[Rcpp-devel] Performance question about DataFrame

Hadley Wickham h.wickham at gmail.com
Thu Jan 31 14:45:56 CET 2013

On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 6:25 PM, John Merrill <john.merrill at gmail.com> wrote:
> Sure.  I'll write something up for the gallery, but here's the crude
> outline.
> Here's the C++ code:

Is C++ really necessary here?  I have the following R function in plyr:

quickdf <- function(list) {
  rows <- unique(unlist(lapply(list, NROW)))
  stopifnot(length(rows) == 1)

  names(list) <- make_names(list, "X")
  class(list) <- "data.frame"
  attr(list, "row.names") <- c(NA_integer_, -rows)


which is basically equivalent (although I do some tricks with
rownames).  It's even more efficient if you copy and paste the
contents instead of calling the function because then that avoids
duplicating the input list, and instead modifies it in place.


Chief Scientist, RStudio

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