if there are no more nested rules, execute
+            if(!is.null(x at nextSingle)){
+              result<-calculate(x at nextSingle, result)
+            }
+            return(result)
+          })
+#------------------------------------------------APPLICATION OF RULES-----------------------------------------------
+#function returning indexes of m matrix of objects forming columns and rows
+#'size' size of a matrix
+                       imat<-matrix(NA,size,size)
+                       for(i in 1:size){
+                                        for(j in 1:size){
+                                                        imat[i,j]<-i+(j-1)*size
+                                                        }
+                                      }
+                      return(imat)
+                      }
+#function creating an empty matrix in which rules for every row and column will be stored
+                        index_m<-index(size) #which pictures are to be changed
+                        rowRules<-vector(mode="list", length=size)
+                        row_index<-vector(mode="list", length=size)#indices of pictures in rows
+                        for(i in 1:size){row_index[[i]]<-index_m[i,]}
+                        rowRules<-list(rowRules=rowRules,row_index=row_index)
+                        colRules<-vector(mode="list",length=size)
+                        col_index<-vector(mode="list", length=size)# indices of pictures in columns
+                        for(i in 1:size){col_index[[i]]<-index_m[,i]}
+                        colRules<-list(colRules=colRules,col_index=col_index)
+                        colrowRules<-list(column=colRules,rows=rowRules)
+                        return(colrowRules)                        
+                        }
+setClassUnion("GrRules", members=c("SingleRule", "DoubleRule"))
+#a class specyfying rules for columns and rows
+#'rule' can be either an object of class 'SingleRule' or 'DoubleRule'
+#'direction' 1=column, 2=row
+#'which' which row/column to affect by a rule 
+setClass("ColRowRule", representation = representation(direction="numeric", which="numeric",rule="GrRules"), S3methods=TRUE)
+setClass("MatrixRulesList", representation = representation(rulelist="list"), S3methods=TRUE)
+#function returning an object of class MatrixRulesList" (which basically is a list of objects of class "ColRowRule")
+                                arglist<-list(...)
+                                rlist<-list()#an empty list on which objects of class ColRowRule will be stored
+                                k=1
+                                for(i in 1:length(arglist)){
+                                                            if(inherits(arglist[[i]],"ColRowRule"))rlist[[k]]<-arglist[[i]]
+                                                            k=k+1                                                             
+                                                            }
+                                return(new("MatrixRulesList",rulelist=rlist))
+                                }
+setMethod("applyMatrixRules",signature(size="numeric", rulelist="MatrixRulesList"),
+          function(size,rulelist){
+                                m<-firstMatrix(size) #list of pictures and their viepoints(generated randomly)
+                                rules_to_apply<-schedule(size) # a list of rules to apply to particular rowsand columns (as default rule is NULL)
+                                rl<-rulelist at rulelist # getting the rulelist slot - this is my list of defined rules
+                                for(i in 1:length(rl)){ #modifying rules_to_apply list by rules defined in ruleList
+                                                          direction=rl[[i]]@direction
+                                                          which=rl[[i]]@which
+                                                          rule=rl[[i]]@rule
+                                                          rules_to_apply[[direction]][[1]][[which]]<-rule                                           
+                                                        }
+                               #executing rules for columns
+                               for(i in 1:length(rules_to_apply[[1]][[1]])){
+                                                                          ind<-rules_to_apply$column$col_index[[i]]
+                                                                          r<-rules_to_apply$column$colRules[[i]]
+                                                                          if(!is.null(r)){
+                                                                                          for(j in ind) m[[2]][[j]]<-calculate(x=r,y=m[[2]][[j]])
+                                                                                          }
+                                                                          }
+                              #executing rules for rows
+                              for(i in 1:length(rules_to_apply[[2]][[1]])){
+                                                                        ind<-rules_to_apply$rows$row_index[[i]]
+                                                                        r<-rules_to_apply$rows$rowRules[[i]]
+                                                                        if(!is.null(r)){
+                                                                                        for(j in ind) m[[2]][[j]]<-calculate(x=r,y=m[[2]][[j]])
+                                                                                        }
+                                                                        }
+                               return(m)
+                                                                      })
+#STEP 1 - create some basic rules
+#STEP 2 - combine the rules if neccessary
+#STEP 3 - create an object of RowColRule
+#STEP 4 - make a list of rules you want to apply to your matrix
+#STEP 5 - use the RuleList object to change the pre-generated matrix
+#STEP 1 and 2
+b<-new("ChangeColor", color=4,figure=2 ) #a rule changing the color of the figure in the foreground to blue
+c<-new("ChangeLwd", lwd=10,figure=2,previousRule=b) # a rule changing the width of lines of figure in foreground and its color to blue
+d<-new("Rotation", angle=-30, figure=1, previousRule=c) # a rule rotating a backround & changing width and color of the foreground figure
+#STEP 3 - specyfying rows and columns for the rules
+d_row1<-new("ColRowRule",direction=2,which=1,rule=d) #rule 'd' will be applied to a first row 
+c_col2<-new("ColRowRule",direction=1,which=2,rule=c) #rule 'c' will be applied to the second column
+b_row3<-new("ColRowRule",direction=2,which=3,rule=b) # rule 'b' will be applied to the third row
+#STEP 4
+#STEP 5
+m<-applyMatrixRules(size=3, rulelist=bbb)
+#------------------------------------DRAWING MATRIX-------------------------------------------------------------------
+for(i in 1:size^2){
+  #m<-firstMatrix(size)
+  pushViewport(m[[1]][[i]])
+  #funkcje zmieniajce viewport # after using the function uses popViewport
+  grid.draw(m[[2]][[i]])
+  popViewport()

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