[Returnanalytics-commits] r2603 - pkg/FactorAnalytics/R

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Fri Jul 19 22:54:26 CEST 2013

Author: chenyian
Date: 2013-07-19 22:54:26 +0200 (Fri, 19 Jul 2013)
New Revision: 2603

add SD decomposition plot 

Modified: pkg/FactorAnalytics/R/fitFundamentalFactorModel.R
--- pkg/FactorAnalytics/R/fitFundamentalFactorModel.R	2013-07-19 18:10:54 UTC (rev 2602)
+++ pkg/FactorAnalytics/R/fitFundamentalFactorModel.R	2013-07-19 20:54:26 UTC (rev 2603)
@@ -383,6 +383,8 @@
 # should we let user choose which beta to use ?
     B.final[, numeric.columns] <- as.matrix(data[ (as.numeric(data[[datevar]]) == 
         timedates[numTimePoints]), exposures.numeric])
+    rownames(B.final) = assets
+    colnames(B.final) = colnames(f.hat)
     if (length(exposures.factor)) {
         B.final[, grep(exposures.factor, x = colnames)][cbind(seq(numAssets), 
             as.numeric(data[data[[datevar]] == timedates[numTimePoints], 
@@ -410,7 +412,9 @@
                    residuals = resids, 
                    tstats = tstats,                   
                    call = this.call,
-                   data = data)
+                   data = data,
+                   asset.names = assets,
+                   beta = B.final)
     class(output) <- "FundamentalFactorModel"
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/FactorAnalytics/R/plot.FundamentalFactorModel.r
--- pkg/FactorAnalytics/R/plot.FundamentalFactorModel.r	2013-07-19 18:10:54 UTC (rev 2602)
+++ pkg/FactorAnalytics/R/plot.FundamentalFactorModel.r	2013-07-19 20:54:26 UTC (rev 2603)
@@ -1,82 +1,173 @@
-# plot.FundamentalFactorModel.r
-# Yi-An Chen
-# 7/16/2012
-#' plot FundamentalFactorModel object.
-#' Generic function of plot method for fitFundamentalFactorModel.
-#' @param fund.fit fit object created by fitFundamentalFactorModel.
-#' @param which.plot integer indicating which plot to create: "none" will
-#' create a menu to choose. Defualt is none. 1 = "factor returns", 2 = "R
-#' square", 3 = "Variance of Residuals", 4 = "FM Correlation",
-#' @param max.show Maximum assets to plot. Default is 12.
-#' @author Eric Zivot and Yi-An Chen.
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' # BARRA type factor model
-#' # there are 447 assets  
-#' data(stock)
-#' assets = unique(fulldata[,"PERMNO"])
-#' timedates = as.Date(unique(fulldata[,"DATE"]))
-#' exposures <- exposures.names <- c("BOOK2MARKET", "LOG.MARKETCAP") 
-#' fund.fit <- fitFundamentalFactorModel(fulldata=fulldata, timedates=timedates, exposures=exposures,covariance="classic", assets=assets,full.resid.cov=TRUE,
-#'                                       regression="classic",wls=TRUE)
-#' plot(fund.fit)
-#' }
-plot.FundamentalFactorModel <- 
-  {
-    which.plot<-which.plot[1]
-    if(which.plot=='none') 
-      which.plot<-menu(c("Factor returns",
-                         "Residual plots",
-                         "Variance of Residuals",
-                         "Factor Model Correlation"),
-                       title="Factor Analytics Plot \nMake a plot selection (or 0 to exit):\n") 
-    n <- length(fund.fit$asset)
-    if (n >= max.show) {
-      cat(paste("numbers of assets are greater than",max.show,", show only first",
-                max.show,"assets",sep=" "))
-      n <- max.show 
-    }
-    switch(which.plot,
-           "1L" = {
-            plot(fund.fit$factor.rets,main="Factor Returns") 
-           }, 
-          "2L" ={
-            plot(fund.fit$resids[,c(1:n)],main="Residuals")
-           },
-           "3L" = {
-             barplot(fund.fit$resid.vars[c(1:n)])  
-           },    
-           "4L" = {
-             cor.fm = cov2cor(fund.fit$cov.returns$cov)
-             rownames(cor.fm) = colnames(cor.fm)
-             ord <- order(cor.fm[1,])
-             ordered.cor.fm <- cor.fm[ord, ord]
-             plotcorr(ordered.cor.fm[c(1:n),c(1:n)], col=cm.colors(11)[5*ordered.cor.fm + 6])
-           },
-           invisible()       
-    )         
+# plot.FundamentalFactorModel.r
+# Yi-An Chen
+# 7/16/2012
+#' plot FundamentalFactorModel object.
+#' Generic function of plot method for fitFundamentalFactorModel.
+#' @param fit.fund fit object created by fitFundamentalFactorModel.
+#' @param which.plot integer indicating which plot to create: "none" will
+#' create a menu to choose. Defualt is none. 1 = "factor returns", 2 = "R
+#' square", 3 = "Variance of Residuals", 4 = "FM Correlation",
+#' @param max.show Maximum assets to plot. Default is 12.
+#' @author Eric Zivot and Yi-An Chen.
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' # BARRA type factor model
+#' # there are 447 assets  
+#' data(stock)
+#' # BARRA type factor model
+#' data(stock)
+#' # there are 447 assets  
+#' exposure.names <- c("BOOK2MARKET", "LOG.MARKETCAP") 
+#' fit.fund <- fitFundamentalFactorModel(data=data,exposure.names=exposure.names,
+#'                                        datevar = "DATE", returnsvar = "RETURN",
+#'                                        assetvar = "TICKER", wls = TRUE, 
+#'                                        regression = "classic", 
+#'                                        covariance = "classic", full.resid.cov = TRUE, 
+#'                                        robust.scale = TRUE)
+#' plot(fit.fund)
+#' }
+plot.FundamentalFactorModel <- 
+  {
+    which.plot<-which.plot[1]
+    if(which.plot=='none') 
+      which.plot<-menu(c("Factor returns",
+                         "Residual plots",
+                         "Variance of Residuals",
+                         "Factor Model Correlation",
+                         "Factor Contributions to SD",
+                         "Factor Contributions to ES",
+                         "Factor Contributions to VaR"),
+                       title="Factor Analytics Plot \nMake a plot selection (or 0 to exit):\n") 
+    n <- length(fit.fund$asset.names)
+    if (n >= max.show) {
+      cat(paste("numbers of assets are greater than",max.show,", show only first",
+                max.show,"assets",sep=" "))
+      n <- max.show 
+    }
+    switch(which.plot,
+           "1L" = {
+            factor.names <- colnames(fit.fund$factors)
+            nn <- length(factor.names)
+            par(mfrow=c(nn,1))
+            for (i in factor.names) {
+            plot(fit.fund$factors[,i],main=paste(i," Factor Returns",sep="") )
+            }
+            par(mfrow=c(1,1))
+           }, 
+          "2L" ={
+            par(mfrow=c(n/2,2))
+            names <- colnames(fit.fund$residuals[,1:n])
+            for (i in names) {
+            plot(fit.fund$residuals[,i],main=paste(i," Residuals", sep=""))
+            }
+            par(mfrow=c(1,1))
+           },
+           "3L" = {
+             barplot(fit.fund$resid.variance[c(1:n)])  
+           },    
+           "4L" = {
+             cor.fm = cov2cor(fit.fund$returns.cov$cov)
+             rownames(cor.fm) = colnames(cor.fm)
+             ord <- order(cor.fm[1,])
+             ordered.cor.fm <- cor.fm[ord, ord]
+             plotcorr(ordered.cor.fm[c(1:n),c(1:n)], col=cm.colors(11)[5*ordered.cor.fm + 6])
+           },
+           "5L" = {
+             cov.factors = var(fit.fund$factors)
+             names = fit.fund$asset.names
+             factor.sd.decomp.list = list()
+             for (i in names) {
+               factor.sd.decomp.list[[i]] =
+                 factorModelSdDecomposition(fit.fund$beta[i,],
+                                            cov.factors, fit.fund$resid.variance[i])
+             }
+             # function to efit.stattract contribution to sd from list
+             getCSD = function(x) {
+               x$cr.fm
+             }
+             # extract contributions to SD from list
+             cr.sd = sapply(factor.sd.decomp.list, getCSD)
+             rownames(cr.sd) = c(colnames(fit.fund$factors), "residual")
+             # create stacked barchart
+             barplot(cr.sd[,(1:max.show)], main="Factor Contributions to SD",
+                     legend.text=T, args.legend=list(x="topleft"),
+                     col=c(1:50) )
+           } ,
+#            "6L" = {
+#            factor.es.decomp.list = list()
+#            names = fit.fund$asset.names
+#            for (i in names) {
+#              # check for missing values in fund data
+#              idx = which(!is.na(fit.fund$data[,i]))
+#              tmpData = cbind(fit.stat$asset.ret[idx,i], fit.stat$factors,
+#                              fit.stat$residuals[,i]/sqrt(fit.stat$resid.variance[i]))
+#              colnames(tmpData)[c(1,length(tmpData[1,]))] = c(i, "residual")
+#              factor.es.decomp.list[[i]] = 
+#                factorModelEsDecomposition(tmpData, 
+#                                           fit.stat$loadings[,i],
+#                                           fit.stat$resid.variance[i], tail.prob=0.05)
+#            }
+#            # stacked bar charts of percent contributions to ES 
+#            getCETL = function(x) {
+#              x$cES
+#            }
+#            # report as positive number
+#            cr.etl = sapply(factor.es.decomp.list, getCETL)
+#            rownames(cr.etl) = c(colnames(fit.stat$factors), "residual")
+#            barplot(cr.etl[,(1:max.show)], main="Factor Contributions to ES",
+#                    legend.text=T, args.legend=list(x="topleft"),
+#                    col=c(1:50) )
+#            },
+#            "7L" =  {
+#              factor.VaR.decomp.list = list()
+#              names = colnames(fit.stat$asset.ret)
+#              for (i in names) {
+#                # check for missing values in fund data
+#                idx = which(!is.na(fit.stat$asset.ret[,i]))
+#                tmpData = cbind(fit.stat$asset.ret[idx,i], fit.stat$factors,
+#                                fit.stat$residuals[,i]/sqrt(fit.stat$resid.variance[i]))
+#                colnames(tmpData)[c(1,length(tmpData[1,]))] = c(i, "residual")
+#                factor.VaR.decomp.list[[i]] = 
+#                  factorModelVaRDecomposition(tmpData, 
+#                                              fit.stat$loadings[,i],
+#                                              fit.stat$resid.variance[i], tail.prob=0.05)
+#              }
+#              # stacked bar charts of percent contributions to VaR
+#              getCVaR = function(x) {
+#                x$cVaR.fm
+#              }
+#              # report as positive number
+#              cr.var = sapply(factor.VaR.decomp.list, getCVaR)
+#              rownames(cr.var) = c(colnames(fit.stat$factors), "residual")
+#              barplot(cr.var[,(1:max.show)], main="Factor Contributions to VaR",
+#                      legend.text=T, args.legend=list(x="topleft"),
+#                      col=c(1:50) )
+#            },
+           invisible()       
+    )         

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