Hi,<br clear="all">I was interested in calling some R functions from a C++ program running on Windows (for a study project) ,<br>that's why I've tried to use RInside on the "overly complicated 'hello, world' program", without achieving...<br>
<br>I've tried a lot of different things, even modified the <b>Makefile.win</b> (...\R\win-library\2.12\RInside\examples\standard):<br>I've put hard links for <b>RCPPINCL</b>/<b>RCPPLIBS</b>/<b>RINSIDEINCL</b>/<b>RINSIDELIBS</b> (the Windows prompt doesn't like : <b>echo 'Rcpp:::CxxFlags()' | $(R_HOME)/bin/R --vanilla --slave </b>)<br>
<br><font size="2">It looks like :<br></font><font size="2">RCPPINCL := -I"C:/Users/Carl/Documents/R/win-library/2.12/Rcpp/include"<br>RCPPLIBS := -LC:/Users/Carl/Documents/R/win-library/2.12/Rcpp/lib/i386 -llibRcpp<br>
RINSIDEINCL := -I"C:/Users/Carl/Documents/R/win-library/2.12/RInside/include"<br>RINSIDELIBS := -LC:/Users/Carl/Documents/R/win-library/2.12/RInside/lib/i386/ -llibRInside</font><br><br>When i try<b> 'make -f Makefile.win</b>', I get an error :<br>
<b>c:/rtools/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.5.0/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -llibRcpp</b><br><br>So i've looked inside the package, I've seen that, in the folder 'lib\i386', there is a <b>libRInside.dll</b> (with a <b>libRInside.a</b>) in RInside but only a <b>libRcpp.a</b> in Rcpp .I've seen that It's maybe the problem... (i don't know a lot on the subject...)<br>
<br>I've tried to use the <b>Rcpp.dll</b> in 'libs\i386' instead. (I don't understand the difference between "lib" and "libs")<br>The <b>'make -f Makefile.win</b>' ends without errors but when i execute the .exe i get an error : "Rcpp.dll missing"<br>
<br><br><span class="clickable">Afterwards, i saw on forums that new versions of RInside (i have 0.2.3) doesn't work on Windows.<br>Is it always true? </span><br>If it's true, what version of RInside and Rcpp i need to use instead?<br>
<br>My configuration :<br>Windows 7 X86 (32 bits)<br>R 2.12.0<br>RTools 2.12<br>RInside 0.2.3<br>Rcpp 0.8.9<br><br>P.S. : Sorry for my English, I'm french!<br><br>-- <br>Carl VINCENT.<br>INSA de Rennes - 4INFO - TDMM <br>