[Robast-commits] r864 - branches/robast-1.0/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Mon Nov 9 13:52:06 CET 2015

Author: eugenm123
Date: 2015-11-09 13:52:05 +0100 (Mon, 09 Nov 2015)
New Revision: 864

Speichern und Laden des Verlaufs (History).

Deleted: branches/robast-1.0/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/.RData
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: branches/robast-1.0/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/.Rhistory
--- branches/robast-1.0/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/.Rhistory	2015-11-09 10:10:50 UTC (rev 863)
+++ branches/robast-1.0/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/.Rhistory	2015-11-09 12:52:05 UTC (rev 864)
@@ -1,447 +0,0 @@
-if(!require(shiny)) install.packages("shiny", dep=TRUE)
-NAMES_LM <- c("b","a.a[sc]","a.a[sh]","z.i[sc]","z.i[sh]",
-HISTORY_COMMITS_FILE = "history.rda"
-dataEnviron <- load.file.to("sysdata.rda")
-main.title <- function(gridName, familyName){
-familyName1 <- gsub(" [F,f]amily","", familyName)
-return(paste(gridName, familyName1, sep="-"))
-get.num.multiplicators <- function(gridName, family){
-return(if(family == "GEVU Family") 25 else 13)
-## Uses the list of all ranges and deletes the required one
-## For deletion is the string value of input$ranges used,
-## i.e. one assumes the index of the entry is in the string which.to.delete.
-## The format of the string should be "Index : somevalues"
-## If the index is invalid or null the full range is returned
-update.ranges.after.delete <- function(allRanges, which.to.delete){
-result <- allRanges
-if (!is.null(which.to.delete)){
-idx.to.delete <- as.numeric(gsub(" : .*$", "", which.to.delete))
-if (!is.na(idx.to.delete)){
-result[[idx.to.delete]] <- NULL
-# print.ranges <- function(ranges){
-#   print(paste(sapply(1:length(ranges), function(i)paste(i, length(ranges)))))
-# }
-## Create the list of range as strings for the list output
-update.ranges.output <- function(ranges){
-rangeNums <- sapply(ranges, function(x)paste(round(x, digits=3), collapse=", "))
-result <- sapply(seq_along(rangeNums), function(i)paste(i, ':', rangeNums[[i]]))
-## Create smooth grid
-calc.smooth.grid <- function(grid, df, grid.restrictions){
-# grid[,1] - The grid positions
-# grid[,2:end] - the Lagrange multiplier values
-result <- .MakeSmoothGridList(grid[,1], grid[,-1], df=df, gridRestrForSmooth=grid.restrictions)
-zoom.history <<- NULL
-zoom.in <- function(brush, zoom.list){
-# Unfortunately this method is called twice (probably for each coordinate)
-# Hence we need to do the if check for not adding an element twice
-# It uses the heuristics that two distinguishing boxes will differ in both, xlim and ylim values
-if (is.null(brush))
-# store to history if the last differs from current
-if (can.push(zoom.history, zoom.list)){
-last.idx <- length(zoom.history)
-zoom.history[[last.idx + 1]] <<- zoom.list
-# set new values
-res <- list (xlim=c(brush$xmin, brush$xmax), ylim=c(brush$ymin, brush$ymax))
-zoom.out <- function(){
-idx.last <- length(zoom.history)
-if(idx.last > 0){
-last <- zoom.history[[idx.last]]
-zoom.history <<- zoom.history[1:(idx.last-1)]
-res <-list(xlim=c(last$xlim[1], last$xlim[2]), ylim=c(last$ylim[1], last$ylim[2]))
-prev.deleted <<- ""
-delete.ranges <- function(whichLM, state.ranges, input.ranges){
-if(!is.null(input.ranges) && (prev.deleted != input.ranges)){
-res <- update.ranges.after.delete(allRanges=state.ranges[[whichLM]], which.to.delete=input.ranges)
-prev.deleted <<- input.ranges
-prev.deleted <<- ""
-get.restrictions.for.smooth <- function(which, from, grid.param){
-if (length(from)==0)
-ranges <- from[[which]]
-if (!is.null(ranges) && length(ranges) > 0){
-return(ranges.to.grid(ranges, grid.param))
-# We have grid as global, since we want to do testing.
-smoothed.totalgrid <<- NULL
-gen.grid.for.save <- function(familyName, gridName, selected.grid, dfs, ranges){
-num.LMs <- get.num.multiplicators(gridName, familyName)
-grid.params <- selected.grid[,1]
-total.grid <- sapply(1:num.LMs, function(i){
-restrictions <- get.restrictions.for.smooth(i, ranges, grid.params)
-smoothed <- calc.smooth.grid(selected.grid, dfs[[i]], restrictions)
-total.grid <- cbind(grid.params, total.grid)
-smoothed.totalgrid <<- total.grid
-# history local grid save intermediate will be saved in history Rdata
-# (analogue as in sysdata.rda, see Sec. 5 WriteUp-Interpolators.txt)
-# [OptCrit],
-# > [model1],
-# >> [timestamp]
-# >>> [ranges]
-# >>> [dfs]
-local.commit.grid <- function(familyName, gridName, dfs, ranges){
-commits.env <- load.file.to(HISTORY_COMMITS_FILE, on.not.exist=function(x)new.env())
-# Get entry
-grid.lookup <- get.grid.lookup(gridName)
-family.lookup <- get.family.lookup(familyName)
-if(exists(grid.lookup, envir=commits.env)){
-models <- get(grid.lookup, envir=commits.env)
-models <- list()
-# append
-models[[family.lookup]] <- list()
-timestamp = format(Sys.time())
-models[[family.lookup]][[timestamp]] <- list(dfs=dfs, ranges=ranges)
-assign(grid.lookup, value=models, envir=commits.env)
-names <- ls(commits.env, all.names=TRUE)
-save(list=names, file=HISTORY_COMMITS_FILE, envir=commits.env)
-save.grid.to.csv <- function(familyName, gridName, selected.grid, dfs, ranges){
-total.grid <- gen.grid.for.save(familyName, gridName, selected.grid, dfs, ranges)
-dest.file.name <- paste0("interpol", familyName, gridName, ".csv")
-.saveGridToCSV(total.grid, dest.file.name, gridName, paste0(".", familyName))
-shinyServer(function(input, output, session){
-## Set parameters
-output$resetNote <- renderText("<strong>Durch Ändern der Grid & Familie, gehen alle nicht-gespeicherte Intervalle verloren.</strong>")
-## prepare data
-grids <- reactive({ # Depends on input${gridName, familyName}
-load.grids.env(dataEnviron, gridName=input$gridName, familyName=input$familyName)
-## Construct plot parameters
-observe({ # Depends on input${familyName}. Sets input$whichLM
-updateSliderInput(session, inputId="whichLM", max=get.num.multiplicators(input$gridName, input$familyName))
-}, label="set number of multiplicatorsd value")
-observe({ # Depends on input${gridName, whichLM}. Set input$whichLM
-if ((input$gridName == "Sn") && input$whichLM != 1){
-updateSliderInput(session, inputId="whichLM", value=1)
-}, label="whichLM value for SnGrid")
-observe({ # Depends on input$df. Outputs output$df, restrictionState$df
-if(input$df > 0){
-whichLM <- isolate(input$whichLM)
-restrictionState$df[[whichLM]] <- input$df
-updateNumericInput(session, "df", value=1)
-}, label="update df")
-grid.orig <- reactive({grids()[["orig"]]}) # Depends on grids()
-grid.smoothed <- reactive({grids()[["smoothed"]]}) # Depends on grids()
-# grid.selected <- reactive({ if(input$withSmooth) grid.smoothed() else grid.orig() }) # Depends on input$withSmooth, grid.smoothed(), grid.orig()
-grid.selected <- reactive({grid.orig()})
-getDf <- reactive({ # Depends on restrictionState$df, input$whichLM
-}, label="Returns the degree of freedom for selected LM")
-gridRestrictionForSmooth <- reactive({  # Depends on restrictionState$ranges, grid.selected(), input$whichLM
-res <- get.restrictions.for.smooth(input$whichLM, restrictionState$ranges, grid.selected()[,1])
-}, label="Returns smoothing grid restrictions.")
-grid <- reactive({ # Depends on grid.selected(), gridRestrictionForSmooth(), getDf()
-result <- calc.smooth.grid(grid=grid, df=getDf(), grid.restrictions=gridRestrictionForSmooth())
-}, label="Select current grid")
-plotGridRestriction <- reactive({return(list(rep(TRUE, nrow(grid()))))}) # Depends on grid()
-## smooth restrictions
-# Represents three states:
-# (1) no current restriction (i.e. currently: both NULL; first will get some value)
-# (2) restriction started    (i.e. currently: first HAS some value; second will get)
-# (3) restriction finished   (i.e  currently: both HAS some value, will remove all)
-# Removing will be done by clicking on existing first.  (i.e. currently: first HAS some value; it will be removed)
-# Then we will get to state (1)
-# The sw
-# So the automata look like: (-1) -> (1) <-> (2)
-#                                     \--<<--/
-restrictions.init <<- NULL # We do not want them as responsive events.
-restrictionState <- reactiveValues(state=NULL, ranges=NULL, df=NULL)
-reset.restrictions <- function(){
-num.multiplicators <- get.num.multiplicators(isolate(input$gridName), isolate(input$familyName))
-restrictions.init <<- NULL
-restrictionState$ranges <- create.list.of.empty.lists(num.multiplicators)
-restrictionState$df <- as.list(rep(10, num.multiplicators))
-get.restrictions.state <- reactive({ # depends on input$plot_dblclick
-click <- input$plot_dblclick
-result <- list(click=isolate(click), state=-1)
-result$state <- if(is.null(restrictions.init)) 1 else 2
-}, label="get restrictions state")
-observe({ # depends on get.restrictions.state(), restrictionState${ranges, state}, input$whichLM
-whichLM <- isolate(input$whichLM)
-state <- get.restrictions.state()
-click <- state$click
-if(state$state == 1){ # (1)=>(2)
-restrictions.init <<- list(x=click$x, y=click$y)
-restrictionState$state <- 2
-}else if((state$state == 2) && (!is.null(restrictions.init$x))){ # (2)=> (1)
-# If we click close to the first point, the first point is removed and we are in the state 1 again...
-close.to.frist.Pts <- nearPoints(as.data.frame(restrictions.init), click, xvar="x", yvar="y")
-if(dim(close.to.frist.Pts)[1] == 0){ # Otherwise: we add the the point to our ranges
-ranges <- isolate(restrictionState$ranges[[whichLM]])
-ranges <- updateRanges(ranges, c(restrictions.init$x, click$x))
-restrictionState$ranges[[whichLM]] <- ranges
-restrictionState$state <- 1
-restrictions.init <<- NULL
-}, label="restrictions state changer")
-observe({ # depends on: restrictionState$ranges. Sets: output$ranges, input$whichLM
-df <- getDf()
-if(df != isolate(input$df)){
-updateNumericInput(session, "df", value=df)
-updateSelectInput(session, "ranges", choices=update.ranges.output(restrictionState$ranges[[input$whichLM]]))
-}, label="update ranges and df on whichLM-Change")
-prev.deleted <<- "" # Somehow the deleteRange is multiple times not null. So we need to store a value to distinguish them.
-observe({ # depends on input${deleteRange. ranges, whichLM}. Sets restrictionState$ranges
-whichLM <- isolate(input$whichLM)
-res <- delete.ranges(whichLM, isolate(restrictionState$ranges), isolate(input$ranges))
-if (!is.null(res))
-restrictionState$ranges[[whichLM]] <- res
-}, label="delete ranges")
-}, label="save local grid")
-# zoom
-zoom <- reactiveValues(xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL)
-reset.zoom <- function(){
-zoom.history <<- list() # HACK: only global variables can be used to pass states between reactives
-zoom$xlim <- NULL
-zoom$ylim <- NULL
-observe({ # depends on input${plot_brush}, zoom,
-res <- zoom.in(input$plot_brush, isolate(reactiveValuesToList(zoom)))
-zoom$xlim <- res$xlim
-zoom$ylim <- res$ylim
-}, label="Zoom in")
-# zoom out
-observe({ # depends on input${zoomOut}, modifies zoom
-if (input$zoomOut){
-res <- zoom.out()
-zoom$xlim <- res$xlim
-zoom$ylim <- res$ylim
-# The event for replotting should be fired now
-}, label="Zoom Out")
-## Reset function
-observe({ # depends on zoom, input${whichLM, familyName, gridName}
-reset <- function(){reset.zoom(); reset.restrictions() }
-if(!is.null(input$familyName)) reset()
-if(!is.null(input$gridName)) reset()
-}, label="reset")
-## Save to grid
-observe({ # Depends: input${saveGrid, familyName, gridName}, restrictionState$df, grid.selected()
-# TEST of save.grid.to.csv
-whichLM <- input$whichLM
-grid <- isolate(grid())
-if(!is.null(smoothed.totalgrid) && whichLM >= 1 && whichLM <= (ncol(smoothed.totalgrid)+1)){
-# Test dims
-if (!all(dim(grid), dim(smoothed.totalgrid))){
-print("not equal sizes: dim(grid)=", paste(dim(grid), collapse=","),
-"dim(st.grid)=", paste(dim(smoothed.totalgrid), collapse=","))
-# print("dims OK")
-# Test first column
-diff.param <- abs(grid[,1] - smoothed.totalgrid[,1])
-if (! all(diff.param <= 10^-7)){
-print("invalid params:")
-print(paste("grid", paste(head(grid[,1]), collapse=",")))
-print(paste("st.grid", paste(head(smoothed.totalgrid[,1]), collapse=",")))
-# print("params OK")
-# test cur lm column
-whichLM <- isolate(input$whichLM)+1
-diff.lm.grid <- abs(grid[,whichLM] - smoothed.totalgrid[,whichLM])
-if (! all(diff.lm.grid <= 10^-7)){
-print(paste("invalid lm grid:", whichLM))
-print(paste("grid", paste(head(grid[,whichLM]), collapse=",")))
-print(paste("st.grid", paste(head(smoothed.totalgrid[,whichLM]), collapse=",")))
-# print(paste("grid", whichLM, "OK"))
-}, label="save grids to csv")
-## plot
-output$out <- renderPlot({
-args <- list(grid          = grid(),
-grid.orig     = grid.orig(),
-grid.smoothed = grid.smoothed(),
-idxCol        = input$whichLM + 1, # +1 because 1. col are the points of xi
-xlab          = expression(xi),
-lty           = c(2, 3, 1),
-lwd           = c(0.8, 0.8, 1.8),
-col           = 1:3,
-main          = main.title(input$gridName, input$familyName),
-ylab          = paste("LM", NAMES_LM[input$whichLM]),
-restriction   = plotGridRestriction()[[1]],
-withLegend    = input$withLegend)
-# Zoom
-args[["xlim"]] <- zoom$xlim
-args[["ylim"]] <- zoom$ylim
-## plot
-do.call(matlines.internal, args)
-## smooth restricton selector
-# (1) => plot first.
-# (2) => plot first.
-# (3) => nothing.
-state <- isolate(restrictionState$state)
-if(state == 2){
-click <- restrictions.init
-points(click$x, click$y, pch=4, col="red", lwd=3)
-label = "Grid auswählen",
-choices = c("Sn", "OMSE", "RMXE", "MBRE")
-label = "Familie auswählen",
-choices = c("Generalized Pareto Family",
-"GEV Family",
-"GEVU Family",
-"Gamma family",
-"Weibull Family")
-), # column
-# checkboxInput("withSmooth", label="Plot with Smooth"),
-sliderInput("whichLM", label="L-Multiplikator auswählen", min=1, max=10, value=1),
-numericInput("df", "DF", 10),
-selectInput("ranges", label="Glättung-Ausschluss-Intervalle", choices=NULL, size=10, selectize=FALSE),
-actionButton("deleteRange", label="Interval löschen"),
-column(6, actionButton("saveGrid", label="Speichere Grid (CSV)")),
-column(6, actionButton("addToHistory", label="Zu History hinzufügen"))
-), # column
-plotOutput("out", brush=brushOpts("plot_brush", delay=300, resetOnNew=TRUE), # brush for zoom
-dblclick="plot_dblclick", # double click to select ranges
-column(1, actionButton("zoomOut", label="Zoom Out", icon=icon("zoom-out", lib="glyphicon"))),
-column(2, offset=1, checkboxInput("withLegend", label="Legende anzeigen", value=TRUE))
-) # column
-) # fluidRow

Modified: branches/robast-1.0/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/config.R
--- branches/robast-1.0/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/config.R	2015-11-09 10:10:50 UTC (rev 863)
+++ branches/robast-1.0/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/config.R	2015-11-09 12:52:05 UTC (rev 864)
@@ -17,4 +17,6 @@
 TEST.save.grid <- TRUE
-REQUIRED_PACKAGES <- c("shiny", "shinyjs", "ROptEst")
\ No newline at end of file
+REQUIRED_PACKAGES <- c("shiny", "shinyjs", "ROptEst")
+HISTORY_COMMITS_FILE <- "history.rda"

Modified: branches/robast-1.0/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/server.R
--- branches/robast-1.0/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/server.R	2015-11-09 10:10:50 UTC (rev 863)
+++ branches/robast-1.0/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/server.R	2015-11-09 12:52:05 UTC (rev 864)
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 RESET_NOTE_TEXT <- "<strong>Durch aendern der Grid & Familie, gehen alle nicht-gespeicherte Intervalle verloren.</strong>"
-loadedData <- load.file.to("sysdata.rda")
+loadedData <- loadRDataFileToEnv("sysdata.rda")
 zoomHistory <<- NULL
 prev.deleted <<- ""
 # We have grid as global, since we want to do testing.
@@ -49,7 +49,9 @@
   observe({ # Depends on getCurrentGridName(), getCurrentFamilyName(). Sets input$whichLM
     maxNumMultiplicators <- getNumMultiplicators(getCurrentGridName(), getCurrentFamilyName())
     updateSliderInput(session, inputId="whichLM", max=maxNumMultiplicators)
-  }, label="set number of multiplicatorsd value")
+    isLoadFromHistoryEnabled <- hasHistory(getCurrentFamilyName(), getCurrentGridName())
+    toogleAvailabilityComponents("loadFromHistory", isLoadFromHistoryEnabled)
+  }, label="form components setting on grid & family")
   getOriginalGrid <- reactive({
     res <- loadGrids()[["orig"]]
@@ -119,6 +121,7 @@
     configuration$useExisting <- as.list(rep(FALSE, numMultiplicators))
   observe({ # Depends on getInputDf(). Outputs output$df, configuration$df
     if(getInputDf() > 0) {
       whichLM <- isolate(getCurrentLM())
@@ -128,19 +131,17 @@
   }, label="update df")
   observe({ # input$takeUsed, getCurrentLM()
     COMPONENTS <- c('df', 'ranges', 'deleteRange')
     whichLM <- isolate(getCurrentLM())
     configuration$useExisting[[whichLM]] <- input$takeUsed
-    if(input$takeUsed){
-      sapply(COMPONENTS, function(x)shinyjs::disable(x))
-    } else {
-      sapply(COMPONENTS, function(x)shinyjs::enable(x))
-    }
+    toogleAvailabilityComponents(COMPONENTS, !input$takeUsed)
   }, label="Use saved grid checkbox")
   observe({ # depends on: configuration$ranges. Sets: output$ranges, getCurrentLM()
     lm <- getCurrentLM()
     df <- getCurrentDf()
@@ -159,6 +160,7 @@
     updateSelectInput(session, "ranges", choices=update.ranges.output(ranges))
   }, label="Set configuration for current LM")
   getCurrentStateForRestrictions <- reactive({ # depends on input$plot_dblclick
     click <- input$plot_dblclick
     result <- list(click=isolate(click), state=-1)
@@ -205,10 +207,21 @@
-      local.commit.grid(isolate(getCurrentFamilyName()), isolate(getCurrentGridName()), 
-                        isolate(configuration$df), isolate(configuration$ranges))
+      addToHistory(isolate(getCurrentFamilyName()), isolate(getCurrentGridName()), 
+                   isolate(configuration$df), isolate(configuration$ranges),
+                   isolate(configuration$useExisting))
   }, label="save local grid")
+  observe({
+    if(input$loadFromHistory){
+      ##1
+      values <- loadFromHistory(getCurrentFamilyName(), getCurrentGridName())
+      configuration$df <- values$df
+      configuration$ranges <- values$ranges
+      configuration$useExisting <- values$useExisting
+    }
+  }, label="load from grid")
   # zoom
   zoom <- reactiveValues(xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL)
@@ -223,21 +236,37 @@
       zoom$xlim <- res$xlim
       zoom$ylim <- res$ylim
+      updateNumericInput(session, "zoomYlimMin", value=res$ylim[1])
+      updateNumericInput(session, "zoomYlimMax", value=res$ylim[2])
   }, label="Zoom in")
   # zoom out
   observe({ # depends on input${zoomOut}, modifies zoom
     if (input$zoomOut){
-      res <- zoom.out()
+      res <- zoomOut()
         zoom$xlim <- res$xlim
         zoom$ylim <- res$ylim
+        updateNumericInput(session, "zoomYlimMin", value=res$ylim[1])
+        updateNumericInput(session, "zoomYlimMax", value=res$ylim[2])
         # The event for replotting should be fired now
   }, label="Zoom Out")
+  # zoom by numeric input fields
+  observe({
+#     if(input$zoomYlimMin){
+#       zoom$ylim[1] <- isolate(input$zoomYlimMin)
+#     }
+#     if(input$zoomYlimMax){
+#       zoom$ylim[2] <- isolate(input$zoomYlimMax)
+#     }
+  }, label="zoom by numeric input fields")
   ## Reset function
   observe({ # depends on zoom, input${whichLM, familyName, gridName}

Modified: branches/robast-1.0/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/ui.R
--- branches/robast-1.0/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/ui.R	2015-11-09 10:10:50 UTC (rev 863)
+++ branches/robast-1.0/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/ui.R	2015-11-09 12:52:05 UTC (rev 864)
@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@
-                  label = "Grid auswählen",
+                  label = "Grid auswählen",
                   choices = c("Sn", "OMSE", "RMXE", "MBRE")
-                   label = "Familie auswählen",
+                   label = "Familie auswählen",
                    choices = c("Generalized Pareto Family", 
                                "GEV Family",
                                "GEVU Family",
@@ -21,17 +21,23 @@
     ), # column
-      # checkboxInput("withSmooth", label="Plot with Smooth"),
       sliderInput("whichLM", label="L-Multiplikator auswählen", min=1, max=10, value=1),
       checkboxInput("takeUsed", label="Gespeicherten Spline verwenden."),
-      numericInput("df", "DF", 10),
+      numericInput("df", "DF", value=10, step=1),
       selectInput("ranges", label="Glättung-Ausschluss-Intervalle", choices=NULL, size=10, selectize=FALSE),
-      actionButton("deleteRange", label="Interval löschen"),
-      fluidRow( 
-        column(6, actionButton("saveGrid", label="Speichere Grid (CSV)")),
-        column(6, actionButton("addToHistory", label="Zu History hinzufügen"))
+      fluidRow(
+        column(5, actionButton("deleteRange", label="Interval löschen"))
+      ),
+      fluidRow(
+        column(5, actionButton("saveGrid", label="Speichere Grid (CSV)"))
+      ),
+      fluidRow(
+        column(5, actionButton("addToHistory", label="Zu History hinzufügen")),
+        column(5, actionButton("loadFromHistory", label="Aus History laden"))
     ), # column
@@ -42,7 +48,9 @@
         column(1, actionButton("zoomOut", label="Zoom Out", icon=icon("zoom-out", lib="glyphicon"))),
-        column(2, offset=1, checkboxInput("withLegend", label="Legende anzeigen", value=TRUE))
+        column(2, offset=1, checkboxInput("withLegend", label="Legende anzeigen", value=TRUE)),
+        column(3, numericInput("zoomYlimMin", "Zoom ylim min", value=0.1)),
+        column(3, numericInput("zoomYlimMax", "Zoom ylim max", value=1.1))
     ) # column
   ) # fluidRow

Modified: branches/robast-1.0/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/utilities.R
--- branches/robast-1.0/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/utilities.R	2015-11-09 10:10:50 UTC (rev 863)
+++ branches/robast-1.0/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/utilities.R	2015-11-09 12:52:05 UTC (rev 864)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ranges.to.indicies <- function(ranges, values){
   if (is.null(ranges))
@@ -143,14 +143,14 @@
-load.file.to <- function(filePath, destEnvironment=new.env(), 
-                         on.not.exist=function(filePath)stop("Fehler mit checkout"))
+loadRDataFileToEnv <- function(filePath, destEnvironment=new.env(), 
+                         onError=function(filePath)stop("Fehler mit checkout"))
   ## Loads an R data file into new environment
   ## Returns the environment with the data
-    return(on.not.exist(filePath))
+    return(onError(filePath))
   # destEnvironment <- new.env()
   load(filePath, envir=destEnvironment)
@@ -172,9 +172,9 @@
 load.grids <- function(gridName, familyName, baseDir){
-  # dataEnviron <- load.file.to(file.path(baseDir, "branches/robast-1.0/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/sysdata.rda"))
-  dataEnviron <- load.file.to("sysdata.rda")
-  # dataEnviron <- load.file.to(file.path(baseDir, "branches/robast-1.0/pkg/RobAStRDA/R/sysdata.rda"))
+  # dataEnviron <- loadRDataFileToEnv(file.path(baseDir, "branches/robast-1.0/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/sysdata.rda"))
+  dataEnviron <- loadRDataFileToEnv("sysdata.rda")
+  # dataEnviron <- loadRDataFileToEnv(file.path(baseDir, "branches/robast-1.0/pkg/RobAStRDA/R/sysdata.rda"))
   return(loadGridsIntoEnv(dataEnviron, gridName, familyName))
@@ -433,29 +433,33 @@
   # store to history if the last differs from current
-  if (can.push(zoomHistory, zoomList)){
-    last.idx <- length(zoomHistory)
-    zoomHistory[[last.idx + 1]] <<- zoomList
-    # set new values
-    res <- list (xlim=c(brush$xmin, brush$xmax), ylim=c(brush$ymin, brush$ymax))
-    return(res)
-  }
+  if (!can.push(zoomHistory, zoomList))
+    return(NULL)
-  return(NULL)
+  idxOfLastEntry <- length(zoomHistory)
+  zoomHistory[[idxOfLastEntry + 1]] <<- zoomList
+  # set new values
+  res <- list(xlim=c(brush$xmin, brush$xmax), ylim=c(brush$ymin, brush$ymax))
+  return(res)
-zoom.out <- function(){
-  idx.last <- length(zoomHistory)
-  if(idx.last > 0){
-    last <- zoomHistory[[idx.last]]
-    zoomHistory <<- zoomHistory[1:(idx.last-1)]
-    res <-list(xlim=c(last$xlim[1], last$xlim[2]), ylim=c(last$ylim[1], last$ylim[2]))
-    return(res)
-  }
-  return(NULL)
+zoomOut <- function() {
+  idxOfLastEntry <- length(zoomHistory)
+  isHistoryEmpty <- idxOfLastEntry == 0
+  if(isHistoryNotEmpty)
+    return(NULL)
+  last <- zoomHistory[[idxOfLastEntry]]
+  zoomHistory <<- zoomHistory[1:(idxOfLastEntry-1)]
+  lims <- list(xlim=c(last$xlim[1], last$xlim[2]), ylim=c(last$ylim[1], last$ylim[2]))
+  return(lims)
 delete.ranges <- function(whichLM, state.ranges, input.ranges){
   if(!is.null(input.ranges) && (prev.deleted != input.ranges)){
     res <- update.ranges.after.delete(allRanges=state.ranges[[whichLM]], which.to.delete=input.ranges)
@@ -487,17 +491,15 @@
 # >>> [ranges]
 # >>> [dfs]
-local.commit.grid <- function(familyName, gridName, dfs, ranges){
-  HISTORY_COMMITS_FILE <- "history.rda"
+addToHistory <- function(familyName, gridName, dfs, ranges, useExisting){
+  commitsEnv <- loadRDataFileToEnv(HISTORY_COMMITS_FILE, onError=function(x)new.env())
-  commits.env <- load.file.to(HISTORY_COMMITS_FILE, on.not.exist=function(x)new.env())
   # Get entry
   gridLookupName <- getGridLookupName(gridName)
   familyLookup <- getFamilyLookupName(familyName)
-  if(exists(gridLookupName, envir=commits.env)){
-    models <- get(gridLookupName, envir=commits.env)
+  if(exists(gridLookupName, envir=commitsEnv)){
+    models <- get(gridLookupName, envir=commitsEnv)
     models <- list()
@@ -508,16 +510,59 @@
   timestamp = format(Sys.time())
-  models[[familyLookup]][[timestamp]] <- list(dfs=dfs, ranges=ranges)
+  models[[familyLookup]][[timestamp]] <- list(dfs=dfs, ranges=ranges, useExisting=useExisting)
-  assign(gridLookupName, value=models, envir=commits.env)
+  assign(gridLookupName, value=models, envir=commitsEnv)
-  names <- ls(commits.env, all.names=TRUE)
-  save(list=names, file=HISTORY_COMMITS_FILE, envir=commits.env)
+  names <- ls(commitsEnv, all.names=TRUE)
+  save(list=names, file=HISTORY_COMMITS_FILE, envir=commitsEnv)
+loadDataFromHistory <- function(familyName, gridName) {
+  commitsEnv <- loadRDataFileToEnv(HISTORY_COMMITS_FILE, onError=function(x)new.env())
+  # Get entry
+  gridLookupName <- getGridLookupName(gridName)
+  familyLookup <- getFamilyLookupName(familyName)
+  if(exists(gridLookupName, envir=commitsEnv)){
+    models <- get(gridLookupName, envir=commitsEnv)
+    return(models[[familyLookup]])
+  }else{
+    return(NULL)
+  }
+  # append
+  if(is.null(models[[familyLookup]])){
+    return(NULL)
+  }
+loadFromHistory <- function(familyName, gridName) {
+  data <- loadDataFromHistory(familyName, gridName)
+  timestamps <- names(data)
+  timestamps <- as.POSIXlt(timestamps)
+  latestTimestamp <- max(timestamps)
+  # Need again a string to be able to access the data  
+  latestTimestamp <- as.character(latestTimestamp)
+  result <- data[[latestTimestamp]]
+  return(result)
+hasHistory <- function(familyName, gridName) {
+  loadedHistory <- loadDataFromHistory(familyName, gridName)
+  return(!is.null(loadedHistory))
 checkRequiredPackages <- function(packages=REQUIRED_PACKAGES) {
   inQuotes <- function(x) paste("\"", x, "\"", sep="")
@@ -533,3 +578,12 @@
+toogleAvailabilityComponents <- function(components, enable) {
+  if(enable){
+    sapply(components, function(x)shinyjs::enable(x))
+  } else {
+    sapply(components, function(x)shinyjs::disable(x))
+  }

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