<div dir="ltr"><div>I am sending this again, cause when I forward to rcpp-devel, the gmail put the previous message first. </div><div><br></div><div>Not expect to fix the problem this easy. I just get a chance to look into the "Module_generated_method.h" code and Romain left a "const char *" before the valid method. So here below is the fix.</div>
<div><br></div><div>RCPP_MODULE(mod){</div><div> using namespace Rcpp;</div><div class="im"><div> class_<Randomizer>( "Randomizer" )</div><div> .default_constructor()</div></div><div>
.method( "get" , ( NumericVector (Randomizer::*)(int) )(&Randomizer::get) , "Randomizer", &get_int_valid)<div class="im"><br> .method( "get" , ( List (Randomizer::*)(IntegerVector) )(&Randomizer::get) )<br>