[Rprotobuf-commits] r708 - in pkg: . R inst/proto inst/unitTests man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Sat Jan 4 03:29:01 CET 2014

Author: jeroenooms
Date: 2014-01-04 03:28:59 +0100 (Sat, 04 Jan 2014)
New Revision: 708

Merge serialize_pb from RProtoBufUtils

Modified: pkg/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/NAMESPACE	2014-01-04 02:19:52 UTC (rev 707)
+++ pkg/NAMESPACE	2014-01-04 02:28:59 UTC (rev 708)
@@ -105,4 +105,7 @@
 exportPattern( "^CPPTYPE_" )
 exportPattern( "^LABEL_" )
+# copied from RProtoBufUtils
+export( "serialize_pb", "unserialize_pb", "can_serialize_pb" )
 # export( run_unit_tests )

Added: pkg/R/rexp_obj.R
--- pkg/R/rexp_obj.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/rexp_obj.R	2014-01-04 02:28:59 UTC (rev 708)
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+rexp_obj <- function(obj){
+  sm <- typeof(obj);
+  msg <- switch(sm,
+    "character" = rexp_string(obj),
+    "raw" = rexp_raw(obj),
+    "double" = rexp_double(obj),
+    "complex" = rexp_complex(obj),
+    "integer" = rexp_integer(obj),
+    "list" = rexp_list(obj),
+    "logical" = rexp_logical(obj),
+    "NULL" = rexp_null(),
+    {warning("Unsupported R object type:", sm); rexp_null()}
+  );
+  attrib <- attributes(obj)
+  msg$attrName <- names(attrib)
+  msg$attrValue <- lapply(attrib, rexp_obj)
+  msg
+rexp_string <- function(obj){
+  xvalue <- lapply(as.list(obj), function(x){
+    new(pb(rexp.STRING), strval=x, isNA=is.na(x))
+  })
+  new(pb(rexp.REXP), rclass = 0, stringValue=xvalue)
+rexp_raw <- function(obj){
+  new(pb(rexp.REXP), rclass= 1, rawValue = obj)
+rexp_double <- function(obj){
+  new(pb(rexp.REXP), rclass=2, realValue = obj)
+rexp_complex <- function(obj){
+  xvalue <- lapply(as.list(obj), function(x){
+    new(pb(rexp.CMPLX), real=Re(x), imag=Im(x))
+  })
+  new(pb(rexp.REXP), rclass=3, complexValue = xvalue)
+rexp_integer <- function(obj){
+  new(pb(rexp.REXP), rclass=4, intValue = obj)
+rexp_list <- function(obj){
+  xobj <- lapply(obj, rexp_obj)
+  new(pb(rexp.REXP), rclass=5, rexpValue = xobj)
+rexp_logical <- function(obj){
+  xobj <- as.integer(obj)
+  xobj[is.na(obj)] <- 2
+  new(pb(rexp.REXP), rclass=6, booleanValue = xobj)
+rexp_null <- function(){
+  new(pb(rexp.REXP), rclass=7)
+unrexp <- function(msg){
+  stopifnot(is(msg, "Message"))
+  stopifnot(msg at type == "rexp.REXP")
+  myrexp <- as.list(msg)
+  xobj <- switch(as.character(myrexp$rclass),
+     "0" = unrexp_string(myrexp),
+     "1" = unrexp_raw(myrexp),
+     "2" = unrexp_double(myrexp),
+     "3" = unrexp_complex(myrexp),
+     "4" = unrexp_integer(myrexp),
+     "5" = unrexp_list(myrexp),
+     "6" = unrexp_logical(myrexp),
+     "7" = unrexp_null(),
+     stop("Unsupported rclass:", myrexp$rclass)
+  )
+  if(length(myrexp$attrValue)){
+    attrib <- lapply(myrexp$attrValue, unrexp)
+    names(attrib) <- myrexp$attrName
+    attributes(xobj) <- attrib
+  }
+  xobj
+unrexp_string <- function(myrexp){
+  mystring <- unlist(lapply(myrexp$stringValue, "[[", "strval"))
+  isNA <- unlist(lapply(myrexp$stringValue, "[[", "isNA"))
+  mystring[isNA] <- NA
+  mystring
+unrexp_raw <- function(myrexp){
+  myrexp$rawValue
+unrexp_double <- function(myrexp){
+  myrexp$realValue
+unrexp_complex <- function(myrexp){
+  xvalue <- lapply(myrexp$complexValue, function(x){
+    complex(real=x$real, imaginary=x$imag)
+  })
+  unlist(xvalue)
+unrexp_integer <- function(myrexp){
+  myrexp$intValue
+unrexp_list <- function(myrexp){
+  lapply(myrexp$rexpValue, unrexp)
+unrexp_logical <- function(myrexp){
+  xvalue <- myrexp$booleanValue
+  xvalue[xvalue==2] <- NA
+  as.logical(xvalue)
+unrexp_null <- function(){
+#Helper function to lookup a PB descriptor
+pb <- function(name){
+  descriptor <- deparse(substitute(name))
+  if(!exists(descriptor, "RProtoBuf:DescriptorPool")){
+    stop("No ProtoBuf Descriptor for: ", descriptor)
+  }
+  get(descriptor, "RProtoBuf:DescriptorPool")
+#Checks if object can be serialized 
+can_serialize_pb <- rexp_valid <- function(obj) {
+  valid.types <- c("character", "raw", "double", "complex", "integer",
+    "list", "logical", "NULL")
+  sm <- typeof(obj)
+  if (sm %in% valid.types) {
+    if (sm == "list") {
+      if (any(! unlist(lapply(obj, rexp_valid)))) {
+        return(FALSE)
+      }
+    }
+  } else {
+    return(FALSE)
+  }
+  attrib <- attributes(obj)
+  if (is.null(attrib)) {
+    return(TRUE)
+  }
+  if (rexp_valid(names(attrib))) {
+    if (rexp_valid(unname(attrib))) {
+      return(TRUE)
+    }
+  }
+  return(FALSE)

Added: pkg/R/serialize_pb.R
--- pkg/R/serialize_pb.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/serialize_pb.R	2014-01-04 02:28:59 UTC (rev 708)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#' Serialize R object to Protocol Buffer Message.
+#' This function serializes R objects to a general purpose protobuf message. It 
+#' uses the same \code{rexp.proto} descriptor and mapping between R objects and
+#' protobuf messages as RHIPE.
+#' Third party clients need both the message and the \code{rexp.proto} descriptor
+#' to read serialized R objects. The latter is included in the the package 
+#' installation \code{proto} directory:
+#' \code{system.file(package="RProtoBuf", "proto/rexp.proto")}
+#' Currently, the following storage types are supported: 
+#' \code{character}, \code{raw}, \code{double}, \code{complex}, \code{integer},
+#' \code{list}, and \code{NULL}. Objects with other storage types, such as 
+#' functions, environments, S4 classes, etc, will be skipped with a warning. 
+#' Missing values, attributes and numeric precision will be preserved. 
+#' @param object R object to serialize
+#' @param connection passed on to  \code{\link{serialize}}
+#' @param ... additional arguments passed on to  \code{\link{serialize}}
+#' @aliases unserialize_pb can_serialize_pb
+#' @export unserialize_pb
+#' @export can_serialize_pb
+#' @export
+#' @examples msg <- tempfile();
+#' serialize_pb(iris, msg);
+#' obj <- unserialize_pb(msg);
+#' identical(iris, obj);
+serialize_pb <- function(object, connection, ...){
+  #convert object to protobuf message
+  msg <- rexp_obj(object);
+  #serialize the message
+  serialize(msg, connection = connection, ...);
+unserialize_pb <- function(connection){
+  #convert object to protobuf message
+  unrexp(read(pb(rexp.REXP), connection));

Added: pkg/inst/proto/rexp.proto
--- pkg/inst/proto/rexp.proto	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/inst/proto/rexp.proto	2014-01-04 02:28:59 UTC (rev 708)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+package rexp;
+message REXP {
+  enum RClass {
+    STRING = 0;
+    RAW = 1;
+    REAL = 2;
+    COMPLEX = 3;
+    INTEGER = 4;
+    LIST = 5;
+    LOGICAL = 6;
+    NULLTYPE = 7;
+  }
+  enum RBOOLEAN {
+    F=0;
+    T=1;
+    NA=2;
+  }
+  required RClass rclass = 1 ; 
+  repeated double realValue = 2 [packed=true];
+  repeated sint32 intValue = 3 [packed=true];
+  repeated RBOOLEAN booleanValue = 4;
+  repeated STRING stringValue = 5;
+  optional bytes rawValue = 6;
+  repeated CMPLX complexValue = 7;
+  repeated REXP rexpValue = 8;
+  repeated string attrName = 11;
+  repeated REXP attrValue = 12;
+message STRING {
+  optional string strval = 1;
+  optional bool isNA = 2 [default=false];
+message CMPLX {
+  optional double real = 1 [default=0];
+  required double imag = 2;

Added: pkg/inst/unitTests/runit.serialize_pb.R
--- pkg/inst/unitTests/runit.serialize_pb.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/inst/unitTests/runit.serialize_pb.R	2014-01-04 02:28:59 UTC (rev 708)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#Jeroen Ooms
+test.serialize_pb <- function() {
+  #verify that rexp.proto is loaded
+  RProtoBuf:::pb(rexp.REXP)
+  #serialize a nested list
+  x <- list(foo=cars, bar=Titanic)
+  checkEquals(unserialize_pb(serialize_pb(x, NULL)), x)
+  #a bit of everything, copied from jsonlite package
+  set.seed('123')
+  myobject <- list(
+    mynull = NULL,
+    mycomplex = lapply(eigen(matrix(-rnorm(9),3)), round, 3),
+    mymatrix = round(matrix(rnorm(9), 3),3),
+    myint = as.integer(c(1,2,3)),
+    mydf = cars,
+    mylist = list(foo='bar', 123, NA, NULL, list('test')),
+    mylogical = c(TRUE,FALSE,NA),
+    mychar = c('foo', NA, 'bar'),
+    somemissings = c(1,2,NA,NaN,5, Inf, 7 -Inf, 9, NA),
+    myrawvec = charToRaw('This is a test')
+  );
+  checkEquals(unserialize_pb(serialize_pb(myobject, NULL)), myobject)

Added: pkg/man/serialize_pb.Rd
--- pkg/man/serialize_pb.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/serialize_pb.Rd	2014-01-04 02:28:59 UTC (rev 708)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+\title{Serialize R object to Protocol Buffer Message.}
+  serialize_pb(object, connection, ...)
+  \item{object}{R object to serialize}
+  \item{connection}{passed on to \code{\link{serialize}}}
+  \item{...}{additional arguments passed on to
+  \code{\link{serialize}}}
+  This function serializes R objects to a general purpose
+  protobuf message. It uses the same \code{rexp.proto}
+  descriptor and mapping between R objects and protobuf
+  messages as RHIPE.
+  Third party clients need both the message and the
+  \code{rexp.proto} descriptor to read serialized R
+  objects. The latter is included in the the package
+  installation \code{proto} directory:
+  \code{system.file(package="RProtoBuf",
+  "proto/rexp.proto")}
+  Currently, the following storage types are supported:
+  \code{character}, \code{raw}, \code{double},
+  \code{complex}, \code{integer}, \code{list}, and
+  \code{NULL}. Objects with other storage types, such as
+  functions, environments, S4 classes, etc, will be skipped
+  with a warning. Missing values, attributes and numeric
+  precision will be preserved.
+msg <- tempfile();
+serialize_pb(iris, msg);
+obj <- unserialize_pb(msg);
+identical(iris, obj);

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