See my reply to Romain in the original thread.<br><br>I have nothing more to say about most of this,<br>except for the last bit about GNU make. This<br>comment was for the benefit of the R community.<br>It appears that it is not generally known that<br>
in GNU make there is an important difference<br>between ':=' and '=', and the former should be used<br>in most cases because it does not cause undesirable<br>side-effects.<br><br>Dominick<br><br><div class="gmail_quote">
On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 4:15 PM, Dirk Eddelbuettel <span dir="ltr"><<a href=""></a>></span> wrote:<br><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); padding-left: 1ex;">
Samperi started to publicly accuse me on mailing lists a good year ago and I<br>
have tried successfully not to engage for a long enough time-- as it is not<br>
worth debating with clowns. This however is to good to pass up, and too full<br>
of misinformation.<br>
On 16 November 2010 at 15:38, Dominick Samperi wrote:<br>
| On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 12:36 PM, Dirk Eddelbuettel <<a href=""></a>> wrote:<br>
| > It's been about two years since I started to maintain and extend the Rcpp<br>
| > package which its previous maintainer had left dead and rotting in the<br>
| > digital archives for two years already at that point.<br>
| Correction here. That package that was left "dead and rotting" on CRAN<br>
| was updated by its author (that would be me) in November of 2009 to<br>
Precisely. November 2009 -- I was talking about November 2008.<br>
So that bings "dead and rotting" to about three full years (from the last<br>
November 2006 release of RcppTemplate til this three year hiatus was briefly<br>
interrupted in November 2009) before the package was once again withdrawn by<br>
Sameri, and left to rot which it has since.<br>
Withdrawn with strong words, by the way, and in direct violations of its GPL<br>
copyright terms. But who cares about these such for details. Certainly not<br>
Samperi. [ For the record, we do in fact care about the GPL. ]<br>
| include object-mapping features that were later reimplemented in what<br>
| is now known as the Rcpp package. The syntax used for these features<br>
| in Rcpp is Rcpp::as and Rcpp:wrap.<br>
This directly implies that Romain and I read Samperi's code for implementing<br>
our package. Let me be very plain and clear hear: We have not.<br>
Folks are free to believe who they will: Samperi (one random package on CRAN,<br>
no users beside himself) or us (well over a dozen packages between Romain and<br>
myself, with fairly widespread usage by other packages). I'll rest the<br>
counting case here.<br>
| Shortly after I released this work the following comment was added to<br>
| the README file for Rcpp (version 0.8.3):<br>
| "As of November 2009, Dominick has re-commenced maintenance of RcppTemplate<br>
| with new releases on CRAN. This may provide a good opportunity to import<br>
| some new ideas into Rcpp as well, time permitting."<br>
That as a required update to the fact that README previosly said that<br>
RcppTemplate was witdrawn; it actually wasn't for a few days so I wrote<br>
something to fact that RcppTemplate was back (however briefly that turned out<br>
to be the case). The comment refered to the fact that Samperi replaced a<br>
rough first implementation of a data frame in C++ (still in Rcpp's classic<br>
API as we believe in maintaining interfaces -- rather than letting them rot)<br>
with something that looked better. But thanks to Romain we have something<br>
even better anyway.<br>
As for the Make documentation hint: that's funny. Samperi was the one yelling<br>
at Uwe for suspecting that he purposely broke his builds (please...) It only<br>
ever broke on Windoze anyway, and as I said -- the point is moot because of<br>
LinkingTo. Which Samperi's silly little cxxPack still doesn't use.<br>
I guess Samperi is too busy flaming people and telling lies rather thank<br>
coding. Each to their own.<br>
<font color="#888888"><br>
Dirk Eddelbuettel | <a href=""></a> | <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>