[Rcpp-devel] Populate a Matrix in Parallel (Text Version)

Ralf Stubner ralf.stubner at daqana.com
Wed Sep 26 18:37:28 CEST 2018

I haven’t read your message in detail, but the second example from here might be helpful: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/dqrng/vignettes/parallel.html

There a matrix is filled in parallel by splitting the columns among the threads. Splitting by columns is helpful since matrices in R are stored that way. You could use the same method to obtain the transpose of your matrix. 


Ralf Stubner
Senior Software Engineer / Trainer
daqana GmbH
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Geschäftsführer: Prof. Dr. Dr. Karl-Kuno Kunze

> Am 26.09.2018 um 18:17 schrieb Joseph Wood <jwood000 at gmail.com>:
> As the subject states, this question is regarding populating a matrix
> in parallel. I am currently reading "C++ Concurrency in Action:
> Practical Multithreading" as I'd like to take some algorithms I have
> to the next level. I have looked at the RcppParallel package, but the
> features offered there do not seem to apply to this situation. I will
> explain my reasoning further down. First, we set up our scenario.
>  1. We have an empty matrix with the number of rows equal to numRows
>  2. We are able to generate the ith row of the matrix at will
>  3. Our underlying subroutine populates the matrix from any
> particular starting point one by one.
> This scenario easily extends to a parallel setup. We have each entry
> in our matrix being visited exactly one time by only one thread. The
> idea is that if we have m threads, we can split up the work so that
> each thread is responsible for populating roughly (numRows / m) number
> of rows of our matrix.
> Here is a simplified example that represents my real situation (In my
> project I don't have the cpp11 plugin as I take care of this in
> Makevars file with CXX_STD = CXX11):
> #include <Rcpp.h>
> #include <thread>
> // [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp11)]]
> int myFactorial(int n) {
>    int res = 1;
>    for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
>        res *= i;
>    return res;
> }
> std::vector<int> nthPerm(int n, int index) {
>    int temp = myFactorial(n);
>    std::vector<int> indexVec(n), res(n);
>    std::iota(indexVec.begin(), indexVec.end(), 1);
>    for (int k = 0, r = n; k < n; ++k, --r) {
>        temp /= r;
>        int j = (int) index / temp;
>        res[k] = indexVec[j];
>        index -= (temp * j);
>        indexVec.erase(indexVec.begin() + j);
>    }
>    return res;
> }
> // Simplified version for demonstration only. The real subroutines
> // that carry out this task are more complicated
> void PopulateMatrix(Rcpp::IntegerMatrix permuteMatrix,
>                    std::vector<int> z, int count, int nRows, int n) {
>    for (; count < nRows; ++count) {
>        for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
>            permuteMatrix(count, j) = z[j];
>        std::next_permutation(z.begin(), z.end());
>    }
> }
> // [[Rcpp::export]]
> SEXP ParallelPerms(int n, int userThrds = 0) {
>    int nThreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency() - 1;
>    std::vector<std::thread> myThreads;
>    nThreads = (userThrds > 0) ? std::min(userThrds, nThreads) : nThreads;
>    int step = 0, numRows = myFactorial(n);
>    int stepSize = numRows / nThreads;
>    int nextStep = stepSize;
>    std::vector<int> z(n);
>    std::iota(z.begin(), z.end(), 1);
>    Rcpp::IntegerMatrix myMat = Rcpp::no_init_matrix(numRows, n);
>    for (std::size_t j = 0; j < (nThreads - 1); ++j) {
>        myThreads.emplace_back(PopulateMatrix, std::ref(myMat), z,
> step, nextStep, n);
>        step += stepSize;
>        nextStep += stepSize;
>        z = nthPerm(n, step);
>    }
>    // Guarantee that we get all the rows. N.B. We are passing numRows
>    // instead of nextStep... they aren't guaranteed to be the same
>    myThreads.emplace_back(PopulateMatrix, std::ref(myMat), z, step,
> numRows, n);
>    for (auto& thr: myThreads)
>        thr.join();
>    return myMat;
> }
> I have read that Rcpp objects are not thread safe as they make
> unpredictable calls to the garbage collector
> (https://github.com/RcppCore/RcppParallel/issues/17), however Romain
> Francois states:
> "As soon as you don't use references for Rcpp types, you are not safe.
> If you use references, it all depends on what you do with them."
> I have a couple of questions regarding this.
> My initial thought was I thought Rcpp objects were passed by reference
> by default. Secondly, if this isn't the case, is it as simple as
> adding an ampersand to all of my Rcpp objects in the function
> parameters?
> The project that I'm implementing this in (RcppAlgos) builds fine on
> win-builder as well as all of the various rhub checks with no errors
> (even check_with_sanitizers() and check_with_valgrind()). When I
> submitted v 2.1.0 to CRAN, there were sporadic build errors on some of
> the linux platforms. By sporadic, I mean sometimes it passes, and
> other times it would fail with the error : segfault from C stack
> overflow. The current version (v 2.2.0) still has the argument for
> parallel computing, but it doesn't do anything. It is only there for
> backwards compatibility.
> When I initially submitted, it should be noted that I did not have my
> matrices wrapped with std::ref in the call to create new threads, so
> I'm not sure what effect this will have on those builds if I were to
> submit to CRAN now.  I will say that after I saw the errors on the
> CRAN checks, I immediately sought to replicate them. I was successful
> in extreme situations. For example, if I called the parallel
> implementation thousands of times I could generate the error. I would
> put these extreme tests in my tests folder and check them in a unit
> test environment so as not to crash my r session.
> I then sought out a more robust solution to my situation and found
> that thread function arguments are by default pass by value, and if
> you have a particular variable that is expected to be passed by
> reference, then you must add std::ref (See
> https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/thread/thread/thread). I have done
> this and have noticed that I can't generate the issues with the
> extreme tests above. HOWEVER, If I call it say 50000 times 10 times in
> a row, I can sometimes generate an issue (not necessarily the segfault
> above.. most of the time it is a stack imbalance warning... the
> warning you get when the number of UNPROTECTS doesn't match the number
> of PROTECTS in the R C API).
> I then revisited the RcppParallel package to see if there were any
> solutions there. I know that RcppParallel implements fully thread safe
> objects like RMatrix<T>, however I can't see a way to set up a Worker
> to populate my matrix. I guess the issue I see is that if you look at
> my set-up above, we first get the starter vector with a call to
> nthPerm from the parent function, then I pass this to PopulateMatrix
> which proceeds to populate rows of my matrix for a given number of
> rows. With the examples I've seen, there is no dependency on an
> external function to get a specific entry point. I thought about
> bypassing the RcppParallel::Worker altogether and simply use the
> RMatrix<T> object, however I don't think this is how that object is to
> be utilized. For example, I have not seen any RcppParallel examples
> that preallocate an RMatrix<T> object.
> My question is, is there a way to make my current set up thread-safe?
> If not, is it possible at all to simply populate an object in parallel
> safely?
> Alternatively, if my question seems a bit naive, a nudge in the right
> direction would be greatly appreciated. I don't mind going back to
> square one, if need be.
> Thanks,
> Joseph Wood
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