[Robast-commits] r623 - in branches/robast-0.9/pkg: ROptEst/R ROptEst/man RobAStRDA RobAStRDA/R RobAStRDA/inst RobAStRDA/inst/AddMaterial RobAStRDA/inst/AddMaterial/interpolation RobAStRDA/man RobExtremes/R RobExtremes/inst/AddMaterial/interpolation RobExtremes/man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Mar 12 19:54:53 CET 2013

Author: ruckdeschel
Date: 2013-03-12 19:54:53 +0100 (Tue, 12 Mar 2013)
New Revision: 623

realized Gerald's suggestion: 
separate (1) time-consuming step to generate grids and 
(2) step to generate interpolator; 
(1) remains in ROptEst/RobExtremes, (2) moves to RobAStRDA
(2) does not need to know anything from RobAStFamily, the 
grids are sufficient; hence RobAStRDA no longer imports 

In addition changed data structure in system.rda 
-> now we have one combination grid-family (for both 
  < and > R-2.16) and instead items fct.O and fct.N, and, 
  in addition possibly two grids, one original on (item grid) 
  and one smoothed out one (item gridS).

Correspondingly, have updated WriteUp-Interpolators.txt 
   (which is now in both RobExtremes and RobAStRDA)
and separated tasks in interpolationscripts.R in both packages;
interpolationmanipulations.R is no longer needed and deleted.

Currently the csv files with the grids are produced...
+ deleted recomputeInterpolators.R; this is now RobAStRDA-functionality
+ similarly, smoothing is removed from .getLMgrid (and is now in RobAStRDA)
+ .saveInterpGrid becomes .saveGridToCSV and .generateInterpGrid
+ .MakeGridList is separated into .MakeSmoothGridList (in RobAStRDA) and .
+ new functionality .readGridFromCSV
+ .versionSuff is moved to RobAStRDA
+ Sn methods now all use helper function .Sn.intp which in return uses new
  data structure
+ deleted recomputeInterpolators.R (no longer needed)
+ getSnGrid now only produces a grid (and no longer smoothes)
+ .saveInterpGrid  is replaced by .generateInterpGridSn
+ .versionSuff is now imported directly from RobAStRDA
+ .getLMGrid only produces a grid
+ .svInt only produces a grid
+ GEVFamily gets a shorter slot name 
+ getStartIC now uses the new data structure in sysdata.rda
+sysdata.rda is deleted (but saved locally and still 
 available from earlier revisions); it will be recreated
 once all csv-files have been produced
+obtains new R code in interpolAux.R with functions to
 - distinguish <R-2.16 and >R-2.16
   * .versionSuff
 - write grids to rda-files
   * .readGridFromCSV
   * .saveGridToRda
 - smooth out grids
   * .MakeSmoothGridList
 - produce interpolators
   * .generateInterpolators
   * .computeInterpolators
 - manipulate rda-files
   * .mergeGrid
   * .mergeF
   * .copy_smoothGrid
   * .renameGridName

Modified: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/ROptEst/R/interpolLM.R
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/ROptEst/R/interpolLM.R	2013-03-06 15:34:42 UTC (rev 622)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/ROptEst/R/interpolLM.R	2013-03-12 18:54:53 UTC (rev 623)
@@ -25,17 +25,17 @@
 .getLMGrid <- function(thGrid, PFam, optFct = .RMXE.th, modifyfct,
-                       GridFileName="LMGrid.Rdata",
-                       withSmooth = TRUE, withPrint = FALSE, withCall = FALSE){
-   print(match.call())
-   call <- match.call()
+                       GridFileName="LMGrid.Rdata", withPrint = FALSE){
+   wprint <- function(...){ if (withPrint) print(...)}
    thGrid <- unique(sort(thGrid))
    itLM <- 0
    getLM <- function(th){
                itLM <<- itLM + 1
                if(withPrint) cat("Evaluation Nr.", itLM," at th = ",th,"\n")
-               a <- try(optFct(th=th,PFam=PFam,modifyfct=modifyfct), silent=TRUE)
+               a <- try(
+               optFct(th=th,PFam=PFam,modifyfct=modifyfct) , silent=TRUE)
                if(is(a,"try-error")) a <- rep(NA,13)
@@ -56,144 +56,47 @@
    LMGrid <- sapply(thGrid,getLM)
-   if(GridFileName!="") save(LMGrid, file=GridFileName)
-   res <- .MakeGridList(thGrid, Y=t(LMGrid), withSmooth = withSmooth)
-   print(res)
-   rm(itLM,getLM)
-   if(withCall) rm(call)
-   return(list(grid = res$grid,
-               fct = res$fct, call = if(withCall) call else NULL))
+   if(length(dim(LMGrid))==3)
+      LMGrid <- LMGrid[,1,,drop=TRUE]
+   else LMGrid <- LMGrid[,drop=FALSE]
-.MakeGridList <- function(thGrid, Y, withSmooth = TRUE){
-  if(length(dim(Y))==3)
-     LMGrid <- Y[,1,,drop=TRUE]
-  else LMGrid <- Y[,drop=FALSE]
    iNA <- apply(LMGrid,1, function(u) any(is.na(u)))
    LMGrid <- LMGrid[!iNA,,drop=FALSE]
    thGrid <- thGrid[!iNA]
    oG <- order(thGrid)
    thGrid <- thGrid[oG]
    LMGrid <- LMGrid[oG,,drop=FALSE]
-   if(withSmooth)
-      LMGrid2 <- apply(LMGrid,2,function(u) smooth.spline(thGrid,u)$y)
+   Grid <- cbind(xi=thGrid,LM=LMGrid)
-   fctL <- vector("list",ncol(LMGrid))
-   xm <- thGrid[1]
-   xM <- (rev(thGrid))[1]
-   for(i in 1:ncol(LMGrid)){
-       LMG <- LMGrid[,i]
-       fct <- splinefun(x=thGrid,y=LMG)
-       ym <- LMG[1]
-       dym <- (LMG[2]-LMG[1])/(thGrid[2]-thGrid[1])
-       yM <- (rev(LMG))[1]
-       dyM <- ((rev(LMG))[2]-(rev(LMG))[1])/((rev(thGrid))[2]-(rev(thGrid))[1])
-       fctX <- function(x){
-            y0 <- fct(x)
-            y1 <- y0
-            y1[x<xm] <- ym+dym*(x[x<xm]-xm)
-            y1[x>xM] <- yM+dyM*(x[x>xM]-xM)
-            if(any(is.na(y0)))
-               warning("There have been xi-values out of range of the interpolation grid.")
-            return(y1)
-       }
-       environment(fctX) <- nE <- new.env()
-       assign("fct",fct, envir=nE)
-       assign("yM",yM, envir=nE)
-       assign("ym",ym, envir=nE)
-       assign("dyM",dyM, envir=nE)
-       assign("dym",dym, envir=nE)
-       fctL[[i]] <- fctX
-   }
-   if(ncol(LMGrid)==1) fctL <- fctL[[1]]
-   rm(LMG,fct,fctX,iNA,ym,yM,dym,dyM)
-   return(list(grid = cbind(xi=thGrid,LM=LMGrid),
-               fct = fctL))
+   if(GridFileName!="") save(Grid, file=GridFileName)
+   wprint(Grid)
+   return(Grid)
-.saveInterpGrid <- function(thGrid, PFam, sysRdaFolder,
-            sysdataWriteFile = "sysdata.rda", getFun = .getLMGrid, ...,
-            modifyfct, nameInSysdata, GridFileName, withSmooth = TRUE,
-            withPrint = TRUE, withCall = FALSE, Y = NULL, elseFun = NULL){
-  if(missing(sysRdaFolder)) stop("You must specify argument 'sysRdaFolder'.")
+.saveGridToCSV <- function(Grid, toFileCSV, namPFam, nameInSysdata){
+   write.table(format(Grid,digits=21),
+               file=toFileCSV, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
+   toFileTXT <- gsub("(.+\\.)csv$","\\1txt",toFileCSV)
+   cat(file=toFileTXT,namPFam,"\n",nameInSysdata)
+   return(invisible(NULL))
+.readGridFromCSV <- function(fromFileCSV){
+  Grid <- as.matrix(read.csv(fromFileCSV)); dimnames(Grid) <- NULL
+  fromFileTXT <- gsub("(.+\\.)csv$","\\1txt",fromFileCSV)
+  res2 <- scan(file=fromFileTXT, what=c("character","character"))
+  return(list(Grid=Grid, namPFam=res2[1], namInSysdata=res2[2]))
+.generateInterpGrid <- function(thGrid, PFam, toFileCSV = "temp.csv",
+            getFun = .getLMGrid, ..., modifyfct, nameInSysdata,
+            GridFileName, withPrint = TRUE){
      GridFileName <- paste(sub("^\\.(.+)","\\1",nameInSysdata),".Rdata",sep="")
-  newEnv <- new.env()
-  sysdataFile <- file.path(sysRdaFolder, sysdataWriteFile)
-  cat("sysdataFile = ", sysdataFile, "\n")
-  if(file.exists(sysdataFile)){
-     load(file=sysdataFile,envir=newEnv)
-     whatIsThereAlready <- ls(envir=newEnv, all.names=TRUE)
-  }else whatIsThereAlready <- character(0)
-  cat("whatIsThereAlready = ", head(whatIsThereAlready), "\n")
-  if(exists(.versionSuff(nameInSysdata),envir=newEnv,inherits=FALSE)){
-    InterpGrids <- get(.versionSuff(nameInSysdata), envir=newEnv)
-    namesInterpGrids <- names(InterpGrids)
-    cat(gettext("Names of existing grids:\n"))
-    cat(paste("   ", namesInterpGrids , "\n"))
-    if(name(PFam)%in% namesInterpGrids){
-       cat(gettext("There already is a grid for family "), name(PFam),".\n",sep="")
-       if(!is.null(InterpGrids[[name(PFam)]]$call)){
-           cat(gettextf("It was generated by\n"),sep="")
-           print(InterpGrids[[name(PFam)]]$call)
-       }
-       cat("\n",
-           gettext("Do you really want to overwrite it (yes=1/no else)?"),"\n",
-           sep="")
-       ans <- try(scan(what=integer(1)), silent = TRUE)
-       if(is(ans,"try-error")) ans <- 0
-       if(ans==1){
-          if(is.null(Y)) {
-              InterpGrids[[name(PFam)]] <- getFun(thGrid = thGrid, PFam = PFam,
-                         ..., modifyfct = modifyfct, withSmooth = withSmooth,
-                         withPrint = withPrint, withCall = withCall,
-                         GridFileName = GridFileName)
-          }else{ if(!is.null(elseFun)){
-                   InterpGrids[[name(PFam)]] <- elseFun(thGrid, Y,
-                                                      withSmooth = withSmooth)
-                 }else return(NULL)
-          }
-          l.ng <- -1
-          cat(gettext("SnGrid successfully produced.\n"))
-       }else l.ng <- -2
-    }else l.ng <- length(InterpGrids)+1
-  }else{
-    l.ng <- 1
-    InterpGrids <- vector("list",1)
-    whatIsThereAlready <- c(whatIsThereAlready,.versionSuff(nameInSysdata))
-  }
-  if(l.ng>0){
-     if(is.null(Y)) {
-           InterpGrids[[l.ng]] <- getFun(thGrid = thGrid, PFam = PFam,
-                         ..., modifyfct = modifyfct, withSmooth = withSmooth,
-                         withPrint = withPrint, withCall = withCall,
-                         GridFileName = GridFileName)
-     }else{ if(!is.null(elseFun)){
-               InterpGrids[[l.ng]] <- elseFun(thGrid, Y, withSmooth = withSmooth)
-            }else return(NULL)
-     }
-     cat(gettext("Grid successfully produced.\n"))
-     names(InterpGrids)[l.ng] <- name(PFam)
-  }
-  if(l.ng> -2){
-     assign(.versionSuff(nameInSysdata), InterpGrids, envir=newEnv)
-     save(list=whatIsThereAlready, file=sysdataFile, envir=newEnv)
-     tools::resaveRdaFiles(sysdataFile)
-     cat(gettextf("%s successfully written to sysdata.rda file.\n",
-            nameInSysdata))
-  }
-  rm(list=whatIsThereAlready,envir=newEnv)
-  gc()
+  Grid <- getFun(thGrid = thGrid, PFam = PFam, ..., modifyfct = modifyfct,
+                 withPrint = withPrint, GridFileName = GridFileName)
+  .saveGridToCSV(Grid,toFileCSV,name(PFam),nameInSysdata)

Deleted: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/ROptEst/R/recomputeInterpolators.R
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/ROptEst/R/recomputeInterpolators.R	2013-03-06 15:34:42 UTC (rev 622)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/ROptEst/R/recomputeInterpolators.R	2013-03-12 18:54:53 UTC (rev 623)
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-.recomputeInterpolators <- function(sysdataFiles, sysRdaFolder = ".",
-                                    sysdataWriteFile = "sysdata.rda",
-                                   excludeGrids = NULL, excludeNams = NULL,
-                                   others = FALSE, onlyothers = FALSE,
-                                   translate = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE, integrateto = FALSE,
-                                   onlyCurrent = FALSE, withPrint =TRUE,
-                                   withSmooth = TRUE,
-                                   debug = FALSE){
-  wprint <- function(...){ if (withPrint) print(...)}
-  sam <- new.env()
-  for(File in sysdataFiles) .mergeF(File, envir = sam,
-            excludeGrids = excludeGrids , excludeNams = excludeNams)
-  keep <- if(getRversion()>="2.16") "N" else "O"
-  todo <- if(getRversion()>="2.16") "O" else "N"
-  whatIsThereAlready <-  ls(all.names=TRUE, envir=sam)
-  whatIsThereAlready.N <- grep(paste("^\\..+\\.",keep,"$",sep=""),
-                              whatIsThereAlready,value=T)
-  whatIsThereAlready.O <- grep(paste("^\\..+\\.",todo,"$",sep=""),
-                             whatIsThereAlready,value=T)
-  whatIsThereAlready.E <- setdiff(setdiff(whatIsThereAlready,
-                                 whatIsThereAlready.N),whatIsThereAlready.O)
-  wprint(whatIsThereAlready.N)
-  only.grid <- new.env()
-  if(others){
-     wprint("recomputed anew from neither .O nor .N architecture")
-     for(what in whatIsThereAlready.E){
-       wprint(what)
-       what.to <- paste(what,".",keep,sep="")
-       vec <- get(what, envir=sam)
-       for(Fam in names(vec)){
-             wprint(Fam)
-             grid <- vec[[Fam]]$grid
-             wprint(head(grid))
-             a0 <- .MakeGridList(grid[,1], Y=grid[,-1,drop=FALSE],
-                                 withSmooth = withSmooth)
-             vec[[Fam]] <- a0
-       }
-       assign(what.to, vec, envir=only.grid)
-     }
-     lsA <- ls(all.names=T,envir=only.grid)
-     wprint(lsA)
-  }
-  if(!onlyothers){
-    wprint("copied/recomputed anew from from current architecture")
-    for(what in whatIsThereAlready.N){
-      wprint(what)
-      vec <- get(what, envir=sam)
-      if(overwrite){
-         for(Fam in names(vec)){
-            wprint(Fam)
-            grid <- vec[[Fam]]$grid
-            wprint(head(grid))
-            a0 <- .MakeGridList(grid[,1], Y=grid[,-1,drop=FALSE],
-                                withSmooth = withSmooth)
-            vec[[Fam]] <- a0
-         }
-      }
-      if(integrateto){
-         vec.E <- get(what, envir = only.grid)
-         for(Fam in names(vec)){
-            wprint(Fam)
-            grid.E <- vec.E[[Fam]]$grid
-            grid <- vec[[Fam]]$grid
-            grid.0 <- rbind(grid.E, grid)
-            oI <- order(grid.0[,1])
-            wI <- !duplicated(grid.0[oI,1])
-            grid <- grid.0[wI,]
-            wprint(head(grid))
-            a0 <- .MakeGridList(grid[,1], Y=grid[,-1,drop=FALSE],
-                                withSmooth = withSmooth)
-            vec[[Fam]] <- a0
-         }
-      }
-      assign(what, vec, envir=only.grid)
-    }
-    lsA <- ls(all.names=T,envir=only.grid)
-    wprint(lsA)
-    if(!onlyCurrent){
-       wprint("copy foreign architecture")
-       for(what in whatIsThereAlready.O){
-           wprint(what)
-           assign(what, get(what, envir=sam), envir=only.grid)
-           }
-    }
-    lsA <- ls(all.names=T,envir=only.grid)
-    wprint(lsA)
-    if(translate)
-    for(what in whatIsThereAlready.O){
-        wprint("translating foreign to current architecture")
-        what.N <- sub(paste("\\.", todo, "$", sep=""),
-                      paste(".", keep, sep=""),what)
-        wprint(c(from=what, to=what.N))
-        wG <- get(what, envir=sam)
-        anyFam <- FALSE
-        vec <- NULL
-        if(onlyCurrent) if(what.N %in% whatIsThereAlready.N)
-                           vec <- get(what.N,envir=sam)
-        for(Fam in names(wG)){
-            wprint(Fam)
-            if(! Fam %in% names(vec)){
-               anyFam <- TRUE
-               grid <- wG[[Fam]]$grid
-               wprint(head(grid))
-               a0 <- .MakeGridList(grid[,1], Y=grid[,-1,drop=FALSE],
-                                withSmooth = withSmooth)
-               vec[[Fam]] <- a0
-            }
-        }
-        if(integrateto){
-            vec.E <- get(what, envir = only.grid)
-            anyFam <- TRUE
-            for(Fam in names(wG)){
-               wprint(Fam)
-               grid.E <- vec.E[[Fam]]$grid
-               grid <- wG[[Fam]]$grid
-               grid.0 <- rbind(grid.E, grid)
-               oI <- order(grid.0[,1])
-               wI <- !duplicated(grid.0[oI,1])
-               grid <- grid.0[wI,]
-               wprint(head(grid))
-               a0 <- .MakeGridList(grid[,1], Y=grid[,-1,drop=FALSE],
-                                withSmooth = withSmooth)
-               vec[[Fam]] <- a0
-            }
-        }
-        if(anyFam) assign(what.N, vec, envir=only.grid)
-    }
-    lsA <- ls(all.names=T,envir=only.grid)
-    wprint(lsA)
-  }
-  sysFile <- file.path(sysRdaFolder, sysdataWriteFile)
-  if(!debug){
-     save(list=lsA, envir=only.grid, file=sysFile)
-     tools::resaveRdaFiles(sysFile)
-  }else{
-     print(paste("save(list=lsA, envir=only.grid, file=", sysFile,")", sep=""))
-  }
-.renameGridName <- function(gridnam, namOld, namNew, rdafileOld, rdafileNew){
-   nE <- new.env()
-   load(rdafileOld,envir=nE)
-   what <- ls(all.names=TRUE,envir=nE)
-   a <- get(gridnam, envir=nE)
-   na <- names(a)
-   wi <- which(namOld==na)
-   na[wi] <- namNew
-   names(a) <- na
-   assign(gridnam,a,envir=nE)
-   save(list=what, file=rdafileNew, envir=nE)
-.mergeF <- function(file,envir, excludeGrids = NULL, excludeNams = NULL){
-  envir2 <- new.env()
-  load(file,envir=envir2)
-  rm(list=excludeGrids, envir=envir2)
-  what1 <- ls(all.names=TRUE,envir=envir)
-  what2 <- ls(all.names=TRUE,envir=envir2)
-  for(w2 in what2){
-      wG2 <- get(w2, envir=envir2)
-      if(w2 %in% what1){
-         wG1 <- get(w2, envir=envir)
-         for(Fam1 in names(wG1)){
-             if( Fam1 %in% excludeNams)   wG2[[Fam1]] <- NULL
-             if( ! Fam1 %in% names(wG2))  wG2[[Fam1]] <- wG1[[Fam1]]
-         }
-      }
-      assign(w2,wG2,envir=envir)
-  }
-  return(invisible(NULL))
- a <- NULL; a[["TU"]] = 2
- save(a,file="testA.Rdata")
- a <- NULL; a[["HU"]] = 3
- nE <- new.env(); assign("a",a,envir=nE)
- .mergeF("testA.Rdata",nE)
- get("a",envir=nE)
-.copyGrid <- function(grid,  gridnam, namOld, namNew, rdafileOld, rdafileNew){
-  nE <- new.env()
-  load(rdafileOld,envir=nE)
-  gr <- get(gridnam,envir=nE)
-  gr[[namNew]] <- gr[[namOld]]
-  gr[[namNew]]$grid <- grid
-  assign(gridnam,gr,envir=nE)
-  what <- ls(envir=nE, all.names = TRUE)
-  save(list=what, file= rdafileNew, envir=nE)
-  source("makegridlist.R")
- .myFolder <- "C:/rtest/RobASt/branches/robast-0.9/pkg"
-  source(file.path(.myFolder,"RobExtremes/R","recomputeinterpolators.R"))
- .myfiles1 <- file.path(.myFolder,
-               c("ROptEst/R", "RobExtremes/R", "RobExtremesBuffer"),
-               "sysdata.rda")
- .myfiles <- file.path(.myFolder, "RobExtremes/R/sysdata.rda")
- .recomputeInterpolators(file.path(.myFolder,"RobExtremes/R/sysdata.rda"),
-        sysRdaFolder = file.path(.myFolder,"RobExtremes/R"), debug = TRUE)
-  wha <- c(".OMSE",".RMXE",".MBRE",".SnGrids")
-  for(w in wha) assign(w,get(w, envir=asNamespace("RobExtremes")),envir=nE)
-  save(list=wha,envir=nE, file="sysdata-oold.rda")
- .recomputeInterpolators(c("sysdata-ooold.rda","sysdata-0.rda"), others = TRUE, onlyothers = FALSE,    sysRdaFolder = ".", integrateto = TRUE)
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/ROptEst/man/internal-interpolate.Rd
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/ROptEst/man/internal-interpolate.Rd	2013-03-06 15:34:42 UTC (rev 622)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/ROptEst/man/internal-interpolate.Rd	2013-03-12 18:54:53 UTC (rev 623)
@@ -1,20 +1,16 @@
 \title{Internal helper functions for generating interpolation grids for
-       speed up in package RobExtremes}
+       speed up in package ROptEst}
 These functions are used internally to generate interpolation grids,
@@ -23,37 +19,25 @@
 respective \file{sysdata.rda} file. }
 .RMXE.th(th, PFam, modifyfct)
 .MBRE.th(th, PFam, modifyfct)
 .OMSE.th(th, PFam, modifyfct)
 .getLMGrid(thGrid, PFam, optFct = .RMXE.th, modifyfct,
-           GridFileName="LMGrid.Rdata", withSmooth = TRUE,
-           withPrint = FALSE, withCall = FALSE)
+           GridFileName = "LMGrid.Rdata", withPrint = FALSE)
-.MakeGridList(thGrid, Y, withSmooth = TRUE)
-.saveInterpGrid(thGrid, PFam, sysRdaFolder, sysdataWriteFile = "sysdata.rda",
-            getFun = .getLMGrid, ..., modifyfct, nameInSysdata, GridFileName,
-            withSmooth = TRUE, withPrint = TRUE, withCall = FALSE, Y = NULL,
-            elseFun = NULL)
+.saveGridToCSV(Grid, toFileCSV, namPFam, nameInSysdata)
-.recomputeInterpolators(sysdataFiles, sysRdaFolder = ".",
-                        sysdataWriteFile = "sysdata.rda", excludeGrids = NULL,
-                        excludeNams = NULL, others = FALSE,
-                      onlyothers = FALSE, translate = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE,
-                      integrateto = FALSE, onlyCurrent = FALSE, withPrint =TRUE,
-                      withSmooth = TRUE, debug = FALSE)
+.readGridFromCSV <- function(fromFileCSV)
-.renameGridName(gridnam, namOld, namNew, rdafileOld, rdafileNew)
-.copyGrid(grid, gridnam, namOld, namNew, rdafileOld, rdafileNew)
-.mergeF(file,envir, excludeGrids = NULL, excludeNams = NULL)
+.generateInterpGrid(thGrid, PFam, toFileCSV = "temp.csv",
+            getFun = .getLMGrid, ..., modifyfct, nameInSysdata,
+            GridFileName, withPrint = TRUE)
-  \item{name}{Grid name to append a suffix according to the R-version. }
   \item{th}{numeric of length 1; the grid value at which to compute LMs. }
   \item{PFam}{an object of class \code{"ParamFamily"}, the parametric family
               at which to evaluate the Lagrange multipliers or LDEstimators;
@@ -65,124 +49,41 @@
   \item{withSmooth}{logical of length 1: shall a smoothing spline be used?}
   \item{withPrint}{logical of length 1: shall current grid value be printed out?}
   \item{thGrid}{numeric; grid values. }
-  \item{Y}{in case \code{.MakeGridList}: array or matrix; in case
-           \code{.saveInterpGrid} array or \code{NULL}; if non-null,
-           contains precomputed y-values, so that call to \code{getFun}
-           resp. \code{optFct} can be omitted. }
   \item{optFct}{function with arguments \code{theta}, \code{PFam},
                 and modifyfct; determines the Lagrange multipliers. }
   \item{GridFileName}{character; if \code{GridFileName!=""}, the pure
             y-grid values are saved under this filename. }
-  \item{withCall}{logical of length 1: shall the call be saved, too?}
-  \item{thGrid}{numeric; grid values. }
-  \item{sysRdaFolder}{the folder where \pkg{RobExtremes}
-       (or the respective package) is being developed; must not be missing. }
+  \item{Grid}{numeric; grid matrix (x- and y-values). }
+  \item{toFileCSV}{character; name of the csv file to which the grid is written. }
+  \item{namPFam}{character; name of the parametric family for which the grid
+                 was generated. }
+  \item{nameInSysdata}{character; grid name (e.g., 'OMSE', 'Sn') for which the grid
+                 was generated. }
+  \item{fromFileCSV}{character; name of the csv file from which the grid is read. }
   \item{getFun}{function with first argument \code{th}, second argument
                 \code{PFam} and last arguments \code{GridFileName},
-                \code{withSmooth}, \code{withPrint}, and \code{withCall};
-                produces the y-values for the interpolation grid. }
+                \code{withPrint}; produces the y-values for the
+                interpolation grid. }
   \item{\dots}{further arguments to be passed on to \code{getFun}. }
-  \item{nameInSysdata, nam}{name under which the list of interpolated grids is stored
-                       in file \file{sysdata.rda}. }
-  \item{elseFun}{function or \code{NULL}; if \code{Y} is non-null, contains
-           function to transform \code{Y} to desired return value. }
-  \item{sysdataFiles}{character; filenames of \file{sysdata.rda} files from
-                      where to extract the interpolation grids. }
-  \item{sysdataWriteFile}{filename for the \file{sysdata.rda} on which to write
-         the results.}
-  \item{excludeGrids}{character (or \code{NULL}); grids to be excluded
-          from recomputation}
-  \item{excludeNams}{character (or \code{NULL}); families to be excluded
-          from recomputation}
-  \item{overwrite}{logical; if \code{TRUE} foreign grids are translated
-  to current R version. }
-  \item{overwrite}{logical; if \code{TRUE} existing interpolation functions
-      for the current R version get recomputed.}
-  \item{others}{logical; if \code{TRUE} and in the \file{sysdata.rda} files
-       to be modified, there are grids not ending to \code{.N} (for R>2.16)
-       or \code{.O} (for R<2.16), we also recompute the interpolation
-       functions for these grids. }
-  \item{onlyothers}{logical; if \code{TRUE}, only the interpolation functions
-  for \code{others}-grids (see argument \code{others}) are recomupted. }
- \item{onlyCurrent}{logical; if \code{TRUE} existing interpolation functions
-      for the foreign R version are not included in the new \file{sysdata.rda}
-      file.}
-  \item{integrateto}{logical; if \code{TRUE} and there are grids with
-    ending \code{.N}, \code{.O} and ``others'', these are merged. }
-  \item{debug}{logical; if \code{TRUE} the \file{sysdata.rda} file is not
-     created/overwritten in the end. }
-  \item{gridnam}{character; name of the grid to be renamed. }
-  \item{namOld}{character; name of the parametric family to be renamed (from). }
-  \item{namNew}{character; name of the parametric family to be renamed (to). }
-  \item{grid}{matrix or array; grid to be inserted. }
-  \item{rdafileOld}{character; filename of the \file{sysdata.rda}-type file
-    to be read out.}
-  \item{rdafileNew}{character; filename of the \file{sysdata.rda}-type file
-    to be written on.}
-  \item{file}{character; the name of a file to be read out}
-  \item{envir}{an environment}
-  \item{name}{character; name of the symbol in the \file{sysdata.rda}
-     interpolation object without suffix}
-  \item{xi}{numeric; shape parameter}
-  \item{beta}{numeric; scale parameter}
-  \item{fct}{a list of functions}
-  \item{L2Fam}{ object of class \code{L2ParamFamily} }
-  \item{type}{type of the IC; one of the values  \code{".OMSE"},
-        \code{".RMXE"}, \code{".MBRE"}.}
-  \code{.versionSuff}, according to the current R-version, appends a suffix
-    ".O" for R<2.16 and ".N" otherwise to argument \code{name}. Needed as
-    the return values of \code{splinefun} are incompatible in these two
-    situations: i.e., a function with body of type
-    \code{.C("R_splinefun", as.double(x),....}) respectively
-    a function with body of type \code{.splinefun(....))});
-    a similar case happens with \code{approxfun}.
   \code{.MBRE.th} computes the Lagrange multipliers for the MBRE estimator,
   \code{.OMSE.th} for the OMSE estimator at radius \code{r=0.5},
   and \code{.RMXE.th} the RMXE estimator.
-  \code{.MakeGridList} transforms the return values of the preceding functions
-  gathered in matrices in respective grids and can also be used for
-  Lagrange multiplier matrices already computed otherwise.
-  \code{.saveInterpGrid} is the utility to do the actual computation.
-   More specifically, the code first loads the contents of file
-   \file{sysdata.rda} into an environment which is particularly created
-   for this purpose (if this file exists). It then looks up whether a
-   respective entry for family \code{PFam} already exists in
-   \file{sysdata.rda}-object \code{nameInSysdata}.
-   If this is the case the developer is asked whether he wants to overwrite
-   the respective entry, and if so he does so with the results of a respective
-   call to \code{getFun}.
+  \code{.getLMGrid} in a large loop computes the Lagrange multipliers for
+     optimally robust IFs for each element of a given grid.
+  \code{.saveGridToCSV} saves a given grid to a csv file, and in addition,
+     in a file with same name but with file extension ".txt" writes the
+     parametric family and the grid name.
-   In case there has not been an \file{sysdata.rda}-object \code{nameInSysdata}
-   so far, the code creates one and writes the results of a respective
-   call to \code{getFun} to it.
+  \code{.readGridFromCSV} reads in a grid from a csv file together with the
+    information given in the corresponding ".txt" file.
-   \code{.recomputeInterpolators} recomputes the interpolating functions from
-     grids in existing \file{sysdata.rda} files -- either to translate them
-     to another R version, or to shrink the respective file.
-   \code{.renameGridName} is a utility to rename items from a grid. It takes
-      grid \code{gridnam} from file \code{rdafileOld} and takes
-      the name \code{namOld} of a respective item (i.e., a parametric family),
-      renames it to \code{namNew} and writes the result back
-      to file \code{rdafileNew}.
-   \code{.copyGrid} takes out a respective item \code{namOld} (i.e., a parametric
-        family) of grid \code{gridnam} from file \code{rdafileOld}
-        copies it to a new grid object onto item \code{namNew}, replaces
-        the respective grid-entry by \code{grid},  and saves the result to
-        to file \code{rdafileNew}.
-   \code{.mergeF} merges the contents of file \code{file} into environment
-     \code{envir} in the sense, that if both  \code{file} and \code{envir}
-     contain a list object \code{a} also the items of \code{a} are merged,
-     where---as for objects themselves--- contents of \code{file} overwrite
-     contents of \code{envir}.
+  \code{.generateInterpGrid} by means of calls to function-argument \code{getFun}
+     (e.g. \code{getLMGrid} computes the grid, if desired smoothes it, and
+     then saves it to \code{.csv}.
 \note{These functions are only meant for the developers of package
       \pkg{ROptEst} (or respective packages).
@@ -196,7 +97,6 @@
       which is why we use \code{.versionSuff}.
-  \item{.versionSuff}{A character with appended suffix. }
   \item{.MBRE.th}{A list with items \code{b} (a number; clipping height),
                   \code{a} (a 2-vector; outer centering),
                   \code{a.w} (a 2-vector; inner centering, in
@@ -205,16 +105,16 @@
   \item{.OMSE.th}{as \code{.MBRE.th}. }
   \item{.RMXE.th}{as \code{.MBRE.th}. }
-  \item{.getLMGrid}{A list with items \code{grid}, a matrix with the interpolation
-                    grid and \code{fct} a function in \code{x} (the shape)
-                    and \code{i} deciding on the Lagrange multiplier. }
-  \item{.MakeGridList}{A list with items \code{grid} and \code{fct} as
-                       in the return value of \code{.getLMGrid}. }
-  \item{.saveInterpGrid}{\code{invisible(NULL)}. }
-  \item{.recomputeInterpolators}{\code{invisible(NULL)}. }
-  \item{.renameGridName}{\code{invisible(NULL)}. }
-  \item{.mergeF}{\code{invisible(NULL)}. }
-  \item{.copyGrid}{\code{invisible(NULL)}. }
+  \item{.getLMGrid}{A grid (in form  of a matrix of x and y-values) pasted
+                    together by \code{cbind}. }
+  \code{.saveGridToCSV}{\code{invisible(NULL)}. }
+  \code{.readGridFromCSV}{ a list with the read-in items, i.e.,
+   an item \code{Grid} with the grid, an item \code{namPFam} with the name of
+   the parametric family, and \code{namInSysdata}, the name of the read in grid. }
+  \code{.generateInterpGrid}{\code{invisible(NULL)}. }

Modified: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobAStRDA/DESCRIPTION
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobAStRDA/DESCRIPTION	2013-03-06 15:34:42 UTC (rev 622)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobAStRDA/DESCRIPTION	2013-03-12 18:54:53 UTC (rev 623)
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 Title: sysdata.rda for packages of RobASt - Family of Pkgs
 Description: sysdata.rda for packages of RobASt - Family of Pkgs; is currently used by pkg RobExtremes only.
 Depends: R (>= 2.14.0), methods
-Imports: ROptEst (>= 0.9)
 Author: Peter Ruckdeschel, Matthias Kohl
 Maintainer: Peter Ruckdeschel <peter.ruckdeschel at itwm.fraunhofer.de>
 LazyData: yes

Modified: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobAStRDA/NAMESPACE
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobAStRDA/NAMESPACE	2013-03-06 15:34:42 UTC (rev 622)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobAStRDA/NAMESPACE	2013-03-12 18:54:53 UTC (rev 623)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file

Added: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobAStRDA/R/interpolAux.R
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobAStRDA/R/interpolAux.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobAStRDA/R/interpolAux.R	2013-03-12 18:54:53 UTC (rev 623)
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+.versionSuff <- function(name){
+    paste(sep="", name, if(getRversion()<"2.16") ".O" else ".N")
+.MakeSmoothGridList <- function(thGrid, Y, df=NULL){
+   if(length(dim(Y))==3)
+      LMGrid <- Y[,1,,drop=TRUE]
+   else LMGrid <- Y[,drop=FALSE]
+   iNA <- apply(LMGrid,1, function(u) any(is.na(u)))
+   LMGrid <- LMGrid[!iNA,,drop=FALSE]
+   thGrid <- thGrid[!iNA]
+   oG <- order(thGrid)
+   thGrid <- thGrid[oG]
+   LMGrid <- LMGrid[oG,,drop=FALSE]
+   LMGrid <- apply(LMGrid,2,function(u) if(is.null(df))
+                  smooth.spline(thGrid,u)$y else smooth.spline(thGrid,u,df=df)$y
+                  )
+   return(cbind(xi=thGrid,LM=LMGrid))
+.readGridFromCSV <- function(fromFileCSV){
+  Grid <- as.matrix(read.csv(fromFileCSV)); dimnames(Grid) <- NULL
+  fromFileTXT <- gsub("(.+\\.)csv$","\\1txt",fromFileCSV)
+  res2 <- scan(file=fromFileTXT, what=c("character","character"))
+  return(list(Grid=Grid, namPFam=res2[1], namInSysdata=res2[2]))
+# .generateInterpolators generates the interpolators to a given grid
+#     and returns a list of the given grid and the function list
+.generateInterpolators <- function(Grid, approxOrspline = "spline"){
+  thGrid <- Grid[,1]
+  LMGrid <- Grid[,-1,drop=FALSE]
+  fctL <- vector("list",ncol(LMGrid))
+  xm <- thGrid[1]
+  xM <- (rev(thGrid))[1]
+  for(i in 1:ncol(LMGrid)){
+       LMG <- LMGrid[,i]
+       fct <- if(approxOrspline=="spline")
+                  splinefun(x=thGrid,y=LMG) else approxfun(x=thGrid,y=LMG)
+       ym <- LMG[1]
+       dym <- (LMG[2]-LMG[1])/(thGrid[2]-thGrid[1])
+       yM <- (rev(LMG))[1]
+       dyM <- ((rev(LMG))[2]-(rev(LMG))[1])/((rev(thGrid))[2]-(rev(thGrid))[1])
+       fctX <- function(x){
+            y0 <- fct(x)
+            y1 <- y0
+            y1[x<xm] <- ym+dym*(x[x<xm]-xm)
+            y1[x>xM] <- yM+dyM*(x[x>xM]-xM)
+            if(any(is.na(y0)))
+               warning(paste("There have been xi-values out of range ",
+                             "of the interpolation grid.", sep = ""))
+            return(y1)
+       }
+       environment(fctX) <- nE <- new.env()
+       assign("fct",fct, envir=nE)
+       assign("yM",yM, envir=nE)
+       assign("ym",ym, envir=nE)
+       assign("dyM",dyM, envir=nE)
+       assign("dym",dym, envir=nE)
+       fctL[[i]] <- fctX
+  }
+  if(ncol(LMGrid)==1) fctL <- fctL[[1]]
+  rm(LMG,fct,fctX,ym,yM,dym,dyM)
+  return(list(grid = Grid, fct = fctL))
+# .saveGridToRda loads in one or more grids from one ore more csv file(s)
+#   (argument fromFileCSV) and writes the respective merged grid to an
+#    rda-file generated from toFileRDA, sysRdaFolder
+#    if withMerge == FALSE corresponding entries are not merged but overwritten
+.saveGridToRda <- function(fromFileCSV, toFileRDA = "sysdata.rda",
+                           withMerge =FALSE, withPrint = TRUE,
+                           withSmooth = TRUE, df = NULL){

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/robast -r 623

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