Dear All,<br>I'm trying to run a longitudinal analysis on a one-mode network with five observations and some actors joining and leaving the network at different points in time, but I'm experiencing some problems with the composition change file.<br>
In detail, I created an exogenous events file as indicated in the RSiena manual (2.7, page 10). If I include just one entry and one exit time, everything seems to work fine. By contrast, when I try to add also 'intermediate' joining/leaving times (i.e. 1 1.5 2.5 5), which is what I would actually need, I get the following error: 'subscript out of bounds'. To my knowledge this should correspond to some errors in the file format/dimensions, but I checked (and re-checked) it several times and I could not find any mistakes.<br>
<br><br>Thank you in advance.<br>Kind regards<br>Paola<br><br><br>