[Robast-commits] r82 - in pkg: . ROptEst/R ROptEst/chm ROptEst/inst/scripts ROptEst/man ROptEst.Rcheck RobAStBase RobAStBase/R RobAStBase/chm RobAStBase/man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Sat Mar 29 05:54:45 CET 2008

Author: ruckdeschel
Date: 2008-03-29 05:54:44 +0100 (Sat, 29 Mar 2008)
New Revision: 82

********** Major release step ************

major steps:
 * self- and info-standardization; 
 * onesided, asymmetric ICs
 * everything with weight functions

... everything compiles now!

except for minor warnings:
+ in distrMod we use a class union with "function", which
  seems to be a problem
+ in RobAStBase, there is some warning about the replacement function "weight<-" which I do not understand
+ in ROptEst still some consistency checks with prior versions are due
+ it seems that lower Case solutions and minimax radius solutions need not exist for self-standardized ICs ...

NEXT Step[s]: control objects for easier interfaces...

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/R/AllGeneric.R
--- pkg/ROptEst/R/AllGeneric.R	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/R/AllGeneric.R	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -71,3 +71,7 @@
     setGeneric("updateNorm", function(normtype, ...) standardGeneric("updateNorm"))
+    setGeneric("getBiasIC", 
+        function(L2deriv, neighbor, biastype, ...) standardGeneric("minmaxBias"))

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/R/LowerCaseMultivariate.R
--- pkg/ROptEst/R/LowerCaseMultivariate.R	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/R/LowerCaseMultivariate.R	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -1,65 +1,67 @@
 .LowerCaseMultivariate <- function(L2deriv, neighbor, biastype,
-             normtype, Distr, L2derivDistrSymm, trafo, z.start,
-             A.start, maxiter, tol){
+             normtype, Distr, trafo, z.start,
+             A.start, z.comp, A.comp, maxiter, tol){
         w <- new("HampelWeight")
         if(is.null(z.start)) z.start <- numeric(ncol(trafo))
         if(is.null(A.start)) A.start <- trafo
+        if(is.null(A.comp)) 
+           A.comp <- matrix(TRUE, nrow = nrow(trafo), ncol = ncol(trafo))
+        if(is.null(z.comp)) 
+           z.comp <- rep(TRUE, nrow(trafo))
+        lA.comp <- sum(A.comp)
         abs.fct <- function(x, L2, stand, cent, normtype){
             X <- evalRandVar(L2, as.matrix(x))[,,1] - cent
             Y <- stand %*% X
-        bmin.fct <- function(param, L2deriv, Distr, trafo, z.comp){
+        bmin.fct <- function(param, L2deriv, Distr, trafo){
             p <- nrow(trafo)
             k <- ncol(trafo)
-            A <- matrix(param[1:(p*k)], ncol=k, nrow=p)
+            A <- matrix(0, ncol = k, nrow = p)
+            A[A.comp] <- param[1:lA.comp]
             z <- numeric(k)
-            z[z.comp] <- param[(p*k+1):length(param)]
+            z[z.comp] <- param[(lA.comp+1):length(param)]
+#            if(is(normtype,"SelfNorm")) 
+#               A <- A/max(A)
+            w0 <- w
+            cent(w0) <- z
+            stand(w0) <- A
+            weight(w0) <- minbiasweight(w0, neighbor = neighbor,
+                                           biastype = biastype,
+                                           normW = normtype)
+            w <<- w0
             if (is(normtype,"SelfNorm")){
-               w0 <- w
-               cent(w0) <- z
-               stand(w0) <- A
-               weight(w0) <- minbiasweight(w0, neighbor = neighbor,
-                                           biastype = biastype,
-                                           normtype = normtype)
-               w <<- w0
                normtype  <<- updateNorm(normtype = normtype, L2 = L2deriv,
                                         neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype,
-                                        Distr = Distr, V.comp = matrix(TRUE, p,p),
-                                        cent = z, stand = A,  w = w,  ...)
+                                        Distr = Distr, V.comp = A.comp,
+                                        cent = z, stand = A,  w = w0)
             E1 <- E(object = Distr, fun = abs.fct, L2 = L2deriv, stand = A,
                      cent = z, normtype = normtype, useApply = FALSE)
             stA <- if (is(normtype,"QFnorm"))
                        QuadForm(normtype)%*%A else A
-            return(E1/sum(diag(stA %*% t(trafo))))
+            erg <- E1/sum(diag(stA %*% t(trafo)))
+            clip(w0) <- 1/erg
+            w <<- w0
+            return(erg)
-        nrvalues <- length(L2deriv)
-        z.comp <- rep(TRUE, nrvalues)
-        for(i in 1:nrvalues)
-            if(is(L2derivDistrSymm[[i]], "SphericalSymmetry"))
-                if(L2derivDistrSymm[[i]]@SymmCenter == 0)
-                    z.comp[i] <- FALSE
-        A.vec <- as.vector(A.start)
+        A.vec <- as.vector(A.start[A.comp])
+        p.vec <- c(A.vec, z.start[z.comp])
-        erg <- optim(c(A.vec, z.start[z.comp]), bmin.fct, method = "Nelder-Mead",
+        erg <- optim(p.vec, bmin.fct, method = "Nelder-Mead",
                     control = list(reltol = tol, maxit = 100*maxiter),
-                    L2deriv = L2deriv, Distr = Distr, trafo = trafo, z.comp = z.comp)
+                    L2deriv = L2deriv, Distr = Distr, trafo = trafo)
-        return(list(erg=erg, w=w, normtype = normtype))
+        return(list(erg=erg, w=w, normtype = normtype, z.comp = z.comp))

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/R/getAsRisk.R
--- pkg/ROptEst/R/getAsRisk.R	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/R/getAsRisk.R	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -57,20 +57,26 @@
                                  L2deriv = "RealRandVariable",
                                  neighbor = "ContNeighborhood", 
                                  biastype = "ANY"),
-    function(risk, L2deriv, neighbor, biastype, Distr, 
+    function(risk, L2deriv, neighbor, biastype, Distr, DistrSymm, L2derivSymm,
              L2derivDistrSymm, trafo, z.start, A.start,  maxiter, tol){                
         normtype <- normtype(risk)
         biastype <- biastype(risk)
+        comp <- .getComp(L2deriv, DistrSymm, L2derivSymm, L2derivDistrSymm)
+        z.comp <- comp$"z.comp"
+        A.comp <- comp$"A.comp"
         eerg <- .LowerCaseMultivariate(L2deriv, neighbor, biastype,
-             normtype, Distr, L2derivDistrSymm, trafo, z.start,
-             A.start, maxiter, tol)
+             normtype, Distr, trafo, z.start,
+             A.start, z.comp = z.comp, A.comp = A.comp,  maxiter, tol)
         erg <- eerg$erg
         bias <- 1/erg$value
         return(list(asBias = bias))
 ## asymptotic covariance

Added: pkg/ROptEst/R/getComp.R
--- pkg/ROptEst/R/getComp.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/R/getComp.R	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+.getComp <- function(L2deriv, DistrSymm, L2derivSymm,
+             L2derivDistrSymm){
+        nrvalues <- length(L2deriv)
+        z.comp <- rep(TRUE, nrvalues)
+        A.comp <- matrix(TRUE, ncol = nrvalues, nrow = nrvalues)
+        for(i in 1:nrvalues){
+            if(is(L2derivDistrSymm[[i]], "SphericalSymmetry"))
+                if(L2derivDistrSymm[[i]]@SymmCenter == 0)
+                    z.comp[i] <- FALSE
+        }
+        for(i in 1:(nrvalues-1))
+            for(j in (i+1):nrvalues){
+                if(is(DistrSymm, "SphericalSymmetry")){
+                    if((is(L2derivSymm[[i]], "OddSymmetric") & is(L2derivSymm[[j]], "EvenSymmetric"))
+                       | (is(L2derivSymm[[j]], "OddSymmetric") & is(L2derivSymm[[i]], "EvenSymmetric")))
+                        if((L2derivSymm[[i]]@SymmCenter == L2derivSymm[[j]]@SymmCenter)
+                           & (L2derivSymm[[i]]@SymmCenter == DistrSymm at SymmCenter))
+                            A.comp[i,j] <- FALSE
+                }
+            }
+        A.comp[col(A.comp) < row(A.comp)] <- A.comp[col(A.comp) > row(A.comp)]
+        return(list(A.comp = A.comp, z.comp = z.comp))

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/R/getIneffDiff.R
--- pkg/ROptEst/R/getIneffDiff.R	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/R/getIneffDiff.R	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
                 ineffUp <- (as.vector(res$A)*trafo - res$b^2*(radius^2-upRad^2))/upRisk
             assign("ineff", ineffUp, envir = sys.frame(which = -4))
             return(ineffUp - ineffLo)
             if(is(L2Fam at distribution, "UnivariateDistribution")){
@@ -45,6 +44,7 @@
                 trafo <- L2Fam at param@trafo
+                p <- nrow(trafo)
                 neighbor at radius <- radius
                 res <- getInfRobIC(L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, risk = risk, 
                             Distr = L2Fam at distribution, DistrSymm = L2Fam at distrSymm, 
@@ -52,11 +52,17 @@
                             Finfo = L2Fam at FisherInfo, trafo = trafo, z.start = z.start, 
                             A.start = A.start, upper = upper.b, maxiter = MaxIter, 
                             tol = eps, warn = warn)
-                ineffLo <- (sum(diag(res$A%*%t(trafo))) - res$b^2*(radius^2-loRad^2))/loRisk
+                normtype(risk) <- res$normtype
+                std <- if(is(normtype(risk),"QFNorm")) QuadForm(normtype(risk)) else diag(p)
+                ineffLo <- (sum(diag(std%*%res$A%*%t(trafo))) - 
+                            res$b^2*(radius^2-loRad^2))/loRisk
                 if(upRad == Inf)
                     ineffUp <- res$b^2/upRisk
-                    ineffUp <- (sum(diag(res$A%*%t(trafo))) - res$b^2*(radius^2-upRad^2))/upRisk
+                    ineffUp <- (sum(diag(std%*%res$A%*%t(trafo))) - 
+                                res$b^2*(radius^2-upRad^2))/upRisk
                 assign("ineff", ineffUp, envir = sys.frame(which = -4))
                 cat("current radius:\t", radius, "\tMSE-inefficiency difference:\t", ineffUp - ineffLo, "\n")

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/R/getInfRobIC_asBias.R
--- pkg/ROptEst/R/getInfRobIC_asBias.R	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/R/getInfRobIC_asBias.R	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -5,19 +5,34 @@
                                    risk = "asBias", 
                                    neighbor = "UncondNeighborhood"),
     function(L2deriv, risk, neighbor, symm, trafo, maxiter, 
-             tol){
+             tol, ...){
         minmaxBias(L2deriv, neighbor, biastype(risk), symm, 
                    trafo, maxiter, tol)
 setMethod("getInfRobIC", signature(L2deriv = "RealRandVariable", 
                                    risk = "asBias", 
                                    neighbor = "ContNeighborhood"),
-    function(L2deriv, risk, neighbor, Distr, L2derivDistrSymm, z.start, 
-             A.start, trafo, maxiter, tol){                
+    function(L2deriv, risk, neighbor, Distr, DistrSymm, L2derivSymm, 
+             L2derivDistrSymm, z.start, 
+             A.start, Finfo, trafo, maxiter, tol, ...){                
+        normtype <- normtype(risk)
+        FI <- solve(trafo%*%solve(Finfo)%*%t(trafo))
+        if(is(normtype,"InfoNorm") || is(normtype,"SelfNorm") ) 
+           {QuadForm(normtype) <- PosSemDefSymmMatrix(FI); 
+            normtype(risk) <- normtype}
+        comp <- .getComp(L2deriv, DistrSymm, L2derivSymm,
+             L2derivDistrSymm)
+        z.comp <- comp$"z.comp"
+        A.comp <- comp$"A.comp"
         minmaxBias(L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, 
                    biastype = biastype(risk), normtype = normtype(risk),
-             Distr = Distr, L2derivDistrSymm = L2derivDistrSymm, 
-             z.start = z.start, A.start = A.start, trafo = trafo,
+             Distr = Distr, z.start = z.start, A.start = A.start, 
+             z.comp = z.comp, A.comp = A.comp, trafo = trafo,
              maxiter = maxiter, tol = tol)
@@ -25,7 +40,7 @@
 setMethod("minmaxBias", signature(L2deriv = "UnivariateDistribution", 
                                    neighbor = "ContNeighborhood",
                                    biastype = "BiasType"),
-    function(L2deriv, neighbor, biastype = symmetricBias(), symm, 
+    function(L2deriv, neighbor, biastype, symm, 
              trafo, maxiter, tol){
         zi <- sign(as.vector(trafo))
         A <- as.matrix(zi)
@@ -49,8 +64,8 @@
         cent(w) <- z
         stand(w) <- A
         clip(w) <- b
-        weight(w) <- minbiasweight(w, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype, 
-                                   normtype = NormType())
+        weight(w) <- minbiasweight(w, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype,
+                       normW= NormType())
         return(list(A = A, a = zi*z, b = b, d = d, risk = Risk, info = info, 
                     w = w, biastype = biastype, normtype = NormType()))    
@@ -59,7 +74,7 @@
 setMethod("minmaxBias", signature(L2deriv = "UnivariateDistribution", 
                                    neighbor = "TotalVarNeighborhood",
                                    biastype = "BiasType"),
-    function(L2deriv, neighbor, biastype = symmetricBias(),
+    function(L2deriv, neighbor, biastype,
              symm, trafo, 
              maxiter, tol){
         zi <- sign(as.vector(trafo))
@@ -74,7 +89,7 @@
         if(zi == 1)
             a <- -b*(1-p0)/(1-ws0)
-            a <- b*(p0-ws0)/(1-ws0)
+            a <- -b*(p0-ws0)/(1-ws0)
         info <- c("minimum asymptotic bias (lower case) solution")
         Risk <- list(asCov = a^2*(p0-ws0) + (zi*a+b)^2*(1-p0), asBias = b)
@@ -82,30 +97,33 @@
         w <- new("BdStWeight")
         stand(w) <- A
         clip(w) <- c(a, a+b)
-        weight(w) <- minbiasweight(w, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype, 
-                               normtype = NormType())
+        weight(w) <- minbiasweight(w, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype)
-        return(list(A = A, a = a, b = b, d = 1, risk = Risk, info = info, 
+        return(list(A = A, a = a, b = b, d = 0, risk = Risk, info = info, 
                     w = w, biastype = biastype, normtype = NormType()))
 setMethod("minmaxBias", signature(L2deriv = "RealRandVariable", 
                                    neighbor = "ContNeighborhood", 
                                    biastype = "BiasType"),
-    function(L2deriv, neighbor, biastype, normtype, Distr, L2derivDistrSymm, 
-             z.start, A.start, trafo, maxiter, tol){                
+    function(L2deriv, neighbor, biastype, normtype, Distr, 
+             z.start, A.start,  z.comp, A.comp, trafo, maxiter,  tol){                
         eerg <- .LowerCaseMultivariate(L2deriv, neighbor, biastype,
-             normtype, Distr, L2derivDistrSymm, trafo, z.start,
-             A.start, maxiter, tol)
+             normtype, Distr, trafo, z.start,
+             A.start, z.comp = z.comp, A.comp = A.comp,  maxiter, tol)
         erg <- eerg$erg
         b <- 1/erg$value
         param <- erg$par
+        lA.comp <- sum(A.comp)
         p <- nrow(trafo)
         k <- ncol(trafo)
-        A <- matrix(param[1:(p*k)], ncol=k, nrow=p)
+        A <- matrix(0, ncol=k, nrow=p)
+        A[A.comp] <- matrix(param[1:lA.comp], ncol=k, nrow=p)
         z <- numeric(k)
-        z[erg$z.comp] <- param[(p*k+1):length(param)]
+        z[z.comp] <- param[(lA.comp+1):length(param)]
         a <- as.vector(A %*% z)
         d <- numeric(p)
         # computation of 'd', in case 'L2derivDistr' not abs. cont.
@@ -166,16 +184,15 @@
                                    biastype = "onesidedBias"),
     function(L2deriv, neighbor, biastype, symm, 
              trafo, maxiter, tol){                
         infotxt <- c("minimum asymptotic bias (lower case) solution")
         noIC <- function(){
                 warntxt <- gettext("There exists no IC attaining the infimal maxBias.")
-                return(list(A = 1, a = 1, d = 0, b = 0,
+                return(list(A = matrix(1), a = 1, d = 0, b = 0,
                        Risk = list(asBias = 0, asCov = 0, warning = warntxt),
                        info = infotxt, w = NULL, biastype = biastype, 
                        normtype = NormType()))}
-        if(!is(L2deriv, "DiscreteDistribution"))
+        if(is(L2deriv, "DiscreteDistribution"))
            { if(is.finite(lowerCaseRadius(L2deriv, neighbor, risk = asMSE(), biastype)))
                  sign <- sign(biastype)
@@ -201,7 +218,8 @@
                  d0  <- 0 
                  asCov <- v1^2*(1-p0)+v2^2*p0
                  Risk0 <- list(asBias = b0, asCov = asCov)
+                 A0 <- matrix(A0,1,1)
                  w <- new("HampelWeight")
                  cent(w) <- z0
                  stand(w) <- A0

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/R/getInfRobIC_asGRisk.R
--- pkg/ROptEst/R/getInfRobIC_asGRisk.R	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/R/getInfRobIC_asGRisk.R	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
             ## new
             lower0 <- getL1normL2deriv(L2deriv = L2deriv, cent = z) / 
                                       (1 + neighbor at radius^2)
-            upper0 <- sqrt( ( Finfo + z^2 )/(( 1 + neighbor at radius^2)^2 - 1) )
+            upper0 <- sqrt( as.numeric( Finfo + z^2 )/(( 1 + neighbor at radius^2)^2 - 1) )
             if (!is.null(upper)|(iter == 1)) 
                     {lower <- .Machine$double.eps^0.75
                 }else{ lower <- lower0; upper <- upper0}
@@ -80,17 +80,23 @@
                           biastype = biastype, clip = b, cent = a, stand = A, 
                           trafo = trafo)
         Cov <- getInfV(L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, 
-                       biastype = biastype, clip = b/A, cent = z, stand = A)
+                       biastype = biastype, clip = c0, cent = z, stand = A)
         Risk <- c(Risk, list(asBias = b, asCov = Cov))
-        w <- new("HampelWeight")
-        cent(w) <- z
-        stand(w) <- A
-        clip(w) <- b
+        if(is(neighbor,"ContNeighborhood"))
+           {w <- new("HampelWeight")
+            clip(w) <- b
+            cent(w) <- z 
+            stand(w) <- A
+           }else{  
+            w <- new("BdStWeight")
+            clip(w) <- c(0,b)+a
+            stand(w) <- A
+           } 
         weight(w) <- getweight(w, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype, 
-                               normtype = normtype(risk))
+                               normW = NormType())
         return(list(A = A, a = a, b = b, d = NULL, risk = Risk, info = info, w = w,
                     biastype = biastype, normtype = normtype(risk)))
@@ -113,7 +119,8 @@
         FI <- solve(trafo%*%solve(Finfo)%*%t(trafo))
         if(is(normtype,"InfoNorm") || is(normtype,"SelfNorm") ) 
-           {QuadForm(normtype) <- PosSemDefSymmMatrix(FI); normtype(risk) <- normtype}
+           {QuadForm(normtype) <- PosSemDefSymmMatrix(FI); 
+            normtype(risk) <- normtype}
         if(is.null(z.start)) z.start <- numeric(ncol(trafo))
         if(is.null(A.start)) A.start <- trafo %*% solve(Finfo)
@@ -130,26 +137,13 @@
             res$risk <- c(Risk, res$risk)
-        nrvalues <- length(L2deriv)
-        z.comp <- rep(TRUE, nrvalues)
-        A.comp <- matrix(TRUE, ncol = nrvalues, nrow = nrvalues)
-        for(i in 1:nrvalues){
-            if(is(L2derivDistrSymm[[i]], "SphericalSymmetry"))
-                if(L2derivDistrSymm[[i]]@SymmCenter == 0)
-                    z.comp[i] <- FALSE
-        }
-        for(i in 1:(nrvalues-1))
-            for(j in (i+1):nrvalues){
-                if(is(DistrSymm, "SphericalSymmetry")){
-                    if((is(L2derivSymm[[i]], "OddSymmetric") & is(L2derivSymm[[j]], "EvenSymmetric"))
-                       | (is(L2derivSymm[[j]], "OddSymmetric") & is(L2derivSymm[[i]], "EvenSymmetric")))
-                        if((L2derivSymm[[i]]@SymmCenter == L2derivSymm[[j]]@SymmCenter)
-                           & (L2derivSymm[[i]]@SymmCenter == DistrSymm at SymmCenter))
-                            A.comp[i,j] <- FALSE
-                }
-            }
-        A.comp[col(A.comp) < row(A.comp)] <- A.comp[col(A.comp) > row(A.comp)]
+        comp <- .getComp(L2deriv, DistrSymm, L2derivSymm,
+             L2derivDistrSymm)
+        z.comp <- comp$"z.comp"
+        A.comp <- comp$"A.comp"
         w <- new("HampelWeight")
         z <- z.start
         A <- A.start
@@ -163,14 +157,7 @@
             cent(w) <- z 
             stand(w) <- A 
-            if ((iter == 1)||is(normtype,"SelfNorm"))
-               {normtype(risk) <- normtype <- updateNorm(normtype = normtype, 
-                   FI = FI, L2 = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype,
-                   Distr = Distr, V.comp = A.comp, cent = z, stand = A, w = w)}
-            weight(w) <- getweight(w, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype, 
-                                   normtype = normtype)
             ## new
             lower0 <- getL1normL2deriv(L2deriv = L2deriv, cent = z, stand = A, 
                                        Distr = Distr, normtype = normtype)/(1+neighbor at radius^2)
@@ -181,7 +168,8 @@
                     {lower <- .Machine$double.eps^0.75; 
                      if(is.null(upper)) upper <- 10*upper0
                 }else{ lower <- lower0; upper <- upper0}
-            print(c(iter, lower,upper, lower0, upper0))
             b <- try(uniroot(getInfClip, 
                   ## new
@@ -202,21 +190,20 @@
                                 neighbor = neighbor, Distr = Distr, L2derivDistrSymm = L2derivDistrSymm,
                                 z.start = z.start, A.start = A.start, trafo = trafo, 
                                 maxiter = maxiter, tol = tol)
-                Risk <- getAsRisk(risk = risk, L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, 
+                             normtype(risk) <- res$normtype
+                             Risk <- getAsRisk(risk = risk, L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, 
                                   biastype = biastype, clip = NULL,   
                                   cent = res$a, stand = res$A, trafo = trafo)
                 res$risk <- c(Risk, res$risk)
             clip(w) <- b
-            if (is(normtype,"SelfNorm"))
-                {normtype(risk) <- normtype <- updateNorm(normtype = normtype, 
-                   FI = FI, L2 = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype,
-                   Distr = Distr, V.comp = A.comp, cent = z, stand = A, w = w)}
             weight(w) <- getweight(w, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype, 
-                                   normtype = normtype)
+                                   normW = normtype)
             z <- getInfCent(L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor,  
                             biastype = biastype, Distr = Distr, z.comp = z.comp, 
                             w = w)
@@ -224,6 +211,13 @@
                          biastype = biastype, Distr = Distr, A.comp = A.comp, 
                          cent = z, trafo = trafo, w = w)
+            normtype.old <- normtype
+            if (is(normtype,"SelfNorm"))
+                {normtype(risk) <- normtype <- updateNorm(normtype = normtype, 
+                   L2 = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype,
+                   Distr = Distr, V.comp = A.comp, cent = z, stand = A, w = w)}
             prec <- max(abs(b-b.old), max(abs(A-A.old)), max(abs(z-z.old)))
             cat("current precision in IC algo:\t", prec, "\n")
             if(prec < tol) break
@@ -235,14 +229,10 @@
         if (onesetLM){
             cent(w) <- z 
             stand(w) <- A 
-            if (is(normtype,"SelfNorm"))
-                {normtype(risk) <- normtype <- updateNorm(normtype = normtype, 
-                 FI = FI, L2 = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype,
-                   Distr = Distr, V.comp = A.comp, cent = z, stand = A, w = w)}
             weight(w) <- getweight(w, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype, 
-                                   normtype = normtype)
-        }
+                                   normW = normtype)
+        } else normtype <- normtype.old
         a <- as.vector(A %*% z)
         info <- paste("optimally robust IC for", sQuote(class(risk)[1]))
         Risk <- getAsRisk(risk = risk, L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, 

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/R/getInfRobIC_asHampel.R
--- pkg/ROptEst/R/getInfRobIC_asHampel.R	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/R/getInfRobIC_asHampel.R	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -70,13 +70,18 @@
         #          biastype = biastype, clip = b, cent = a, stand = A)$asCov
         Risk <- list(asCov = Cov, asBias = b, asMSE = Cov + neighbor at radius^2*b^2)
-        w <- new("HampelWeight")
-        clip(w) <- b
-        cent(w) <- z 
-        stand(w) <- A 
+        if(is(neighbor,"ContNeighborhood"))
+           {w <- new("HampelWeight")
+            clip(w) <- b
+            cent(w) <- z 
+            stand(w) <- A
+           }else{  
+            w <- new("BdStWeight")
+            clip(w) <- c(0,b)+a
+            stand(w) <- A
+           } 
         weight(w) <- getweight(w, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype, 
-                                   normtype = NormType())
+                               normW = NormType())
         return(list(A = A, a = a, b = b, d = NULL, risk = Risk, info = info, 
                     w = w, biastype = biastype, normtype = NormType()))
@@ -91,11 +96,14 @@
         biastype <- biastype(risk)
         normtype <- normtype(risk)
+        p <- nrow(trafo)
         FI <- solve(trafo%*%solve(Finfo)%*%t(trafo))
         if(is(normtype,"InfoNorm") || is(normtype,"SelfNorm") ) 
            {QuadForm(normtype) <- PosSemDefSymmMatrix(FI); normtype(risk) <- normtype}
+        std <- if(is(normtype,"QFNorm")) QuadForm(normtype) else diag(p)
         if(is.null(z.start)) z.start <- numeric(ncol(trafo))
         if(is.null(A.start)) A.start <- trafo
@@ -127,32 +135,15 @@
                          "=> the minimum asymptotic bias (lower case) solution is returned\n")
-        nrvalues <- length(L2deriv)
-        z.comp <- rep(TRUE, nrvalues)
-        A.comp <- matrix(1, ncol = nrvalues, nrow = nrvalues)
-        for(i in 1:nrvalues){
-            if(is(L2derivDistrSymm[[i]], "SphericalSymmetry"))
-                if(L2derivDistrSymm[[i]]@SymmCenter == 0){
-                    z.comp[i] <- FALSE
-                    A.comp[i,i] <- 2
-                }
-        }
-        for(i in 1:(nrvalues-1))
-            for(j in (i+1):nrvalues){
-                if(z.comp[i] | z.comp[j]){ 
-                    if(is(DistrSymm, "SphericalSymmetry")){
-                        if((is(L2derivSymm[[i]], "OddSymmetric") & is(L2derivSymm[[j]], "EvenSymmetric"))
-                           | (is(L2derivSymm[[j]], "OddSymmetric") & is(L2derivSymm[[i]], "EvenSymmetric")))
-                            if((L2derivSymm[[i]]@SymmCenter == L2derivSymm[[j]]@SymmCenter)
-                               & (L2derivSymm[[i]]@SymmCenter == DistrSymm at SymmCenter))
-                                A.comp[i,j] <- 0
-                    }else{
-                        A.comp[i,j] <- 2
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        A.comp[col(A.comp) < row(A.comp)] <- A.comp[col(A.comp) > row(A.comp)]
+        comp <- .getComp(L2deriv, DistrSymm, L2derivSymm,
+             L2derivDistrSymm)
+        z.comp <- comp$"z.comp"
+        A.comp <- comp$"A.comp"
+        w <- new("HampelWeight")
+        clip(w) <- b
         z <- z.start
         A <- A.start
         iter <- 0
@@ -162,19 +153,26 @@
             A.old <- A
             cent(w) <- z 
             stand(w) <- A 
-            normtype(risk) <- normtype <- updateNorm(normtype = normtype, FI = FI, 
-                   L2 = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype,
-                   Distr = Distr, V.comp = A.comp, cent = z, stand = A, w = w)
             weight(w) <- getweight(w, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype, 
-                                   normtype = normtype)
+                                   normW = normtype)
             z <- getInfCent(L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor,  
                             biastype = biastype, Distr = Distr, z.comp = z.comp, 
                             w = w)
             A <- getInfStand(L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, 
                          biastype = biastype, Distr = Distr, A.comp = A.comp, 
                          cent = z, trafo = trafo, w = w)
+            normtype.old <- normtype
+            if(is(normtype,"SelfNorm")){
+               normtype(risk) <- normtype <- updateNorm(normtype = normtype,  
+                   L2 = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype,
+                   Distr = Distr, V.comp = A.comp, cent = z, stand = A, w = w)
+               std <- QuadForm(normtype)
+            }
             prec <- max(max(abs(A-A.old)), max(abs(z-z.old)))
             cat("current precision in IC algo:\t", prec, "\n")
             if(prec < tol) break
@@ -186,13 +184,12 @@
         if (onesetLM){
             cent(w) <- z 
             stand(w) <- A 
-            normtype(risk) <- normtype <- updateNorm(normtype = normtype, FI = FI, 
-                   L2 = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype,
-                   Distr = Distr, V.comp = A.comp, cent = z, stand = A, w = w)
             weight(w) <- getweight(w, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype, 
-                                   normtype = normtype)
+                                   normW = normtype)
+        else normtype <- normtype.old
         info <- paste("optimally robust IC for 'asHampel' with bound =", round(b,3))
         a <- as.vector(A %*% z)
         Cov <- getInfV(L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, 
@@ -202,8 +199,8 @@
         #getAsRisk(risk = asCov(), L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, 
         #          biastype = biastype, Distr = Distr, clip = b, cent = a, 
         #          stand = A)$asCov
-        Risk <- list(trAsCov = sum(diag(Cov)), asCov = Cov, asBias = b, 
-                     asMSE = sum(diag(Cov)) + neighbor at radius^2*b^2)
+        Risk <- list(trAsCov = sum(diag(std%*%Cov)), asCov = Cov, asBias = b, 
+                     asMSE = sum(diag(std%*%Cov)) + neighbor at radius^2*b^2)
         return(list(A = A, a = a, b = b, d = NULL, risk = Risk, info = info, 
                     w = w, biastype = biastype, normtype = normtype))

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/R/getInfRobIC_asUnOvShoot.R
--- pkg/ROptEst/R/getInfRobIC_asUnOvShoot.R	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/R/getInfRobIC_asUnOvShoot.R	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
                 if(warn) cat("The IC algorithm did not converge!\n", 
                              "=> the minimum asymptotic bias (lower case) solution is returned\n")
-                res <- getInfRobIC(L2deriv = L2deriv, risk = asBias(), 
+                res <- getInfRobIC(L2deriv = L2deriv, risk = asBias(biastype = biastype), 
                                 neighbor = neighbor, Finfo = Finfo, 
                                 symm = symm, trafo = trafo, upper = upper, 
                                 maxiter = maxiter, tol = tol, warn = warn)

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/R/getInfV.R
--- pkg/ROptEst/R/getInfV.R	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/R/getInfV.R	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -92,9 +92,10 @@
         nu2 <- nu(biastype)[2]
         c1 <- cent - clip/nu1
         c2 <- cent + clip/nu2
-        return(stand^2*(m2df(L2deriv, c2) - m2df(L2deriv, c1)
-                + 2 * cent *(m1df(L2deriv, c1) - m1df(L2deriv, c2))
-                + cent^2 * (p(L2deriv)(c2) -p(L2deriv)(c1))
-                + clip^2 * (1-p(L2deriv)(c2)/nu2^2 +p(L2deriv)(c1)/nu1^2)
-                ))
+        V0 <- m2df(L2deriv, c2) - m2df(L2deriv, c1)
+        V1 <- m1df(L2deriv, c2) - m1df(L2deriv, c1)
+        V2 <- p(L2deriv)(c2) -p(L2deriv)(c1)
+        V3 <- (1-p(L2deriv)(c2))/nu2^2 +p(L2deriv)(c1)/nu1^2
+        V <- stand^2*( V0 - 2 * cent * V1 + cent^2 * V2 + clip^2 * V3)
+        return(V)

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/R/getRiskIC.R
--- pkg/ROptEst/R/getRiskIC.R	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/R/getRiskIC.R	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
                                  L2Fam = "missing"),
     function(IC, risk){
         L2Fam <- eval(IC at CallL2Fam)
-        getRiskIC(IC, risk, L2Fam)
+        getRiskIC(IC = IC, risk = risk, L2Fam = L2Fam)
 setMethod("getRiskIC", signature(IC = "HampIC", 
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
                                  L2Fam = "missing"),
     function(IC, risk, L2Fam){
         Cov <- IC at Risks[["asCov"]]        
-        return(list(asCov = list(distribution = .getDistr(IC at L2Fam), value = Cov)))
+        return(list(asCov = list(distribution = .getDistr(L2Fam), value = Cov)))
@@ -25,10 +25,11 @@
 setMethod("getBiasIC", signature(IC = "HampIC",
                                  neighbor = "UncondNeighborhood"),
-    function(IC, neighbor, L2Fam){
+    function(IC, neighbor, L2Fam,...){
-           {misF <- TRUE; L2Fam <- eval(IC at CallL2Fam)}
+           {misF <- TRUE; 
+            L2Fam <- eval(IC at CallL2Fam)}
+        print(L2Fam)
         return(list(asBias = list(distribution = .getDistr(L2Fam), 
                     neighborhood = neighbor at type, value = IC at Risks[["asBias"]])))

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/R/leastFavorableRadius.R
--- pkg/ROptEst/R/leastFavorableRadius.R	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/R/leastFavorableRadius.R	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -14,6 +14,14 @@
             stop("'rho' not in (0,1)")
         biastype <- biastype(risk)
+        normtype <- normtype(risk)
+        FI0 <- L2Fam at param@trafo%*%solve(L2Fam at FisherInfo)%*%t(L2Fam at param@trafo)
+        FI <- solve(FI0)
+        if(is(normtype,"InfoNorm") || is(normtype,"SelfNorm") ) 
+           {QuadForm(normtype) <- PosSemDefSymmMatrix(FI); 
+            normtype(risk) <- normtype}
         L2derivDim <- numberOfMaps(L2Fam at L2deriv)
         if(L2derivDim == 1){
             leastFavFct <- function(r, L2Fam, neighbor, risk, rho, 
@@ -40,7 +48,8 @@
                 if(upRad == Inf){
-                    bmin <- getAsRisk(risk = asBias(), L2deriv = L2Fam at L2derivDistr[[1]], 
+                    bmin <- getAsRisk(risk = asBias(biastype = biastype), 
+                                L2deriv = L2Fam at L2derivDistr[[1]], 
                                 neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype, 
                                 trafo = L2Fam at param@trafo, symm = L2Fam at L2derivSymm[[1]])
                     upRisk <- bmin^2
@@ -95,6 +104,10 @@
                         L2derivDistrSymm <- new("DistrSymmList", L2)
+                std <- if(is(normtype,"QFNorm")) 
+                       QuadForm(normtype) else diag(nrow(L2Fam at param@trafo))
                 leastFavFct <- function(r, L2Fam, neighbor, risk, rho, 
                                         z.start, A.start, upper.b, MaxIter, eps, warn){
                     loRad <- r*rho
@@ -106,7 +119,7 @@
                     trafo <- L2Fam at param@trafo
                     if(identical(all.equal(loRad, 0), TRUE)){
                         loRad <- 0
-                        loRisk <- sum(diag(solve(L2Fam at FisherInfo)))
+                        loRisk <- sum(diag(std%*%FI0))
                         neighbor at radius <- loRad
                         resLo <- getInfRobIC(L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, risk = risk, 
@@ -115,17 +128,24 @@
                                     Finfo = L2Fam at FisherInfo, trafo = trafo, z.start = z.start, 
                                     A.start = A.start, upper = upper.b, maxiter = MaxIter, 
                                     tol = eps, warn = warn)
-                        loRisk <- getAsRisk(risk = risk, L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, 
+                        riskLo <- risk
+                        normtype(riskLo) <- resLo$normtype
+                        loRisk <- getAsRisk(risk = riskLo, L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, 
                                             biastype = biastype, clip = resLo$b, cent = resLo$a, 
                                             stand = resLo$A, trafo = trafo)[[1]]
                     if(upRad == Inf){
-                        bmin <- getAsRisk(risk = asBias(), L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, 
-                                    biastype = biastype, 
-                                    Distr = L2Fam at distribution, L2derivDistrSymm = L2Fam at L2derivDistrSymm,
-                                    trafo = trafo, z.start = z.start, A.start = A.start, 
-                                    maxiter = maxiter, tol = tol)$asBias
+                        bmin <- getAsRisk(risk = asBias(biastype = biastype(risk), 
+                                      normtype = normtype), L2deriv = L2deriv, 
+                                      neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype, 
+                                      Distr = L2Fam at distribution, 
+                                      DistrSymm = L2Fam at distrSymm, 
+                                      L2derivSymm = L2derivSymm, 
+                                      L2derivDistrSymm= L2derivDistrSymm,                                       
+                                trafo = trafo, z.start = z.start, 
+                                A.start = A.start, 
+                                maxiter = maxiter, tol = tol)$asBias
                         upRisk <- bmin^2
                         neighbor at radius <- upRad
@@ -135,7 +155,9 @@
                                     Finfo = L2Fam at FisherInfo, trafo = trafo, z.start = z.start, 
                                     A.start = A.start, upper = upper.b, maxiter = maxiter, 
                                     tol = tol, warn = warn)
-                         upRisk <- getAsRisk(risk = risk, L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, 
+                         riskUp <- risk
+                         normtype(riskUp) <- resUp$normtype
+                         upRisk <- getAsRisk(risk = riskUp, L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, 
                                         biastype = biastype, 
                                         clip = resUp$b, cent = resUp$a, stand = resUp$A, trafo = trafo)[[1]]

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/R/lowerCaseRadius.R
--- pkg/ROptEst/R/lowerCaseRadius.R	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/R/lowerCaseRadius.R	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
                                        neighbor = "ContNeighborhood",
                                        risk = "asMSE",
                                        biastype = "ANY"),
-    function(L2Fam, neighbor, risk, biastype = symmetricBias()){
+    function(L2Fam, neighbor, risk, biastype){
         if(length(L2Fam at param) != 1) stop("not yet implemented")
         D1 <- L2Fam at distribution
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
                                        neighbor = "TotalVarNeighborhood",
                                        risk = "asMSE",
                                        biastype = "ANY"),
-    function(L2Fam, neighbor, risk, biastype = symmetricBias()){
+    function(L2Fam, neighbor, risk, biastype){
         if(length(L2Fam at param) != 1) stop("not yet implemented")
         D1 <- L2Fam at distribution

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/R/radiusMinimaxIC.R
--- pkg/ROptEst/R/radiusMinimaxIC.R	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/R/radiusMinimaxIC.R	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -15,6 +15,10 @@
             stop("'upRad < loRad' is not fulfilled")
         biastype <- biastype(risk)
         L2derivDim <- numberOfMaps(L2Fam at L2deriv)
+        if(is(normtype(risk),"SelfNorm")||is(normtype(risk),"InfoNorm"))
+           upRad <- min(upRad,10) 
         if(L2derivDim == 1){
             ow <- options("warn")
             options(warn = -1)
@@ -38,8 +42,10 @@
             if(upRad == Inf){
-                bmin <- getAsRisk(risk = asBias(), L2deriv = L2Fam at L2derivDistr[[1]], 
-                            neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype, trafo = L2Fam at param@trafo)$asBias
+                bmin <- getAsRisk(risk = asBias(biastype = biastype), 
+                                  L2deriv = L2Fam at L2derivDistr[[1]], 
+                                  neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype, 
+                                  trafo = L2Fam at param@trafo)$asBias
                 upRisk <- bmin^2
                 neighbor at radius <- upRad
@@ -93,7 +99,21 @@
                         L2derivDistrSymm <- new("DistrSymmList", L2)
+                normtype <- normtype(risk)
+                Finfo <- L2Fam at FisherInfo
                 trafo <- L2Fam at param@trafo
+                p <- nrow(trafo)
+                FI0 <- trafo%*%solve(Finfo)%*%t(trafo)
+                FI <- solve(FI0)
+                if(is(normtype,"InfoNorm") || is(normtype,"SelfNorm") ) 
+                     {QuadForm(normtype) <- PosSemDefSymmMatrix(FI); 
+                      normtype(risk) <- normtype}
+                std <- if(is(normtype,"QFNorm")) QuadForm(normtype) else diag(p)
                 ow <- options("warn")
                 options(warn = -1)
                 upper.b <- upper
@@ -102,7 +122,7 @@
                 if(identical(all.equal(loRad, 0), TRUE)){
                     loRad <- 0
-                    loRisk <- sum(diag(solve(L2Fam at FisherInfo)))
+                    loRisk <- sum(diag(std%*%FI0))
                     neighbor at radius <- loRad
                     resLo <- getInfRobIC(L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, risk = risk, 
@@ -111,14 +131,24 @@
                                 Finfo = L2Fam at FisherInfo, trafo = trafo, z.start = z.start, 
                                 A.start = A.start, upper = upper.b, maxiter = maxiter, 
                                 tol = tol, warn = warn)
-                    loRisk <- getAsRisk(risk = risk, L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, 
-                                    biastype = biastype, clip = resLo$b, cent = resLo$a, stand = resLo$A, trafo = trafo)[[1]]
+                    riskLo <- risk
+                    normtype(riskLo) <- resLo$normtype
+                    loRisk <- getAsRisk(risk = riskLo, L2deriv = L2deriv, 
+                                        neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype, 
+                                        clip = resLo$b, cent = resLo$a, 
+                                        stand = resLo$A, trafo = trafo)[[1]]
                 if(upRad == Inf){
-                    bmin <- getAsRisk(risk = asBias(), L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, 
-                                biastype = biastype, Distr = L2Fam at distribution, L2derivDistrSymm = L2Fam at L2derivDistrSymm,
-                                trafo = trafo, z.start = z.start, A.start = A.start, 
+                    bmin <- getAsRisk(risk = asBias(biastype = biastype(risk), 
+                                      normtype = normtype), L2deriv = L2deriv, 
+                                      neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype, 
+                                      Distr = L2Fam at distribution, 
+                                      DistrSymm = L2Fam at distrSymm, 
+                                      L2derivSymm = L2derivSymm, 
+                                      L2derivDistrSymm= L2derivDistrSymm,                                       
+                                trafo = trafo, z.start = z.start, 
+                                A.start = A.start, 
                                 maxiter = maxiter, tol = tol)$asBias
                     upRisk <- bmin^2
@@ -129,10 +159,11 @@
                                 Finfo = L2Fam at FisherInfo, trafo = trafo, z.start = z.start, 
                                 A.start = A.start, upper = upper.b, maxiter = maxiter, 
                                 tol = tol, warn = warn)
-                    upRisk <- getAsRisk(risk = risk, L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, 
+                    riskUp <- risk
+                    normtype(riskUp) <- resUp$normtype
+                    upRisk <- getAsRisk(risk = riskUp, L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, 
                                 biastype = biastype, clip = resUp$b, cent = resUp$a, stand = resUp$A, trafo = trafo)[[1]]
                 leastFavR <- uniroot(getIneffDiff, lower = lower, upper = upper, 
                                 tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, L2Fam = L2Fam, neighbor = neighbor, 
                                 z.start = z.start, A.start = A.start, upper.b = upper.b, risk = risk, 

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/R/updateNorm.R
--- pkg/ROptEst/R/updateNorm.R	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/R/updateNorm.R	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
-setMethod("updateNorm", "NormType", function(normtype, ...) normtype)
-setMethod("updateNorm", "InfoNorm", function(normtype, FI, ...)
-           {QuadForm(normtype) <- PosSemDefSymmMatrix(FI); normtype})
+#setMethod("updateNorm", "NormType", function(normtype, ...) normtype)
+#setMethod("updateNorm", "InfoNorm", function(normtype, FI, ...)
+#           {QuadForm(normtype) <- PosSemDefSymmMatrix(FI); normtype})
 setMethod("updateNorm", "SelfNorm", function(normtype, L2, neighbor, biastype, 
-                         Distr, V.comp, cent, stand,  w,  ...)
+                         Distr, V.comp, cent, stand,  w)
            {Cv <- getInfV(L2deriv = L2, neighbor = neighbor, 
                        biastype = biastype, Distr = Distr, 
                        V.comp = V.comp, cent = cent, stand = stand,  w = w)
-            QuadForm(normtype) <- PosSemDefSymmMatrix(solve(Cv)); normtype})
+            QuadForm(normtype) <- PosSemDefSymmMatrix(solve(Cv)) 
+            normtype})
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/chm/00Index.html
--- pkg/ROptEst/chm/00Index.html	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/chm/00Index.html	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -293,10 +293,6 @@
 <table width="100%">
 <tr><td width="25%"><a href="updateNorm-methods.html">updateNorm</a></td>
 <td>Methods for Function updateNorm in Package &lsquo;ROptEst&rsquo; </td></tr>
-<tr><td width="25%"><a href="updateNorm-methods.html">updateNorm,InfoNorm-method</a></td>
-<td>Methods for Function updateNorm in Package &lsquo;ROptEst&rsquo; </td></tr>
-<tr><td width="25%"><a href="updateNorm-methods.html">updateNorm,NormType-method</a></td>
-<td>Methods for Function updateNorm in Package &lsquo;ROptEst&rsquo; </td></tr>
 <tr><td width="25%"><a href="updateNorm-methods.html">updateNorm,SelfNorm-method</a></td>
 <td>Methods for Function updateNorm in Package &lsquo;ROptEst&rsquo; </td></tr>
 <tr><td width="25%"><a href="updateNorm-methods.html">updateNorm-methods</a></td>

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/chm/ROptEst.chm
(Binary files differ)

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/chm/ROptEst.toc
--- pkg/ROptEst/chm/ROptEst.toc	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/chm/ROptEst.toc	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -494,14 +494,6 @@
 <param name="Local" value="updateNorm-methods.html">
 <LI> <OBJECT type="text/sitemap">
-<param name="Name" value="updateNorm,InfoNorm-method">
-<param name="Local" value="updateNorm-methods.html">
-<LI> <OBJECT type="text/sitemap">
-<param name="Name" value="updateNorm,NormType-method">
-<param name="Local" value="updateNorm-methods.html">
-<LI> <OBJECT type="text/sitemap">
 <param name="Name" value="updateNorm,SelfNorm-method">
 <param name="Local" value="updateNorm-methods.html">

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/chm/getAsRisk.html
--- pkg/ROptEst/chm/getAsRisk.html	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/chm/getAsRisk.html	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@
 ## S4 method for signature 'asBias, RealRandVariable,
 ##   ContNeighborhood, ANY':
-getAsRisk(risk, L2deriv, neighbor, biastype, Distr, L2derivDistrSymm, trafo, 
-             z.start, A.start, maxiter, tol, norm = EuclideanNorm)
+getAsRisk(risk, L2deriv, neighbor, biastype, Distr, DistrSymm, L2derivSymm, 
+             L2derivDistrSymm, trafo, z.start, A.start, maxiter, tol, norm = EuclideanNorm)
 ## S4 method for signature 'asCov, UnivariateDistribution,
 ##   ContNeighborhood, ANY':
@@ -136,6 +136,12 @@
 <tr valign="top"><td><code>Distr</code></td>
 object of class <code>"Distribution"</code>. </td></tr>
+<tr valign="top"><td><code>DistrSymm</code></td>
+object of class <code>"DistributionSymmetry"</code>. </td></tr>
+<tr valign="top"><td><code>L2derivSymm</code></td>
+object of class <code>"FunSymmList"</code>. </td></tr>
 <tr valign="top"><td><code>L2derivDistrSymm</code></td>
 object of class <code>"DistrSymmList"</code>. </td></tr>

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/chm/getInfRobIC.html
--- pkg/ROptEst/chm/getInfRobIC.html	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/chm/getInfRobIC.html	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
 ## S4 method for signature 'RealRandVariable, asBias,
 ##   ContNeighborhood':
-getInfRobIC(L2deriv, risk, neighbor, Distr,  
-             L2derivDistrSymm, z.start, A.start, trafo, maxiter, tol)
+getInfRobIC(L2deriv, risk, neighbor, Distr, DistrSymm, L2derivSymm, 
+             L2derivDistrSymm, z.start, A.start, Finfo, trafo, maxiter, tol)
 ## S4 method for signature 'UnivariateDistribution,
 ##   asHampel, UncondNeighborhood':

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/chm/minmaxBias.html
--- pkg/ROptEst/chm/minmaxBias.html	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/chm/minmaxBias.html	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
 ## S4 method for signature 'RealRandVariable,
 ##   ContNeighborhood, BiasType':
 minmaxBias(L2deriv, neighbor, biastype, Distr, 
-             L2derivDistrSymm, z.start, A.start, trafo, maxiter, tol)
+             L2derivDistrSymm, z.start, A.start,  z.comp, A.comp, trafo, maxiter, tol)
@@ -92,6 +92,12 @@
 <tr valign="top"><td><code>A.start</code></td>
 initial value for the standardizing matrix. </td></tr>
+<tr valign="top"><td><code>z.comp</code></td>
+<code>logical</code> indicator which indices need to be computed and which are 0 due to symmetry. </td></tr>
+<tr valign="top"><td><code>A.comp</code></td>
+<code>matrix</code> of <code>logical</code> indicator which indices need to be computed and which are 0 due to symmetry.</td></tr>
 <tr valign="top"><td><code>trafo</code></td>
 matrix: transformation of the parameter. </td></tr>

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/chm/updateNorm-methods.html
--- pkg/ROptEst/chm/updateNorm-methods.html	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/chm/updateNorm-methods.html	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
 <table width="100%"><tr><td>updateNorm-methods(ROptEst)</td><td align="right">R Documentation</td></tr></table><object type="application/x-oleobject" classid="clsid:1e2a7bd0-dab9-11d0-b93a-00c04fc99f9e">
 <param name="keyword" value="R:   updateNorm-methods">
 <param name="keyword" value="R:   updateNorm">
-<param name="keyword" value="R:   updateNorm,NormType-method">
-<param name="keyword" value="R:   updateNorm,InfoNorm-method">
 <param name="keyword" value="R:   updateNorm,SelfNorm-method">
 <param name="keyword" value=" Methods for Function updateNorm in Package &lsquo;ROptEst&rsquo;">
@@ -27,13 +25,9 @@
 <pre>updateNorm(normtype, ...)
-## S4 method for signature 'NormType':
-updateNorm(normtype, ...)
-## S4 method for signature 'InfoNorm':
-updateNorm(normtype, FI, ...)
 ## S4 method for signature 'SelfNorm':
 updateNorm(normtype, L2, neighbor, biastype, Distr, V.comp, 
-                                cent, stand,  w, ...)     
+                                cent, stand,  w)     
@@ -46,9 +40,6 @@
 <tr valign="top"><td><code>...</code></td>
 further arguments to be passed to specific methods.</td></tr>
-<tr valign="top"><td><code>FI</code></td>
-matrix: Fisher Information</td></tr>
 <tr valign="top"><td><code>L2</code></td>
@@ -80,8 +71,8 @@
 <code>updateNorm</code> is used internally in the opt-IC-algorithm to be
-able to work with a norm that depends on the Fisher information at a certain
-parameter (<code>InfoType</code>) or on the current covariance (<code>SelfNorm</code>)
+able to work with a norm that depends on the current covariance 
@@ -98,10 +89,6 @@
-<dt>updateNorm</dt><dd><code>signature(normtype = "NormType")</code>: leaves the norm unchanged;</dd>
-<dt>updateNorm</dt><dd><code>signature(normtype = "InfoNorm")</code>:
-udates the norm in the information-standardized case; just used
-internally in the opt-IC-Algorithm. </dd>
 <dt>updateNorm</dt><dd><code>signature(normtype = "SelfNorm")</code>:
 udates the norm in the self-standardized case; just used
 internally in the opt-IC-Algorithm. </dd>

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/inst/scripts/NormalLocationScaleModel.R
--- pkg/ROptEst/inst/scripts/NormalLocationScaleModel.R	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/inst/scripts/NormalLocationScaleModel.R	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -27,6 +27,18 @@
+system.time(N0.IC1.i <- optIC(model = N0.Rob1, risk = asMSE(normtype=InfoNorm())), gcFirst = TRUE)
+system.time(N0.IC1.s <- optIC(model = N0.Rob1, risk = asMSE(normtype=SelfNorm())), gcFirst = TRUE)
 # lower case solutions
 (N0.IC2 <- optIC(model = N0.Rob1, risk = asBias(), tol = 1e-10))
@@ -34,6 +46,12 @@
+(N0.IC2.i <- optIC(model = N0.Rob1, risk = asBias(normtype=InfoNorm()), tol = 1e-10))
 # Hampel solution
 (N0.IC3 <- optIC(model = N0.Rob1, risk = asHampel(bound = clip(N0.IC1))))
@@ -50,6 +68,13 @@
+(N0.IC4.i <- radiusMinimaxIC(L2Fam=N0, neighbor=ContNeighborhood(), 
+                risk=asMSE(normtype=InfoNorm()), loRad=0, upRad=Inf))
 # least favorable radius
 # (may take quite some time!)
 #N0.r.rho1 <- leastFavorableRadius(L2Fam=N0, neighbor=ContNeighborhood(),

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/inst/scripts/PoissonModel.R
--- pkg/ROptEst/inst/scripts/PoissonModel.R	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/inst/scripts/PoissonModel.R	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -34,6 +34,16 @@
+(IC1.p <- optIC(model=RobP1, risk=asMSE(biastype=positiveBias())))
+(IC1.a <- optIC(model=RobP1, risk=asMSE(biastype=asymmetricBias(nu = c(1,0.2)))))
 (IC2 <- optIC(model=RobP2, risk=asMSE()))
@@ -46,6 +56,17 @@
+(IC3.p <- optIC(model=RobP1, risk=asBias(biastype=positiveBias())))
+(IC3.a <- optIC(model=RobP1, risk=asBias(biastype=asymmetricBias(nu = c(1,0.2)))))
 (IC4 <- optIC(model=RobP2, risk=asBias()))
@@ -70,6 +91,18 @@
+(IC7.p <- radiusMinimaxIC(L2Fam=P, neighbor=ContNeighborhood(), 
+                risk=asMSE(biastype=positiveBias()), loRad=0, upRad=0.5))
+(IC7.a <- radiusMinimaxIC(L2Fam=P, neighbor=ContNeighborhood(), 
+                risk=asMSE(biastype=asymmetricBias(nu = c(1,0.2))), loRad=0, upRad=0.5))
 (IC8 <- radiusMinimaxIC(L2Fam=P, neighbor=TotalVarNeighborhood(), 
                 risk=asMSE(), loRad=0, upRad=Inf))

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/man/getAsRisk.Rd
--- pkg/ROptEst/man/getAsRisk.Rd	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/man/getAsRisk.Rd	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
 \S4method{getAsRisk}{asBias,UnivariateDistribution,TotalVarNeighborhood,ANY}(risk, L2deriv, neighbor, biastype, trafo)
-\S4method{getAsRisk}{asBias,RealRandVariable,ContNeighborhood,ANY}(risk, L2deriv, neighbor, biastype, Distr, L2derivDistrSymm, trafo, 
-             z.start, A.start, maxiter, tol, norm = EuclideanNorm)
+\S4method{getAsRisk}{asBias,RealRandVariable,ContNeighborhood,ANY}(risk, L2deriv, neighbor, biastype, Distr, DistrSymm, L2derivSymm, 
+             L2derivDistrSymm, trafo, z.start, A.start, maxiter, tol, norm = EuclideanNorm)
 \S4method{getAsRisk}{asCov,UnivariateDistribution,ContNeighborhood,ANY}(risk, L2deriv, neighbor, biastype, clip, cent, stand)
@@ -67,6 +67,8 @@
   \item{stand}{ standardizing matrix. }
   \item{trafo}{ matrix: transformation of the parameter. }
   \item{Distr}{ object of class \code{"Distribution"}. }
+  \item{DistrSymm}{ object of class \code{"DistributionSymmetry"}. }
+  \item{L2derivSymm}{ object of class \code{"FunSymmList"}. }
   \item{L2derivDistrSymm}{ object of class \code{"DistrSymmList"}. }
   \item{z.start}{ initial value for the centering constant. }
   \item{A.start}{ initial value for the standardizing matrix. }

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/man/getInfRobIC.Rd
--- pkg/ROptEst/man/getInfRobIC.Rd	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/man/getInfRobIC.Rd	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
 \S4method{getInfRobIC}{UnivariateDistribution,asBias,UncondNeighborhood}(L2deriv, risk, neighbor, symm, trafo, 
              maxiter, tol)
-\S4method{getInfRobIC}{RealRandVariable,asBias,ContNeighborhood}(L2deriv, risk, neighbor, Distr,  
-             L2derivDistrSymm, z.start, A.start, trafo, maxiter, tol)
+\S4method{getInfRobIC}{RealRandVariable,asBias,ContNeighborhood}(L2deriv, risk, neighbor, Distr, DistrSymm, L2derivSymm, 
+             L2derivDistrSymm, z.start, A.start, Finfo, trafo, maxiter, tol)
 \S4method{getInfRobIC}{UnivariateDistribution,asHampel,UncondNeighborhood}(L2deriv, risk, neighbor, symm, Finfo, trafo, 
              upper, maxiter, tol, warn)

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/man/minmaxBias.Rd
--- pkg/ROptEst/man/minmaxBias.Rd	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/man/minmaxBias.Rd	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
              maxiter, tol)
 \S4method{minmaxBias}{RealRandVariable,ContNeighborhood,BiasType}(L2deriv, neighbor, biastype, Distr, 
-             L2derivDistrSymm, z.start, A.start, trafo, maxiter, tol)
+             L2derivDistrSymm, z.start, A.start,  z.comp, A.comp, trafo, maxiter, tol)
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@
   \item{L2derivDistrSymm}{ object of class \code{"DistrSymmList"}. }
   \item{z.start}{ initial value for the centering constant. }
   \item{A.start}{ initial value for the standardizing matrix. }
+  \item{z.comp}{ \code{logical} indicator which indices need to be computed and which are 0 due to symmetry. }
+  \item{A.comp}{ \code{matrix} of \code{logical} indicator which indices need to be computed and which are 0 due to symmetry.}
   \item{trafo}{ matrix: transformation of the parameter. }
   \item{maxiter}{ the maximum number of iterations. }
   \item{tol}{ the desired accuracy (convergence tolerance).}

Modified: pkg/ROptEst/man/updateNorm-methods.Rd
--- pkg/ROptEst/man/updateNorm-methods.Rd	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/ROptEst/man/updateNorm-methods.Rd	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -2,24 +2,19 @@
 \title{ Methods for Function updateNorm in Package `ROptEst' }
 \description{updateNorm-methods to update norm in IC-Algo}
 \usage{updateNorm(normtype, ...)
-\S4method{updateNorm}{NormType}(normtype, ...)
-\S4method{updateNorm}{InfoNorm}(normtype, FI, ...)
 \S4method{updateNorm}{SelfNorm}(normtype, L2, neighbor, biastype, Distr, V.comp, 
-                                cent, stand,  w, ...)     
+                                cent, stand,  w)     
   \item{normtype}{normtype of class \code{NormType}}
   \item{\dots}{ further arguments to be passed to specific methods.}
-  \item{FI}{matrix: Fisher Information}
   \item{neighbor}{ object of class \code{"Neighborhood"}. }
   \item{biastype}{ object of class \code{"BiasType"} }
@@ -31,10 +26,6 @@
   \item{w}{object of class \code{RobWeight}; current weight}  
-\item{updateNorm}{\code{signature(normtype = "NormType")}: leaves the norm unchanged;}
-\item{updateNorm}{\code{signature(normtype = "InfoNorm")}:
-      udates the norm in the information-standardized case; just used
-      internally in the opt-IC-Algorithm. }
 \item{updateNorm}{\code{signature(normtype = "SelfNorm")}:
       udates the norm in the self-standardized case; just used
       internally in the opt-IC-Algorithm. }
@@ -44,8 +35,8 @@
 \details{\code{updateNorm} is used internally in the opt-IC-algorithm to be
- able to work with a norm that depends on the Fisher information at a certain
- parameter (\code{InfoType}) or on the current covariance (\code{SelfNorm})}
+ able to work with a norm that depends on the current covariance 
+ (\code{SelfNorm})}
 \author{Peter Ruckdeschel \email{Peter.Ruckdeschel at uni-bayreuth.de}}

Modified: pkg/RobAStBase/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/RobAStBase/NAMESPACE	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/RobAStBase/NAMESPACE	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -41,12 +41,10 @@
 exportMethods("weight", "weight<-", 
-              "clip", "clip<-", 
-              "stand", "stand<-", 
-              "cent", "cent<-", 
-              "getweight", "minbiasweight", 
+              "getweight", 
+              "minbiasweight", 
-              "makeIC")
+              "makeIC", "normtype", "biastype")
 export("ContNeighborhood", "TotalVarNeighborhood") 

Modified: pkg/RobAStBase/R/TotalVarIC.R
--- pkg/RobAStBase/R/TotalVarIC.R	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/RobAStBase/R/TotalVarIC.R	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
                     Curve = EuclRandVarList(RealRandVariable(Map = c(function(x){x}), Domain = Reals())), 
                     Risks, Infos, clipLo = -Inf, clipUp = Inf, stand = as.matrix(1),
                     lowerCase = NULL, neighborRadius = 0, w = new("BdStWeight")){
         name <- "IC of total variation type"
@@ -41,15 +42,16 @@
                                   L2Fam = "L2ParamFamily"),
     function(neighbor, L2Fam, res){
         A <- res$A
-        a <- sign(as.vector(A))*res$a
+        clipLo <- sign(as.vector(A))*res$a
         b <- res$b
         w <- res$w
         ICfct <- vector(mode = "list", length = 1)
         Y <- as(A %*% L2Fam at L2deriv, "EuclRandVariable")
-        if((a == -Inf) & (b == Inf))
+        if((clipLo == -Inf) & (b == Inf))
             clipUp <- Inf
-            clipUp <- a + b
+            clipUp <- clipLo + b
                 name = "IC of total variation type", 
                 CallL2Fam = call("L2ParamFamily", 
@@ -68,10 +70,10 @@
                                 FisherInfo.fct = L2Fam at FisherInfo.fct),
                 Curve = generateIC.fct(neighbor, L2Fam, res),
                 clipUp = clipUp,
-                clipLo = a,
+                clipLo = clipLo,
                 stand = A,
                 lowerCase = res$d, 
-                weight = w,
+                w = w,
                 neighborRadius = neighbor at radius,           
                 Risks = res$risk,
                 Infos = matrix(res$info, ncol = 2, 

Modified: pkg/RobAStBase/R/Weights.R
--- pkg/RobAStBase/R/Weights.R	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/RobAStBase/R/Weights.R	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -27,13 +27,13 @@
           signature(Weight = "HampelWeight", neighbor = "ContNeighborhood",
                     biastype = "BiasType"),# normtype = "NormType"),
-          function(Weight, neighbor, biastype, normtype)
+          function(Weight, neighbor, biastype, normW)
                {A <- stand(Weight)
                 b <- clip(Weight)
                 z <- cent(Weight)
                    y <- A%*%(x-z)
-                   norm0 <- fct(normtype)(y) 
+                   norm0 <- fct(normW)(y) 
                    ind2 <- (norm0 < b/2)
                    norm1 <- ind2*b/2 + (1-ind2)*norm0
                    ind1 <- (norm0 < b)
@@ -83,9 +83,8 @@
           function(Weight, neighbor, biastype, ...)
                {A <- stand(Weight)
                 b <- clip(Weight)
-                a <- A * cent(Weight)
-                b1 <- a
-                b2 <- b + a
+                b1 <- -b[1]
+                b2 <- b[2]
                    y <- A*x
                    norm1 <- pmax(-y,b1/2)
@@ -98,13 +97,13 @@
           signature(Weight = "HampelWeight", neighbor = "ContNeighborhood",
                     biastype = "BiasType"),#  norm = "NormType"),
-          function(Weight, neighbor, biastype, normtype)
+          function(Weight, neighbor, biastype, normW)
                {A <- stand(Weight)
                 b <- clip(Weight)
                 z <- cent(Weight)
                    y <- A%*%(x-z)
-                   norm0 <- fct(normtype)(y) 
+                   norm0 <- fct(normW)(y) 
                    ind <- 1-.eq(norm0)                   
@@ -118,16 +117,15 @@
           function(Weight, neighbor, biastype, ...)
                {A <- stand(Weight)
                 b <- clip(Weight)
-                b1 <- b/nu(biastype)[1]
-                b2 <- b/nu(biastype)[2]
+                b1 <- -b[1]
+                b2 <- b[2]
                 z <- cent(Weight)
                    y <- A*(x-z)
-                   norm1 <- abs(y[y>0]) 
-                   norm2 <- abs(y[y<0])
-                   ind1 <- 1-.eq(norm1)                   
-                   ind2 <- 1-.eq(norm2)                   
-                   ind1*b1/(norm1+1-ind1) + ind2*b2/(norm2+1-ind2)
+                   indp <- (y>0)
+                   ind0 <- .eq(y)
+                   indm <- (y<0)                                                         
+                   indm*b1/(y+ind0) + indp*b2/(y+ind0)
@@ -141,9 +139,9 @@
                 z <- cent(Weight)
                    y <- A*(x-z)
-                   norm1 <- abs(y[y * sign(biastype)>0]) 
-                   ind1 <- 1-.eq(norm1)                   
-                   ind1*b1/(norm1+1-ind1)
+                   ind <- (y*sign(biastype) >0)
+                   ind0 <- .eq(y)
+                   ind*b/(y+ind0)+(1-ind)
@@ -151,20 +149,18 @@
           signature(Weight = "BdStWeight", neighbor = "TotalVarNeighborhood",
-                    biastype = "BiasType"),#  norm = "missing"),
+                    biastype = "BiasType"),
           function(Weight, neighbor, biastype, ...)
                {A <- stand(Weight)
                 b <- clip(Weight)
-                a <- A * cent(Weight)
-                b1 <- a
-                b2 <- b + a
+                b1 <- b[1]
+                b2 <- b[2]
                    y <- A*x
-                   norm1 <- abs(y[y>0]) 
-                   norm2 <- abs(y[y<0])
-                   ind1 <- 1-.eq(norm1)                   
-                   ind2 <- 1-.eq(norm2)                   
-                   ind1*b1/(norm1+1-ind1) + ind2*b2/(norm2+1-ind2)
+                   indp <- (y>0)
+                   ind0 <- .eq(y)
+                   indm <- (y<0)                                                         
+                   indm*b1/(y+ind0) + indp*b2/(y+ind0)

Modified: pkg/RobAStBase/R/generateICfct.R
--- pkg/RobAStBase/R/generateICfct.R	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/RobAStBase/R/generateICfct.R	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 ## for internal use only!
 setMethod("generateIC.fct", signature(neighbor = "UncondNeighborhood", L2Fam = "L2ParamFamily"),
     function(neighbor, L2Fam, res){
-        A <- res$A
-        a <- res$a
+        A <- as.matrix(res$A)
+        a <- if(is(neighbor,"TotalVarNeighborhood")) 0 else res$a 
         b <- res$b
         d <- res$d
         w <- weight(res$w)
@@ -12,34 +12,35 @@
         ICfct <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrvalues)
         Y <- as(A %*% L2Fam at L2deriv - a, "EuclRandVariable")
         L <- as(diag(dim)%*%L2Fam at L2deriv, "EuclRandVariable")
+        L.fct <- function(x) evalRandVar(L,x)
         if(nrvalues == 1){
                 ICfct[[1]] <- function(x){}
                 body(ICfct[[1]]) <- substitute(
                                         { ind <- 1-.eq(Y(x))
-                                          b*(Y(x)*w(L(x)) + zi*(1-ind)*d) },
-                                        list(Y = Y at Map[[1]], L = L at Map[[1]], w = w, b = b, d = d,
+                                          Y(x)*w(L(x)) + zi*(1-ind)*d*b },
+                                        list(Y = Y at Map[[1]], L = L.fct, w = w, b = b, d = d,
                                              zi = sign(L2Fam at param@trafo), .eq = .eq))
                 ICfct[[1]] <- function(x){}
                 body(ICfct[[1]]) <- substitute({ Y(x)*w(L(x)) },
-                                                 list(Y = Y at Map[[1]], L = L at Map[[1]], w = w))
+                                                 list(Y = Y at Map[[1]], L = L.fct, w = w))
                 for(i in 1:nrvalues){
                     ICfct[[i]] <- function(x){}
-                    body(ICfct[[i]]) <- substitute({ind <- 1-.eq(Y(x))
-                                                    ind*b*Yi(x)*w(L(x)) + (1-ind)*d
+                    body(ICfct[[i]]) <- substitute({ind <- 1-.eq(Yi(x))
+                                                    ind*Yi(x)*w(L(x)) + (1-ind)*d
-                                                 list(Yi = Y at Map[[i]], L = L at Map[[1]], w = w,
-                                                      b = b, d = d[i],  .eq = .eq))
+                                                 list(Yi = Y at Map[[i]], L = L.fct, w = w,
+                                                      b = b, d = d[i]))#,  .eq = .eq))
                 for(i in 1:nrvalues){
                     ICfct[[i]] <- function(x){}
                     body(ICfct[[i]]) <- substitute({  Yi(x)*w(L(x))  },
-                                                 list(Yi = Y at Map[[i]], L = L at Map[[1]], w = w))
+                                                 list(Yi = Y at Map[[i]], L = L.fct, w = w))
         return(EuclRandVarList(EuclRandVariable(Map = ICfct, Domain = Y at Domain,

Modified: pkg/RobAStBase/R/getRiskIC.R
--- pkg/RobAStBase/R/getRiskIC.R	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/RobAStBase/R/getRiskIC.R	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -93,14 +93,17 @@
                                  neighbor = "UncondNeighborhood",
                                  L2Fam = "missing"),
     function(IC, risk, neighbor, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25){
-             getBiasIC(IC, neighbor, biastype(risk), normtype(risk), tol)
+             getBiasIC(IC = IC, neighbor = neighbor, 
+             biastype = biastype(risk), normtype = normtype(risk), tol = tol)
 setMethod("getRiskIC", signature(IC = "IC",
                                  risk = "asBias",
                                  neighbor = "UncondNeighborhood",
                                  L2Fam = "L2ParamFamily"),
     function(IC, risk, neighbor, L2Fam, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25){
-             getBiasIC(IC, neighbor, L2Fam, biastype(risk), normtype(risk), tol)
+             getBiasIC(IC = IC, neighbor = neighbor, L2Fam = L2Fam, 
+                       biastype = biastype(risk), normtype = normtype(risk), 
+                       tol = tol)
 ## asymptotic MSE
@@ -110,10 +113,11 @@
                                  neighbor = "UncondNeighborhood",
                                  L2Fam = "missing"),
     function(IC, risk, neighbor, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25){
-        L2fam <- eval(IC at CallL2Fam)
+        L2Fam <- eval(IC at CallL2Fam)
         getRiskIC(IC = IC, risk = risk, neighbor = neighbor,
                   L2Fam = L2Fam, tol = tol)
 setMethod("getRiskIC", signature(IC = "IC",
                                  risk = "asMSE",
                                  neighbor = "UncondNeighborhood",
@@ -126,8 +130,7 @@
         if(rad == Inf) return(Inf)
         trCov <- getRiskIC(IC = IC, risk = trAsCov(), L2Fam = L2Fam)
-        Bias <- getRiskIC(IC = IC, risk = asBias(), neighbor = neighbor, L2Fam = L2Fam,
-                          biastype = biastype(risk))
+        Bias <- getRiskIC(IC = IC, risk = asBias(), neighbor = neighbor, L2Fam = L2Fam)
         prec <- checkIC(IC, L2Fam, out = FALSE)
         if(prec > tol)

Modified: pkg/RobAStBase/R/infoPlot.R
--- pkg/RobAStBase/R/infoPlot.R	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/RobAStBase/R/infoPlot.R	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -22,12 +22,33 @@
             trafo <- L2Fam at param@trafo
             dims <- nrow(trafo)
+            QFc <- diag(dims)
+            if(is(object,"ContIC") & dims>1 )
+               {if (is(normtype(object),"QFNorm")) QFc <- QuadForm(normtype(object))
+                QFc0 <- solve( trafo %*% solve(L2Fam at FisherInfo) %*% t(trafo ))
+                if (is(normtype(object),"SelfNorm")|is(normtype(object),"InfoNorm")) 
+                    QFc <- QFc0
+               }
+            print(QFc)
+            QFc.5 <- sqrt(PosSemDefSymmMatrix(QFc))
+            print(QFc.5)
             classIC <- as(trafo %*% solve(L2Fam at FisherInfo) %*% L2Fam at L2deriv, "EuclRandVariable")
-            absInfoClass <- classIC %*% classIC
+            absInfoClass <- t(classIC) %*% QFc %*% classIC
             absInfoClass <- sapply(x.vec, absInfoClass at Map[[1]])
+            QF <- diag(dims)
+            if(is(object,"ContIC") & dims>1 )
+               {if (is(normtype(object),"QFNorm")) QF <- QuadForm(normtype(object))}
+            print(QF)
+            QF.5 <- sqrt(PosSemDefSymmMatrix(QF))
+            print(QF.5)
             IC1 <- as(diag(dims) %*% object at Curve, "EuclRandVariable")
-            absInfo <- IC1 %*% IC1
+            absInfo <- t(IC1) %*% QF %*% IC1
             absInfo <- sapply(x.vec, absInfo at Map[[1]])
             plot(x.vec, absInfoClass, type = plty, lty = "dashed", 
                  ylim = c(0, 2*max(absInfo, na.rm = TRUE)), xlab = "x", 
                  ylab = "absolute information", col = grey(0.5))
@@ -52,11 +73,15 @@
                 opar <- par()
                 par(mfrow = c(nrows, ncols))
+                IC1.i.5 <- QF.5%*%IC1
+                classIC.i.5 <- QFc.5%*%classIC
                 for(i in 1:dims){
-                    y.vec <- sapply(x.vec, IC1 at Map[[i]])^2/absInfo
+                    y.vec <- sapply(x.vec, IC1.i.5 at Map[[i]])^2/absInfo
                     plot(x.vec, y.vec, type = plty, lty = lty, lwd = 2,
                          xlab = "x", ylab = "relative information", ylim = c(0, 1.1))
-                    lines(x.vec, sapply(x.vec, classIC at Map[[i]])^2/absInfoClass, type = plty, 
+                    yc.vec <- sapply(x.vec, classIC.i.5 at Map[[i]])^2/absInfoClass
+                    lines(x.vec, yc.vec, type = plty, 
                           lty = "dashed", col = grey(0.5))
                     legend(max(x.vec), 1.1, xjust = 1, cex = 0.6, 
                            legend = c("class. opt. IC"), lty = "dashed", col = c(grey(0.5)))

Modified: pkg/RobAStBase/chm/RobAStBase.chm
(Binary files differ)

Modified: pkg/RobAStBase/chm/getweight.html
--- pkg/RobAStBase/chm/getweight.html	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/RobAStBase/chm/getweight.html	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -38,31 +38,34 @@
 minbiasweight(Weight, neighbor, biastype, ...)
 ## S4 method for signature 'HampelWeight, ContNeighborhood,
 ##   BiasType':
-getweight(Weight, neighbor, biastype, normtype)
+getweight(Weight, neighbor, biastype, normW)
 ## S4 method for signature 'HampelWeight, ContNeighborhood,
 ##   BiasType':
-minbiasweight(Weight, neighbor, biastype, normtype)
+minbiasweight(Weight, neighbor, biastype, normW)
 ## S4 method for signature 'HampelWeight, ContNeighborhood,
 ##   onesidedBias':
 getweight(Weight, neighbor, biastype, ...)
 ## S4 method for signature 'HampelWeight, ContNeighborhood,
 ##   onesidedBias':
-minbiasweight(Weight, neighbor, biastype,...)
+minbiasweight(Weight, neighbor, biastype, ...)
 ## S4 method for signature 'HampelWeight, ContNeighborhood,
 ##   asymmetricBias':
 getweight(Weight, neighbor, biastype, ...)
 ## S4 method for signature 'HampelWeight, ContNeighborhood,
 ##   asymmetricBias':
-minbiasweight(Weight, neighbor, biastype,...)
+minbiasweight(Weight, neighbor, biastype, ...)
+## S4 method for signature 'BdStWeight,
+##   TotalVarNeighborhood, BiasType':
+getweight(Weight, neighbor, biastype, ...)
+## S4 method for signature 'BdStWeight,
+##   TotalVarNeighborhood, BiasType':
+minbiasweight(Weight, neighbor, biastype, ...)
 <table summary="R argblock">
-<tr valign="top"><td><code>...</code></td>
-additional arguments </td></tr>
 <tr valign="top"><td><code>Weight</code></td>
 Object of class <code>"RobWeight"</code>. </td></tr>
@@ -72,7 +75,7 @@
 <tr valign="top"><td><code>biastype</code></td>
 Object of class <code>"BiasType"</code>. </td></tr>
-<tr valign="top"><td><code>normtype</code></td>
+<tr valign="top"><td><code>normW</code></td>
 Object of class <code>"NormType"</code> &mdash; only for signature <code>HampelWeight,ContNeighborhood,BiasType</code>. </td></tr>
 <tr valign="top"><td><code>...</code></td>

Modified: pkg/RobAStBase/man/getweight.Rd
--- pkg/RobAStBase/man/getweight.Rd	2008-03-28 11:36:49 UTC (rev 81)
+++ pkg/RobAStBase/man/getweight.Rd	2008-03-29 04:54:44 UTC (rev 82)
@@ -20,19 +20,20 @@
 getweight(Weight, neighbor, biastype, ...)
 minbiasweight(Weight, neighbor, biastype, ...)
-\S4method{getweight}{HampelWeight,ContNeighborhood,BiasType}(Weight, neighbor, biastype, normtype)
-\S4method{minbiasweight}{HampelWeight,ContNeighborhood,BiasType}(Weight, neighbor, biastype, normtype)
+\S4method{getweight}{HampelWeight,ContNeighborhood,BiasType}(Weight, neighbor, biastype, normW)
+\S4method{minbiasweight}{HampelWeight,ContNeighborhood,BiasType}(Weight, neighbor, biastype, normW)
 \S4method{getweight}{HampelWeight,ContNeighborhood,onesidedBias}(Weight, neighbor, biastype, ...)
-\S4method{minbiasweight}{HampelWeight,ContNeighborhood,onesidedBias}(Weight, neighbor, biastype,...)
+\S4method{minbiasweight}{HampelWeight,ContNeighborhood,onesidedBias}(Weight, neighbor, biastype, ...)
 \S4method{getweight}{HampelWeight,ContNeighborhood,asymmetricBias}(Weight, neighbor, biastype, ...)
-\S4method{minbiasweight}{HampelWeight,ContNeighborhood,asymmetricBias}(Weight, neighbor, biastype,...)
+\S4method{minbiasweight}{HampelWeight,ContNeighborhood,asymmetricBias}(Weight, neighbor, biastype, ...)
+\S4method{getweight}{BdStWeight,TotalVarNeighborhood,BiasType}(Weight, neighbor, biastype, ...)
+\S4method{minbiasweight}{BdStWeight,TotalVarNeighborhood,BiasType}(Weight, neighbor, biastype, ...)
-  \item{\dots}{ additional arguments }
   \item{Weight}{ Object of class \code{"RobWeight"}. }
   \item{neighbor}{ Object of class \code{"Neighborhood"}. }
   \item{biastype}{ Object of class \code{"BiasType"}. }
-  \item{normtype}{ Object of class \code{"NormType"} --- only for signature \code{HampelWeight,ContNeighborhood,BiasType}. }
+  \item{normW}{ Object of class \code{"NormType"} --- only for signature \code{HampelWeight,ContNeighborhood,BiasType}. }
   \item{\dots}{possibly additional (unused) arguments --- like in a call to the less specific methods.} 

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