[Rnomads-user] rNOMADS package - Reading grb2 files

Javier FLUIXA Javier.FLUIXA at crealp.vs.ch
Wed Aug 9 11:39:19 CEST 2017

Dear developer of the rNOMADS package,

I am an engineer in a Swiss research center and I am currently working with the seasonal forecasts of the NOAA.

I'm using the R environment to read and manipulate the timeseries files I have downloaded (e.g. those you can find here http://nomads.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/data/nccf/com/cfs/prod/cfs/cfs.20170808/06/time_grib_01/). I've tried to read them with the readGDAL function of the rgdal package. However, when I read them all the data is null because I don't have the JPEG2000 driver.

So I decided to use the rNOMADS package. The problem is I cannot read directly the grb file I downloaded; I can only read those downloaded from specific links (extracted using NOMADSArchiveList() or NOMADSRealTimeList() functions), which are in 6hrly_grib format (not very convenient for my purposes...).

Is there a direct way of reading already downloaded timeseries grib files using the rNOMADS package?

Thank you very much for your help. Yours sincerely,
Javier F.

PS: I include a link where you can download one of the grib2 files I'm working with:

[cid:image003.png at 01D31104.22F6B010]

Civil Engineer & MSc Hydraulic Engineering UPV
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