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Hi list,<br>
sorry for bombarding the list with questions. <br>
I'm trying to use Rcpp via the inline package and to use parallel
computing at the same time. But I get this error:
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I've read a few posts (not related to parallel computing) discussing this error but I couldn't link it back to my specific problem.
Here is an example:
# A silly Rcpp function
sillyscr <- '
int x = as<int>(i);
double y = 5.6;
NumericVector j(1);
j[0] = x + y;
return j;
silly <- cxxfunction(signature(i = "int"), body = sillyscr, plugin = "Rcpp")
silly(1) # Works!
# Equivalent function in R to make sure the problem is not the parallel computing
silly_notcpp <- function(i){
j <- i +5.6
silly_notcpp(1) # Works !
M <- detectCores()
cl <- makeCluster(M)
clusterExport(cl, varlist=list("silly","silly_notcpp"))
res1 <- parSapply(cl, 1:10,silly_notcpp) # Works!
res2 <- parSapply(cl, 1:10,silly) # Does not work !
Many thanks!