<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div>Hi,<br><br></div>I've started using Rcpp recently and it's great!<br><br></div>Is there a list of which of the Makevars variables are evaluated, i.e., ones that I can declare as backticks for conditional results. For example, I'd like to be able to declare an environment variable during package installation, e.g.:<br>
<br></div>USE_OPENCL=yes R CMD INSTALL package<br><br><br></div><div>but neither <br>PKG_CPPFLAGS += `if ! [ -z $(USE_OPENCL) ]; then echo '-DUSE_OPENCL'; fi`<br></div><div>nor <br></div><div>PKG_CXXFLAGS += `if ! [ -z $(USE_OPENCL) ]; then echo '-DUSE_OPENCL'; fi`<br>
<br></div><div>seems to work.<br><br></div><div>Thanks,<br>Gad<br></div></div>