Dear All,<br><br>while specifying a model for bipartite analysis, I encountered a problem related to degree-related effects of a one-mode network (W, the explanatory variable) to the bipartite one (X, the dependent variable).<br>
<br>In particular, I couldn't specify the "Effect of in-degree in W on X-activity" (inActIntn) as outlined in the latest version of RSiena manual (7th September) at page 122.<br><br><br>The code I used is the following:<br>
<br>bipEffects <- includeEffects (bipEffects, inActIntn, name="X", interaction1="W")<br><br>Alternatively I tried the setEffect function:<br><br>bipEffects <- setEffect (bipEffects, inActIntn, name="X", interaction1="W", parameter=2)<br>
<br>In both cases the effect was not found.<br><br>The other degree-related effect using the bipartite network as dependent variable and the one-mode network as explanatory - "Effect of in-degree in W on X-activity" (outActIntn) - was instead specified without problems.<br>
<br>Could you please help me understanding what I'm missing here?<br><br>Thanks a lot in advance.<br><br>Marco<br><br>