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Dear list members,<br>
I have started developing a package using the latest version of Rcpp
just recently, so I am more or less an Rcpp newbie. Since I am not
sufficiently proficient in advanced C++ (and admittedly too lazy
too) to analyze the Rcpp source code, I have some questions
regarding what actually happens inside Rcpp. Let me bother you with
an example:<br>
RcppExport SEXP test(SEXP mat)<br>
Rcpp::NumericMatrix matC(mat);<br>
Rcpp::NumericMatrix matD(mat);<br>
matC(1, 1) = 1;<br>
matD(1, 1) = -matD(1, 1);<br>
If I call this function on some matrix, then the function returns
the input matrix with its element [2, 2] set to 1, but that's all.
The change in matD only seems to have an effect on the local copy
matD. If I replace "return(matC)" by "return(matD)", then the
function returns the input matrix with the sign of its element [2,
2] inverted, so the change in matC has no effect. That Rcpp creates
local copies, i.e. that matC and matD are independent objects each
holding local copies of the argument mat, would perfectly explain
these results. Previously, however, I thought Rcpp would only wrap
an R/SEXP object into an Rcpp object without making a copy. If it
was so, no matter whether the function returns matC or matD, the
function would return the input matrix with -1 on position [2, 2].
Did I get this point wrong? I suppose it would save time and memory
not to create a copy, in particular, since arguments to functions
are local copies already. Is there a way to avoid copying? <br>
A related question is what the "=" operator does. Does<br>
Rcpp::NumericVector x = ...;<br>
create a copy or is it only a pointer that is assigned?<br>
My final question concerns the "longevity" of Rcpp objects. Suppose
I do the following:<br>
Rcpp::NumericVector vec(10);<br>
double *p = vec.begin();<br>
Can I use *p outside this block or is the pointer killed along with
the variable vec after the block is closed? According to my limited
knowledge, I would assume that it is only the reference vec that is
not available outside the block, but that the corresponding R object
still exists and will be deleted by the R garbage collector only
after the whole function has terminated.<br>
Any help is gratefully appreciated! I am sorry if these are stupid
questions or if any of them have been discussed previously.<br>
Thanks and best regards,<br>
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