[Returnanalytics-commits] r3396 - in pkg/PortfolioAnalytics: . R man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue May 27 22:52:44 CEST 2014

Author: rossbennett34
Date: 2014-05-27 22:52:44 +0200 (Tue, 27 May 2014)
New Revision: 3396

Adding support for regime switching

Modified: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/NAMESPACE	2014-05-27 06:01:39 UTC (rev 3395)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/NAMESPACE	2014-05-27 20:52:44 UTC (rev 3396)
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@

Modified: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/extractstats.R
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/extractstats.R	2014-05-27 06:01:39 UTC (rev 3395)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/extractstats.R	2014-05-27 20:52:44 UTC (rev 3396)
@@ -387,21 +387,58 @@
 extractObjectiveMeasures.optimize.portfolio.rebalancing <- function(object){
   if(!inherits(object, "optimize.portfolio.rebalancing")) stop("object must be of class 'optimize.portfolio.rebalancing'")
-  rebal_object <- object$opt_rebal
+  if(inherits(opt.rebal$portfolio, "regime.portfolios")){
+    result <- extractObjRegime(object)
+  } else {
+    rebal_object <- object$opt_rebal
+    num.columns <- length(unlist(extractObjectiveMeasures(rebal_object[[1]])))
+    num.rows <- length(rebal_object)
+    result <- matrix(nrow=num.rows, ncol=num.columns)
+    for(i in 1:num.rows){
+      result[i,] <- unlist(extractObjectiveMeasures(rebal_object[[i]]))
+    }
+    colnames(result) <- name.replace(names(unlist(extractObjectiveMeasures(rebal_object[[1]]))))
+    rownames(result) <- names(rebal_object)
+    result <- as.xts(result)
+  }
+  return(result)
+# Helper function for extractObjectiveMeasures.optimize.portfolio.rebalancing
+# with regime switching.
+# If I have N different regimes and N different portfolios, then 
+# extractObjectiveMeasures should return a list of length N where each element
+# contains the objective measures for a given regime
+extractObjRegime <- function(object){
+  tmp.regimes <- unlist(lapply(object$opt_rebalancing, function(x) x$regime))
+  unique.regimes <- unique(tmp.regimes)
-  num.columns <- length(unlist(extractObjectiveMeasures(rebal_object[[1]])))
-  num.rows <- length(rebal_object)
+  # Initialize a list to hold the objective measures for each regime
+  out.list <- vector("list", length(unique.regimes))
+  names(out.list) <- paste("regime", 1:length(unique.regimes), sep=".")
-  result <- matrix(nrow=num.rows, ncol=num.columns)
-  for(i in 1:num.rows){
-    result[i,] <- unlist(extractObjectiveMeasures(rebal_object[[i]]))
+  # Outer loop over each regime
+  for(i in 1:length(unique.regimes)){
+    # Get the index for each regime
+    tmp.idx <- which(tmp.regimes == unique.regimes[i])
+    # Initialize a temporary list to store the objective measures for each 
+    # unique regime
+    tmp <- vector("list", length(tmp.idx))
+    # Nested loop over each optimize.portfolio object of the corresoponding regime
+    for(j in 1:length(tmp)){
+      tmp[[j]] <- unlist(object$opt_rebalancing[[tmp.idx[j]]]$objective_measures)
+    }
+    # rbind the objective measures and convert to an xts object
+    #obj <- xts(do.call(rbind, tmp), as.Date(names(tmp.idx)))
+    obj <- do.call(rbind, tmp)
+    colnames(obj) <- PortfolioAnalytics:::name.replace(colnames(obj))
+    obj <- xts(obj, as.Date(names(tmp.idx)))
+    # insert the objective measures into the list
+    out.list[[i]] <- obj
-  colnames(result) <- name.replace(names(unlist(extractObjectiveMeasures(rebal_object[[1]]))))
-  rownames(result) <- names(rebal_object)
-  result <- as.xts(result)
-  return(result)
+  out.list
 #' @method extractObjectiveMeasures summary.optimize.portfolio.rebalancing

Modified: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/optimize.portfolio.R
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/optimize.portfolio.R	2014-05-27 06:01:39 UTC (rev 3395)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/optimize.portfolio.R	2014-05-27 20:52:44 UTC (rev 3396)
@@ -476,6 +476,23 @@
+  # Detect regime switching portfolio
+  if(inherits(portfolio, "regime.portfolios")){
+    regime.switching <- TRUE
+    regime <- portfolio$regime
+    if(index(last(R)) %in% index(regime)){
+      regime.idx <- as.numeric(regime[index(last(R))])[1]
+      portfolio <- portfolio$portfolio.list[[regime.idx]]
+      #cat("regime: ", regime.idx, "\n")
+    } else {
+      warning("Dates in regime and R do not match, defaulting to first portfolio")
+      regime.idx <- 1
+      portfolio <- portfolio$portfolio.list[[regime.idx]]
+    }
+  } else {
+    regime.switching <- FALSE
+  }
   optimize_method <- optimize_method[1]
   tmptrace <- NULL
   start_t <- Sys.time()
@@ -515,6 +532,7 @@
   T <- nrow(R)
+  # Initialize an empty list used as the return object
   out <- list()
   weights <- NULL 
@@ -1072,6 +1090,12 @@
   out$data_summary <- list(first=first(R), last=last(R))
   out$elapsed_time <- end_t - start_t
   out$end_t <- as.character(Sys.time())
+  # return a $regime element to indicate what regime portfolio used for
+  # optimize.portfolio. The regime information is used in extractStats and
+  # extractObjectiveMeasures
+  if(regime.switching){
+    out$regime <- regime.idx
+  }
   class(out) <- c(paste("optimize.portfolio", optimize_method, sep='.'), "optimize.portfolio")

Modified: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/portfolio.R
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/portfolio.R	2014-05-27 06:01:39 UTC (rev 3395)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/portfolio.R	2014-05-27 20:52:44 UTC (rev 3396)
@@ -118,4 +118,39 @@
 #' @export
 is.portfolio <- function( x ) {
   inherits( x, "portfolio" )
\ No newline at end of file
+#' Regime Portfolios
+#' Construct a \code{regime.portfolios} object that contains a time series of 
+#' regimes and portfolios corresponding to the regimes.
+#' Create a \code{regime.portfolios} object to support regime switching
+#' optimization. This object is then passed in as the \code{portfolio}
+#' argument in \code{optimize.portfolio}. The regime is detected and the
+#' corresponding portfolio is selected. For example, if the current
+#' regime is 1, then portfolio 1 will be selected and used in the 
+#' optimization.
+#' @param regime xts or zoo object specifying the regime
+#' @param portfolios list of portfolios created by
+#' \code{combine.portfolios} with corresponding regimes
+#' @return a \code{regime.portfolios} object with the following elements
+#' \itemize{
+#'     \item{regime: }{An xts object of the regime}
+#'     \item{portfolio: }{List of portfolios corresponding to the regime}
+#'   }
+#' @author Ross Bennett
+#' @export
+regime.portfolios <- function(regime, portfolios){
+  if(!inherits(regime, c("xts", "zoo"))) stop("regime object must be an xts or zoo object")
+  if(!inherits(portfolios, "portfolio.list")) stop("portfolios object must be a portfolio.list object")
+  n.regimes <- length(unique(regime))
+  n.portfolios <- length(portfolios)
+  if(n.regimes != n.portfolios) stop("Number of portfolios must match the number of regimes")
+  # structure and return
+  return(structure(list(regime=regime, portfolio.list=portfolios), 
+                   class=c("regime.portfolios", "portfolio")))

Added: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/regime.portfolios.Rd
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/regime.portfolios.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/regime.portfolios.Rd	2014-05-27 20:52:44 UTC (rev 3396)
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+\title{Regime Portfolios}
+  regime.portfolios(regime, portfolios)
+  \item{regime}{xts or zoo object specifying the regime}
+  \item{portfolios}{list of portfolios created by
+  \code{combine.portfolios} with corresponding regimes}
+  a \code{regime.portfolios} object with the following
+  elements \itemize{ \item{regime: }{An xts object of the
+  regime} \item{portfolio: }{List of portfolios
+  corresponding to the regime} }
+  Construct a \code{regime.portfolios} object that contains
+  a time series of regimes and portfolios corresponding to
+  the regimes.
+  Create a \code{regime.portfolios} object to support
+  regime switching optimization. This object is then passed
+  in as the \code{portfolio} argument in
+  \code{optimize.portfolio}. The regime is detected and the
+  corresponding portfolio is selected. For example, if the
+  current regime is 1, then portfolio 1 will be selected
+  and used in the optimization.
+  Ross Bennett

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