[Rprotobuf-commits] r561 - papers/rjournal

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Tue Dec 17 06:20:27 CET 2013

Author: murray
Date: 2013-12-17 06:20:27 +0100 (Tue, 17 Dec 2013)
New Revision: 561

Move over some sections from the introduction vignette that can be
included here.  I've started moving the pieces over piecemeal because
the intro vignette is too much like a reference manual and needs more
of a narrative which I'm attempting to provide here.

Specifically, section 3 "Classes, Methods, and Pseudo-Methods" of the
intro vignette is 20 pages on its own of reference material that would
not be as appropriate for a writeup in R Journal or JSS or something.
It is good content, but we need to replace much of that with very
concise tables or similar.

The number of classes and methods is quite high for RProtoBuf, and so
I don't think we can describe each on in detail in this type of
writeup without losing sight of the higher level point about why this
is cool and useful.

Modified: papers/rjournal/eddelbuettel-francois-stokely.Rnw
--- papers/rjournal/eddelbuettel-francois-stokely.Rnw	2013-12-17 04:49:10 UTC (rev 560)
+++ papers/rjournal/eddelbuettel-francois-stokely.Rnw	2013-12-17 05:20:27 UTC (rev 561)
@@ -141,6 +141,13 @@
 binary \emph{payload} of the messages to files and arbitrary binary
 R connections.
+\emph{TODO(mstokely): Remove this example code snippet}
+  x <- 1:10
+  result <- myFunction(x)
 \subsection{Importing proto files}
 In contrast to the other languages (Java, C++, Python) that are officially
@@ -155,13 +162,210 @@
 The \texttt{readProtoFiles} function allows importing \texttt{proto}
 files in several ways.
-% Example code snippet.
-% TODO(mstokely): Remove this.
-  x <- 1:10
-  result <- myFunction(x)
+args( readProtoFiles )
+Using the \texttt{file} argument, one can specify one or several file
+paths that ought to be proto files.
+proto.dir <- system.file( "proto", package = "RProtoBuf" )
+proto.file <- file.path( proto.dir, "addressbook.proto" )
+readProtoFiles( proto.file )
+With the \texttt{dir} argument, which is
+ignored if the \texttt{file} is supplied, all files matching the
+\texttt{.proto} extension will be imported.
+dir( proto.dir, pattern = "\\.proto$", full.names = TRUE )
+readProtoFiles( dir = proto.dir )
+Finally, with the
+\texttt{package} argument (ignored if \texttt{file} or
+\texttt{dir} is supplied), the function will import all \texttt{.proto}
+files that are located in the \texttt{proto} sub-directory of the given
+package. A typical use for this argument is in the \texttt{.onLoad}
+function of a package.
+readProtoFiles( package = "RProtoBuf" )
+Once the proto files are imported, all message descriptors are
+are available in the R search path in the \texttt{RProtoBuf:DescriptorPool}
+special environment. The underlying mechanism used here is
+described in more detail in section~\ref{sec-lookup}.
+ls( "RProtoBuf:DescriptorPool" )
+\subsection{Creating a message}
+The objects contained in the special environment are
+descriptors for their associated message types. Descriptors will be
+discussed in detail in another part of this document, but for the
+purpose of this section, descriptors are just used with the \texttt{new}
+function to create messages.
+p <- new( tutorial.Person, name = "Romain", id = 1 )
+\subsection{Access and modify fields of a message}
+Once the message is created, its fields can be queried
+and modified using the dollar operator of R, making protocol
+buffer messages seem like lists.
+p$email <- "francoisromain at free.fr"
+However, as opposed to R lists, no partial matching is performed
+and the name must be given entirely.
+The \verb|[[| operator can also be used to query and set fields
+of a mesages, supplying either their name or their tag number :
+p[["name"]] <- "Romain Francois"
+p[[ 2 ]] <- 3
+p[[ "email" ]]
+Protocol buffers include a 64-bit integer type, but R lacks native
+64-bit integer support.  A workaround is available and described in
+Section~\ref{sec:int64} for working with large integer values.
+% TODO(mstokely): Document extensions here.
+% There are none in addressbook.proto though.
+\subsection{Display messages}
+Protocol buffer messages and descriptors implement \texttt{show}
+methods that provide basic information about the message :
+For additional information, such as for debugging purposes,
+the \texttt{as.character} method provides a more complete ASCII
+representation of the contents of a message.
+writeLines( as.character( p ) )
+\subsection{Serializing messages}
+However, the main focus of protocol buffer messages is
+efficiency. Therefore, messages are transported as a sequence
+of bytes. The \texttt{serialize} method is implemented for
+protocol buffer messages to serialize a message into the sequence of
+bytes (raw vector in R speech) that represents the message.
+serialize( p, NULL )
+The same method can also be used to serialize messages to files :
+tf1 <- tempfile()
+serialize( p, tf1 )
+readBin( tf1, raw(0), 500 )
+Or to arbitrary binary connections:
+tf2 <- tempfile()
+con <- file( tf2, open = "wb" )
+serialize( p, con )
+close( con )
+readBin( tf2, raw(0), 500 )
+\texttt{serialize} can also be used in a more traditionnal
+object oriented fashion using the dollar operator :
+# serialize to a file
+p$serialize( tf1 )
+# serialize to a binary connection
+con <- file( tf2, open = "wb" )
+p$serialize( con )
+close( con )
+\subsection{Parsing messages}
+The \texttt{RProtoBuf} package defines the \texttt{read}
+function to read messages from files, raw vector (the message payload)
+and arbitrary binary connections.
+args( read )
+The binary representation of the message (often called the payload)
+does not contain information that can be used to dynamically
+infer the message type, so we have to provide this information
+to the \texttt{read} function in the form of a descriptor :
+message <- read( tutorial.Person, tf1 )
+writeLines( as.character( message ) )
+The \texttt{input} argument of \texttt{read} can also be a binary
+readable R connection, such as a binary file connection:
+con <- file( tf2, open = "rb" )
+message <- read( tutorial.Person, con )
+close( con )
+writeLines( as.character( message ) )
+Finally, the payload of the message can be used :
+# reading the raw vector payload of the message
+payload <- readBin( tf1, raw(0), 5000 )
+message <- read( tutorial.Person, payload )
+\texttt{read} can also be used as a pseudo method of the descriptor
+object :
+# reading from a file
+message <- tutorial.Person$read( tf1 )
+# reading from a binary connection
+con <- file( tf2, open = "rb" )
+message <- tutorial.Person$read( con )
+close( con )
+# read from the payload
+message <- tutorial.Person$read( payload )
 \section{Related work on IDLs (greatly expanded from what you have)}
 \section{Design tradeoffs: reflection vs proto compiler (not addressed
@@ -183,6 +387,104 @@
 TODO comparison of protobuf serialization sizes/times for various vectors.  Compared to R's native serialization.  Discussion of the RHIPE approach of serializing any/all R objects, vs more specific protocol buffers for specific R objects.
+\section{Descriptor lookup}
+The \texttt{RProtoBuf} package uses the user defined tables framework
+that is defined as part of the \texttt{RObjectTables} package available
+from the OmegaHat project.
+The feature allows \texttt{RProtoBuf} to install the
+special environment \emph{RProtoBuf:DescriptorPool} in the R search path.
+The environment is special in that, instead of being associated with a
+static hash table, it is dynamically queried by R as part of R's usual
+variable lookup. In other words, it means that when the R interpreter
+looks for a binding to a symbol (foo) in its search path,
+it asks to our package if it knows the binding "foo", this is then
+implemented by the \texttt{RProtoBuf} package by calling an internal
+method of the \texttt{protobuf} C++ library.
+\section{64-bit integer issues}
+R does not have native 64-bit integer support.  Instead, R treats
+large integers as doubles which have limited precision.  For example,
+it loses the ability to distinguish some distinct integers:
+2^53 == (2^53 + 1)
+Protocol Buffers are frequently used to pass data between different
+systems, however, and most other systems these days have support for
+64-bit integers.  To work around this, RProtoBuf allows users to get
+and set 64-bit integer types by treating them as characters.
+if (!exists("protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes",
+            "RProtoBuf:DescriptorPool")) {
+    unittest.proto.file <- system.file("unitTests", "data",
+                                       "unittest.proto",
+                                       package="RProtoBuf")
+    readProtoFiles(file=unittest.proto.file)
+If we try to set an int64 field in R to double values, we lose
+test <- new(protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes)
+test$repeated_int64 <- c(2^53, 2^53+1)
+However, we can specify the values as character strings so that the
+C++ library on which RProtoBuf is based can store a true 64-bit
+integer representation of the data.
+test$repeated_int64 <- c("9007199254740992", "9007199254740993")
+When reading the value back into R, numeric types are returned by
+default, but when the full precision is required a character value
+will be returned if the \texttt{RProtoBuf.int64AsString} option is set
+to \texttt{TRUE}.
+options("RProtoBuf.int64AsString" = FALSE)
+options("RProtoBuf.int64AsString" = TRUE)
+options("RProtoBuf.int64AsString" = FALSE)
+\section{Other approaches}
+Saptarshi Guha wrote another package that deals with integration
+of protocol buffer messages with R, taking a different angle :
+serializing any R object as a message, based on a single catch-all
+\texttt{proto} file.  Saptarshi's package is available at
+Jeroen Ooms took a similar approach influenced by Saptarshi in his
+\texttt{RProtoBufUtils} package.  Unlike Saptarshi's package,
+RProtoBufUtils depends on RProtoBuf for underlying message operations.
+This package is available at
+% Phillip Yelland wrote another implementation, currently proprietary,
+% that has significant speed advantages when querying fields from a
+% large number of protocol buffers, but is less user friendly for the
+% basic cases documented here.
 \section{Basic usage example - tutorial.Person}
 \section{Application: distributed Data Collection with MapReduce}
@@ -194,10 +496,20 @@
 \section{Application: Sending/receiving Interaction With Servers}
+Unlike Apache Thrift, Protocol Buffers do not include a concrete RPC
+implementation.  However, serialized protocol buffers can trivially be
+sent over TCP or integrated with a proprietary RPC system.  Combined
+with an RPC system this means that one can interactively craft request
+messages, send the serialized message to a remote server, read back a
+response, and then parse the response protocol buffer interactively.
-This file is only a basic article template. For full details of \emph{The R Journal} style and information on how to prepare your article for submission, see the \href{http://journal.r-project.org/latex/RJauthorguide.pdf}{Instructions for Authors}.
+Its pretty useful.  Murray to see if he can get approval to talk a
+tiny bit about how much its used at Google.
+%This file is only a basic article template. For full details of \emph{The R Journal} style and information on how to prepare your article for submission, see the \href{http://journal.r-project.org/latex/RJauthorguide.pdf}{Instructions for Authors}.
 \address{Dirk Eddelbuettel\\

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