The collate doclet was including all the files in the R directory, even temporary files ending in *~, in the collate<br>line of the DESCRIPTION file. This was giving errors with R CMD check.<br><br>The following tiny patch to make.collate.roclet() alters the parse function to only include *.R or *.r files in the directory.<br>
<br><br>Index: pkg/R/collate.R<br>===================================================================<br>@@ -160,7 +160,9 @@ make.collate.roclet <- function(merge.file=NULL,<br>$parse,<br> as.list(list.files('.',<br>
recursive=TRUE,<br>- full.names=FALSE)))<br>+ full.names=FALSE,<br>+ pattern="\\.[Rr]$"<br>
+ )))<br> }<br> <br> roclet<br><br><br>-------------<br><br>Jeffrey Arnold<br>Political Science Department<br>University of Rochester<br>