[Robast-commits] r476 - in branches/robast-0.9/pkg: . RobExtremesBuffer

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Mon May 21 17:49:11 CEST 2012

Author: ruckdeschel
Date: 2012-05-21 17:49:11 +0200 (Mon, 21 May 2012)
New Revision: 476

to share some ideas: some test files in connection with RobExtremes

Added: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/FctWithCtrl.R
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/FctWithCtrl.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/FctWithCtrl.R	2012-05-21 15:49:11 UTC (rev 476)
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+## function with Control as S4 class   PR 21.5.12
+## utilities:
+## we use a slightly different semantics from R here:
+## if formals are endowed with default values
+##    and if they are not matched by exact or partial matching
+##    they get set to default __before__ positional matching
+## .fix.in.defaults is to perform the default setting
+## (before positional matching)
+.fix.in.defaults <- function(call.list, fun){
+    formals.fun <- formals(fun)
+    k <- length(call.list)
+    L <- length(formals.fun)
+    if("..." %in% names(formals.fun)) L <- L-1
+    for(i in 1:L){
+        if(!is(formals.fun[[i]],"name")){
+           if(!names(formals.fun)[i] %in% names(call.list)&&
+              !is.null(formals.fun[[i]])){
+              k <- k + 1
+              call.list[[k]] <- formals.fun[[i]]
+              names(call.list)[k] <- names(formals.fun)[i]
+           }
+        }
+     }
+    return(call.list)
+## as our Control argument is coming as a (NAMED!) list
+## and we want to be able to use these names, we attach the
+## list; at the end of the call (with on.exit(), so that this
+## is done even if an error was thrown), we call .clean.search
+## to remove no-longer needed positions in the search path.
+   se <- search()
+   se0 <- grep(what,search(), value=TRUE)
+   du <- sapply(se0, detach, character.only=TRUE)
+   return(invisible(NULL))
+## our S4 class FctWithCtrl: the function is _not_ a slot but rather
+##    the class it self ( "is" instead of "has" )
+##    and has additional slot Ctrl, a list
+## to be able to have access to Ctrl, one would need something
+## like a "self" which is not there in S4 classes
+## so instead we build something around it (see below)
+setClass("FctWithCtrl", representation(Ctrl="list"), contains="function")
+### generating function generates an object of class FctWithCtrl
+## (for simplicity of discussion assumed assigned to symbol "fu")
+##     takes two arguments f (the function to be extended) and Ctrl, the
+##     control list; this achieves
+## (a) [almost] arbitrary functions f can be used as "function" (to be enhanced
+##              by Ctrl [restriction: no name of the Ctrl list may appear
+##              in the formals nor in the actual arguments (passed through "...")
+## (b) an arbitrary list as Ctrl argument; no checking so far...
+## (c) a call to fu then behaves exactly as a call to argument f, except that
+##     in the body of fu one has access to the items of Ctrl
+##     -> no clever handling of masking so far
+## trick: we write to layers of wrapping functions which are:
+##       + an anonymous top layer function doing the management of
+##         call, names etc
+##       + an inner function f1 which is a variation of f
+##         with a modified arg list (the formals of f1 are the union of formals
+##             of f and items of Ctrl)
+##         with the same return value as f
+##         with the body of f1 being the body of f with additional access
+##         to the items of Ctrl
+###      + the real trick is that Ctrl is an attribute to the generated
+##         object and that we can access these arguments from an inner
+##         function with sys.function(1)
+FctWithCtrl <- function(f, Ctrl){
+     g <- new("FctWithCtrl",
+              Ctrl = Ctrl,
+              function(...){
+                 ## do  exact & partial matching by names
+                 mc <- match.call(expand=TRUE)
+                 dots <- mc$...
+                 mc$... <- NULL
+                 Ctrl<- attributes(sys.function(1))$Ctrl
+                 nmsall <- unique(c(names(Ctrl),names(formals(f))))
+                 ## remove items from dots -> needed?
+                 if(length(dots)&&!is.null(names(dots))){
+                    for(i in 1: length(dots))
+                        if(names(dots)[i] %in% nmsall)  dots[[i]] <- NULL
+                 }
+                 ## remove items from Ctrl if as named arguments in mc
+                 if(length(mc)&&!is.null(names(mc))){
+                    for(i in 1: length(Ctrl))
+                        if(names(Ctrl)[i] %in% names(mc))  Ctrl[[i]] <- NULL
+                 }
+                 ## combine to new call
+                 mc <- as.call(c(as.list(mc),Ctrl,dots))
+                 ## after exact and partial matching and before positional
+                 ## matching set formals to defaults:
+                 mc <- as.call(.fix.in.defaults(as.list(mc),f))
+                 ## positional matching
+                 mcfit <- as.list(mc[-1])
+                 nmcfit <- names(mcfit)
+                 unfit <- setdiff(names(formals(f)),nmcfit)
+                 for(i in 1:length(nmcfit)){
+                     if(nmcfit[i]=="" && length(unfit)>0){
+                        names(mcfit)[i] <- if(unfit[1]!="...") unfit[1] else  ""
+                        unfit <- unfit[-1]
+                     }
+                 }
+                 ## produce new call from the manipulated list
+                 mc0 <- as.list(mc)
+                 for(i in 1: length(mcfit))
+                    {mc0[[i+1]] <- mcfit[[i]]
+                     names(mc0)[i+1] <- names(mcfit)[i]
+                 }
+                 mc <- as.call(mc0)
+                 ## generate variant f1 from f
+                 ##
+                 f1 <- f
+                 ## combine formals
+                 formals(f1) <- c(formals(f),Ctrl)
+                 ## manipulate body:
+                 body(f1) <- substitute({
+                         on.exit(.clean.search())
+                         attach(ctrl)
+                         ..z <- body.f
+                         return(..z)
+                         }, list(lu=attributes(sys.function(1)),
+                                 ctrl=attributes(sys.function(1))$Ctrl,
+                                 body.f = body(f))
+                         )
+                 ## fall this f1 with the manipulated call
+                 erg <- do.call(f1, as.list(mc[-1]))
+                 return(erg)
+                 })
+     return(g)
+## we want to produce a function f where all access to Ctrl arguments
+##   is demonstrated: (attention
+f.example <- function(x, z=2, ...){
+        ## show the manipulated matched call with items from Ctrl attached
+        mc0 <- match.call()
+        ## show that we have access to items of Ctrl
+        print(c(a=a,A=A))
+        ## show the ... argument:
+        if(length(list(...)))
+           cat(" ...", paste(names(list(...)),collapse=", "), "\n",
+               "...", paste(..., collapse=", "),"\n");
+        ##show how formals are matched:
+        print(c(x=x,z=z));
+        ## return a value
+        sin(x)}
+### attention does not work so far as a and A are not yet bound:
+# > f.example(2,3)
+# Error in print(c(a = a, A = A)) : object 'a' not found
+## fu as S4 object
+fu <- FctWithCtrl( f=f.example, Ctrl=list(a=2,A=5))
+## calls to fu
+#> ## calls to fu
+#> fu(2,3)
+#a A
+#2 5
+# ...
+# ... 3
+#x z
+#2 2
+#[1] 0.9092974
+#> fu(x=22)
+#a A
+#2 5
+# x  z
+#22  2
+#[1] -0.008851309
+#> fu(AA=3,3,.a=3)
+#a A
+#2 5
+# ... AA, .a
+# ... 3 3
+#x z
+#3 2
+#[1] 0.14112
+##manipulate Ctrl
+fu at Ctrl <- list(A=4,a=3)
+#> fu at Ctrl <- list(A=4,a=3)
+#> fu(AA=3,3,.a=3)
+#a A
+#3 4
+# ... AA, .a
+# ... 3 3
+#x z
+#3 2
+#[1] 0.14112

Added: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/README.txt
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/README.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/README.txt	2012-05-21 15:49:11 UTC (rev 476)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+some try and error R files ...
\ No newline at end of file

Added: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/getOptICGPD.R
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/getOptICGPD.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/getOptICGPD.R	2012-05-21 15:49:11 UTC (rev 476)
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+.getpsi <- function(nameInSysdata =".OMSE",
+                    PFam = GParetoFamily(),
+                    with.correct=FALSE, r=.5){
+   sng <- try(getFromNamespace(nameInSysdata, ns = "ROptEst"),silent=TRUE)
+   if(is(sng,"try-error"))
+      stop("Grid of L.M.s for scale-shape family not yet availabe.")
+   sngr <- sng[[name(PFam)]][["grid"]]
+   snf <- sng[[name(PFam)]][["fct"]]
+   ncgr <- ncol(sngr)
+   b <- function(xi0) sng(xi0,1)
+   a <- function(xi0) c(sng(xi0,2),sng(xi0,3))
+   aw <- function(xi0) c(sng(xi0,4),sng(xi0,5))
+   A <- function(xi0) {am <- mean(c(sng(xi0,7),sng(xi0,8)))
+                       matrix(c(sng(xi0,6),am,am,sng(xi0,9)),2,2)}
+   Aw <- function(xi0) {am <- mean(c(sng(xi0,11),sng(xi0,12)))
+                       matrix(c(sng(xi0,10),am,am,sng(xi0,13)),2,2)}
+   normt <- NormType()
+   biast <- symmetricBias()
+   ICT <- paste("optimally robust IC for", switch(nameInSysdata,
+                      c(".OMSE"="maxMSE",".RMXE"="RMX", ".MBRE"="maxBias")))
+   riskT <- if(nameInSysdata!=".MBRE") "asGRisk" else "asBias"
+   res.xi <- function(xi0){
+         neighbor <- ContNeighborhood(radius = r.0(xi0))
+         w <- new("HampelWeight")
+         stand(w) <- Aw(xi0)
+         cent(w) <- aw(xi0)
+         clip(w) <- b(xi0)
+         if(nameInSysdata!=".MBRE")
+            weight(w) <- getweight(w, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biast,
+                                normW = normt)
+         else weight(w) <- minbiasweight(w, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biast,
+                                normW = normt)
+         res = c(a = a(xi0), A = A(xi0), b = b(xi0), d = 0,
+                    normtype = normt, biastype = biast, w = w,
+                    info = c("optIC", ICT), risk = riskT,
+                    modifyIC = NULL
+                )
+          return(res)
+     }
+   IC.fct.xi.0 <- function(xi0){
+         param0 <- ParamFamParameter(name = "theta", main = c(1,xi0),
+                               fixed = 0,
+                               trafo =  param(PFam)@trafo)
+         PFam at param <- param0
+         Lx <- PFam at L2deriv.fct(param0)
+         IC.fctx <- function(x){
+                   Lx.v <- t(cbind(Lx[[1]](x),Lx[[2]](x)))
+                   Y <- A(xi0)%*%(Lx.v-a(xi0))*weight(w)(x)
+                   return(Y)
+         }
+         return(IC.fctx)
+   }
+   IC.xi.0 <- function(xi0){
+         param0 <- ParamFamParameter(name = "theta", main = c(1,xi0),
+                               fixed = 0,
+                               trafo =  param(PFam)@trafo)
+         PFam at param <- param0
+         res0 <- res(xi0)
+         res0$modifyIC <- function(L2Fam, IC){
+             param1 <- param(L2Fam)
+             xi <- main(param1)["shape"]
+             beta <- main(param1)["scale"]
+             IC <- IC.xi(xi)
+             IC1M <- IC[[1]]@Map
+             IC2M <- list(function(x)IC[[1]]@Map[[1]](x/beta),
+                          function(x)IC[[1]]@Map[[2]](x/beta))
+             IC[[1]]@Map <- IC2M
+             return(IC)
+         }
+         IC <- generateIC(neighbor= neighbor,
+                                     L2Fam = PFam, res = res0)
+         return(IC)
+   }
+   IC.fct.xi <- IC.fct.xi.0
+   IC.xi <- IC.xi.0
+   if(with.correct){
+      IC.fct.xi <- function(xi0){
+            res0 <- IC.fct.xi.0(xi0)
+            distr <- distribution(PFam)
+            param1 <- param(distribution)
+            param1["shape"] <- xi0
+            param1["scale"] <- 1
+            distr at param <- param1
+            I.w <- E(distr, fun=weight(w))
+            I.1 <- E(distr, fun=function(x) weight(w)(x)*Lx[[1](x))
+            I.2 <- E(distr, fun=function(x) weight(w)(x)*Lx[[2](x))
+            z.c <- c(I.1,I.2)/I.w
+            L1.0 <- function(x) Lx[[1]](x)-z.c[1]
+            L2.0 <- function(x) Lx[[2]](x)-z.c[2]
+            I.11 <- E(distr, fun=function(x) weight(w)(x)*L1.0(x)^2)
+            I.21 <- E(distr, fun=function(x) weight(w)(x)*L1.0(x)*L2.0(x))
+            I.22 <- E(distr, fun=function(x) weight(w)(x)*L2.0(x)^2)
+            A.c <- solve(matrix(c(I.11,I.21,I.21,I.22),2,2))
+            IC.fct <- function(x) A.c%*%(res0$IC.fct(x)-z.c)
+            return(IC.fct)
+         }
+      IC.xi <- function(xi0){
+            res0 <- IC.xi.0(xi0)
+            param0 <- ParamFamParameter(name = "theta", main = c(1,xi0),
+                               fixed = 0,
+                               trafo =  param(PFam)@trafo)
+            PFam at param <- param0
+            IC <- makeIC(res0$IC,PFam)
+            return(IC)
+            }
+   }
+ return(list(IC.fct.xi=IC.fct.xi,IC.xi=IC.xi))
+roptestQuick <- function(x, PFam=GParetoFamily(), type=c("RMXE","OMSE","MBRE")){
+   theta0 <- estimate(medkMADhybr(x,PFam=PFam))
+   type <- match.arg(type)
+   nametype <- paste(".",type,sep="")
+   ICfct <- .getpsi(nameInSysdata = nametype,
+                    PFam = PFam)$IC.fct.xi
+   IC <- ICfct(xi=theta0["shape"])
+   return(theta0+ rowMeans(IC(x)))
+OMSE.5 <- function(x, PFam = GParetoFamily()) roptestQuick(x,PFam,"OMSE")
+RMXE <- function(x, PFam = GParetoFamily())   roptestQuick(x,PFam,"RMXE")
+MBRE <- function(x, PFam = GParetoFamily())   roptestQuick(x,PFam,"MBRE")
+roptestScSh <- function(x, PFam=GParetoFamily(), type=c("RMXE","OMSE","MBRE"),
+                        initial.est, steps = 1L, verbose = NULL,
+                        useLast = getRobAStBaseOption("kStepUseLast"),
+                    withUpdateInKer = getRobAStBaseOption("withUpdateInKer"),
+                    IC.UpdateInKer = getRobAStBaseOption("IC.UpdateInKer"),
+                    withICList = getRobAStBaseOption("withICList"),
+                    withPICList = getRobAStBaseOption("withPICList"),
+                    na.rm = TRUE, initial.est.ArgList, ...,
+                    scalename = "scale", withLogScale = TRUE){
+    if(missing(verbose)|| is.null(verbose))
+           verbose <- getRobAStBaseOption("all.verbose")
+    es.call <- match.call()
+    type <- match.arg(type)
+    nametype <- paste(".",type,sep="")
+    if(missing(x))
+        stop("'x' is missing with no default")
+    if(missing(PFam))
+        stop("'PFam' is missing with no default")
+    if(!is.numeric(x)){
+        if(is.data.frame(x))
+            x <- data.matrix(x)
+        else
+            x <- as.matrix(x)
+        if(!is.matrix(x))
+            stop("'x' has to be a numeric vector resp. a matrix or data.frame")
+    }
+    completecases <- complete.cases(x)
+    if(na.rm) x <- na.omit(x)
+        if(!is.integer(steps))
+        steps <- as.integer(steps)
+    if(steps < 1){
+        stop("'steps' has to be some positive integer value")
+    }
+    if(length(steps) != 1){
+        stop("'steps' has to be of length 1")
+    }
+    if(missing(initial.est))
+       initial.est <- medkMADhybr(x,PFam=PFam)
+    nrvalues <-  length(PFam at param)
+    initial.est <- kStepEstimator.start(initial.est, x = x,
+                                        nrvalues = nrvalues, na.rm = na.rm,
+                                        L2Fam = PFam,
+                                        startList = initial.est.ArgList)
+    newParam <- param(PFam)
+    main(newParam)[] <- as.numeric(initial.est)
+    L2FamStart <- modifyModel(PFam, newParam)
+    ICStart <- .getpsi(nameInSysdata = nametype,
+                    PFam = PFam, with.correct=TRUE)$IC.xi(main(newParam)[2])
+    res <- kStepEstimator(x, IC = ICstart, start = initial.est, steps = steps,
+                          useLast = useLast, withUpdateInKer = withUpdateInKer,
+                          IC.UpdateInKer = IC.UpdateInKer,
+                          withICList = withICList, withPICList = withPICList,
+                          na.rm = na.rm, scalename = "scale", withLogScale = TRUE)
+    res at estimate.call <- es.call
+    Infos <- matrix(c("roptestScSh",
+                      paste(steps, "-step estimate for ", name(PFam), sep = "")),
+                    ncol = 2)
+    colnames(Infos) <- c("method", "message")
+    if(! distrMod:::.isUnitMatrix(trafo(PFam)))
+       Infos <- rbind(Infos, c("roptestScSh",
+                            paste("computation of IC",
+                                   ifelse(withUpdateInKer,"with","without") ,
+                                   "modification in ker(trafo)")))
+    Infos <- rbind(Infos, c("roptestScSh",
+                            paste("computation of IC, asvar and asbias via useLast =", useLast)))
+    Infos(res) <- Infos
+    res at completecases <- completecases
+    res at start <- initial.est
+    return(res)

Added: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/internal.roptest.R
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/internal.roptest.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/internal.roptest.R	2012-05-21 15:49:11 UTC (rev 476)
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+.fix.in.defaults <- function(call.list, fun){
+ formals.fun <- formals(fun)
+ k <- length(call.list)
+ L <- length(formals.fun)
+ if("..." %in% names(formals.fun)) L <- L-1
+ for(i in 1:L){
+     if(!is(formals.fun[[i]],"name")){
+        if(!names(formals.fun)[i] %in% names(call.list)&&!is.null(formals.fun[[i]])){
+           k <- k + 1
+           call.list[[k]] <- formals.fun[[i]]
+           names(call.list)[k] <- names(formals.fun)[i]
+        }
+     }
+  }
+ return(call.list)
+.pretreat <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE){
+    if(missing(x))
+        stop("'x' is missing with no default")
+    if(!is.numeric(x)){
+        if(is.data.frame(x))
+            x <- data.matrix(x)
+        else
+            x <- as.matrix(x)
+        if(!is.matrix(x))
+            stop("'x' has to be a numeric vector resp. a matrix or data.frame")
+    }
+    completecases <- complete.cases(x)
+    if(na.rm) x <- na.omit(x)
+.check.eps <- function(...){
+   mc <- match.call(expand=TRUE)
+   eps <- eps.lower <- eps.upper <- NULL
+   if(is.null(mc$eps) && is.null(mc$eps.lower) && is.null(mc$eps.upper)){
+        eps.lower <- 0
+        eps.upper <- 0.5
+    }
+    if(is.null(mc$eps)){
+        if(!is.null(mc$eps.lower) && is.null(mc$eps.upper))
+            eps.upper <- 0.5
+        if(is.null(mc$eps.lower) && !is.null(mc$eps.upper))
+            eps.lower <- 0
+        if(length(eps.lower) != 1 || length(eps.upper) != 1)
+            stop("'eps.lower' and 'eps.upper' have to be of length 1")
+        if(!is.numeric(eps.lower) || !is.numeric(eps.upper) || eps.lower >= eps.upper)
+            stop("'eps.lower' < 'eps.upper' is not fulfilled")
+        if((eps.lower < 0) || (eps.upper > 0.5))
+            stop("'eps.lower' and 'eps.upper' have to be in [0, 0.5]")
+    }else{
+        eps <- mc$eps
+        if(length(eps) != 1)
+            stop("'eps' has to be of length 1")
+        if(eps == 0)
+            stop("'eps = 0'! => use functions 'mean' and 'sd' for estimation")
+        if((eps < 0) || (eps > 0.5))
+            stop("'eps' has to be in (0, 0.5]")
+    }
+    x <- mc$x
+    if(is.matrix(x))
+        sqrtn <- sqrt(ncol(x))
+    else
+        sqrtn <- sqrt(length(x))
+    return(list(e=eps,lower=eps.lower, upper=eps.upper, sqn = sqrtn))
+.isOKsteps <- function(steps){
+    if(!is.integer(steps))
+        steps <- as.integer(steps)
+    if(steps < 1){
+        stop("'steps' has to be some positive integer value")
+    }
+    if(length(steps) != 1){
+        stop("'steps' has to be of length 1")
+    }
+   return(invisible(NULL))
+.isOKfsCor <- function(fsCor){}
+    if(fsCor <= 0)
+        stop("'fsCor' has to be positive")
+    if(length(fsCor) != 1){
+        stop("'fsCor' has to be of length 1")
+   return(invisible(NULL))
+.getROptICstart <- function(...){
+    mc <- match.call(expand=TRUE)
+    eps <- mc$eps
+    dots <- mc$dots
+    if(is.null(eps$e))){
+        r.lower <- eps$sqn * eps$lower
+        r.upper <- eps$sqn * eps$upper
+        ICstart <- do.call(radiusMinimaxIC,
+                    c(list(L2Fam = mc$L2FamStart, neighbor = mc$neighbor,
+                                   risk = mc$risk,
+                                   loRad = r.lower, upRad = r.upper,
+                                   verbose = mc$verbose,
+                                   OptOrIter = mc$OptOrIter),dots))
+        if(!isTRUE(all.equal(mc$fsCor, 1, tol = 1e-3))){
+            neighbor at radius <- neighborRadius(ICstart)*mc$fsCor
+            infMod <- InfRobModel(center = mc$L2FamStart, neighbor = mc$neighbor)
+            ICstart <- do.call(optIC, c(list( model = mc$infMod, risk = mc$risk,
+                               verbose = mc$verbose, OptOrIter = mc$OptOrIter),
+                               dots))
+        }
+    }else{
+        neighbor at radius <- eps$sqn*eps$e*mc$fsCor
+        infMod <- InfRobModel(center = mc$L2FamStart, neighbor = mc$neighbor)
+        ICstart <- do.call(optIC, c(list(model = mc$infMod, risk = mc$risk,
+                           verbose = mc$verbose, OptOrIter = mc$OptOrIter),
+                           dots))
+    }
+  return(ICstart)
+genkStepCtrl <- function(useLast = getRobAStBaseOption("kStepUseLast"),
+                    withUpdateInKer = getRobAStBaseOption("withUpdateInKer"),
+                    IC.UpdateInKer = getRobAStBaseOption("IC.UpdateInKer"),
+                    withICList = getRobAStBaseOption("withICList"),
+                    withPICList = getRobAStBaseOption("withPICList"),
+                    scalename = "scale", withLogScale = TRUE){
+  es.call <- match.call()
+  es.list <- as.list(es.call[-1])
+  es.list <- .fix.in.defaults(es.list,genkStepCtrl)
+ return(es.list)
+genstartCtrl<- function(initial.est = NULL, initial.est.ArgList = NULL,
+                        startPar = NULL, distance = CvMDist){
+  es.call <- match.call()
+  es.list <- as.list(es.call[-1])
+  es.list <- .fix.in.defaults(es.list,genstartCtrl)
+ return(es.list)
+gennbCtrl <- function(neighbor = ContNeighborhood(),
+                      eps, eps.lower, eps.upper){
+  es.call <- match.call()
+  es.list <- as.list(es.call[-1])
+  es.list <- .fix.in.defaults(es.list,genstartCtrl)
+ return(es.list)
\ No newline at end of file

Added: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/interpolGrids.R
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/interpolGrids.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/interpolGrids.R	2012-05-21 15:49:11 UTC (rev 476)
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+###generate first InterpolGrids
+### if grid were dense enough....
+.myFolder <- "C:/rtest/RobASt/branches/robast-0.9/pkg/ROptEst/R"
+.myfolData <- "D:/Documents/Arbeit/Projekte/NataliyaDiss/Paper R-files/Extrapolation"
+newEnv1 <- new.env()
+whatIn <- ls(envir=newEnv1, all.names=TRUE)
+xi <- get("xi.g",envir=newEnv1)
+Y <- get("Y",envir=newEnv1)
+.saveInterpGrid(xiGrid = xi,
+                PFam = GParetoFamily(),
+                sysRdaFolder = .myFolder,
+                getFun = getLMGrid, optFct = .RMXE.xi, nameInSysdata = ".RMXE",
+                withSmooth = TRUE, withPrint = TRUE,
+                Y=Y, elseFun= .MakeGridList)
+newEnv1 <- new.env()
+.myfolData <- "D:/Documents/Arbeit/Projekte/NataliyaDiss/Paper JOP"
+whatIn <- ls(envir=newEnv1, all.names=TRUE)
+xi0 <- get("xi.g",envir=newEnv1)
+Y0 <- get("Y",envir=newEnv1)
+whatIn <- ls(envir=newEnv1, all.names=TRUE)
+xi1 <- get("xi.g",envir=newEnv1)
+Y1 <- get("Y",envir=newEnv1)
+xi <- rbind(xi0,xi1)
+on <- order(xi)
+xi <- xi[on]
+Y <- (rbind(Y0[,1,],Y1[,1,]))[on,]
+.saveInterpGrid(xiGrid = xi,
+                PFam = GParetoFamily(),
+                sysRdaFolder = .myFolder,
+                getFun = getLMGrid, optFct = .OMSE.xi, nameInSysdata = ".OMSE",
+                withSmooth = TRUE, withPrint = TRUE,
+                Y=Y, elseFun= .MakeGridList)
+newEnv1 <- new.env()
+whatIn <- ls(envir=newEnv1, all.names=TRUE)
+xi0 <- get("xi.g",envir=newEnv1)
+Y0 <- get("Y",envir=newEnv1)
+whatIn <- ls(envir=newEnv1, all.names=TRUE)
+xi1 <- get("xi.g",envir=newEnv1)
+Y1 <- get("Y",envir=newEnv1)
+xi <- rbind(xi0,xi1)
+on <- order(xi)
+xi <- xi[on]
+Y <- (rbind(Y0[,1,],Y1[,1,]))[on,]
+.saveInterpGrid(xiGrid = xi,
+                PFam = GParetoFamily(),
+                sysRdaFolder = .myFolder,
+                getFun = getLMGrid, optFct = .MBRE.xi, nameInSysdata = ".MBRE",
+                withSmooth = TRUE, withPrint = TRUE,
+                Y=Y, elseFun= .MakeGridList)

Added: branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/roptest.new.R
--- branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/roptest.new.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/robast-0.9/pkg/RobExtremesBuffer/roptest.new.R	2012-05-21 15:49:11 UTC (rev 476)
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+## Optimally robust estimation
+roptest <- function(x, L2Fam,  fsCor = 1,
+                     risk = asMSE(), steps = 1L,
+                      verbose = NULL,
+                    OptOrIter = "iterate",
+                    nbCtrl = gennbCtrl(neighbor = ContNeighborhood(),
+                                       eps, eps.lower, eps.upper)
+                    startCtrl = genstartCtrl(initial.est = NULL,
+                                             initial.est.ArgList = NULL,
+                                       startPar = NULL, distance = CvMDist),
+                    kstepCtrl = genkstepCtrl(
+                         useLast = getRobAStBaseOption("kStepUseLast"),
+                         withUpdateInKer = getRobAStBaseOption("withUpdateInKer"),
+                         IC.UpdateInKer = getRobAStBaseOption("IC.UpdateInKer"),
+                         withICList = getRobAStBaseOption("withICList"),
+                         withPICList = getRobAStBaseOption("withPICList"),
+                         withLogScale = TRUE),
+                    na.rm = TRUE, ...){
+    es.call <- match.call()
+    dots <- match.call(expand=FALSE)$dots
+    es.list <- as.list(es.call[-1])
+    es.list <- .fix.in.defaults(es.list,roptest)
+    es.list <- c(es.list,nbCtrl)
+    es.list$dots <- dots
+    if(missing(verbose)|| is.null(verbose))
+           es.list$verbose <- getRobAStBaseOption("all.verbose")
+    if(missing(L2Fam))
+        stop("'L2Fam' is missing with no default")
+    x <- .pretreat(x,na.rm)
+    es.list$eps <- do.call(.check.eps, args=es.list)
+    .isOKfsCor(fsCor)
+    .isOKsteps(steps)
+    if(is.null(startCtrl$initial.est))
+        startCtrl$initial.est <- MDEstimator(x = x, ParamFamily = L2Fam,
+                                            distance = startCtrl$distance,
+                                            startPar = startCtrl$startPar, ...)
+    nrvalues <-  length(L2Fam at param)
+    initial.est <- kStepEstimator.start(initial.est, x = x,
+                                        nrvalues = nrvalues, na.rm = na.rm,
+                                        L2Fam = L2Fam,
+                                        startList = startCtrl$initial.est.ArgList)
+    newParam <- param(L2Fam)
+    main(newParam)[] <- as.numeric(initial.est)
+    L2FamStart <- modifyModel(L2Fam, newParam)
+    ICstart <- do.call(.getROptICstart, args=es.list)
+    res <- kStepEstimator(x, IC = ICstart, start = initial.est, steps = steps,
+                          useLast = kStepCtrl$useLast,
+                          withUpdateInKer = kStepCtrl$withUpdateInKer,
+                          IC.UpdateInKer = kStepCtrl$IC.UpdateInKer,
+                          withICList = kStepCtrl$withICList,
+                          withPICList = kStepCtrl$withPICList,
+                          na.rm = na.rm,
+                          scalename = kstepCtrl$scalename,
+                          withLogScale = kstepCtrl$withLogScale)
+    res at estimate.call <- es.call
+    Infos <- matrix(c("roptest", 
+                      paste(steps, "-step estimate for ", name(L2Fam), sep = "")),
+                    ncol = 2)
+    colnames(Infos) <- c("method", "message")
+    if(! distrMod:::.isUnitMatrix(trafo(L2Fam)))
+       Infos <- rbind(Infos, c("roptest",
+                            paste("computation of IC",
+                                   ifelse(withUpdateInKer,"with","without") ,
+                                   "modification in ker(trafo)")))
+    Infos <- rbind(Infos, c("roptest",
+                            paste("computation of IC, asvar and asbias via useLast =", useLast)))
+    Infos(res) <- Infos
+    res at completecases <- completecases
+    res at start <- initial.est
+    return(res)

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