[Robast-commits] r588 - in pkg/RandVar: . R inst inst/doc man vignettes

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Thu Feb 7 20:09:10 CET 2013

Author: ruckdeschel
Date: 2013-02-07 20:09:10 +0100 (Thu, 07 Feb 2013)
New Revision: 588

merged RandVar from branches/robast-0.9 back to trunk

Modified: pkg/RandVar/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/RandVar/DESCRIPTION	2013-02-07 16:07:34 UTC (rev 587)
+++ pkg/RandVar/DESCRIPTION	2013-02-07 19:09:10 UTC (rev 588)
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
 Package: RandVar
-Version: 0.8.1
-Date: 2011-09-30
+Version: 0.9
+Date: 2013-01-15
 Title: Implementation of random variables
 Description: Implementation of random variables by means of S4 classes and methods
-Depends: R (>= 2.7.0), methods, startupmsg, distr(>= 2.0), distrEx(>= 2.0)
+Depends: R (>= 2.12.0), methods, startupmsg, distr(>= 2.0), distrEx(>= 2.0)
 Author: Matthias Kohl, Peter Ruckdeschel
 Maintainer: Matthias Kohl <Matthias.Kohl at stamats.de>
+ByteCompile: yes
 LazyLoad: yes
 License: LGPL-3
-ByteCompile: yes
 Encoding: latin1
 URL: http://robast.r-forge.r-project.org/
 LastChangedDate: {$LastChangedDate$}
 LastChangedRevision: {$LastChangedRevision$}
-SVNRevision: 454
+SVNRevision: 587

Modified: pkg/RandVar/R/util.R
--- pkg/RandVar/R/util.R	2013-02-07 16:07:34 UTC (rev 587)
+++ pkg/RandVar/R/util.R	2013-02-07 19:09:10 UTC (rev 588)
@@ -12,11 +12,15 @@
         qd <- q(distr)
         y <- f(qd(u))
+        wmdn <- getdistrOption("warn.makeDNew")
+        on.exit(distroptions(warn.makeDNew=wmdn))
+        distroptions(warn.makeDNew=FALSE)
            DPQnew <- RtoDPQ(r=rl, y=y)
            return(AbscontDistribution(r = rl, d = DPQnew$d, p = DPQnew$p, 
                                       q = DPQnew$q, .withArith = TRUE, 
-                                      .withSim = TRUE))
+                                      .withSim = TRUE, withgaps = FALSE))
            return(UnivarLebDecDistribution(r = rl, y = y))

Modified: pkg/RandVar/inst/NEWS
--- pkg/RandVar/inst/NEWS	2013-02-07 16:07:34 UTC (rev 587)
+++ pkg/RandVar/inst/NEWS	2013-02-07 19:09:10 UTC (rev 588)
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
+version 0.9
++ introduced folder vignettes
 version 0.8

Deleted: pkg/RandVar/inst/doc/RandVar.Rnw
--- pkg/RandVar/inst/doc/RandVar.Rnw	2013-02-07 16:07:34 UTC (rev 587)
+++ pkg/RandVar/inst/doc/RandVar.Rnw	2013-02-07 19:09:10 UTC (rev 588)
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
-%\VignetteKeywords{random variable, S4 classes, S4 methods}
-%use svn-multi to fill in revision information
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-%\svnid{$Id: example_main.tex 146 2008-12-03 13:29:19Z martin $}
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-% 'Id' or both depending if you use \svnidlong and/or \svnid
-\newcommand{\svnfooter}{Last Changed Rev: \svnkw{LastChangedRevision}}
-\svnRegisterAuthor{ruckdeschel}{Peter Ruckdeschel}
-\svnRegisterAuthor{stamats}{Matthias Kohl}
-pdftitle={RandVar: Implementation of random variables by means of S4 classes and methods},%
-pdfauthor={Matthias Kohl},%
-pdfkeywords={random variable, S4 classes, S4 methods},%
-\markboth{\sl Packages ``{\tt RandVar}''}{\sl Packages ``{\tt RandVar}''}
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-\title{RandVar: Implementation of random variables by means
-    of {\tt S4} classes and methods}
-\author{Matthias Kohl\\
-e-Mail: {\tt matthias.kohl at stamats.de}\medskip\\
- Version control information:
- Last changes revision: \= \kill
- Head URL: \> \parbox[t]{6cm}{\url{\svnkw{HeadURL}}}\\[1.2ex]
- Last changed date: \> \svndate\\
- Last changes revision: \> \svnrev\\
- Version: \> \svnFullRevision*{\svnrev}\\
- Last changed by: \> \svnFullAuthor*{\svnauthor}\\
-% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-In this package we implement random variables by means of {\tt S4} classes
-and methods. This vignette corresponds to Appendix D.2 in Kohl~(2005)~\cite{MK:05}.
-% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-\section{{\tt S4} Classes}
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-The {\tt S4} class {\tt RandVariable} (cf.\ Figure~\ref{ap.Rpack.RandVar.dia1})
-has the slots {\tt Map}, {\tt Domain} and {\tt Range} where {\tt Map}
-contains a list of functions which are measurable maps from {\tt Domain}
-to {\tt Range}. The elements contained in the list {\tt Map} must be functions in 
-one argument named {\tt x}. We do not allow further parameters for these 
-functions as this would lead to inconsistent objects. Strictly speaking, an object of 
-class {\tt RandVariable} would represent not only one random variable but a whole 
-set of random variables depending on these parameters.
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-The slots {\tt Domain} and {\tt Range} are filled with an object of
-class {\tt OptionalrSpace}; i.e., they contain {\tt NULL} or an object of class 
-{\tt rSpace} (see package {\tt distr}~\cite{distr}). In case of
-{\tt EuclRandVariable} and {\tt RealRandVariable} the slot {\tt Range} is filled 
-with an object of class {\tt Euclideanspace} and {\tt Reals}, respectively. The 
-class {\tt EuclRandMatrix} additionally has the slot {\tt Dim} which is a vector 
-of integers and contains the dimensions of the Euclidean random matrix.
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-Using these {\tt S4} classes there are two possibilities to implement a ${\rm R}^k$
-valued random variable. First, we could define a {\tt EuclRandVariable}
-whose slot {\tt Map} contains a list with one function which maps to ${\rm R}^k$;
-i.e., the slot {\tt Range} is a $k$-dimensional Euclidean space. Second, we could
-define a {\tt EuclRandVariable} whose slot {\tt Map} contains a list with $n$
-functions (projections) which map to ${\rm R}^m$ where $k = m*n$. Now, the slot
-{\tt Range} is an $m$-dimensional Euclidean space.
-Since it is sometimes convenient to regard a ${\rm R}^k$ valued random variable
-as measurable map consisting of ${\rm R}^{k_i}$ valued maps where $\sum k_i = k$,
-we introduce a further class called {\tt EuclRandVarList}.
-With this class we can now define ${\rm R}^k$ valued random variables as a list
-of ${\rm R}^{k_i}$ valued random variables with compatible domains. More precisely,
-the elements of a {\tt EuclRandVarList} may even have very different ranges
-(not necessarily Euclidean spaces) they only need to have compatible
-domains which is checked via the generic function {\tt compatibleDomains}.
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  \ifpdf
-    \includegraphics[scale=1.0, viewport = 14 15 244 275]{RandVariable.pdf}
-  \else
-    \includegraphics[scale=1.0]{RandVariable.eps}
-  \fi
-  \caption[Class {\tt RandVariable} and Subclasses]{Class
-    {\tt RandVariable} and subclasses.}
-  \label{ap.Rpack.RandVar.dia1}
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-\section{Functions and Methods}
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-As in case of package {\tt distrEx}~\cite{distr}, we follow the advices of 
-Section~7.3 of \cite{Cham:98} and \cite{Gent:03}. That is, we introduce 
-generating functions as well as accessor and replacement functions. A short
-description of the implemented generating functions is given in
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  \textbf{Generating Function} & \textbf{Description} \\ \hline\hline
-  {\tt EuclRandMatrix} & Generates an object of class {\tt EuclRandMatrix}\\ \hline
-  {\tt EuclRandVariable} & Generates an object of class {\tt EuclRandVariable}\\ \hline
-  {\tt EuclRandVarList}   & Generates an object of class {\tt EuclRandVarList}\\ \hline
-  {\tt RandVariable} & Generates an object of class {\tt RandVariable}\\ \hline
-  {\tt RealRandVariable} & Generates an object of class {\tt RealRandVariable}
-\caption[Generating Functions of Package {\tt RandVar}]{Generating
-functions of package {\tt RandVar}.}\label{ap.Rpack.RandVar.tab.gen}%
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-While there are accessor functions for all slots of the newly defined
-{\tt S4} classes, replacement functions are only implemented for those
-slots a user should modify.
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-Our next goal was that one can use these classes of random variables like
-ordinary numeric vectors or matrices. Hence, we overloaded the {\tt S4}
-group generic functions {\tt Arith} and {\tt Math} as well as matrix
-multiplication {\tt \%*\%}. For the matrix multiplication of {\tt EuclRandVarList}s 
-we additionally introduced the operator {\tt \%m\%}.
-Now, if we have random variables {\tt X} and {\tt Y}, a numerical
-vector {\tt v} and a numerical matrix {\tt M} (with compatible dimensions)
-we can for instance generate
-<<exa1, eval = TRUE>>=
-distroptions("withSweave" = TRUE) ## only for use in Sweave - document; set to FALSE else!
-(X <- RealRandVariable(Map = list(function(x){x}, function(x){x^2}), Domain = Reals(), Range = Reals()))
-evalRandVar(X, 2)
-evalRandVar(X, as.matrix(seq(2, 10, 2)))
-R1 <- exp(X-1)
-R2 <- exp(X-1:2)
-(Y <- RealRandVariable(Map = list(function(x){sin(x)}, function(x){cos(x)}), Domain = Reals(), Range = Reals()))
-R3 <- X %*% Y
-#evalRandVar(R3, 2)
-2*sin(2) + 2^2*cos(2)
-(R4 <- X %*% t(Y))
-#evalRandVar(R4, 2)
-(M <- matrix(c(2*sin(2), 2^2*sin(2), 2*cos(2), 2^2*cos(2)), ncol = 2))
-(R5 <- M %*% R4)
-We also implemented {\tt S4} methods for the generic function {\tt E} of 
-package {\tt distrEx}~\cite{distr}. That is, given some distribution {\tt D}, 
-respectively some conditional distribution {\tt CD} and some random variable {\tt X}
-we can compute the (conditional) expectation of {\tt X} under {\tt D}, respectively 
-{\tt CD} simply by
-<<exa2, eval = TRUE>>=
-D <- Norm()
-E(object = D, fun = X)
-(CD <- LMCondDistribution(theta = 1))
-E(object = CD, fun = X, cond = 2)
-E(Norm(mean = 2))
-E(Norm(mean = 2), fun = function(x){x^2})
-for some given condition {\tt cond}.
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-In addition, we define methods for the generic function {\tt show} for the classes
-{\tt RandVariable}, {\tt EuclRandMatrix} and {\tt EuclRandVarList}. There are 
-also methods for the generic functions {\tt dimension} (see package 
-{\tt distr}~\cite{distr}), {\tt length}, {\tt ncol}, {\tt nrow}, {\tt t} and 
-{\tt [} (cf.\ package {\tt base}). For more details we refer to the corresponding 
-help pages.
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-Finally, we introduce several new generic functions. A brief description
-of these functions is given in Table~\ref{ap.Rpack.RandVar.tab}.
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  \textbf{Generic Function} & \textbf{Description} \\ \hline\hline
-  \texttt{\%m\%} & matrix multiplication for {\tt EuclRandVarList}s \\ \hline
-  \texttt{compatibleDomains} & test if the domains of two random variables
-                     are compatible \\ \hline
-  \texttt{evalRandVar} & evaluation of random variables\\ \hline
-  \texttt{imageDistr} & image distribution of some distribution under some
-               random variable \\ \hline
-  \texttt{numberOfMaps} & number of functions contained in the slots {\tt Map}
-                 of the members of a {\tt EuclRandVarList}
-\caption[New Generic Functions of Package {\tt RandVar}]
-{New generic functions of package {\tt RandVar} (without accessor
-and replacement functions).}\label{ap.Rpack.RandVar.tab}%
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-For more details about the full functionality of package {\tt RandVar}
-we refer to the source code and the corresponding help pages, respectively.
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-\section{Odds and Ends}
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-The main issue is to reduce the computation time for methods using
-objects of class {\tt RandVariable} and its subclasses as these classes
-play an important role in the computation of optimally robust
-estimators; confer Kohl~(2005)~\cite{MK:05}.
-In particular, we are looking for ways to increase the computation speed
-of {\tt evalRandVar} and {\tt E}.
-Chambers J.M. 
-\newblock {\em {Programming with data. A guide to the S language}\/}.
-\newblock {Springer}.
-\newblock http://cm.bell-labs.com/stat/Sbook/index.html
-Gentleman R.
-\newblock {\em Object Orientated Programming. Slides of a Short Course held in Auckland\/}.
-\newblock http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/S-Workshop/Gentleman/Methods.pdf
-Kohl M. 
-\newblock {\em Numerical Contributions to the Asymptotic Theory of Robustness\/}. 
-\newblock {Dissertation}, Universit\"at Bayreuth. 
-\newblock See also http://stamats.de/ThesisMKohl.pdf
-Ruckdeschel P., Kohl M., Stabla T., and Camphausen F. 
-\newblock {S4 Classes for Distributions.} 
-\newblock {\em R-News\/}, {\bf 6}(2): 10--13.
-\newblock http://CRAN.R-project.org/doc/Rnews/Rnews\_2006-2.pdf
-\newblock See also {http://www.uni-bayreuth.de/departments/math/org/mathe7/RUCKDESCHEL/pubs/distr.pdf}
-% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Deleted: pkg/RandVar/inst/doc/RandVariable.eps
--- pkg/RandVar/inst/doc/RandVariable.eps	2013-02-07 16:07:34 UTC (rev 587)
+++ pkg/RandVar/inst/doc/RandVariable.eps	2013-02-07 19:09:10 UTC (rev 588)
@@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
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-0 -21 rlineto
--124 0 rlineto
-isolatin1encoding /_Helvetica /Helvetica RE
-/_Helvetica findfont
-10 scalefont setfont
-93 -34 moveto
-(RandVariable) show
-1.0 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor
-63 -40 moveto
-124 0 rlineto
-0 -52 rlineto
--124 0 rlineto
-0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor
-63 -40 moveto
-124 0 rlineto
-0 -52 rlineto
--124 0 rlineto
-65 -56 moveto
-(Map : list) show
-65 -73 moveto
-(Domain : OptionalrSpace) show
-65 -90 moveto
-(Range : OptionalrSpace) show
-1.0 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor
-65 -137 moveto
-122 0 rlineto
-0 -46 rlineto
--122 0 rlineto
-0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor
-65 -137 moveto
-122 0 rlineto
-0 -46 rlineto
--122 0 rlineto
-1.0 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor
-65 -137 moveto
-122 0 rlineto
-0 -24 rlineto
--122 0 rlineto
-0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor
-65 -137 moveto
-122 0 rlineto
-0 -24 rlineto
--122 0 rlineto
-83 -152 moveto
-(EuclRandVariable) show
-1.0 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor
-65 -161 moveto
-122 0 rlineto
-0 -22 rlineto
--122 0 rlineto
-0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor
-65 -161 moveto
-122 0 rlineto
-0 -22 rlineto
--122 0 rlineto
-67 -177 moveto
-(Range : EuclideanSpace) show
-1.0 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor
-18 -224 moveto
-79 0 rlineto
-0 -46 rlineto
--79 0 rlineto
-0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor
-18 -224 moveto
-79 0 rlineto
-0 -46 rlineto
--79 0 rlineto
-1.0 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor
-18 -224 moveto
-79 0 rlineto
-0 -24 rlineto
--79 0 rlineto
-0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor
-18 -224 moveto
-79 0 rlineto
-0 -24 rlineto
--79 0 rlineto
-20 -239 moveto
-(EuclRandMatrix) show
-1.0 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor
-18 -248 moveto
-79 0 rlineto
-0 -22 rlineto
--79 0 rlineto
-0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor
-18 -248 moveto
-79 0 rlineto
-0 -22 rlineto
--79 0 rlineto
-20 -264 moveto
-(Dim : integer) show
-1.0 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor
-151 -225 moveto
-88 0 rlineto
-0 -44 rlineto
--88 0 rlineto
-0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor
-151 -225 moveto
-88 0 rlineto
-0 -44 rlineto
--88 0 rlineto
-1.0 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor
-151 -225 moveto
-88 0 rlineto
-0 -20 rlineto
--88 0 rlineto
-0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor
-151 -225 moveto
-88 0 rlineto
-0 -20 rlineto
--88 0 rlineto
-152 -240 moveto
-(RealRandVariable) show
-1.0 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor
-151 -245 moveto
-88 0 rlineto
-0 -25 rlineto
--88 0 rlineto
-0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor
-151 -245 moveto
-88 0 rlineto
-0 -25 rlineto
--88 0 rlineto
-1.0 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor
-152 -246 moveto
-64 0 rlineto
-0 -14 rlineto
--64 0 rlineto
-0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor
-153 -261 moveto
-(Range : Reals) show
-123 -93 moveto
-123 -137 lineto
-1.0 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor
-123 -137 moveto
-116 -125 lineto
-130 -125 lineto
-0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor
-123 -137 moveto
-116 -125 lineto
-130 -125 lineto
-88 -184 moveto
-88 -224 lineto
-1.0 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor
-88 -224 moveto
-81 -212 lineto
-95 -212 lineto
-0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor
-88 -224 moveto
-81 -212 lineto
-95 -212 lineto
-163 -184 moveto
-163 -225 lineto
-1.0 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor
-163 -225 moveto
-156 -213 lineto
-170 -213 lineto
-0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor
-163 -225 moveto
-156 -213 lineto
-170 -213 lineto

Deleted: pkg/RandVar/inst/doc/RandVariable.pdf
(Binary files differ)

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-  \csname if at svnmulti@#1\endcsname\else
-  \message{svn-multi: Required option '#1' enabled.}%
-  \csname @svnmulti@#1true\endcsname
-  \fi
-\if at svnmulti@groups
-  \svn at depoption{filehooks}
-\if at svnmulti@external
-  \svn at depoption{filehooks}
-\if at svnmulti@subgroups
-  \svn at depoption{groups}
-  \svn at depoption{filehooks}
-\if at svnmulti@graphics
-  \svn at depoption{external}
-  \svn at depoption{autoload}
-  \svn at depoption{filehooks}
-\if at svnmulti@pgfimages
-  \svn at depoption{external}
-  \svn at depoption{autoload}
-  \svn at depoption{filehooks}
-\if at svnmulti@autoload
-  \svn at depoption{external}
-  \svn at depoption{filehooks}
-\if at svnmulti@table
-  \svn at depoption{groups}
-  \svn at depoption{filehooks}
-\ifx\@svnmulti at autoload\@undefined
-\ifx\@svnmulti at autoload\empty
-\def\svn at temp{true}
-\ifx\@svnmulti at autoload\svn at temp
-  \@svnmulti at autoloadtrue
-  \svn at depoption{external}
-  \svn at depoption{filehooks}
-\def\svn at temp{false}
-\ifx\@svnmulti at autoload\svn at temp
-  \if at svnmulti@autoload
-  \PackageWarning{svn-multi}{Option 'autoload' disabled.}
-  \fi
-  \@svnmulti at autoloadfalse
-  \PackageError{svn-multi}%
-    {Invalid value for 'autoload' option: '\@svnmulti at autoload'^^J%
-     ! Only 'true','false' or empty (='true') are allowed!}
-\def\svn at temp{true}
-\ifx\@svnmulti at autokw\svn at temp
-  \@svnmulti at autokwtrue
-  \@svnmulti at autokwalltrue
-  \svn at depoption{filehooks}
-\def\svn at temp{all}
-\ifx\@svnmulti at autokw\svn at temp
-  \@svnmulti at autokwtrue
-  \@svnmulti at autokwalltrue
-  \svn at depoption{filehooks}
-\def\svn at temp{ext}
-\ifx\@svnmulti at autokw\svn at temp
-  \@svnmulti at autokwtrue
-  \@svnmulti at autokwallfalse
-\def\svn at temp{false}
-\ifx\@svnmulti at autokw\svn at temp
-  \@svnmulti at autokwfalse
-  \@svnmulti at autokwallfalse
-\if at svnmulti@graphics
-  \@svnmulti at anygraphictrue
-\if at svnmulti@pgfimages
-  \@svnmulti at anygraphictrue
-\def\svn at ifempty#1{%
-  \begingroup
-  \edef\svn at temp{#1}%
-  \ifx\svn at temp\empty
-    \endgroup
-    \expandafter
-    \@firstoftwo
-  \else
-    \endgroup
-    \expandafter
-    \@secondoftwo
-  \fi
-\def\svn at ifequal#1#2{%
-  \begingroup
-  \edef\svn at stringa{#1}%
-  \edef\svn at stringb{#2}%
-  \ifx\svn at stringa\svn at stringb
-    \endgroup
-    \expandafter
-    \@firstoftwo
-  \else
-    \endgroup
-    \expandafter
-    \@secondoftwo
-  \fi
-\def\svn at ifvalidrev#1{%
-  \begingroup
-  \@ifundefined{#1}%
-    {\def\svn at temp{-1}}%
-    {\expandafter\edef
-     \expandafter\svn at temp\expandafter{\csname #1\endcsname}}%
-  \ifnum\svn at temp>-1\relax
-    \endgroup
-    \expandafter
-    \@firstoftwo
-  \else
-    \endgroup
-    \expandafter
-    \@secondoftwo
-  \fi
-\def\svn at ifeof#1{%
-  \ifeof#1%
-    \expandafter\@firstoftwo
-  \else
-    \expandafter\@secondoftwo
-  \fi
-\def\svn at ifonlyone#1{%
-  \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter
-  \svn@@ifonlyone\csname @svng@#1 at files\endcsname,\relax
-  \svn at ifempty{#2}
-\def\svn at input#1{%
-  \begingroup
-    \let\svn at rg\svn at g
-    \IfFileExists{#1}{\@@input #1\relax}{}%
-    \global\let\svn at g\svn at rg
-  \endgroup
-\def\svn at inputsvx#1{%
-  \svn at pushfilestack
-  \svn at input{#1.svx}%
-  \svn at popfilestack
-\def\svnrev{-1}             \def\@svn at rev{-1}
-\def\svndate{}              \def\@svn at date{}
-\def\svnauthor{}            \def\@svn at author{}
-\def\svnyear{0000}          \def\@svn at year{0000}
-\def\svnmonth{00}           \def\@svn at month{00}
-\def\svnday{00}             \def\@svn at day{00}
-\def\svnhour{00}            \def\@svn at hour{00}
-\def\svnminute{00}          \def\@svn at minute{00}
-\def\svnsecond{00}          \def\@svn at second{00}
-\def\svntimezonehour{+00}   \def\@svn at timezonehour{+00}
-\def\svntimezoneminute{00}  \def\@svn at timezoneminute{00}
-\def\svnmainurl{NOT SET}    \def\svnmainfilename{NOT SET}
-\def\svnurl{} \def\svnfname{}
-\def\svn at temp{}
-\def\svn at pg{} \def\svn at g{} \def\svn at cg{\svn at g} \def\svn at rg{\svn at pg}
-\def\svn at initfile{%
-  \gdef\svnfilerev{-1}%
-  \gdef\svnfiledate{}%
-  \gdef\svnfileauthor{}%
-  \gdef\svnfileyear{0000}%
-  \gdef\svnfilemonth{00}%
-  \gdef\svnfileday{00}%
-  \gdef\svnfilehour{00}%
-  \gdef\svnfileminute{00}%
-  \gdef\svnfilesecond{00}%
-  \gdef\svnfiletimezonehour{+00}%
-  \gdef\svnfiletimezoneminute{00}%
-  \gdef\svnfileurl{}%
-  \gdef\svnfilefname{}%
-  \gdef\svnfiledir{}%
-\svn at initfile
-\if at svnmulti@autokw
-\gdef\svne at ff{^^L}
-\if at svnmulti@autokw
-\newread\svne at read
-\newcommand*{\svne at catcodes}{%
-  \let\do\@makeother
-  \endlinechar=-1
-  \dospecials
-  \do\- \do\: \do\. \do\^^L
-\def\svne at readline#1{%
-  \ifeof\svne at read
-    \def#1{}%
-  \else
-    \read\svne at read to #1\relax
-  \fi
-\def\svne at gobblerest{%
-  \ifeof\svne at read
-    \let\next\relax
-  \else
-    \read\svne at read to \svn at temp
-    \ifx\svn at temp\svne at ff
-      \let\next\relax
-    \else
-      \let\next\svne at gobblerest
-    \fi
-  \fi
-  \next
-\def\svne at endread{%
-  \closein\svne at read
-\newcommand*{\svne at parseentriesfile}[1]{%
-  \begingroup
-    \let\next\relax
-    \openin\svne at read=#1format\relax
-    \ifeof\svne at read\else
-      \svne at readline\svne at version
-      \closein\svne at read
-      \ifnum\svne at version>7\relax
-        \openin\svne at read=#1entries\relax
-        \ifeof\svne at read\else
-          \svne at catcodes
-          \svne at readline\svne at version
-          \ifnum\svne at version>7\relax
-            \def\next{\svne at parsedirentry%
-                      \svne at parseentries}
-          \else
-            \closein\svne at read
-          \fi
-        \fi
-      \fi
-    \fi
-    \next
-  \endgroup
-\newcommand*{\svne at parsedirentry}{%
-  \svne at readline\svne at name
-  \svne at readline\svne at kind
-  \svn at ifempty{\svne at name}%
-    {\svn at ifequal{\svne at kind}{dir}%
-      {%
-        {\svne at readline\svn at temp}%
-        \svne at readline\svne at baseurl
-        \svne at gobblerest
-      }{}%
-    }{}%
-\gdef\svne at scandate#1{%
-  \expandafter\svne at scandate@#1\relax
-  0000-00-00T00:00:00.00000Z\relax\relax
-\gdef\svne at scandate@#1-#2-#3T#4:#5:#6.#7\relax#8\relax{%
-  \gdef\svnfileyear{#1}%
-  \gdef\svnfilemonth{#2}%
-  \gdef\svnfileday{#3}%
-  \gdef\svnfilehour{#4}%
-  \gdef\svnfileminute{#5}%
-  \gdef\svnfilesecond{#6}%
-  \gdef\svnfiletimezonehour{+00}%
-  \gdef\svnfiletimezoneminute{00}%
-  \gdef\svnfiledate{#1-#2-#3 #4:#5:#6Z}%
-  \def\svne at date{#1-#2-#3 #4:#5:#6Z}%
-\newcommand*{\svne at parseentries}{%
-  \svn at ifeof{\svne at read}%
-  {}%
-  {%
-    \svne at readline\svne at name
-    \@onelevel at sanitize\svne at name
-    \svn at ifeof{\svne at read}%
-    {}%
-    {%
-    \svne at readline\svne at kind
-    \svn at ifequal{\svne at kind}{file}%
-      {%
-      \svne at readline\svn at temp
-      \svne at readline\svn at temp
-      \svne at readline\svn at temp
-      \svne at readline\svn at temp
-      \svne at readline\svn at temp
-      \svne at readline\svn at temp
-      \svne at readline\svne at date
-      \svne at readline\svne at rev
-      \svne at readline\svne at author
-      %\@onelevel at sanitize\svne at date
-      \svne at scandate{\svne at date}%
-      \edef\svne at url{\svne at baseurl/\svne at name}%
-      \svne at handleentry
-      }{}%
-    \svne at gobblerest
-    \svne at parseentries
-    }%
-  }%

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/robast -r 588

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