[Returnanalytics-commits] r2515 - pkg/PerformanceAnalytics/sandbox/pulkit/week3/code

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Sun Jul 7 21:48:17 CEST 2013

Author: pulkit
Date: 2013-07-07 21:48:17 +0200 (Sun, 07 Jul 2013)
New Revision: 2515

Maximum Drawdown

Modified: pkg/PerformanceAnalytics/sandbox/pulkit/week3/code/GoldenSection.R
--- pkg/PerformanceAnalytics/sandbox/pulkit/week3/code/GoldenSection.R	2013-07-07 17:28:51 UTC (rev 2514)
+++ pkg/PerformanceAnalytics/sandbox/pulkit/week3/code/GoldenSection.R	2013-07-07 19:48:17 UTC (rev 2515)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 #' @reference Bailey, David H. and Lopez de Prado, Marcos, Drawdown-Based Stop-Outs and the ‘Triple Penance’ Rule(January 1, 2013).
-golden_section<-function(a,b,minimum = TRUE,function_name,confidence,...){
+golden_section<-function(a,b,minimum = TRUE,function_name,...){
     # A function to perform the golden search algorithm on the provided function
@@ -51,10 +51,10 @@
-        return(list(min_value=sign*f1,x=x1))
+        return(list(value=sign*f1,x=x1))
-        return(list(min_value=sign*f2,x=x2))
+        return(list(value=sign*f2,x=x2))

Copied: pkg/PerformanceAnalytics/sandbox/pulkit/week3/code/MaxDD.R (from rev 2489, pkg/PerformanceAnalytics/sandbox/pulkit/week3/code/TriplePenanceRule.R)
--- pkg/PerformanceAnalytics/sandbox/pulkit/week3/code/MaxDD.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/PerformanceAnalytics/sandbox/pulkit/week3/code/MaxDD.R	2013-07-07 19:48:17 UTC (rev 2515)
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#' @title
+#' Triple Penance Rule
+#' @description
+#' \code{TriplePenance} calculates the Maximum drawdown and the maximum 
+#' Time under water for a particular confidence interval. These concepts 
+#' are intenately related through the "triple penance" rule which states 
+#' that under standard portfolio theory assumptions, it takes three times
+#' longer to recover from the expected maximum drawdown than the time it 
+#' takes to produce it, with the same confidence level. The framework is
+#' generalized to deal with the case of first-order auto-correlated cashflows
+#' @param R Hedge Fund log Returns
+#' @reference Bailey, David H. and Lopez de Prado, Marcos, Drawdown-Based Stop-Outs and the ‘Triple Penance’ Rule(January 1, 2013).
+    x = checkData(R)
+    columns = ncol(x)
+    i = 0 
+    tp = matrix(nrow=columns,ncol=2)
+    # A function to get the maximum drawdown for first order serially autocorrelated
+    # returns from the quantile function defined for accumulated returns for a 
+    # particular confidence interval
+    # Inputs:
+    # R: The function takes Returns as the input
+    #
+    # confidence: The confidence interval of the input.
+    x = checkData(R)
+    mu = mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
+    sigma_infinity = StdDev(x)
+    phi = cov(x[-1],x[-length(x)])/(cov(x[-length(x)]))
+    sigma = sigma_infinity*((1-phi^2)^0.5)
+    dp0 = 0
+    q_value = 0
+    bets = 0
+    while(q_value <= 0){
+        bets = bets + 1
+        q_value = getQ(bets, phi, mu, sigma, dp0, confidence)
+    }
+    minQ = golden_section(0,bets,TRUE,getQ,phi,mu,sigma,dp0,confidence)
+    return(c(-minQ$value*100,minQ$x))
+    # A function to get the quantile function for cumulative returns
+    # and a  particular confidence interval.
+    # Inputs:
+    # bets: The number fo steps
+    #
+    # phi: The coefficient for AR[1]
+    #
+    # mu: The mean of the returns
+    #
+    # sigma: The standard deviation of the returns
+    #
+    # dp0: The r0 or the first return
+    #
+    # confidence: The confidence level of the quantile function
+    mu_new = (phi^(bets+1)-phi)/(1-phi)*(dp0-mu)+mu*bets
+    var = sigma^2/(phi-1)^2
+    var = var*((phi^(2*(bets+1))-1)/(phi^2-1)-2*(phi^(bets+1)-1)/(phi-1)+bets +1)
+    q_value = mu_new + qnorm(1-confidence)*(var^0.5)
+    return(q_value)
+     for(i in 1:columns){
+        column_MinQ <- get_minq(x[,i],confidence)
+        tp[i,] <- column_MinQ
+    } 
+ row.names(tp)<-colnames(R)
+  colnames(tp) = c("MaxDD(in %)","t*")
+  return(tp)

Deleted: pkg/PerformanceAnalytics/sandbox/pulkit/week3/code/TriplePenanceRule.R
--- pkg/PerformanceAnalytics/sandbox/pulkit/week3/code/TriplePenanceRule.R	2013-07-07 17:28:51 UTC (rev 2514)
+++ pkg/PerformanceAnalytics/sandbox/pulkit/week3/code/TriplePenanceRule.R	2013-07-07 19:48:17 UTC (rev 2515)
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-#' @title
-#' Triple Penance Rule
-#' @description
-#' \code{TriplePenance} calculates the Maximum drawdown and the maximum 
-#' Time under water for a particular confidence interval. These concepts 
-#' are intenately related through the "triple penance" rule which states 
-#' that under standard portfolio theory assumptions, it takes three times
-#' longer to recover from the expected maximum drawdown than the time it 
-#' takes to produce it, with the same confidence level. The framework is
-#' generalized to deal with the case of first-order auto-correlated cashflows
-#' @param R Hedge Fund log Returns
-#' @reference Bailey, David H. and Lopez de Prado, Marcos, Drawdown-Based Stop-Outs and the ‘Triple Penance’ Rule(January 1, 2013).
-    x = checkData(R)
-    columns = ncol(x)
-    i = 0 
-    tp = data.frame()
-    d  = data.frame()
-    for(i in 1:columns){
-        column_MinQ <- get_minq(x[,i],confidence)
-        column_TuW = get_TuW(x[,i],confidence)
-        tp <- rbind(tp,c(column_MinQ,column_TuW,column_MinQ[5]/column_TuW))
-    }
-    table.TriplePenance(R,tp)
-    #return(tp)
-    # A function to get the maximum drawdown for first order serially autocorrelated
-    # returns from the quantile function defined for accumulated returns for a 
-    # particular confidence interval
-    # Inputs:
-    # R: The function takes Returns as the input
-    #
-    # confidence: The confidence interval of the input.
-    x = checkData(R)
-    mu = mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
-    sigma_infinity = StdDev(x)
-    phi = cov(x[-1],x[-length(x)])/(cov(x[-length(x)]))
-    sigma = sigma_infinity*((1-phi^2)^0.5)
-    dp0 = 0
-    q_value = 0
-    bets = 0
-    while(q_value <= 0){
-        bets = bets + 1
-        q_value = getQ(bets, phi, mu, sigma, dp0, confidence)
-    }
-    minQ = golden_section(x,0,bets,TRUE,getQ,confidence)
-    return(c(mu,sigma_infinity,phi,sigma,-minQ$minQ*100,minQ$t))
-    # A function to get the quantile function for cumulative returns
-    # and a  particular confidence interval.
-    # Inputs:
-    # bets: The number fo steps
-    #
-    # phi: The coefficient for AR[1]
-    #
-    # mu: The mean of the returns
-    #
-    # sigma: The standard deviation of the returns
-    #
-    # dp0: The r0 or the first return
-    #
-    # confidence: The confidence level of the quantile function
-    mu_new = (phi^(bets+1)-phi)/(1-phi)*(dp0-mu)+mu*bets
-    var = sigma^2/(phi-1)^2
-    var = var*((phi^(2*(bets+1))-1)/(phi^2-1)-2*(phi^(bets+1)-1)/(phi-1)+bets +1)
-    q_value = mu_new + qnorm(1-confidence)*(var^0.5)
-    return(q_value)
-    # A function to generate the  time under water
-    #
-    # Inputs:
-    # R: The function takes Returns as the input.
-    #
-    # confidence: Confidence level of the quantile function
-    x = checkData(R)
-    mu = mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
-    sigma_infinity = StdDev(x)
-    phi = cov(x[-1],x[-length(x)])/(cov(x[-length(x)]))
-    sigma = sigma_infinity*((1-phi^2)^0.5)
-    dp0 = 0
-    q_value = 0
-    bets = 0
-    while(q_value <= 0){
-        bets = bets + 1
-        q_value = getQ(bets, phi, mu, sigma, dp0, confidence)
-    }
-    TuW = golden_section(x,bets-1,bets,TRUE,diff,confidence)
-    return(TuW$t)
-    return(abs(getQ(bets,phi,mu,sigma,dp0,confidence)))
-golden_section<-function(R,a,b,minimum = TRUE,function_name,confidence,...){
-    # A function to perform the golden search algorithm on the provided function
-    # Inputs:
-    # R: Return series
-    #
-    # a: The starting point
-    #
-    # b: The end point
-    #
-    # minimum: If we want to calculate the minimum set minimum= TRUE(default)
-    #
-    # function_name: The name of the function
-    x = checkData(R)
-    mu = mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
-    sigma_infinity = StdDev(x)
-    phi = cov(x[-1],x[-length(x)])/(cov(x[-length(x)]))
-    sigma = sigma_infinity*((1-phi^2)^0.5)
-    dp0 = 0  
-    FUN = match.fun(function_name)
-    tol = 10^-9
-    sign = 1 
-    if(!minimum){
-        sign = -1
-    }
-    N = round(ceiling(-2.078087*log(tol/abs(b-a))))
-    r = 0.618033989
-    c = 1.0 - r
-    x1 = r*a + c*b
-    x2 = c*a + r*b
-    f1 = sign * FUN(x1,phi,mu,sigma,dp0,confidence)
-    f2 = sign * FUN(x2,phi,mu,sigma,dp0,confidence)
-    for(i in 1:N){
-        if(f1>f2){
-            a = x1
-            x1 = x2
-            f1 = f2
-            x2 = c*a+r*b
-            f2 = sign*FUN(x2,phi,mu,sigma,dp0,confidence)
-        }
-        else{
-            b = x2
-            x2 = x1
-            f2 = f1
-            x1 = r*a + c*b
-            f1 = sign*FUN(x1,phi,mu,sigma,dp0,confidence)
-    }
-    }
-    if(f1<f2){
-        return(list(minQ=sign*f1,t=x1))
-    }
-    else{
-        return(list(minQ=sign*f2,t=x2))
-    }
-  phi = 0.5
-  mu = 1
-  sigma = 2 
-  dp0 = 1
-  bets = 25
-  confidence = 0.95
-  q_value = getQ(bets, phi, mu, sigma, dp0, confidence)
-  ms = NULL
-  for(i in 1:size){
-    ms[i] = sum((1-phi)*mu + rnorm(bets)*sigma + delta*phi)
-  }
-  q_ms = quantile(ms,(1-confidence)*100)
-  diff = q_value - q_ms 
-  print(q_value)
-  print(q_ms)
-  print(q_value - q_ms)
-  # Maximum Drawdown and Time under Water considering first-order serial correlation
-  # 
-  # Input:
-  # R log returns 
-  # 
-  # Output:
-  # Creates a Table showing mean stdDev phi sigma MaxDD t* MaxTuW and Penance
-  #
-  # Function:
-  row.names(tp)<-colnames(R)
-  colnames(tp) = c("mean","stdDev","phi","sigma","MaxDD(in %)","t*","MaxTuW","Penance")
-  print(tp)
-# plots a table similar to Table 3 in the paper Drawdown-Based Stop-outs and "The Triple Penance" Rule

Modified: pkg/PerformanceAnalytics/sandbox/pulkit/week3/code/TuW.R
--- pkg/PerformanceAnalytics/sandbox/pulkit/week3/code/TuW.R	2013-07-07 17:28:51 UTC (rev 2514)
+++ pkg/PerformanceAnalytics/sandbox/pulkit/week3/code/TuW.R	2013-07-07 19:48:17 UTC (rev 2515)
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
         bets = bets + 1
         q_value = getQ(bets, phi, mu, sigma, dp0, confidence)
-    TuW = golden_section(bets-1,bets,TRUE,diff,mu,sigma_infinity,phi,sigma,dp0,confidence)
+    TuW = golden_section(bets-1,bets,TRUE,diff,phi,mu,sigma,dp0,confidence)

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