[Rcpp-devel] RcppCore repos at GitHub -- New checkout advised

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Tue Mar 17 03:29:15 CET 2015


On the weekend, and while planning to do some minor fixes for an old issue in
the the repos for Rcpp, RcppArmadillo and RcppEigen I managed to actually do
more damage.

So if you have currently checked-out version, the new pull will likely
inflate the total commit count by a factor of two.

The repos themselves are absolutely fine (following a reset) but you will
probably have to reclone these three.  I am truly sorry for the inconvience
-- this was not what was planned.

But the important part is that the code (and commit history) are all fine,
but again -- if you have checkout of Rcpp, RcppArmadillo and/or RcppEigen you
want to move those out of the way and change over.   

Sorry, Dirk

PS This resets time stamps. If you're like me and you like file timestamps,
something like the following is a quick fix -- run it from inside RcppEigen
relatiev to a 'parked' copy of the old repo under rcppeigneBORKED

  ## dry run to test
  find .  ! -path "./.git*" ! -name "\." -exec echo "touch -r ../rcppeigenBORKED/{} {}" \;
  ## actual reset'ing via touch
  find .  ! -path "./.git*" ! -name "\." -exec touch -r ../rcppeigenBORKED/{} {} \;

Adjust names and paths accordingly for the other two.

http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org

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