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<div>Well, at least I know where to address more questions, thank you.</div>
<div> I'll maybe submit a question to the debian list you mention. I posted here by the rinside installation. I was just looking for the fastest way (the old conf its on several "production" machines), to upgrade R and RInside. Because the last time was neither
fast or easy... I'll keep on trying...</div>
David Ibarra Gomez
<div>Jefe de Proyectos</div>
<div>Dirección de Ingeniería de Sistemas</div>
<div>Aqualogy Aqua Ambiente</div>
<div>Barcelona - Torre Agbar</div>
<div>08018 Barcelona</div>
<div>Tel. 933422521 / 638202619</div>
-------- Mensaje original --------<br>
De: Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd@debian.org> <br>
Fecha: 14/10/2014 14:13 (GMT+01:00) <br>
Para: David Ibarra Gómez <dibarra@aqualogy.net> <br>
Cc: rcpp-devel@lists.r-forge.r-project.org <br>
Asunto: Re: [Rcpp-devel] Updating R and RInside <br>
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On 14 October 2014 at 13:29, David Ibarra Gómez wrote:<br>
| I usually build C++ executables on debian 7 (x64) that calls R<br>
| using RInside. It just so happens that everything it?s working with R 2.15 and<br>
| RInside 0.29. But I wanted some new features of some packages, but It?s seem<br>
| mandatory to upgrade R > 3.0.<br>
The way the R ecosystem works is that CRAN sometimes suggests we make changes<br>
in packages, which then in turn depend on something in the R 'system'.<br>
The clearest recent example was a move of the vignettes/ directory, which in<br>
turn with changes in R, lead many packages have a Depends: R (>= 3.0.0)<br>
If you know what you are doing, none of this is binding to you. The __only__<br>
interface Rcpp touches from R is <br>
SEXP .Call(SEXP a, SEXP b, ...)<br>
and as this is plain C nothing has changed [1]. So there should be no<br>
changes on your side you could not accomodate with, if need be, some editing<br>
of the DESCRIPTION files.<br>
In a nutshell: there is no issue here you can't address, but as you have not<br>
asked a concrete (reproducible) question I can't give a more concrete answer.<br>
| Originally I installed R (2.15) and RInside from sources with some special<br>
| configuration options (i.e. ./configure --with-x=no LIBnn=lib<br>
| --enable-R-shlib).<br>
R configuration has little to do with on R package builds.<br>
| The question is: To upgrade R and R Inside should I follow the analogous way<br>
| (install from source with special options)? or it?s possible and recommendable<br>
| to use apt-get with some ?dev? flag.<br>
Whether you use apt-get for prebuild binary, or work from source has not so<br>
much to do with Rcpp and more with how you run your system -- maybe a<br>
question for r-sig-debian?<br>
For what it is worth, on all my .deb systems at home and work, I install Rcpp<br>
and friends from source.<br>
Hope this helps, Dirk<br>
[1] As an aside, and despite what some may claim, this also means that it<br>
does not matter which C++ dialect or flavour you use -- they all communicate<br>
with R via the same plain C interface -- and favouring one to the exclusion<br>
of the others is at the end of the day just a constraint on what you can, or<br>
cannot, use. I rather avoid such constraints, but it is fine that people have<br>
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| Regards<br>
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| cid:image004.jpg@01CCF71E.03D7B6D0<br>
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| David Ibarra Gómez<br>
| <br>
| Jefe de Proyectos<br>
| <br>
| Dirección de Ingeniería de<br>
| Sistemas <br>
| <br>
| Aqualogy Aqua Ambiente<br>
| <br>
| dibarra@aquology.net<br>
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| Disclaimer: <a href="http://disclaimer.aqualogy.net/">http://disclaimer.aqualogy.net/</a><br>
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| Rcpp-devel mailing list<br>
| Rcpp-devel@lists.r-forge.r-project.org<br>
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-- <br>
<a href="http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com">http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com</a> | @eddelbuettel | edd@debian.org<br>
<font face="Arial" color="Navy" size="3">Disclaimer: http://disclaimer.aqualogy.net/<br>