[Returnanalytics-commits] r3403 - in pkg/PortfolioAnalytics: . R man src

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Tue Jun 3 21:00:07 CEST 2014

Author: rossbennett34
Date: 2014-06-03 21:00:06 +0200 (Tue, 03 Jun 2014)
New Revision: 3403

Adding moment estimates using statistical factor model based on Boudt paper

Modified: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/DESCRIPTION	2014-05-28 23:31:44 UTC (rev 3402)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/DESCRIPTION	2014-06-03 19:00:06 UTC (rev 3403)
@@ -66,3 +66,4 @@
+    'stat.factor.model.R'

Modified: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/NAMESPACE	2014-05-28 23:31:44 UTC (rev 3402)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/NAMESPACE	2014-06-03 19:00:06 UTC (rev 3403)
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
@@ -21,6 +22,9 @@
@@ -69,6 +73,7 @@

Added: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/stat.factor.model.R
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/stat.factor.model.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/stat.factor.model.R	2014-06-03 19:00:06 UTC (rev 3403)
@@ -0,0 +1,570 @@
+# R (http://r-project.org/) Numeric Methods for Optimization of Portfolios
+# Copyright (c) 2004-2014 Brian G. Peterson, Peter Carl, Ross Bennett, Kris Boudt
+# This library is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL)
+# for full details see the file COPYING
+# $Id: charts.DE.R 3378 2014-04-28 21:43:21Z rossbennett34 $
+# Note that many of these functions were provided by Kris Boudt and modified
+# only slightly to work with this package
+#' Statistical Factor Model
+#' Fit a statistical factor model using Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
+#' @details
+#' The statistical factor model is fitted using \code{prcomp}. The factor
+#' loadings, factor realizations, and residuals are computed and returned
+#' given the number of factors used for the model.
+#' @param R xts of asset returns
+#' @param k number of factors to use
+#' @param \dots additional arguments passed to \code{prcomp}
+#' @return
+#' #' \itemize{
+#' \item{factor_loadings}{ N x k matrix of factor loadings (i.e. betas)}
+#' \item{factor_realizations}{ m x k matrix of factor realizations}
+#' \item{residuals}{ m x N matrix of model residuals representing idiosyncratic 
+#' risk factors}
+#' }
+#' Where N is the number of assets, k is the number of factors, and m is the 
+#' number of observations.
+#' @export
+statistical.factor.model <- function(R, k=1, ...){
+  if(!is.xts(R)){
+    R <- try(as.xts(R))
+    if(inherits(R, "try-error")) stop("R must be an xts object or coercible to an xts object")
+  }
+  # dimensions of R
+  m <- nrow(R)
+  N <- ncol(R)
+  # checks for R
+  if(m < N) stop("fewer observations than assets")
+  x <- coredata(R)
+  # Make sure k is an integer
+  if(k <= 0) stop("k must be a positive integer")
+  k <- as.integer(k)
+  # Fit a statistical factor model using Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
+  fit <- prcomp(x, ...=...)
+  # Extract the betas
+  # (N x k)
+  betas <- fit$rotation[, 1:k]
+  # Compute the estimated factor realizations
+  # (m x N) %*% (N x k) = (m x k)
+  f <- x %*% betas
+  # Compute the residuals
+  # These can be computed manually or by fitting a linear model
+  tmp <- x - f %*% t(betas)
+  b0 <- colMeans(tmp)
+  res <- tmp - matrix(rep(b0, m), ncol=N, byrow=TRUE)
+  # Compute residuals via fitting a linear model
+  # tmp.model <- lm(x ~ f)
+  # tmp.beta <- coef(tmp.model)[2:(k+1),]
+  # tmp.resid <- resid(tmp.model)
+  # all.equal(t(tmp.beta), betas, check.attributes=FALSE)
+  # all.equal(res, tmp.resid)
+  # structure and return
+  # stfm = *st*atistical *f*actor *m*odel
+  structure(list(factor_loadings=betas,
+                 factor_realizations=f,
+                 residuals=res,
+                 m=m,
+                 k=k,
+                 N=N),
+            class="stfm")
+#' Center
+#' Center a matrix
+#' This function is used primarily to center a time series of asset returns or 
+#' factors. Each column should represent the returns of an asset or factor 
+#' realizations. The expected value is taken as the sample mean.
+#' x.centered = x - mean(x)
+#' @param x matrix
+#' @return matrix of centered data
+#' @export
+center <- function(x){
+  if(!is.matrix(x)) stop("x must be a matrix")
+  n <- nrow(x)
+  p <- ncol(x)
+  meanx <- colMeans(x)
+  x.centered <- x - matrix(rep(meanx, n), ncol=p, byrow=TRUE)
+  x.centered
+##### Single Factor Model Comoments #####
+#' Covariance Matrix Estimate
+#' Estimate covariance matrix using a single factor statistical factor model
+#' @details
+#' This function estimates an (N x N) covariance matrix from a single factor 
+#' statistical factor model with k=1 factors, where N is the number of assets. 
+#' @param beta vector of length N or (N x 1) matrix of factor loadings 
+#' (i.e. the betas) from a single factor statistical factor model
+#' @param stockM2 vector of length N of the variance (2nd moment) of the 
+#' model residuals (i.e. idiosyncratic variance of the stock)
+#' @param factorM2 scalar value of the 2nd moment of the factor realizations 
+#' from a single factor statistical factor model
+#' @return (N x N) covariance matrix
+covarianceSF <- function(beta, stockM2, factorM2){
+  # Beta of the stock with the factor index
+  beta = as.numeric(beta)
+  N = length(beta)
+  # Idiosyncratic variance of the stock
+  stockM2 = as.numeric(stockM2)
+  if(length(stockM2) != N) stop("dimensions do not match for beta and stockM2")
+  # Variance of the factor
+  factorM2 = as.numeric(factorM2)
+  # Coerce beta to a matrix
+  beta = matrix(beta, ncol = 1)
+  # Compute estimate
+  # S = (beta %*% t(beta)) * factorM2
+  S = tcrossprod(beta) * factorM2
+  D = diag(stockM2)
+  return(S + D)
+#' Coskewness Matrix Estimate
+#' Estimate coskewness matrix using a single factor statistical factor model
+#' @details
+#' This function estimates an (N x N^2) coskewness matrix from a single factor 
+#' statistical factor model with k=1 factors, where N is the number of assets. 
+#' @param beta vector of length N or (N x 1) matrix of factor loadings 
+#' (i.e. the betas) from a single factor statistical factor model
+#' @param stockM3 vector of length N of the 3rd moment of the model residuals
+#' @param factorM3 scalar of the 3rd moment of the factor realizations from a 
+#' single factor statistical factor model
+#' @return (N x N^2) coskewness matrix
+coskewnessSF <- function(beta, stockM3, factorM3){
+  # Beta of the stock with the factor index
+  beta = as.numeric(beta)
+  N = length(beta)
+  # Idiosyncratic third moment of the stock
+  stockM3 = as.numeric(stockM3) 
+  if(length(stockM3) != N) stop("dimensions do not match for beta and stockM3")
+  # Third moment of the factor
+  factorM3 = as.numeric(factorM3)
+  # Coerce beta to a matrix
+  beta = matrix(beta, ncol = 1)
+  # Compute estimate
+  # S = ((beta %*% t(beta)) %x% t(beta)) * factorM3
+  S = (tcrossprod(beta) %x% t(beta)) * factorM3
+  D = matrix(0, nrow=N, ncol=N^2)
+  for(i in 1:N){
+    col = (i - 1) * N + i
+    D[i, col] = stockM3[i]
+  }
+  return(S + D)
+#' Cokurtosis Matrix Estimate
+#' Estimate cokurtosis matrix using a single factor statistical factor model
+#' @details
+#' This function estimates an (N x N^3) cokurtosis matrix from a statistical 
+#' factor model with k factors, where N is the number of assets. 
+#' @param beta vector of length N or (N x 1) matrix of factor loadings 
+#' (i.e. the betas) from a single factor statistical factor model
+#' @param stockM2 vector of length N of the 2nd moment of the model residuals
+#' @param stockM4 vector of length N of the 4th moment of the model residuals
+#' @param factorM2 scalar of the 2nd moment of the factor realizations from a 
+#' single factor statistical factor model
+#' @param factorM4 scalar of the 4th moment of the factor realizations from a 
+#' single factor statistical factor model
+#' @return (N x N^3) cokurtosis matrix
+cokurtosisSF <- function(beta, stockM2, stockM4, factorM2, factorM4){
+  # Beta of the stock with the factor index
+  beta = as.numeric(beta)
+  N = length(beta)
+  # Idiosyncratic second moment of the stock
+  stockM2 = as.numeric(stockM2)
+  if(length(stockM2) != N) stop("dimensions do not match for beta and stockM2")
+  # Idiosyncratic fourth moment of the stock 
+  stockM4 = as.numeric(stockM4)
+  if(length(stockM4) != N) stop("dimensions do not match for beta and stockM4")
+  # Second moment of the factor
+  factorM2 = as.numeric(factorM2)
+  # Fourth moment of the factor
+  factorM4 = as.numeric(factorM4)
+  # Compute estimate
+  # S = ((beta %*% t(beta)) %x% t(beta) %x% t(beta)) * factorM4
+  S = (tcrossprod(beta) %x% t(beta) %x% t(beta)) * factorM4
+  D = .residualcokurtosisSF(NN=N, sstockM2=stockM2, sstockM4=stockM4, mfactorM2=factorM2, bbeta=beta)
+  return(S + D)
+# Wrapper function to compute the residual cokurtosis matrix of a statistical
+# factor model with k = 1.
+# Note that this function was orignally written in C++ (using Rcpp) by
+# Joshua Ulrich and re-written using the C API by Ross Bennett
+.residualcokurtosisSF <- function(NN, sstockM2, sstockM4, mfactorM2, bbeta){
+  # NN        : integer
+  # sstockM2  : vector of length NN
+  # sstockM4  : vector of length NN
+  # mfactorM2 : double
+  # bbeta     : vector of length NN
+  # Should I add checks here? These are passed from cokurtosisSF which already has checks
+ .Call('residualcokurtosisSF', NN, sstockM2, sstockM4, bbeta, PACKAGE="PortfolioAnalytics")
+##### Multiple Factor Model Comoments #####
+#' Covariance Matrix Estimate
+#' Estimate covariance matrix using a statistical factor model
+#' @details
+#' This function estimates an (N x N) covariance matrix from a statistical 
+#' factor model with k factors, where N is the number of assets. 
+#' @param beta (N x k) matrix of factor loadings (i.e. the betas) from a 
+#' statistical factor model
+#' @param stockM2 vector of length N of the variance (2nd moment) of the 
+#' model residuals (i.e. idiosyncratic variance of the stock)
+#' @param factorM2 (k x k) matrix of the covariance (2nd moment) of the factor 
+#' realizations from a statistical factor model
+#' @return (N x N) covariance matrix
+covarianceMF <- function(beta, stockM2, factorM2){
+  # Formula for covariance matrix estimate
+  # Sigma = beta %*% factorM2 %*% beta**T + Delta
+  # Delta is a diagonal matrix with the 2nd moment of residuals on the diagonal
+  # N = number of assets
+  # k = number of factors
+  # Use the dimensions of beta for checks of stockM2 and factorM2
+  # beta should be an (N x k) matrix
+  if(!is.matrix(beta)) stop("beta must be a matrix")
+  N <- nrow(beta)
+  k <- ncol(beta)
+  # stockM2 should be a vector of length N
+  stockM2 <- as.numeric(stockM2)
+  if(length(stockM2) != N) stop("dimensions do not match for beta and stockM2")
+  # factorM2 should be a (k x k) matrix
+  if(!is.matrix(factorM2)) stop("factorM2 must be a matrix")
+  if((nrow(factorM2) != k) | (ncol(factorM2) != k)){
+    stop("dimensions do not match for beta and factorM2")
+  }
+  # Compute covariance matrix
+  S <- beta %*% tcrossprod(factorM2, beta)
+  D <- diag(stockM2)
+  return(S + D)
+#' Coskewness Matrix Estimate
+#' Estimate coskewness matrix using a statistical factor model
+#' @details
+#' This function estimates an (N x N^2) coskewness matrix from a statistical 
+#' factor model with k factors, where N is the number of assets. 
+#' @param beta (N x k) matrix of factor loadings (i.e. the betas) from a 
+#' statistical factor model
+#' @param stockM3 vector of length N of the 3rd moment of the model residuals
+#' @param factorM3 (k x k^2) matrix of the 3rd moment of the factor 
+#' realizations from a statistical factor model
+#' @return (N x N^2) coskewness matrix
+coskewnessMF <- function(beta, stockM3, factorM3){
+  # Formula for coskewness matrix estimate
+  # Phi = beta %*% factorM3 %*% (beta**T %x% beta**T) + Omega
+  # %x% is the kronecker product
+  # Omega is the (N x N^2) matrix matrix of zeros except for the i,j elements 
+  # where j = (i - 1) * N + i, which is corresponding to the expected third
+  # moment of the idiosyncratic factors
+  # N = number of assets
+  # k = number of factors
+  # Use the dimensions of beta for checks of stockM2 and factorM2
+  # beta should be an (N x k) matrix
+  if(!is.matrix(beta)) stop("beta must be a matrix")
+  N <- nrow(beta)
+  k <- ncol(beta)
+  # stockM3 should be a vector of length N
+  stockM3 <- as.numeric(stockM3)
+  if(length(stockM3) != N) stop("dimensions do not match for beta and stockM3")
+  # factorM3 should be an (k x k^2) matrix
+  if(!is.matrix(factorM3)) stop("factorM3 must be a matrix")
+  if((nrow(factorM3) != k) | (ncol(factorM3) != k^2)){
+    stop("dimensions do not match for beta and factorM3")
+  }
+  # Compute coskewness matrix
+  beta.t <- t(beta)
+  S <- (beta %*% factorM3) %*% (beta.t %x% beta.t)
+  D <- matrix(0, nrow=N, ncol=N^2)
+  for(i in 1:N){
+    col <- (i - 1) * N + i
+    D[i, col] <- stockM3[i]
+  }
+  return(S + D)
+#' Cokurtosis Matrix Estimate
+#' Estimate cokurtosis matrix using a statistical factor model
+#' @details
+#' This function estimates an (N x N^3) cokurtosis matrix from a statistical 
+#' factor model with k factors, where N is the number of assets. 
+#' @param beta (N x k) matrix of factor loadings (i.e. the betas) from a 
+#' statistical factor model
+#' @param stockM2 vector of length N of the 2nd moment of the model residuals
+#' @param stockM4 vector of length N of the 4th moment of the model residuals
+#' @param factorM2 (k x k) matrix of the 2nd moment of the factor 
+#' realizations from a statistical factor model
+#' @param factorM4 (k x k^3) matrix of the 4th moment of the factor 
+#' realizations from a statistical factor model
+#' @return (N x N^3) cokurtosis matrix
+cokurtosisMF <- function(beta , stockM2 , stockM4 , factorM2 , factorM4){
+  # Formula for cokurtosis matrix estimate
+  # Psi = beta %*% factorM4 %*% (beta**T %x% beta**T %x% beta**T) + Y
+  # %x% is the kronecker product
+  # Y is the residual matrix. 
+  # see Asset allocation with higher order moments and factor models for
+  # definition of Y
+  # N = number of assets
+  # k = number of factors
+  # Use the dimensions of beta for checks of stockM2 and factorM2
+  # beta should be an (N x k) matrix
+  if(!is.matrix(beta)) stop("beta must be a matrix")
+  N <- nrow(beta)
+  k <- ncol(beta)
+  # stockM2 should be a vector of length N
+  stockM2 <- as.numeric(stockM2)
+  if(length(stockM2) != N) stop("dimensions do not match for beta and stockM2")
+  # stockM4 should be a vector of length N
+  stockM4 <- as.numeric(stockM4)
+  if(length(stockM4) != N) stop("dimensions do not match for beta and stockM4")
+  # factorM2 should be a (k x k) matrix
+  if(!is.matrix(factorM2)) stop("factorM2 must be a matrix")
+  if((nrow(factorM2) != k) | (ncol(factorM2) != k)){
+    stop("dimensions do not match for beta and factorM2")
+  }
+  # factorM4 should be a (k x k^3) matrix
+  if(!is.matrix(factorM4)) stop("factorM4 must be a matrix")
+  if((nrow(factorM4) != k) | (ncol(factorM4) != k^3)){
+    stop("dimensions do not match for beta and factorM4")
+  }
+  # Compute cokurtosis matrix
+  beta.t <- t(beta)
+  S <- (beta %*% factorM4) %*% (beta.t %x% beta.t %x% beta.t)
+  # betacov
+  betacov <- as.numeric(beta %*% tcrossprod(factorM2, beta))
+  # Compute the residual cokurtosis matrix
+  D <- .residualcokurtosisMF(NN=N, sstockM2=stockM2, sstockM4=stockM4, bbetacov=betacov)
+  return( S + D )
+# Wrapper function to compute the residual cokurtosis matrix of a statistical
+# factor model with k > 1.
+# Note that this function was orignally written in C++ (using Rcpp) by
+# Joshua Ulrich and re-written using the C API by Ross Bennett
+.residualcokurtosisMF <- function(NN, sstockM2, sstockM4, bbetacov){
+  # NN        : integer, number of assets
+  # sstockM2  : numeric vector of length NN
+  # ssstockM4 : numeric vector of length NN
+  # bbetacov  : numeric vector of length NN * NN
+  # Should I add checks here? These are passed from cokurtosisSF which already has checks
+ .Call('residualcokurtosisMF', NN, sstockM2, sstockM4, bbetacov, PACKAGE="PortfolioAnalytics")
+##### Extract Moments #####
+#' Covariance Estimate
+#' Extract the covariance matrix estimate from a statistical factor model
+#' @param model statistical factor model estimated via 
+#' \code{\link{statistical.factor.model}}
+#' @param \dots not currently used
+#' @return covariance matrix estimate
+#' @seealso \code{\link{statistical.factor.model}}
+#' @author Ross Bennett
+#' @export
+extractCovariance <- function(model, ...){
+  if(!inherits(model, "stfm")) stop("model must be of class 'stfm'")
+  # Extract elements from the model
+  beta <- model$factor_loadings
+  f <- model$factor_realizations
+  res <- model$residuals
+  m <- model$m
+  k <- model$k
+  N <- model$N
+  # Residual moments
+  denom <- m - k - 1
+  stockM2 <- colSums(res^2) / denom
+  # Factor moments
+  factorM2 <- cov(f)
+  # Compute covariance estimate
+  if(k == 1){
+    out <- covarianceSF(beta, stockM2, factorM2)
+  } else if(k > 1){
+    out <- covarianceMF(beta, stockM2, factorM2)
+  } else {
+    # invalid k
+    message("invalid k, returning NULL")
+    out <- NULL
+  }
+  return(out)
+#' Coskewness Estimate
+#' Extract the coskewness matrix estimate from a statistical factor model
+#' @param model statistical factor model estimated via 
+#' \code{\link{statistical.factor.model}}
+#' @param \dots not currently used
+#' @return coskewness matrix estimate
+#' @seealso \code{\link{statistical.factor.model}}
+#' @author Ross Bennett
+#' @export
+extractCoskewness <- function(model, ...){
+  if(!inherits(model, "stfm")) stop("model must be of class 'stfm'")
+  # Extract elements from the model
+  beta <- model$factor_loadings
+  f <- model$factor_realizations
+  res <- model$residuals
+  m <- model$m
+  k <- model$k
+  N <- model$N
+  # Residual moments
+  denom <- m - k - 1
+  stockM3 <- colSums(res^3) / denom
+  # Factor moments
+  # f.centered <- center(f)
+  # factorM3 <- M3.MM(f.centered)
+  factorM3 <- PerformanceAnalytics:::M3.MM(f)
+  # Compute covariance estimate
+  if(k == 1){
+    # Single factor model
+    out <- coskewnessSF(beta, stockM3, factorM3)
+  } else if(k > 1){
+    # Multi-factor model
+    out <- coskewnessMF(beta, stockM3, factorM3)
+  } else {
+    # invalid k
+    message("invalid k, returning NULL")
+    out <- NULL
+  }
+  return(out)
+#' Cokurtosis Estimate
+#' Extract the cokurtosis matrix estimate from a statistical factor model
+#' @param model statistical factor model estimated via 
+#' \code{\link{statistical.factor.model}}
+#' @param \dots not currently used
+#' @return cokurtosis matrix estimate
+#' @seealso \code{\link{statistical.factor.model}}
+#' @author Ross Bennett
+#' @export
+extractCokurtosis <- function(model, ...){
+  if(!inherits(model, "stfm")) stop("model must be of class 'stfm'")
+  # Extract elements from the model
+  beta <- model$factor_loadings
+  f <- model$factor_realizations
+  res <- model$residuals
+  m <- model$m
+  k <- model$k
+  N <- model$N
+  # Residual moments
+  denom <- m - k - 1
+  stockM2 <- colSums(res^2) / denom
+  stockM4 <- colSums(res^4) / denom
+  # Factor moments
+  factorM2 <- cov(f)
+  # f.centered <- center(f)
+  # factorM4 <- M4.MM(f.centered)
+  factorM4 <- PerformanceAnalytics:::M4.MM(f)
+  # Compute covariance estimate
+  if(k == 1){
+    # Single factor model
+    out <- cokurtosisSF(beta, stockM2, stockM4, factorM2, factorM4)
+  } else if(k > 1){
+    # Multi-factor model
+    out <- cokurtosisMF(beta, stockM2, stockM4, factorM2, factorM4)
+  } else {
+    # invalid k
+    message("invalid k, returning NULL")
+    out <- NULL
+  }
+  return(out)

Added: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/center.Rd
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/center.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/center.Rd	2014-06-03 19:00:06 UTC (rev 3403)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+  center(x)
+  \item{x}{matrix}
+  matrix of centered data
+  Center a matrix
+  This function is used primarily to center a time series
+  of asset returns or factors. Each column should represent
+  the returns of an asset or factor realizations. The
+  expected value is taken as the sample mean.
+  x.centered = x - mean(x)

Added: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/cokurtosisMF.Rd
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/cokurtosisMF.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/cokurtosisMF.Rd	2014-06-03 19:00:06 UTC (rev 3403)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+\title{Cokurtosis Matrix Estimate}
+  cokurtosisMF(beta, stockM2, stockM4, factorM2, factorM4)
+  \item{beta}{(N x k) matrix of factor loadings (i.e. the
+  betas) from a statistical factor model}
+  \item{stockM2}{vector of length N of the 2nd moment of
+  the model residuals}
+  \item{stockM4}{vector of length N of the 4th moment of
+  the model residuals}
+  \item{factorM2}{(k x k) matrix of the 2nd moment of the
+  factor realizations from a statistical factor model}
+  \item{factorM4}{(k x k^3) matrix of the 4th moment of the
+  factor realizations from a statistical factor model}
+  (N x N^3) cokurtosis matrix
+  Estimate cokurtosis matrix using a statistical factor
+  model
+  This function estimates an (N x N^3) cokurtosis matrix
+  from a statistical factor model with k factors, where N
+  is the number of assets.

Added: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/cokurtosisSF.Rd
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/cokurtosisSF.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/cokurtosisSF.Rd	2014-06-03 19:00:06 UTC (rev 3403)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+\title{Cokurtosis Matrix Estimate}
+  cokurtosisSF(beta, stockM2, stockM4, factorM2, factorM4)
+  \item{beta}{vector of length N or (N x 1) matrix of
+  factor loadings (i.e. the betas) from a single factor
+  statistical factor model}
+  \item{stockM2}{vector of length N of the 2nd moment of
+  the model residuals}
+  \item{stockM4}{vector of length N of the 4th moment of
+  the model residuals}
+  \item{factorM2}{scalar of the 2nd moment of the factor
+  realizations from a single factor statistical factor
+  model}
+  \item{factorM4}{scalar of the 4th moment of the factor
+  realizations from a single factor statistical factor
+  model}
+  (N x N^3) cokurtosis matrix
+  Estimate cokurtosis matrix using a single factor
+  statistical factor model
+  This function estimates an (N x N^3) cokurtosis matrix
+  from a statistical factor model with k factors, where N
+  is the number of assets.

Added: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/coskewnessMF.Rd
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/coskewnessMF.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/coskewnessMF.Rd	2014-06-03 19:00:06 UTC (rev 3403)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+\title{Coskewness Matrix Estimate}
+  coskewnessMF(beta, stockM3, factorM3)
+  \item{beta}{(N x k) matrix of factor loadings (i.e. the
+  betas) from a statistical factor model}
+  \item{stockM3}{vector of length N of the 3rd moment of
+  the model residuals}
+  \item{factorM3}{(k x k^2) matrix of the 3rd moment of the
+  factor realizations from a statistical factor model}
+  (N x N^2) coskewness matrix
+  Estimate coskewness matrix using a statistical factor
+  model
+  This function estimates an (N x N^2) coskewness matrix
+  from a statistical factor model with k factors, where N
+  is the number of assets.

Added: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/coskewnessSF.Rd
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/coskewnessSF.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/coskewnessSF.Rd	2014-06-03 19:00:06 UTC (rev 3403)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+\title{Coskewness Matrix Estimate}
+  coskewnessSF(beta, stockM3, factorM3)
+  \item{beta}{vector of length N or (N x 1) matrix of
+  factor loadings (i.e. the betas) from a single factor
+  statistical factor model}
+  \item{stockM3}{vector of length N of the 3rd moment of
+  the model residuals}
+  \item{factorM3}{scalar of the 3rd moment of the factor
+  realizations from a single factor statistical factor
+  model}
+  (N x N^2) coskewness matrix
+  Estimate coskewness matrix using a single factor
+  statistical factor model
+  This function estimates an (N x N^2) coskewness matrix
+  from a single factor statistical factor model with k=1
+  factors, where N is the number of assets.

Added: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/covarianceMF.Rd
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/covarianceMF.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/covarianceMF.Rd	2014-06-03 19:00:06 UTC (rev 3403)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+\title{Covariance Matrix Estimate}
+  covarianceMF(beta, stockM2, factorM2)
+  \item{beta}{(N x k) matrix of factor loadings (i.e. the
+  betas) from a statistical factor model}
+  \item{stockM2}{vector of length N of the variance (2nd
+  moment) of the model residuals (i.e. idiosyncratic
+  variance of the stock)}
+  \item{factorM2}{(k x k) matrix of the covariance (2nd
+  moment) of the factor realizations from a statistical
+  factor model}
+  (N x N) covariance matrix
+  Estimate covariance matrix using a statistical factor
+  model
+  This function estimates an (N x N) covariance matrix from
+  a statistical factor model with k factors, where N is the
+  number of assets.

Added: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/covarianceSF.Rd
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/covarianceSF.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/covarianceSF.Rd	2014-06-03 19:00:06 UTC (rev 3403)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+\title{Covariance Matrix Estimate}
+  covarianceSF(beta, stockM2, factorM2)
+  \item{beta}{vector of length N or (N x 1) matrix of
+  factor loadings (i.e. the betas) from a single factor
+  statistical factor model}
+  \item{stockM2}{vector of length N of the variance (2nd
+  moment) of the model residuals (i.e. idiosyncratic
+  variance of the stock)}
+  \item{factorM2}{scalar value of the 2nd moment of the
+  factor realizations from a single factor statistical
+  factor model}
+  (N x N) covariance matrix
+  Estimate covariance matrix using a single factor
+  statistical factor model
+  This function estimates an (N x N) covariance matrix from
+  a single factor statistical factor model with k=1
+  factors, where N is the number of assets.

Added: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/extract.cokurtosis.Rd
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/extract.cokurtosis.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/extract.cokurtosis.Rd	2014-06-03 19:00:06 UTC (rev 3403)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+\title{Cokurtosis Estimate}
+  extract.cokurtosis(model, ...)
+  \item{model}{statistical factor model estimated via
+  \code{\link{statistical.factor.model}}}
+  \item{\dots}{not currently used}
+  cokurtosis matrix estimate
+  Extract the cokurtosis matrix estimate from a statistical
+  factor model
+  Ross Bennett
+  \code{\link{statistical.factor.model}}

Added: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/extract.coskewness.Rd
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/extract.coskewness.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/extract.coskewness.Rd	2014-06-03 19:00:06 UTC (rev 3403)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+\title{Coskewness Estimate}
+  extract.coskewness(model, ...)
+  \item{model}{statistical factor model estimated via
+  \code{\link{statistical.factor.model}}}
+  \item{\dots}{not currently used}
+  coskewness matrix estimate
+  Extract the coskewness matrix estimate from a statistical
+  factor model
+  Ross Bennett
+  \code{\link{statistical.factor.model}}

Added: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/extract.covariance.Rd
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/extract.covariance.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/extract.covariance.Rd	2014-06-03 19:00:06 UTC (rev 3403)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+\title{Covariance Estimate}
+  extract.covariance(model, ...)
+  \item{model}{statistical factor model estimated via
+  \code{\link{statistical.factor.model}}}
+  \item{\dots}{not currently used}
+  covariance matrix estimate
+  Extract the covariance matrix estimate from a statistical
+  factor model
+  Ross Bennett
+  \code{\link{statistical.factor.model}}

Added: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/statistical.factor.model.Rd
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/statistical.factor.model.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/man/statistical.factor.model.Rd	2014-06-03 19:00:06 UTC (rev 3403)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+\title{Statistical Factor Model}
+  statistical.factor.model(R, k = 1, ...)
+  \item{R}{xts of asset returns}
+  \item{k}{number of factors to use}
+  \item{\dots}{additional arguments passed to
+  \code{prcomp}}
+  #' \itemize{ \item{factor_loadings}{ N x k matrix of
+  factor loadings (i.e. betas)} \item{factor_realizations}{
+  m x k matrix of factor realizations} \item{residuals}{ m
+  x N matrix of model residuals representing idiosyncratic
+  risk factors} } Where N is the number of assets, k is the
+  number of factors, and m is the number of observations.
+  Fit a statistical factor model using Principal Component
+  Analysis (PCA)
+  The statistical factor model is fitted using
+  \code{prcomp}. The factor loadings, factor realizations,
+  and residuals are computed and returned given the number
+  of factors used for the model.

Added: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/src/residualcokurtosisMF.c
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/src/residualcokurtosisMF.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/src/residualcokurtosisMF.c	2014-06-03 19:00:06 UTC (rev 3403)
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+#include <R.h>
+#include <Rinternals.h>
+SEXP  residualcokurtosisMF_C(SEXP NN, SEXP sstockM2, SEXP sstockM4, SEXP bbetacov){
+    /*
+     arguments
+     NN       : integer, number of assets
+     sstockM2 : vector of length NN, 2nd moment of the model residuals
+     sstockM4 : vector of length NN, 4th moment of the model residuals
+     bbetacov : vector of length NN * NN, beta and factor covariance
+     Note that this function was orignally written in C++ (using Rcpp) by
+     Joshua Ulrich and re-written using the C API by Ross Bennett
+     */
+    // // declare pointers for the vectors
+    double *stockM2, *stockM4, *betacov;
+    // Do I need to protect these if they are function arguments?
+    // use REAL() to access the C array inside the numeric vector passed in from R
+    stockM2 = REAL(sstockM2);
+    stockM4 = REAL(sstockM4);
+    betacov = REAL(bbetacov);

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/returnanalytics -r 3403

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