Hello everyone. <br><br>I am trying to write an R interface to a library that uses derived classes in the following manner:<br><br>class Foo {<br> ...<br> virtual void Action() = 0;<br> void doSomething() {<br> Action();<br>
[do complicated stuff]<br> }<br> ...<br>};<br><br>class Bar : public Foo {<br> ...<br> void Action() {<br> [some code here]<br> }<br>};<br><br>class Baz : public Foo {<br>
void Action() {<br>
[some other code here]<br>
<br>etc.<br><br>Where the abstract class Foo defines an interface and at the same time provides base functionality that can then be applied to different implementations of "Action". <br><br>Is it possible to expose Bar::doSomething() to R using Rcpp modules? I have tried different things and did not get it to work. <br>
<br>I would appreciate any help.<br><br>Best regards,<br>Jonas Rauch<br>