[Rcpp-devel] OpenACC, Rcpp and RStudio on Windows

Emmanuel Hamel manu.hamel at gmail.com
Sun Jan 21 15:55:16 CET 2018


Hope you are all feeling good. I have a question. First, I use windows and
I want to use OpenACC. For the moment, I am able to compile GPU Cuda C code
with Microsoft visual studio and call it from a DLL in Windows. Also, I am
able to use OpenMP with the Rcpp package. Nevertheless, I want to extend
these possibilities for a project regarding dynamic hedging program for
segregated funds. Hence, I would like to know if you have any tips
regarding the use of OpenACC in Rcpp. In particular, what are the files
that I need to modify in a RStudio project in order to be able to compile
pragma commands with the OpenACC compiler? For the moment, I use the PGI

Best regards,

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