[Reddyproc-users] Daytime based FP issues - REddyProc 1.0.0

David M. Aguilera Riquelme davidaguilera at uchile.cl
Thu Nov 2 20:02:29 CET 2017

Hi, all REddyProc users,

I'm currently running REddyProc version 1.0.0 with R 3.4.2 and R 3.3.1
(Windows), and I want to make a daytime based flux partition (after
Lasslop, 2010) because I'd like to compare nighttime and daytime based flux
partitioning. But my EC database gathered from our network in southern
Chile have data from Aug-2013 to Oct-2016 and one gap with around 3 to 4
months without data (a failure in the station). When I use sMRFluxPartition
(after doing gap-filling) it's OK and R computes Reco and GPP, but
sGLFluxPartition fails in the execution (even if I make a subset removing
the long gap). Attached to this mail I put a command line output from R:

Smoothing temperature sensitivity estimates
Error in if (min(diag(var(Z))) <= 0) { :
  missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed"

What can I do? I need some advice because I'm new in R language and
Best regards from Chile.

*David M. Aguilera Riquelme*
Ecosystem Ecology Laboratory (LECS), University of Chile
Santiago, Chile
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