[Returnanalytics-commits] r2538 - pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Thu Jul 11 05:40:14 CEST 2013

Author: rossbennett34
Date: 2013-07-11 05:40:14 +0200 (Thu, 11 Jul 2013)
New Revision: 2538

Adding constrained_objective_v2 to accept a portfolio object. Modified optimize.portfolio_v2 for DEoptim

Modified: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/constrained_objective.R
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/constrained_objective.R	2013-07-11 02:33:59 UTC (rev 2537)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/constrained_objective.R	2013-07-11 03:40:14 UTC (rev 2538)
@@ -334,4 +334,329 @@
     } else {
\ No newline at end of file
+#' constrained_objective_v2 2 function to calculate a numeric return value for a portfolio based on a set of constraints and objectives
+#' function to calculate a numeric return value for a portfolio based on a set of constraints,
+#' we'll try to make as few assumptions as possible, and only run objectives that are required by the user
+#' If the user has passed in either min_sum or max_sum constraints for the portfolio, or both, 
+#' and are using a numerical optimization method like DEoptim, and normalize=TRUE, the default,
+#' we'll normalize the weights passed in to whichever boundary condition has been violated.  
+#' If using random portfolios, all the portfolios generated will meet the constraints by construction.
+#' NOTE: this means that the weights produced by a numeric optimization algorithm like DEoptim
+#' might violate your constraints, so you'd need to renormalize them after optimizing
+#' We apply the same normalization in \code{\link{optimize.portfolio}} so that the weights you see have been 
+#' normalized to min_sum if the generated portfolio is smaller than min_sum or max_sum if the 
+#' generated portfolio is larger than max_sum.  
+#' This normalization increases the speed of optimization and convergence by several orders of magnitude in many cases.
+#' You may find that for some portfolios, normalization is not desirable, if the algorithm 
+#' cannot find a direction in which to move to head towards an optimal portfolio.  In these cases, 
+#' it may be best to set normalize=FALSE, and penalize the portfolios if the sum of the weighting 
+#' vector lies outside the min_sum and/or max_sum.
+#' Whether or not we normalize the weights using min_sum and max_sum, and are using a numerical optimization 
+#' engine like DEoptim, we will penalize portfolios that violate weight constraints in much the same way
+#' we penalize other constraints.  If a min_sum/max_sum normalization has not occurred, convergence
+#' can take a very long time.  We currently do not allow for a non-normalized full investment constraint.  
+#' Future version of this function could include this additional constraint penalty. 
+#' When you are optimizing a return objective, you must specify a negative multiplier 
+#' for the return objective so that the function will maximize return.  If you specify a target return,
+#' any return less than your target will be penalized.  If you do not specify a target return, 
+#' you may need to specify a negative VTR (value to reach) , or the function will not converge.  
+#' Try the maximum expected return times the multiplier (e.g. -1 or -10).  
+#' Adding a return objective defaults the multiplier to -1.
+#' Additional parameters for random portfolios or \code{\link[DEoptim]{DEoptim.control}} may be passed in via \dots
+#' @param R an xts, vector, matrix, data frame, timeSeries or zoo object of asset returns
+#' @param w a vector of weights to test
+#' @param portfolio an object of type "portfolio" specifying the constraints and objectives for the optimization, see \code{\link{constraint}}
+#' @param \dots any other passthru parameters 
+#' @param trace TRUE/FALSE whether to include debugging and additional detail in the output list
+#' @param normalize TRUE/FALSE whether to normalize results to min/max sum (TRUE), or let the optimizer penalize portfolios that do not conform (FALSE)
+#' @param storage TRUE/FALSE default TRUE for DEoptim with trace, otherwise FALSE. not typically user-called
+#' @seealso \code{\link{constraint}}, \code{\link{objective}}, \code{\link[DEoptim]{DEoptim.control}} 
+#' @author Kris Boudt, Peter Carl, Brian G. Peterson, Ross Bennett
+#' @export
+constrained_objective_v2 <- function(w, R, portfolio, ..., trace=FALSE, normalize=TRUE, storage=FALSE)
+  if (ncol(R) > length(w)) {
+    R <- R[ ,1:length(w)]
+  }
+  if(!hasArg(penalty)) penalty <- 1e4
+  N <- length(w)
+  T <- nrow(R)
+  if(hasArg(optimize_method)) 
+    optimize_method <- match.call(expand.dots=TRUE)$optimize_method else optimize_method <- '' 
+  if(hasArg(verbose)) 
+    verbose <- match.call(expand.dots=TRUE)$verbose 
+  else verbose <- FALSE 
+  # get the constraints from the portfolio object
+  constraints <- get_constraints(portfolio)
+  # check for valid portfolio
+  if (!is.portfolio(portfolio)) {
+    stop("portfolio object passed in is not of class portfolio")
+  }
+  # check that the assets and the weighting vector have the same length
+  if (N != length(portfolio$assets)){
+    warning("length of portfolio asset list and weights vector do not match, results may be bogus")
+  }
+  out <- 0
+  # do the get here
+  store_output <- try(get('.objectivestorage',pos='.GlobalEnv'), silent=TRUE)
+  if(inherits(store_output,"try-error")) storage <- FALSE else storage <- TRUE        
+  # may be replaced by fn_map later
+  if(isTRUE(normalize)){
+    if(!is.null(constraints$min_sum) | !is.null(constraints$max_sum)){
+      # the user has passed in either min_sum or max_sum constraints for the portfolio, or both.
+      # we'll normalize the weights passed in to whichever boundary condition has been violated
+      # NOTE: this means that the weights produced by a numeric optimization algorithm like DEoptim
+      # might violate your constraints, so you'd need to renormalize them after optimizing
+      # we'll create functions for that so the user is less likely to mess it up.
+      #' NOTE: need to normalize in the optimization wrapper too before we return, since we've normalized in here
+      #' In Kris' original function, this was manifested as a full investment constraint
+      #' the normalization process produces much faster convergence, 
+      #' and then we penalize parameters outside the constraints in the next block
+      if(!is.null(constraints$max_sum) & constraints$max_sum != Inf ) {
+        max_sum <- constraints$max_sum
+        if(sum(w) > max_sum) { w <- (max_sum / sum(w)) * w } # normalize to max_sum
+      }
+      if(!is.null(constraints$min_sum) & constraints$min_sum != -Inf ) {
+        min_sum <- constraints$min_sum
+        if(sum(w) < min_sum) { w <- (min_sum / sum(w)) * w } # normalize to min_sum
+      }
+    } # end min_sum and max_sum normalization
+  } else {
+    # the user wants the optimization algorithm to figure it out
+    if(!is.null(constraints$max_sum) & constraints$max_sum != Inf ) {
+      max_sum <- constraints$max_sum
+      if(sum(w) > max_sum) { out <- out + penalty * (sum(w) - max_sum)  } # penalize difference to max_sum
+    }
+    if(!is.null(constraints$min_sum) & constraints$min_sum != -Inf ) {
+      min_sum <- constraints$min_sum
+      if(sum(w) < min_sum) { out <- out + penalty * (min_sum - sum(w)) } # penalize difference to min_sum
+    }
+  }
+  #' penalize weights outside my constraints (can be caused by normalization)
+  if (!is.null(constraints$max)){
+    max <- constraints$max
+    out <- out + sum(w[which(w > max[1:N])] - constraints$max[which(w > max[1:N])]) * penalty
+  }
+  if (!is.null(constraints$min)){
+    min <- constraints$min
+    out <- out + sum(constraints$min[which(w < min[1:N])] - w[which(w < min[1:N])]) * penalty
+  }
+  nargs <- list(...)
+  if(length(nargs)==0) nargs <- NULL
+  if (length('...')==0 | is.null('...')) {
+    # rm('...')
+    nargs <- NULL
+  }
+  nargs <- set.portfolio.moments_v2(R, portfolio, momentargs=nargs)
+  if(is.null(portfolio$objectives)) {
+    warning("no objectives specified in portfolio")
+  } else{
+    if(isTRUE(trace) | isTRUE(storage)) tmp_return <- list()
+    for (objective in portfolio$objectives){
+      #check for clean bits to pass in
+      if(objective$enabled){
+        tmp_measure <- NULL
+        multiplier <- objective$multiplier
+        #if(is.null(objective$arguments) | !is.list(objective$arguments)) objective$arguments<-list()
+        switch(objective$name,
+               mean =,
+               median = {
+                 fun = match.fun(objective$name)  
+                 nargs$x <- ( R %*% w ) #do the multivariate mean/median with Kroneker product
+               },
+               sd =,
+               StdDev = { 
+                 fun = match.fun(StdDev)
+               },
+               mVaR =,
+               VaR = {
+                 fun = match.fun(VaR) 
+                 if(!inherits(objective,"risk_budget_objective") & is.null(objective$arguments$portfolio_method) & is.null(nargs$portfolio_method)) nargs$portfolio_method='single'
+                 if(is.null(objective$arguments$invert)) objective$arguments$invert = FALSE
+               },
+               es =,
+               mES =,
+               CVaR =,
+               cVaR =,
+               ES = {
+                 fun = match.fun(ES)
+                 if(!inherits(objective,"risk_budget_objective") & is.null(objective$arguments$portfolio_method)& is.null(nargs$portfolio_method)) nargs$portfolio_method='single'
+                 if(is.null(objective$arguments$invert)) objective$arguments$invert = FALSE
+               },
+               turnover = {
+                 fun = match.fun(turnover) # turnover function included in objectiveFUN.R
+               },
+{   # see 'S Programming p. 67 for this matching
+  fun <- try(match.fun(objective$name))
+        )
+        if(is.function(fun)){
+          .formals  <- formals(fun)
+          onames <- names(.formals)
+          if(is.list(objective$arguments)){
+            #TODO FIXME only do this if R and weights are in the argument list of the fn
+            if(is.null(nargs$R) | !length(nargs$R)==length(R)) nargs$R <- R
+            if(is.null(nargs$weights)) nargs$weights <- w
+            pm <- pmatch(names(objective$arguments), onames, nomatch = 0L)
+            if (any(pm == 0L))
+              warning(paste("some arguments stored for", objective$name, "do not match"))
+            # this line overwrites the names of things stored in $arguments with names from formals.
+            # I'm not sure it's a good idea, so commenting for now, until we prove we need it
+            #names(objective$arguments[pm > 0L]) <- onames[pm]
+            .formals[pm] <- objective$arguments[pm > 0L]
+            #now add dots
+            if (length(nargs)) {
+              dargs <- nargs
+              pm <- pmatch(names(dargs), onames, nomatch = 0L)
+              names(dargs[pm > 0L]) <- onames[pm]
+              .formals[pm] <- dargs[pm > 0L]
+            }
+            .formals$... <- NULL
+          }
+        } # TODO do some funky return magic here on try-error
+        tmp_measure <- try((do.call(fun,.formals)), silent=TRUE)
+        if(isTRUE(trace) | isTRUE(storage)) {
+          if(is.null(names(tmp_measure))) names(tmp_measure) <- objective$name
+          tmp_return[[objective$name]] <- tmp_measure
+        }
+        if(inherits(tmp_measure, "try-error")) { 
+          message(paste("objective name", objective$name, "generated an error or warning:", tmp_measure))
+          next()  
+        } 
+        # now set the new value of the objective output
+        if(inherits(objective, "return_objective")){ 
+          if (!is.null(objective$target) & is.numeric(objective$target)){ # we have a target
+            out <- out + penalty*abs(objective$multiplier)*abs(tmp_measure - objective$target)
+          }  
+          # target is null or doesn't exist, just maximize, or minimize violation of constraint
+          out <- out + objective$multiplier*tmp_measure
+        } # end handling for return objectives
+        if(inherits(objective, "portfolio_risk_objective")){
+          if (!is.null(objective$target) & is.numeric(objective$target)){ # we have a target
+            out <- out + penalty*abs(objective$multiplier)*abs(tmp_measure - objective$target)
+            #should we also penalize risk too low for risk targets? or is a range another objective?
+            #    # half penalty for risk lower than target
+            #    if(  prw < (.9*Riskupper) ){ out = out + .5*(penalty*( prw - Riskupper)) }
+          }  
+          # target is null or doesn't exist, just maximize, or minimize violation of constraint
+          out <- out + abs(objective$multiplier)*tmp_measure
+        } #  univariate risk objectives
+        if(inherits(objective, "turnover_objective")){
+          if (!is.null(objective$target) & is.numeric(objective$target)){ # we have a target
+            out <- out + penalty*abs(objective$multiplier)*abs(tmp_measure - objective$target)
+          }  
+          # target is null or doesn't exist, just maximize, or minimize violation of constraint
+          out <- out + abs(objective$multiplier)*tmp_measure
+        } #  univariate turnover objectives
+        if(inherits(objective, "minmax_objective")){
+          if (!is.null(objective$min) & !is.null(objective$max)){ # we have a min and max
+            if(tmp_measure > objective$max){
+              out <- out + penalty * objective$multiplier * (tmp_measure - objective$max)
+            }
+            if(tmp_measure < objective$min){
+              out <- out + penalty * objective$multiplier * (objective$min - tmp_measure)
+            }
+          }
+        } # temporary minmax objective
+        if(inherits(objective, "risk_budget_objective")){
+          # setup
+          # out = out + penalty*sum( (percrisk-RBupper)*( percrisk > RBupper ),na.rm=TRUE ) + penalty*sum( (RBlower-percrisk)*( percrisk < RBlower  ),na.rm=TRUE  )
+          # add risk budget constraint
+          if(!is.null(objective$target) & is.numeric(objective$target)){
+            #in addition to a risk budget constraint, we have a univariate target
+            # the first element of the returned list is the univariate measure
+            # we'll use the  univariate measure exactly like we would as a separate objective
+            out = out + penalty*abs(objective$multiplier)*abs(tmp_measure[[1]]-objective$target)
+            #should we also penalize risk too low for risk targets? or is a range another objective?
+            #    # half penalty for risk lower than target
+            #    if(  prw < (.9*Riskupper) ){ out = out + .5*(penalty*( prw - Riskupper)) }
+          }
+          percrisk = tmp_measure[[3]] # third element is percent component contribution
+          RBupper = objective$max_prisk
+          RBlower = objective$min_prisk
+          if(!is.null(RBupper) | !is.null(RBlower)){
+            out = out + penalty * objective$multiplier * sum( (percrisk-RBupper)*( percrisk > RBupper ),na.rm=TRUE ) + penalty*sum( (RBlower-percrisk)*( percrisk < RBlower  ),na.rm=TRUE  )
+          }
+          #             if(!is.null(objective$min_concentration)){
+          #                 if(isTRUE(objective$min_concentration)){
+          #                     max_conc<-max(tmp_measure[[2]]) #second element is the contribution in absolute terms
+          #                     # out=out + penalty * objective$multiplier * max_conc
+          #                     out = out + objective$multiplier * max_conc
+          #                 }
+          #             }
+          # Combined min_con and min_dif to take advantage of a better concentration obj measure
+          if(!is.null(objective$min_difference) || !is.null(objective$min_concentration)){
+            if(isTRUE(objective$min_difference)){
+              #                     max_diff<-max(tmp_measure[[2]]-(sum(tmp_measure[[2]])/length(tmp_measure[[2]]))) #second element is the contribution in absolute terms
+              # Uses Herfindahl index to calculate concentration; added scaling perc diffs back to univariate numbers
+              max_diff <- sqrt(sum(tmp_measure[[3]]^2))/100  #third element is the contribution in percentage terms
+              # out = out + penalty * objective$multiplier * max_diff
+              out = out + penalty*objective$multiplier * max_diff
+            }
+          }
+        } # end handling of risk_budget objective
+      } # end enabled check
+    } # end loop over objectives
+  } # end objectives processing
+  if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
+    print('weights: ')
+    print(paste(w,' '))
+    print(paste("output of objective function", out))
+    print(unlist(tmp_return))
+  }
+  if(is.na(out) | is.nan(out) | is.null(out)){
+    #this should never happen
+    warning('NA or NaN produced in objective function for weights ',w)
+    out <- penalty
+  }
+  #return
+  if (isTRUE(storage)){
+    #add the new objective results
+    store_output[[length(store_output)+1]] <- list(out=as.numeric(out), weights=w, objective_measures=tmp_return)
+    # do the assign here
+    assign('.objectivestorage', store_output, pos='.GlobalEnv')
+  }
+  if(!isTRUE(trace)){
+    return(out)
+  } else {
+    return(list(out=as.numeric(out), weights=w, objective_measures=tmp_return))
+  }

Modified: pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/optimize.portfolio.R
--- pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/optimize.portfolio.R	2013-07-11 02:33:59 UTC (rev 2537)
+++ pkg/PortfolioAnalytics/R/optimize.portfolio.R	2013-07-11 03:40:14 UTC (rev 2538)
@@ -476,9 +476,9 @@
-  optimize_method=optimize_method[1]
-  tmptrace=NULL
-  start_t<-Sys.time()
+  optimize_method <- optimize_method[1]
+  tmptrace <- NULL
+  start_t <- Sys.time()
   #store the call for later
   call <- match.call()
@@ -500,6 +500,9 @@
   dotargs <- list(...)    
+  # Get the constraints from the portfolio object
+  constraints <- get_constraints(portfolio)
   # set portfolio moments only once
     momentFUN <- match.fun(momentFUN)
@@ -515,6 +518,131 @@
   } else {
     dotargs <- mout
+  # Function to normalize weights to min_sum and max_sum
+  # This function could be replaced by rp_transform
+  normalize_weights <- function(weights){
+    # normalize results if necessary
+    if(!is.null(constraints$min_sum) | !is.null(constraints$max_sum)){
+      # the user has passed in either min_sum or max_sum constraints for the portfolio, or both.
+      # we'll normalize the weights passed in to whichever boundary condition has been violated
+      # NOTE: this means that the weights produced by a numeric optimization algorithm like DEoptim
+      # might violate your constraints, so you'd need to renormalize them after optimizing
+      # we'll create functions for that so the user is less likely to mess it up.
+      ##' NOTE: need to normalize in the optimization wrapper too before we return, since we've normalized in here
+      ##' In Kris' original function, this was manifested as a full investment constraint
+      if(!is.null(constraints$max_sum) & constraints$max_sum != Inf ) {
+        max_sum=constraints$max_sum
+        if(sum(weights)>max_sum) { weights<-(max_sum/sum(weights))*weights } # normalize to max_sum
+      }
+      if(!is.null(constraints$min_sum) & constraints$min_sum != -Inf ) {
+        min_sum=constraints$min_sum
+        if(sum(weights)<min_sum) { weights<-(min_sum/sum(weights))*weights } # normalize to min_sum
+      }
+    } # end min_sum and max_sum normalization
+    return(weights)
+  }
+  # DEoptim optimization method
+  if(optimize_method == "DEoptim"){
+    stopifnot("package:DEoptim" %in% search()  ||  require("DEoptim",quietly = TRUE))
+    # DEoptim does 200 generations by default, so lets set the size of each generation to search_size/200)
+    if(hasArg(itermax)) itermax=match.call(expand.dots=TRUE)$itermax else itermax=N*50
+    NP <- round(search_size/itermax)
+    if(NP < (N * 10)) NP <- N * 10
+    if(NP > 2000) NP <- 2000
+    if(!hasArg(itermax)) {
+      itermax <- round(search_size / NP)
+      if(itermax < 50) itermax <- 50 #set minimum number of generations
+    }
+    #check to see whether we need to disable foreach for parallel optimization, esp if called from inside foreach
+    if(hasArg(parallel)) parallel <- match.call(expand.dots=TRUE)$parallel else parallel <- TRUE
+    if(!isTRUE(parallel) && 'package:foreach' %in% search()){
+      registerDoSEQ()
+    }
+    DEcformals <- formals(DEoptim.control)
+    DEcargs <- names(DEcformals)
+    if( is.list(dotargs) ){
+      pm <- pmatch(names(dotargs), DEcargs, nomatch = 0L)
+      names(dotargs[pm > 0L]) <- DEcargs[pm]
+      DEcformals$NP <- NP
+      DEcformals$itermax <- itermax
+      DEcformals[pm] <- dotargs[pm > 0L]
+      if(!hasArg(strategy)) DEcformals$strategy=6 # use DE/current-to-p-best/1
+      if(!hasArg(reltol)) DEcformals$reltol=.000001 # 1/1000 of 1% change in objective is significant
+      if(!hasArg(steptol)) DEcformals$steptol=round(N*1.5) # number of assets times 1.5 tries to improve
+      if(!hasArg(c)) DEcformals$c=.4 # JADE mutation parameter, this could maybe use some adjustment
+      if(!hasArg(storepopfrom)) DEcformals$storepopfrom=1
+      if(isTRUE(parallel) && 'package:foreach' %in% search()){
+        if(!hasArg(parallelType) ) DEcformals$parallelType='auto' #use all cores
+        if(!hasArg(packages) ) DEcformals$packages <- names(sessionInfo()$otherPkgs) #use all packages
+      }
+      #TODO FIXME also check for a passed in controlDE list, including checking its class, and match formals
+    }
+    if(isTRUE(trace)) { 
+      #we can't pass trace=TRUE into constrained objective with DEoptim, because it expects a single numeric return
+      tmptrace <- trace 
+      assign('.objectivestorage', list(), pos='.GlobalEnv')
+      trace=FALSE
+    } 
+    # get upper and lower weights parameters from constraints
+    upper <- constraints$max
+    lower <- constraints$min
+    if(hasArg(rpseed)) seed=match.call(expand.dots=TRUE)$rpseed else rpseed=TRUE
+    if(isTRUE(rpseed)) {
+      # initial seed population is generated with random_portfolios function
+      if(hasArg(eps)) eps=match.call(expand.dots=TRUE)$eps else eps = 0.01
+      # This part should still work, but will need to change random_portfolios over to accept portfolio object
+      rpconstraint <- constraint(assets=length(lower), min_sum=constraints$min_sum - eps, max_sum=constraints$max_sum + eps, 
+                                 min=lower, max=upper, weight_seq=generatesequence())
+      rp <- random_portfolios(rpconstraints=rpconstraint, permutations=NP)
+      DEcformals$initialpop=rp
+    }
+    controlDE <- do.call(DEoptim.control, DEcformals)
+    # need to modify constrained_objective to accept a portfolio object
+    minw = try(DEoptim( constrained_objective_v2,  lower=lower[1:N], upper=upper[1:N], control=controlDE, R=R, portfolio=portfolio, nargs = dotargs , ...=...)) # add ,silent=TRUE here?
+    if(inherits(minw, "try-error")) { minw=NULL }
+    if(is.null(minw)){
+      message(paste("Optimizer was unable to find a solution for target"))
+      return (paste("Optimizer was unable to find a solution for target"))
+    }
+    if(isTRUE(tmptrace)) trace <- tmptrace
+    weights <- as.vector(minw$optim$bestmem)
+    weights <- normalize_weights(weights)
+    names(weights) <- colnames(R)
+    out <- list(weights=weights, objective_measures=constrained_objective_v2(w=weights, R=R, portfolio, trace=TRUE)$objective_measures, out=minw$optim$bestval, call=call)
+    if (isTRUE(trace)){
+      out$DEoutput <- minw
+      out$DEoptim_objective_results <- try(get('.objectivestorage',pos='.GlobalEnv'),silent=TRUE)
+      rm('.objectivestorage',pos='.GlobalEnv')
+    }
+  } ## end case for DEoptim
+  # Prepare for final object to return
+  end_t <- Sys.time()
+  # print(c("elapsed time:",round(end_t-start_t,2),":diff:",round(diff,2), ":stats: ", round(out$stats,4), ":targets:",out$targets))
+  message(c("elapsed time:", end_t-start_t))
+  out$portfolio <- portfolio
+  out$data_summary <- list(first=first(R), last=last(R))
+  out$elapsed_time <- end_t - start_t
+  out$end_t <- as.character(Sys.time())
+  class(out) <- c(paste("optimize.portfolio", optimize_method, sep='.'), "optimize.portfolio")
+  return(out)
 #' portfolio optimization with support for rebalancing or rolling periods

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