[Rcpp-devel] grDevices issue with RInside

Jonathon Love jon at thon.cc
Tue Aug 15 20:07:22 CEST 2017

hi dirk,

> Might it be that you are shooting the messenger? You see the issue via
> RInside as you implemented it via RInside.
> But we "merely" give you access to the embedded R instance, and methinks that
> the issue may be with ggjoy and/or the pdf() device. Are you really sure RInside
> plays any part here?

yeah, i totally recognise RInside may only be related in an incredibly 
tangential way.

all this code works fine when run interactively (and on macOS and 
linux), and i haven't been able to reproduce the issue outside of 
rinside ... i expect it's some subtle interaction, but i thought i'd 
check in with you that you'd not encountered something like this before.

to me it looks like an R issue, but it's almost impossible to get anyone 
to take you seriously when your minimal example is an executable 
embedding RInside :P

with thanks


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